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2023-10-04 11:23:27 -07:00
// contracts/query/QueryResponse.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import {BytesParsing} from "../relayer/libraries/BytesParsing.sol";
import "../interfaces/IWormhole.sol";
// @dev ParsedQueryResponse is returned by QueryResponse.parseAndVerifyQueryResponse().
struct ParsedQueryResponse {
uint8 version;
uint16 senderChainId;
uint32 nonce;
bytes requestId; // 65 byte sig for off-chain, 32 byte vaaHash for on-chain
ParsedPerChainQueryResponse [] responses;
// @dev ParsedPerChainQueryResponse describes a single per-chain response.
struct ParsedPerChainQueryResponse {
uint16 chainId;
uint8 queryType;
bytes request;
bytes response;
// @dev EthCallQueryResponse describes an ETH call per-chain query.
struct EthCallQueryResponse {
bytes requestBlockId;
uint64 blockNum;
uint64 blockTime;
bytes32 blockHash;
EthCallData [] result;
// @dev EthCallData describes a single ETH call query / response pair.
struct EthCallData {
address contractAddress;
bytes callData;
bytes result;
// Custom errors
error InvalidResponseVersion();
error VersionMismatch();
error NumberOfResponsesMismatch();
error ChainIdMismatch();
error RequestTypeMismatch();
error UnsupportedQueryType();
error UnexpectedNumberOfResults();
error InvalidPayloadLength(uint256 received, uint256 expected);
// @dev QueryResponse is a library that implements the parsing and verification of Cross Chain Query (CCQ) responses.
2023-10-04 11:23:27 -07:00
abstract contract QueryResponse {
using BytesParsing for bytes;
bytes public constant responsePrefix = bytes("query_response_0000000000000000000|");
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uint8 public constant VERSION = 1;
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uint8 public constant QT_ETH_CALL = 1;
/// @dev getResponseHash computes the hash of the specified query response.
function getResponseHash(bytes memory response) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(response);
/// @dev getResponseDigest computes the digest of the specified query response.
function getResponseDigest(bytes memory response) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(responsePrefix,getResponseHash(response)));
/// @dev parseAndVerifyQueryResponse verifies the query response and returns the parsed response.
function parseAndVerifyQueryResponse(address wormhole, bytes memory response, IWormhole.Signature[] memory signatures) public view returns (ParsedQueryResponse memory r) {
verifyQueryResponseSignatures(wormhole, response, signatures);
uint index = 0;
(r.version, index) = response.asUint8Unchecked(index);
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if (r.version != VERSION) {
2023-10-04 11:23:27 -07:00
revert InvalidResponseVersion();
(r.senderChainId, index) = response.asUint16Unchecked(index);
2023-10-25 09:41:56 -07:00
// For off chain requests (chainID zero), the requestId is the 65 byte signature. For on chain requests, it is the 32 byte VAA hash.
2023-10-04 11:23:27 -07:00
if (r.senderChainId == 0) {
(r.requestId, index) = response.sliceUnchecked(index, 65);
} else {
(r.requestId, index) = response.sliceUnchecked(index, 32);
uint32 len;
(len, index) = response.asUint32Unchecked(index); // query_request_len
uint reqIdx = index;
uint8 version;
(version, reqIdx) = response.asUint8Unchecked(reqIdx);
if (version != r.version) {
revert VersionMismatch();
(r.nonce, reqIdx) = response.asUint32Unchecked(reqIdx);
uint8 numPerChainQueries;
(numPerChainQueries, reqIdx) = response.asUint8Unchecked(reqIdx);
// The response starts after the request.
uint respIdx = index + len;
uint8 respNumPerChainQueries;
(respNumPerChainQueries, respIdx) = response.asUint8Unchecked(respIdx);
if (respNumPerChainQueries != numPerChainQueries) {
revert NumberOfResponsesMismatch();
r.responses = new ParsedPerChainQueryResponse[](numPerChainQueries);
// Walk through the requests and responses in lock step.
for (uint idx = 0; idx < numPerChainQueries;) {
(r.responses[idx].chainId, reqIdx) = response.asUint16Unchecked(reqIdx);
uint16 respChainId;
(respChainId, respIdx) = response.asUint16Unchecked(respIdx);
if (respChainId != r.responses[idx].chainId) {
revert ChainIdMismatch();
(r.responses[idx].queryType, reqIdx) = response.asUint8Unchecked(reqIdx);
uint8 respQueryType;
(respQueryType, respIdx) = response.asUint8Unchecked(respIdx);
if (respQueryType != r.responses[idx].queryType) {
revert RequestTypeMismatch();
if (r.responses[idx].queryType != QT_ETH_CALL) {
revert UnsupportedQueryType();
(len, reqIdx) = response.asUint32Unchecked(reqIdx);
(r.responses[idx].request, reqIdx) = response.sliceUnchecked(reqIdx, len);
(len, respIdx) = response.asUint32Unchecked(respIdx);
(r.responses[idx].response, respIdx) = response.sliceUnchecked(respIdx, len);
unchecked { ++idx; }
checkLength(response, respIdx);
return r;
/// @dev parseEthCallQueryResponse parses a ParsedPerChainQueryResponse for an ETH call per-chain query.
