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Raw Normal View History

package near
import (
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
var (
// how long to initially wait between observing a transaction and attempting to process the transaction.
// To successfully process the transaction, all receipts need to be finalized, which typically only occurs two blocks later or so.
// transaction processing will be retried with exponential backoff, i.e. transaction may stay in the queque for ca. initialTxProcDelay^(txProcRetry+2) time.
initialTxProcDelay = time.Second * 3
blockPollInterval = time.Millisecond * 200
// this value should be set to the max. amount of transactions in a block such that they can all be processed in parallel.
workerCountTxProcessing int = 100
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
// this value should be set to be greater than the amount of chunks in a NEAR block,
// such that they can all be fetched in parallel.
// We're currently seeing ~10 chunks/block, so setting this to 20 conservatively.
workerChunkFetching int = 20
quequeSize int = 10_000 // size of the queques for chunk processing as well as transaction processing
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
// if watcher falls behind this many blocks, start over. This should be set proportional to `quequeSize`
// such that all transactions from `maxFallBehindBlocks` can easily fit into the queue
maxFallBehindBlocks uint = 200
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
metricsInterval = time.Second * 10 // how often you want health metrics reported
txProcRetry uint = 4 // how often to retry processing a transaction
// the maximum span of gaps in the NEAR blockchain we want to support
// lower values yields better performance, but can lead to missed observations if NEAR has larger gaps.
// During testing, gaps on NEAR were at most 1 block long.
nearBlockchainMaxGaps = 5
type (
transactionProcessingJob struct {
txHash string
senderAccountId string
creationTime time.Time
retryCounter uint
delay time.Duration
// set during processing
hasWormholeMsg bool // set during processing; whether this transaction emitted a Wormhole message
wormholeMsgBlockHeight uint64 // highest block height of a wormhole message in this transaction
Watcher struct {
mainnet bool
wormholeAccount string // name of the Wormhole Account on the NEAR blockchain
nearRPC string
// external channels
msgC chan<- *common.MessagePublication // validated (SECURITY: and only validated!) observations go into this channel
obsvReqC <-chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest // observation requests are coming from this channel
// internal queques
transactionProcessingQueueCounter atomic.Int64
transactionProcessingQueue chan *transactionProcessingJob
chunkProcessingQueue chan nearapi.ChunkHeader
// events channels
eventChanBlockProcessedHeight chan uint64 // whenever a block is processed, post the height here
eventChanTxProcessedDuration chan time.Duration
eventChan chan eventType // whenever a messages is confirmed, post true in here
// sub-components
finalizer Finalizer
nearAPI nearapi.NearApi
// NewWatcher creates a new Near appid watcher
func NewWatcher(
nearRPC string,
wormholeContract string,
msgC chan<- *common.MessagePublication,
obsvReqC <-chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest,
mainnet bool,
) *Watcher {
return &Watcher{
mainnet: mainnet,
wormholeAccount: wormholeContract,
nearRPC: nearRPC,
msgC: msgC,
obsvReqC: obsvReqC,
transactionProcessingQueue: make(chan *transactionProcessingJob),
chunkProcessingQueue: make(chan nearapi.ChunkHeader, quequeSize),
eventChanBlockProcessedHeight: make(chan uint64, 10),
eventChanTxProcessedDuration: make(chan time.Duration, 10),
eventChan: make(chan eventType, 10),
func newTransactionProcessingJob(txHash string, senderAccountId string) *transactionProcessingJob {
return &transactionProcessingJob{
func (e *Watcher) runBlockPoll(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx)
// As we start, get the height of the latest finalized block. We won't be processing any blocks before that.
finalBlock, err := e.nearAPI.GetFinalBlock(ctx)
if err != nil || finalBlock.Header.Height == 0 {
logger.Error("failed to start NEAR block poll", zap.String("error_type", "startup_fail"), zap.String("log_msg_type", "startup_error"))
return err
highestFinalBlockHeightObserved := finalBlock.Header.Height - 1 // minues one because we still want to process this block, just no blocks before it
supervisor.Signal(ctx, supervisor.SignalHealthy)
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Nanosecond) // this is just for the first iteration.
