# Simple usage with a mounted data directory: # > docker build -t gaia . # > docker run -it -p 46657:46657 -p 46656:46656 -v ~/.wasmd:/root/.wasmd -v ~/.wasmcli:/root/.wasmcli gaia wasmd init # > docker run -it -p 46657:46657 -p 46656:46656 -v ~/.wasmd:/root/.wasmd -v ~/.wasmcli:/root/.wasmcli gaia wasmd start FROM golang:1.13-buster AS build-env # Install minimum necessary dependencies, build Cosmos SDK, remove packages RUN apt update RUN apt install -y curl git build-essential # debug: for live editting in the image RUN apt install -y vim # Set working directory for the build WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/cosmwasm/wasmd # Add source files COPY . . # RUN make tools RUN make install COPY docker/* /opt/ RUN chmod +x /opt/*.sh WORKDIR /opt # rest server EXPOSE 1317 # tendermint p2p EXPOSE 26656 # tendermint rpc EXPOSE 26657 CMD ["wasmd"]