move to docker/tilt
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ target
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
FROM AS const-build
ARG num_guardians
ENV NUM_GUARDIANS=$num_guardians
# add additional root CAs
COPY cert.pem* /certs/
RUN if [ -e /certs/cert.pem ]; then cp /certs/cert.pem /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt; fi
# fetch scripts/ deps
RUN dnf -y install jq
# fetch clients/** deps
RUN curl -fsSL | bash - && dnf -y install nodejs
# configure node & npm to work with custom root CAs
ENV NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/certs/cert.pem
ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--use-openssl-ca
RUN if [ -e /certs/cert.pem ]; then npm config set cafile /certs/cert.pem; fi
# install token_bridge deps & build
WORKDIR /clients/token_bridge
# copy package.json & package-lock.json by themselves to create a cache layer
COPY clients/token_bridge/package.json clients/token_bridge/package-lock.json ./
# mount the buildkit cache on npm's cache dir, install dependencies
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.npm npm ci
# copy the rest of the source files, as a layer on top of the deps
COPY clients/token_bridge ./
RUN npm run build
# install nft_bridge deps & build
WORKDIR /clients/nft_bridge
COPY clients/nft_bridge/package.json clients/nft_bridge/package-lock.json ./
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.npm npm ci
COPY clients/nft_bridge ./
RUN npm run build
COPY scripts ./scripts
COPY ethereum/.env.test ./ethereum/.env.test
# run to create env files with the init state for NUM_GUARDIANS
FROM scratch AS const-export
COPY --from=const-build /scripts/.env.0x ethereum/.env
COPY --from=const-build /scripts/.env.hex solana/.env
COPY --from=const-build /scripts/.env.hex terra/tools/.env
@ -104,6 +104,15 @@ local_resource(
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
name = "const-gen",
deps = ["scripts", "clients", "ethereum/.env.test"],
cmd = 'tilt docker build -- --target const-export -f Dockerfile.const -o type=local,dest=. --build-arg num_guardians=%s .' % (num_guardians),
env = {"DOCKER_BUILDKIT": "1"},
allow_parallel = True,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
if algorand:
if algorand:
name = "teal-gen",
name = "teal-gen",
@ -210,14 +219,8 @@ k8s_resource(
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
# guardian set update - triggered by "tilt args" changes
name = "guardian-set-init",
if num_guardians >= 2 and ci == False:
deps = ["scripts", "ethereum", "clients", "solana", "terra"],
cmd = './scripts/ %s' % (num_guardians),
allow_parallel = True,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
if num_guardians >= 2:
name = "guardian-set-update",
name = "guardian-set-update",
resource_deps = guardian_resource_deps + ["guardian"],
resource_deps = guardian_resource_deps + ["guardian"],
@ -274,7 +277,7 @@ if solana:
port_forward(8900, name = "Solana WS [:8900]", host = webHost),
port_forward(8900, name = "Solana WS [:8900]", host = webHost),
port_forward(9000, name = "Solana PubSub [:9000]", host = webHost),
port_forward(9000, name = "Solana PubSub [:9000]", host = webHost),
resource_deps = ["guardian-set-init"],
resource_deps = ["const-gen"],
labels = ["solana"],
labels = ["solana"],
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
@ -360,7 +363,7 @@ k8s_resource(
port_forwards = [
port_forwards = [
port_forward(8545, name = "Ganache RPC [:8545]", host = webHost),
port_forward(8545, name = "Ganache RPC [:8545]", host = webHost),
resource_deps = ["guardian-set-init"],
resource_deps = ["const-gen"],
labels = ["evm"],
labels = ["evm"],
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
@ -370,7 +373,7 @@ k8s_resource(
port_forwards = [
port_forwards = [
port_forward(8546, name = "Ganache RPC [:8546]", host = webHost),
port_forward(8546, name = "Ganache RPC [:8546]", host = webHost),
resource_deps = ["guardian-set-init"],
resource_deps = ["const-gen"],
labels = ["evm"],
labels = ["evm"],
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
@ -549,7 +552,7 @@ k8s_resource(
port_forward(26657, name = "Terra RPC [:26657]", host = webHost),
port_forward(26657, name = "Terra RPC [:26657]", host = webHost),
port_forward(1317, name = "Terra LCD [:1317]", host = webHost),
port_forward(1317, name = "Terra LCD [:1317]", host = webHost),
resource_deps = ["guardian-set-init"],
resource_deps = ["const-gen"],
labels = ["terra"],
labels = ["terra"],
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
@ -29,6 +29,6 @@
The terra testnet can be used just like a normal localterra network (can be selected in finder and station).
