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package guardiand
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
eth_common "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/bridge/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
2020-08-20 12:48:58 -07:00
solana "github.com/certusone/wormhole/bridge/pkg/solana"
2020-08-20 12:48:58 -07:00
ipfslog "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
var (
p2pNetworkID *string
p2pPort *uint
p2pBootstrap *string
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
nodeKeyPath *string
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
ethRPC *string
ethContract *string
ethConfirmations *uint64
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
agentRPC *string
2020-08-20 12:48:58 -07:00
logLevel *string
2020-08-17 09:20:15 -07:00
unsafeDevMode *bool
devNumGuardians *uint
nodeName *string
func init() {
p2pNetworkID = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("network", "/wormhole/dev", "P2P network identifier")
p2pPort = BridgeCmd.Flags().Uint("port", 8999, "P2P UDP listener port")
p2pBootstrap = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("bootstrap", "", "P2P bootstrap peers (comma-separated)")
nodeKeyPath = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("nodeKey", "", "Path to node key (will be generated if it doesn't exist)")
ethRPC = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("ethRPC", "", "Ethereum RPC URL")
ethContract = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("ethContract", "", "Ethereum bridge contract address")
ethConfirmations = BridgeCmd.Flags().Uint64("ethConfirmations", 15, "Ethereum confirmation count requirement")
agentRPC = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("agentRPC", "", "Solana agent sidecar gRPC address")
logLevel = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("logLevel", "info", "Logging level (debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal)")
unsafeDevMode = BridgeCmd.Flags().Bool("unsafeDevMode", false, "Launch node in unsafe, deterministic devnet mode")
devNumGuardians = BridgeCmd.Flags().Uint("devNumGuardians", 5, "Number of devnet guardians to include in guardian set")
nodeName = BridgeCmd.Flags().String("nodeName", "", "Node name to announce in gossip heartbeats")
var (
rootCtx context.Context
rootCtxCancel context.CancelFunc
// "Why would anyone do this?" are famous last words.
// We already forcibly override RPC URLs and keys in dev mode to prevent security
// risks from operator error, but an extra warning won't hurt.
const devwarning = `
| |
| Do not use -unsafeDevMode in prod. |
func rootLoggerName() string {
if *unsafeDevMode {
// FIXME: add hostname to root logger for cleaner console output in multi-node development.
// The proper way is to change the output format to include the hostname.
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", "wormhole", hostname)
} else {
return "wormhole"
// BridgeCmd represents the bridge command
var BridgeCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "bridge",
Short: "Run the bridge server",
Run: runBridge,
func runBridge(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if *unsafeDevMode {
// Lock current and future pages in memory to protect secret keys from being swapped out to disk.
// It's possible (and strongly recommended) to deploy Wormhole such that keys are only ever
// stored in memory and never touch the disk. This is a privileged operation and requires CAP_IPC_LOCK.
err := unix.Mlockall(syscall.MCL_CURRENT | syscall.MCL_FUTURE)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to lock memory: %v (CAP_IPC_LOCK missing?)\n", err)
// Set up logging. The go-log zap wrapper that libp2p uses is compatible with our
// usage of zap in supervisor, which is nice.
lvl, err := ipfslog.LevelFromString(*logLevel)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Invalid log level")
2020-08-17 09:20:15 -07:00
// Our root logger. Convert directly to a regular Zap logger.
logger := ipfslog.Logger(rootLoggerName()).Desugar()
// Override the default go-log config, which uses a magic environment variable.
// In devnet mode, we automatically set a number of flags that rely on deterministic keys.
if *unsafeDevMode {
go func() {
logger.Info("debug server listening on [::]:6060")
logger.Error("debug server crashed", zap.Error(http.ListenAndServe("[::]:6060", nil)))
g0key, err := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(devnet.DeterministicP2PPrivKeyByIndex(0))
if err != nil {
// Use the first guardian node as bootstrap
*p2pBootstrap = fmt.Sprintf("/dns4/guardian-0.guardian/udp/%d/quic/p2p/%s", *p2pPort, g0key.String())
// Deterministic ganache ETH devnet address.
*ethContract = devnet.BridgeContractAddress.Hex()
// Use the hostname as nodeName. For production, we don't want to do this to
// prevent accidentally leaking sensitive hostnames.
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
*nodeName = hostname
// Verify flags
if *nodeKeyPath == "" && !*unsafeDevMode { // In devnet mode, keys are deterministically generated.
logger.Fatal("Please specify -nodeKey")
2020-08-20 12:48:58 -07:00
if *agentRPC == "" {
logger.Fatal("Please specify -agentRPC")
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
if *ethRPC == "" {
logger.Fatal("Please specify -ethRPC")
if *ethContract == "" {
logger.Fatal("Please specify -ethContract")
if *nodeName == "" {
logger.Fatal("Please specify -nodeName")
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
ethContractAddr := eth_common.HexToAddress(*ethContract)
// Guardian key
gk := loadGuardianKey(logger)
2020-08-17 09:20:15 -07:00
// Node's main lifecycle context.
rootCtx, rootCtxCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer rootCtxCancel()
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
// Ethereum lock event channel
lockC := make(chan *common.ChainLock)
// Ethereum incoming guardian set updates
setC := make(chan *common.GuardianSet)
// Outbound gossip message queue
sendC := make(chan []byte)
2020-08-21 04:00:40 -07:00
// Inbound observations
obsvC := make(chan *gossipv1.LockupObservation, 50)
2020-08-20 12:48:58 -07:00
// VAAs to submit to Solana
2020-08-21 04:00:40 -07:00
solanaVaaC := make(chan *vaa.VAA)
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
// Load p2p private key
var priv crypto.PrivKey
if *unsafeDevMode {
idx, err := devnet.GetDevnetIndex()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Failed to parse hostname - are we running in devnet?")
priv = devnet.DeterministicP2PPrivKeyByIndex(int64(idx))
} else {
priv, err = getOrCreateNodeKey(logger, *nodeKeyPath)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Failed to load node key", zap.Error(err))
// Run supervisor.
2020-08-17 09:20:15 -07:00
supervisor.New(rootCtx, logger, func(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "p2p", p2p.Run(
obsvC, sendC, priv, *p2pPort, *p2pNetworkID, *p2pBootstrap, *nodeName, rootCtxCancel)); err != nil {
return err
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "ethwatch",
ethereum.NewEthBridgeWatcher(*ethRPC, ethContractAddr, *ethConfirmations, lockC, setC).Run); err != nil {
2020-08-21 02:57:04 -07:00
return err
2020-08-16 08:05:58 -07:00
2020-08-21 11:49:33 -07:00
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "solwatch",
2020-08-21 04:00:40 -07:00
solana.NewSolanaBridgeWatcher(*agentRPC, lockC, solanaVaaC).Run); err != nil {
2020-08-20 12:48:58 -07:00
return err
p := processor.NewProcessor(ctx, lockC, setC, sendC, obsvC, solanaVaaC, gk, *unsafeDevMode, *devNumGuardians, *ethRPC)
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "processor", p.Run); err != nil {
return err
logger.Info("Started internal services")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
// It's safer to crash and restart the process in case we encounter a panic,
// rather than attempting to reschedule the runnable.
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
logger.Info("root context cancelled, exiting...")
// TODO: wait for things to shut down gracefully