function parseEthCallQueryResponse(ParsedPerChainQueryResponse memory pcr) public pure returns (EthCallQueryResponse memory r) {
if (pcr.queryType != QT_ETH_CALL) {
revert UnsupportedQueryType();
uint reqIdx = 0;
uint respIdx = 0;
uint32 len;
(len, reqIdx) = pcr.request.asUint32Unchecked(reqIdx); // block_id_len
(r.requestBlockId, reqIdx) = pcr.request.sliceUnchecked(reqIdx, len);
uint8 numBatchCallData;
(numBatchCallData, reqIdx) = pcr.request.asUint8Unchecked(reqIdx);
(r.blockNum, respIdx) = pcr.response.asUint64Unchecked(respIdx);
(r.blockHash, respIdx) = pcr.response.asBytes32Unchecked(respIdx);
(r.blockTime, respIdx) = pcr.response.asUint64Unchecked(respIdx);
uint8 respNumResults;
(respNumResults, respIdx) = pcr.response.asUint8Unchecked(respIdx);
if (respNumResults != numBatchCallData) {
revert UnexpectedNumberOfResults();
r.result = new EthCallData[](numBatchCallData);
// Walk through the call data and results in lock step.
for (uint idx = 0; idx < numBatchCallData;) {
(r.result[idx].contractAddress, reqIdx) = pcr.request.asAddressUnchecked(reqIdx);
(len, reqIdx) = pcr.request.asUint32Unchecked(reqIdx); // call_data_len
(r.result[idx].callData, reqIdx) = pcr.request.sliceUnchecked(reqIdx, len);
(len, respIdx) = pcr.response.asUint32Unchecked(respIdx); // result_len
(r.result[idx].result, respIdx) = pcr.response.sliceUnchecked(respIdx, len);
unchecked { ++idx; }
checkLength(pcr.request, reqIdx);
checkLength(pcr.response, respIdx);
return r;
* @dev verifyQueryResponseSignatures verifies the signatures on a query response. It calls into the Wormhole contract.
* IWormhole.Signature expects the last byte to be bumped by 27
* see https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole/blob/637b1ee657de7de05f783cbb2078dd7d8bfda4d0/ethereum/contracts/Messages.sol#L174
function verifyQueryResponseSignatures(address _wormhole, bytes memory response, IWormhole.Signature[] memory signatures) public view {
IWormhole wormhole = IWormhole(_wormhole);
2023-10-25 09:41:56 -07:00
// It might be worth adding a verifyCurrentQuorum call on the core bridge so that there is only 1 cross call instead of 4.
2023-10-04 11:23:27 -07:00
uint32 gsi = wormhole.getCurrentGuardianSetIndex();
IWormhole.GuardianSet memory guardianSet = wormhole.getGuardianSet(gsi);
bytes32 responseHash = getResponseDigest(response);
* @dev Checks whether the guardianSet has zero keys
* WARNING: This keys check is critical to ensure the guardianSet has keys present AND to ensure
* that guardianSet key size doesn't fall to zero and negatively impact quorum assessment. If guardianSet
* key length is 0 and vm.signatures length is 0, this could compromise the integrity of both vm and
* signature verification.
if(guardianSet.keys.length == 0){
revert("invalid guardian set");
* @dev We're using a fixed point number transformation with 1 decimal to deal with rounding.
* WARNING: This quorum check is critical to assessing whether we have enough Guardian signatures to validate a VM
* if making any changes to this, obtain additional peer review. If guardianSet key length is 0 and
* vm.signatures length is 0, this could compromise the integrity of both vm and signature verification.
if (signatures.length < wormhole.quorum(guardianSet.keys.length)){
revert("no quorum");
/// @dev Verify the proposed vm.signatures against the guardianSet
(bool signaturesValid, string memory invalidReason) = wormhole.verifySignatures(responseHash, signatures, guardianSet);
/// If we are here, we've validated the VM is a valid multi-sig that matches the current guardianSet.
/// @dev checkLength verifies that the message was fully consumed.
function checkLength(bytes memory encoded, uint256 expected) private pure {
if (encoded.length != expected) {
revert InvalidPayloadLength(encoded.length, expected);