The terra testnet can be used just like a normal localterra network (can be selected in finder and station).
### devent guardian addresses
### devnet guardian addresses
see [../scripts/devnet-consts.json](../scripts/devnet-consts.json)
see [../scripts/devnet-consts.json](../scripts/devnet-consts.json)
@ -1,40 +1,75 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script allows devnet initalization with more than one guardian.
# This script allows devnet initalization with more than one guardian.
# First argument is the number of guardians for the initial guardian set.
# First argument is the number of guardians for the initial guardian set.
set -e
set -exuo pipefail
echo "number of guardians to initialize: ${numGuardians}"
echo "number of guardians to initialize: ${numGuardians}"
# working files for accumulating state
envFile="./scripts/.env.hex" # for generic hex data, for solana, terra, etc
ethFile="./scripts/.env.0x" # for "0x" prefixed data, for ethereum scripts
# create an array of strings containing the ECDSA public keys of the devnet guardians in the guardianset
# copy the eth defaults so we can override just the things we need
cp ./ethereum/.env.test $ethFile
# function for updating or inserting a KEY=value pair in a file.
function upsert_env_file {
file=${1} # file will be created if it does not exist.
key=${2} # line must start with the key.
# replace the value if it exists, else, append it to the file
if [[ -f $file ]] && grep -q "^$key=" $file; then
# file has the key, update it:
sed -i "/^$key=/s/=.*/=$new_value/" $file
# file does not have the key, add it:
echo "$key=$new_value" >> $file
# assert jq exists before trying to use it
if ! type -p jq; then
echo "ERROR: jq is not installed"! >&2
exit 1
# 1) guardian public keys - used as the inital guardian set when initializing contracts.
echo "generating guardian set addresses"
# create an array of strings containing the ECDSA public keys of the devnet guardians in the guardianset:
# guardiansPublicEth has the leading "0x" that Eth scripts expect.
# guardiansPublicEth has the leading "0x" that Eth scripts expect.
guardiansPublicEth=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].public]' $addressesJson)
guardiansPublicEth=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].public]' $addressesJson)
# guardiansPublicHex does not have a leading "0x", just hex strings.
# guardiansPublicHex does not have a leading "0x", just hex strings.
guardiansPublicHex=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].public[2:]]' $addressesJson)
guardiansPublicHex=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].public[2:]]' $addressesJson)
# also make a CSV string of the hex addresses, so the client scripts that need that format don't have to.
guardiansPublicHexCSV=$(echo ${guardiansPublicHex} | jq --raw-output -c '. | join(",")')
# write the lists of addresses to the env files
upsert_env_file $ethFile $initSigners $guardiansPublicEth
upsert_env_file $envFile $initSigners $guardiansPublicHex
upsert_env_file $envFile "INIT_SIGNERS_CSV" $guardiansPublicHexCSV
# copy the eth defaults to a new file so we can override just the things we need
# 2) guardian private keys - used for generating the initial governance VAAs (register token bridge & nft bridge contracts on each chain).