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case <-timer.C:
highestFinalBlockHeightObserved, err = e.ReadFinalChunksSince(logger, ctx, highestFinalBlockHeightObserved, e.chunkProcessingQueue)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("NEAR poll error", zap.String("log_msg_type", "block_poll_error"), zap.String("error", err.Error()))
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
func (e *Watcher) runChunkFetcher(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx)
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
case chunkHeader := <-e.chunkProcessingQueue:
newJobs, err := e.fetchAndParseChunk(logger, ctx, chunkHeader)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("near.processChunk failed", zap.String("log_msg_type", "chunk_processing_failed"), zap.String("error", err.Error()))
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(vaa.ChainIDNear, 1)
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
for _, job := range newJobs {
e.schedule(ctx, job, job.delay)
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
func (e *Watcher) runObsvReqProcessor(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx)
supervisor.Signal(ctx, supervisor.SignalHealthy)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case r := <-e.obsvReqC:
if vaa.ChainID(r.ChainId) != vaa.ChainIDNear {
panic("invalid chain ID")
txHash := base58.Encode(r.TxHash)
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
logger.Info("Received obsv request", zap.String("log_msg_type", "obsv_req_received"), zap.String("tx_hash", txHash))
2022-08-04 08:53:08 -07:00
// TODO e.wormholeContract is not the correct value for senderAccountId. Instead, it should be the account id of the transaction sender.
// This value is used by NEAR to determine which shard to query. An incorrect value here is not a security risk but could lead to reobservation requests failing.
// Guardians currently run nodes for all shards and the API seems to be returning the correct results independent of the set senderAccountId but this could change in the future.
// Fixing this would require adding the transaction sender account ID to the observation request.
job := newTransactionProcessingJob(txHash, e.wormholeAccount)
e.schedule(ctx, job, time.Nanosecond)
func (e *Watcher) runTxProcessor(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx)
supervisor.Signal(ctx, supervisor.SignalHealthy)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case job := <-e.transactionProcessingQueue:
err := e.processTx(logger, ctx, job)
if err != nil {
// transaction processing unsuccessful. Retry if retry_counter not exceeded.
if job.retryCounter < txProcRetry {
// Log and retry with exponential backoff
zap.String("log_msg_type", "tx_processing_retry"),
zap.String("tx_hash", job.txHash),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
job.delay *= 2
e.schedule(ctx, job, job.delay)
} else {
// Warn and do not retry
zap.String("log_msg_type", "tx_processing_retries_exceeded"),
zap.String("tx_hash", job.txHash),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(vaa.ChainIDNear, 1)
2022-09-13 13:35:06 -07:00
if job.hasWormholeMsg {
// report how long it took to process this transaction
e.eventChanTxProcessedDuration <- time.Since(job.creationTime)
// tell everyone about successful processing
e.eventChanBlockProcessedHeight <- job.wormholeMsgBlockHeight
func (e *Watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx)
e.nearAPI = nearapi.NewNearApiImpl(nearapi.NewHttpNearRpc(e.nearRPC))
e.finalizer = newFinalizer(e.eventChan, e.nearAPI, e.mainnet)
p2p.DefaultRegistry.SetNetworkStats(vaa.ChainIDNear, &gossipv1.Heartbeat_Network{
ContractAddress: e.wormholeAccount,
logger.Info("Near watcher connecting to RPC node ", zap.String("url", e.nearRPC))
// start metrics reporter
err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "metrics", e.runMetrics)
if err != nil {
return err
// start one poller
err = supervisor.Run(ctx, "blockPoll", e.runBlockPoll)
if err != nil {
return err
// start one obsvReqC runner
err = supervisor.Run(ctx, "obsvReqProcessor", e.runObsvReqProcessor)
if err != nil {
return err
// start `workerCount` many chunkFetcher runners
for i := 0; i < workerChunkFetching; i++ {
err := supervisor.Run(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("chunk_fetcher_%d", i), e.runChunkFetcher)
if err != nil {
return err
// start `workerCount` many transactionProcessing runners
for i := 0; i < workerCountTxProcessing; i++ {
err := supervisor.Run(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("txProcessor_%d", i), e.runTxProcessor)
if err != nil {
return err
supervisor.Signal(ctx, supervisor.SignalHealthy)
return ctx.Err()
func (e *Watcher) schedule(ctx context.Context, job *transactionProcessingJob, delay time.Duration) {
go func() {
timer := time.NewTimer(delay)
defer timer.Stop()
defer e.transactionProcessingQueueCounter.Add(-1)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-timer.C:
// Don't block on processing if the context is cancelled
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case e.transactionProcessingQueue <- job: