Add parsedPayload query param to /vaa/:chainID/:address/:sequence (#102)
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,3 +50,18 @@ type VaaStats struct {
ChainID vaa.ChainID `bson:"_id" json:"chainId"`
ChainID vaa.ChainID `bson:"_id" json:"chainId"`
Count int64 `bson:"count" json:"count"`
Count int64 `bson:"count" json:"count"`
// VaaWithPayload vaa document with payload.
type VaaWithPayload struct {
ID string `bson:"_id" json:"id"`
Version uint8 `bson:"version" json:"version"`
EmitterChain vaa.ChainID `bson:"emitterChain" json:"emitterChain"`
EmitterAddr string `bson:"emitterAddr" json:"emitterAddr"`
Sequence string `bson:"sequence" json:"-"`
GuardianSetIndex uint32 `bson:"guardianSetIndex" json:"guardianSetIndex"`
Vaa []byte `bson:"vaas" json:"vaa"`
Timestamp *time.Time `bson:"timestamp" json:"timestamp"`
UpdatedAt *time.Time `bson:"updatedAt" json:"updatedAt"`
IndexedAt *time.Time `bson:"indexedAt" json:"indexedAt"`
Payload map[string]interface{} `bson:"payload" json:"payload,omitempty"`
@ -93,6 +93,88 @@ func (r *Repository) FindOne(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) (*VaaDoc, error)
return &vaaDoc, err
return &vaaDoc, err
// GetVaaWithPayload get a vaa with payload if it exists.
// The input parameter [q *VaaQuery] define the filters to apply in the query.
func (r *Repository) GetVaaWithPayload(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) (*VaaWithPayload, error) {
var err error
var cur *mongo.Cursor
matchStage1 := bson.D{
{Key: "$match", Value: bson.D{bson.E{Key: "emitterChain", Value: q.chainId}}},
matchStage2 := bson.D{
{Key: "$match", Value: bson.D{bson.E{Key: "emitterAddr", Value: q.emitter}}},
matchStage3 := bson.D{
{Key: "$match", Value: bson.D{bson.E{Key: "sequence", Value: q.sequence}}},
lookupStage2 := bson.D{
{Key: "$lookup", Value: bson.D{
{Key: "from", Value: "parsedVaa"},
{Key: "localField", Value: "_id"},
{Key: "foreignField", Value: "_id"},
{Key: "as", Value: "payload"},
addFieldsStage3 := bson.D{
{Key: "$addFields", Value: bson.D{
{Key: "payload", Value: bson.M{
"$arrayElemAt": []interface{}{"$payload.result", 0},
pipeLine := mongo.Pipeline{
// execute aggregate operations.
if q.chainId == vaa.ChainIDPythNet {
cur, err = r.collections.vaasPythnet.Aggregate(ctx, pipeLine)
} else {
cur, err = r.collections.vaas.Aggregate(ctx, pipeLine)
if err != nil {
requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid"))
r.logger.Error("failed execute Aggregate command to get vaa with payload",
zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID))
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
// decode cursor to array vaa with payload
var vaasWithPayload []*VaaWithPayload
err = cur.All(ctx, &vaasWithPayload)
if err != nil {
requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid"))
r.logger.Error("failed decoding cursor to []*VaaWithPayload", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q),
zap.String("requestID", requestID))
return nil, errors.WithStack(err)
// check not found
if len(vaasWithPayload) == 0 {
return nil, errs.ErrNotFound
// check can not get more that one field in the response.
if len(vaasWithPayload) > 1 {
requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid"))
r.logger.Error("can not get more that one vaa by chainID/address/sequence", zap.Any("q", q),
zap.String("requestID", requestID))
return nil, errs.ErrInternalError
return vaasWithPayload[0], nil
// GetVaaCount get a count of vaa by chainID.
// GetVaaCount get a count of vaa by chainID.
func (r *Repository) GetVaaCount(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) ([]*VaaStats, error) {
func (r *Repository) GetVaaCount(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) ([]*VaaStats, error) {
if q == nil {
if q == nil {
@ -56,18 +56,50 @@ func (s *Service) FindByEmitter(ctx context.Context, chain vaa.ChainID, emitter
return &res, err
return &res, err
// FindById get a vaa by chainID, emitter address and sequence number.
// If the parameter [payload] is true, the parse payload is added in the response.
func (s *Service) FindById(ctx context.Context, chain vaa.ChainID, emitter vaa.Address, seq string) (*response.Response[*VaaDoc], error) {
func (s *Service) FindById(ctx context.Context, chain vaa.ChainID, emitter vaa.Address, seq string, payload bool) (*response.Response[*VaaWithPayload], error) {
// check vaa sequence indexed
// check vaa sequence indexed
isVaaNotIndexed := s.discardVaaNotIndexed(ctx, chain, emitter, seq)
isVaaNotIndexed := s.discardVaaNotIndexed(ctx, chain, emitter, seq)
if isVaaNotIndexed {
if isVaaNotIndexed {
return nil, errs.ErrNotFound
return nil, errs.ErrNotFound
if payload {
vaaWithPayload, err := s.findByIdWithPayload(ctx, chain, emitter, seq)
resp := response.Response[*VaaWithPayload]{Data: vaaWithPayload}
return &resp, err
} else {
vaa, err := s.findById(ctx, chain, emitter, seq)
if err != nil {
return &response.Response[*VaaWithPayload]{}, err
vaaWithPayload := VaaWithPayload{
ID: vaa.ID,
Version: vaa.Version,
EmitterChain: vaa.EmitterChain,
EmitterAddr: vaa.EmitterAddr,
Sequence: vaa.Sequence,
GuardianSetIndex: vaa.GuardianSetIndex,
Timestamp: vaa.Timestamp,
IndexedAt: vaa.IndexedAt,
UpdatedAt: vaa.UpdatedAt,
Vaa: vaa.Vaa,
resp := response.Response[*VaaWithPayload]{Data: &vaaWithPayload}
return &resp, err
// findById get a vaa by chainID, emitter address and sequence number.
func (s *Service) findById(ctx context.Context, chain vaa.ChainID, emitter vaa.Address, seq string) (*VaaDoc, error) {
query := Query().SetChain(chain).SetEmitter(emitter.String()).SetSequence(seq)
query := Query().SetChain(chain).SetEmitter(emitter.String()).SetSequence(seq)
vaas, err := s.repo.FindOne(ctx, query)
return s.repo.FindOne(ctx, query)
res := response.Response[*VaaDoc]{Data: vaas}
return &res, err
// findByIdWithPayload get a vaa with payload data by chainID, emitter address and sequence number.
func (s *Service) findByIdWithPayload(ctx context.Context, chain vaa.ChainID, emitter vaa.Address, seq string) (*VaaWithPayload, error) {
query := Query().SetChain(chain).SetEmitter(emitter.String()).SetSequence(seq)
return s.repo.GetVaaWithPayload(ctx, query)
// GetVaaCount get a list a list of vaa count grouped by chainID.
// GetVaaCount get a list a list of vaa count grouped by chainID.
@ -128,3 +128,13 @@ func GetTxHash(c *fiber.Ctx, l *zap.Logger) (*vaa.Address, error) {
return &txHashAddr, nil
return &txHashAddr, nil
// ExtractParsedPayload get parsedPayload query parameter.
func ExtractParsedPayload(c *fiber.Ctx, l *zap.Logger) (bool, error) {
parsedPayloadStr := c.Query("parsedPayload", "false")
parsedPayload, err := strconv.ParseBool(parsedPayloadStr)
if err != nil {
return false, response.NewInvalidQueryParamError(c, "INVALID <parsedPayload> QUERY PARAMETER", errors.WithStack(err))
return parsedPayload, nil
@ -126,3 +126,22 @@ func NewNotFoundError(ctx *fiber.Ctx) APIError {
// NewInvalidQueryParamError create a query param error
func NewInvalidQueryParamError(ctx *fiber.Ctx, message string, err error) APIError {
if message == "" {
detail := ErrorDetail{
RequestID: fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Locals("requestid")),
if enableStackTrace && err != nil {
detail.StackTrace = fmt.Sprintf("%+v\n", err)
return APIError{
StatusCode: fiber.StatusBadRequest,
Code: InvalidParam,
Message: message,
Details: []ErrorDetail{detail},
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ func (c *Controller) FindSignedVAAByID(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
// return response.NewApiError(ctx, fiber.StatusBadRequest, response.InvalidParam,
// return response.NewApiError(ctx, fiber.StatusBadRequest, response.InvalidParam,
// "not supported for PythNet", nil)
// "not supported for PythNet", nil)
vaa, err := c.srv.FindById(ctx.Context(), chainID, *emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10))
vaa, err := c.srv.FindById(ctx.Context(), chainID, *emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10), false)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -116,7 +116,12 @@ func (c *Controller) FindById(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
return err
return err
vaa, err := c.srv.FindById(ctx.Context(), chainID, *emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10))
parsedPayload, err := middleware.ExtractParsedPayload(ctx, c.logger)
if err != nil {
return err
vaa, err := c.srv.FindById(ctx.Context(), chainID, *emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10), parsedPayload)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
return err
return err
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ func (h *Handler) GetSignedVAA(ctx context.Context, request *publicrpcv1.GetSign
sequence := strconv.FormatUint(request.MessageId.Sequence, 10)
sequence := strconv.FormatUint(request.MessageId.Sequence, 10)
// get vaa by Id.
// get vaa by Id.
vaa, err := h.vaaSrv.FindById(ctx, chainID, addr, sequence)
vaa, err := h.vaaSrv.FindById(ctx, chainID, addr, sequence, false)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, errs.ErrNotFound) {
if errors.Is(err, errs.ErrNotFound) {
return nil, status.Error(codes.NotFound, "requested VAA not found in store")
return nil, status.Error(codes.NotFound, "requested VAA not found in store")
Reference in New Issue