cp ./ethereum/.env.test ./ethereum/.env
echo "generating guardian set keys"
# override the default INIT_SIGNERS with the list created above
sed -i "/INIT_SIGNERS=/c\INIT_SIGNERS=$guardiansPublicEth" ./ethereum/.env
# create a local .env file, to be used by solana & terra
echo "INIT_SIGNERS=$guardiansPublicHex" > ./scripts/.env
# create an array of strings containing the private keys of the devnet guardians in the guardianset
# create an array of strings containing the private keys of the devnet guardians in the guardianset
guardiansPrivate=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].private]' $addressesJson)
guardiansPrivate=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].private]' $addressesJson)
# create a CSV string with the private keys of the guardians in the guardianset, that will be used to create registration VAAs
# create a CSV string with the private keys of the guardians in the guardianset, that will be used to create registration VAAs
guardiansPrivateCSV=$( echo ${guardiansPrivate} | jq --raw-output -c '. | join(",")')
guardiansPrivateCSV=$( echo ${guardiansPrivate} | jq --raw-output -c '. | join(",")')
echo "getting contract addresses from $addressesJson"
# write the lists of keys to the env files
upsert_env_file $ethFile "INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_JSON" $guardiansPrivate
upsert_env_file $envFile "INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_CSV" $guardiansPrivateCSV
# 3) fetch and store the contract addresses that we need to make contract registration governance VAAs for:
echo "getting contract addresses for chain registrations from $addressesJson"
# get addresses from the constants file
# get addresses from the constants file
solTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."1".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
solTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."1".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
ethTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."2".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
ethTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."2".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
@ -45,68 +80,91 @@ solNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."1".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $
ethNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."2".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
ethNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."2".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
terraNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."3".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
terraNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."3".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson)
# generate the registration VAAs
# 4) create token bridge registration VAAs
echo "generating contract registration VAAs for token bridges"
# fetch dependencies for the clients/token_bridge script that generates token bridge registration VAAs
# fetch dependencies for the clients/token_bridge script that generates token bridge registration VAAs
if [[ ! -d ./clients/token_bridge/node_modules ]]; then
if [[ ! -d ./clients/token_bridge/node_modules ]]; then
echo "going to install node modules in clients/token_bridge"
echo "going to install node modules in clients/token_bridge"
npm ci --prefix clients/token_bridge && npm run build --prefix clients/token_bridge
npm ci --prefix clients/token_bridge && npm run build --prefix clients/token_bridge
# create token bridge registration VAAs
# invoke clients/token_bridge commands to create registration VAAs
echo "generating VAAs for token bridges"
solTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 1 0x${solTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
solTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 1 0x${solTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
ethTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 2 0x${ethTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV} )
ethTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 2 0x${ethTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV} )
terraTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 3 0x${terraTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
terraTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 3 0x${terraTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
bscTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 4 0x${bscTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
bscTokenBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/token_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 4 0x${bscTokenBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
# 5) create nft bridge registration VAAs
# fetch dependencies for the clients/nft_bridge script that generates nft bridge registration VAAs
# fetch dependencies for the clients/nft_bridge script that generates nft bridge registration VAAs
if [[ ! -d ./clients/nft_bridge/node_modules ]]; then
if [[ ! -d ./clients/nft_bridge/node_modules ]]; then
echo "going to install node modules in clients/nft_bridge"
echo "going to install node modules in clients/nft_bridge"
npm ci --prefix clients/nft_bridge && npm run build --prefix clients/nft_bridge
npm ci --prefix clients/nft_bridge && npm run build --prefix clients/nft_bridge
# create nft bridge registration VAAs
echo "generating contract registration VAAs for nft bridges"
