## PGP keys of Gitian builders and Gaia Developers The file `keys.txt` contains fingerprints of the public keys of Gitian builders and active developers. The associated keys are mainly used to sign git commits or the build results of Gitian builds. The most recent version of each pgp key can be found on most PGP key servers. Fetch the latest version from the key server to see if any key was revoked in the meantime. To fetch the latest version of all pgp keys in your gpg homedir, ```sh gpg --refresh-keys ``` To fetch keys of Gitian builders and active core developers, feed the list of fingerprints of the primary keys into gpg: ```sh while read fingerprint keyholder_name; \ do gpg --keyserver hkp://subset.pool.sks-keyservers.net \ --recv-keys ${fingerprint}; done < ./keys.txt ``` Add your key to the list if you are a Gaia core developer or you have provided Gitian signatures for two major or minor releases of Gaia.