echo "generating VAAs for nft bridges"
solNFTBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/nft_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 1 0x${solNFTBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
solNFTBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/nft_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 1 0x${solNFTBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
ethNFTBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/nft_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 2 0x${ethNFTBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
ethNFTBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/nft_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 2 0x${ethNFTBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
terraNFTBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/nft_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 3 0x${terraNFTBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
terraNFTBridgeVAA=$(npm --prefix clients/nft_bridge run --silent main -- generate_register_chain_vaa 3 0x${terraNFTBridge} --guardian_secret ${guardiansPrivateCSV})
# write the registration VAAs to env files
echo "updating .env files"
# 6) write the registration VAAs to env files
echo "writing VAAs to .env files"
# define the keys that will hold the chain registration governance VAAs
# solana token bridge
# solana token bridge
upsert_env_file $ethFile $solTokenBridge $solTokenBridgeVAA
echo "REGISTER_SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA=$solTokenBridgeVAA" >> ./scripts/.env
upsert_env_file $envFile $solTokenBridge $solTokenBridgeVAA
# solana nft bridge
# solana nft bridge
upsert_env_file $ethFile $solNFTBridge $solNFTBridgeVAA
echo "REGISTER_SOL_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA=$solNFTBridgeVAA" >> ./scripts/.env
upsert_env_file $envFile $solNFTBridge $solNFTBridgeVAA
# ethereum token bridge
# ethereum token bridge
upsert_env_file $ethFile $ethTokenBridge $ethTokenBridgeVAA
echo "REGISTER_ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA=$ethTokenBridgeVAA" >> ./scripts/.env
upsert_env_file $envFile $ethTokenBridge $ethTokenBridgeVAA
# ethereum nft bridge
# ethereum nft bridge
upsert_env_file $ethFile $ethNFTBridge $ethNFTBridgeVAA
echo "REGISTER_ETH_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA=$ethNFTBridgeVAA" >> ./scripts/.env
upsert_env_file $envFile $ethNFTBridge $ethNFTBridgeVAA
# terra token bridge
# terra token bridge
upsert_env_file $ethFile $terraTokenBridge $terraTokenBridgeVAA
echo "REGISTER_TERRA_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA=$terraTokenBridgeVAA" >> ./scripts/.env
upsert_env_file $envFile $terraTokenBridge $terraTokenBridgeVAA
# terra nft bridge
# terra nft bridge
upsert_env_file $ethFile $terraNFTBridge $terraNFTBridgeVAA
echo "REGISTER_TERRA_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA=$terraNFTBridgeVAA" >> ./scripts/.env
upsert_env_file $envFile $terraNFTBridge $terraNFTBridgeVAA
# bsc token bridge
# bsc token bridge
upsert_env_file $ethFile $bscTokenBridge $bscTokenBridgeVAA
echo "REGISTER_BSC_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA=$bscTokenBridgeVAA" >> ./scripts/.env
upsert_env_file $envFile $bscTokenBridge $bscTokenBridgeVAA
# copy the local .env file to the solana & terra dirs
# 7) copy the local .env file to the solana & terra dirs, if the script is running on the host machine
cp ./scripts/.env ./solana
# chain dirs will not exist if running in docker for Tilt, only if running locally. check before copying.
cp ./scripts/.env ./terra/tools
# copy ethFile to ethereum
if [[ -d ./ethereum ]]; then
echo "copying $ethFile to /etherum/.env"
cp $ethFile ./ethereum/.env
# copy the hex envFile to each of the non-EVM chains
for envDest in ./solana/.env ./terra/tools/.env; do
dirname=$(dirname $envDest)
if [[ -d "$dirname" ]]; then
echo "copying $envFile to $envDest"
cp $envFile $envDest
echo "guardian set init complete!"
echo "guardian set init complete!"
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script configures the devnet for test transfers with hardcoded addresses.
# This script configures the devnet for test transfers with hardcoded addresses.
set -x
set -xu
# Configure CLI (works the same as upstream Solana CLI)
# Configure CLI (works the same as upstream Solana CLI)
mkdir -p ~/.config/solana/cli
mkdir -p ~/.config/solana/cli
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ chain_id_ethereum=2
# load the .env file with the devent init data
# load the .env file with the devent init data
source .env
source .env
# remove brackets and double quotes, transform json list of strings to CSV with no quotes.
guardians=$(echo $INIT_SIGNERS | sed -r 's/(\[|\]|\")//g')
retry () {
retry () {
while ! $@; do
while ! $@; do
@ -87,7 +85,7 @@ token-bridge-client create-meta "$nft" "Not a PUNK 2🎸" "PUNK2🎸" "https://w
# Create the bridge contract at a known address
# Create the bridge contract at a known address
# OK to fail on subsequent attempts (already created).
# OK to fail on subsequent attempts (already created).
retry client create-bridge "$bridge_address" "$guardians" 86400 100
retry client create-bridge "$bridge_address" "$INIT_SIGNERS_CSV" 86400 100
# Initialize the token bridge
# Initialize the token bridge
retry token-bridge-client create-bridge "$token_bridge_address" "$bridge_address"
retry token-bridge-client create-bridge "$token_bridge_address" "$bridge_address"
Reference in New Issue