ethereum: be more explicit about invalid guardian + test

This commit is contained in:
Csongor Kiss 2022-08-04 10:58:49 -05:00 committed by Csongor Kiss
parent 85a8f2e733
commit 2e890f02b3
2 changed files with 45 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ contract Messages is Getters {
* @dev Checks whether the guardianSet has zero keys
* WARNING: This keys check is critical to ensure the guardianSet has keys present AND to ensure
* WARNING: This keys check is critical to ensure the guardianSet has keys present AND to ensure
* that guardianSet key size doesn't fall to zero and negatively impact quorum assessment. If guardianSet
* key length is 0 and vm.signatures length is 0, this could compromise the integrity of both vm and
* key length is 0 and vm.signatures length is 0, this could compromise the integrity of both vm and
* signature verification.
if(guardianSet.keys.length == 0){
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ contract Messages is Getters {
* @dev We're using a fixed point number transformation with 1 decimal to deal with rounding.
* WARNING: This quorum check is critical to assessing whether we have enough Guardian signatures to validate a VM
* if making any changes to this, obtain additional peer review. If guardianSet key length is 0 and
* if making any changes to this, obtain additional peer review. If guardianSet key length is 0 and
* vm.signatures length is 0, this could compromise the integrity of both vm and signature verification.
if (vm.signatures.length < quorum(guardianSet.keys.length)){
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ contract Messages is Getters {
function verifySignatures(bytes32 hash, Structs.Signature[] memory signatures, Structs.GuardianSet memory guardianSet) public pure returns (bool valid, string memory reason) {
uint8 lastIndex = 0;
uint256 guardianCount = guardianSet.keys.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) {
Structs.Signature memory sig = signatures[i];
@ -80,6 +81,14 @@ contract Messages is Getters {
require(i == 0 || sig.guardianIndex > lastIndex, "signature indices must be ascending");
lastIndex = sig.guardianIndex;
/// @dev Ensure that the provided signature index is within the
/// bounds of the guardianSet. This is implicitly checked by the array
/// index operation below, so this check is technically redundant.
/// However, reverting explicitly here ensures that a bug is not
/// introduced accidentally later due to the nontrivial storage
/// semantics of solidity.
require(sig.guardianIndex < guardianCount, "guardian index out of bounds");
/// Check to see if the signer of the signature does not match a specific Guardian key at the provided index
if(ecrecover(hash, sig.v, sig.r, sig.s) != guardianSet.keys[sig.guardianIndex]){
return (false, "VM signature invalid");

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@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../contracts/Messages.sol";
import "../contracts/Structs.sol";
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract TestMessages is Messages, Test {
address constant testGuardianPub = 0xbeFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe;
function testQuorum() public {
assertEq(quorum(0), 1);
assertEq(quorum(1), 1);
@ -24,4 +27,34 @@ contract TestMessages is Messages, Test {
assertEq(quorum(19), 13);
assertEq(quorum(20), 14);
// This test ensures that submitting invalid signatures for non-existent
// guardians fails.
// The main purpose of this test is to ensure that there's no surprising
// behaviour arising from solidity's handling of invalid signatures and out of
// bounds memory access. In particular, pubkey recovery of an invalid
// signature returns 0, and in some cases out of bounds memory access also
// just returns 0.
function outOfBoundsSignature() public {
// Initialise a guardian set with a single guardian.
address[] memory keys = new address[](1);
keys[0] = testGuardianPub;
Structs.GuardianSet memory guardianSet = Structs.GuardianSet(keys, 0);
assertEq(quorum(guardianSet.keys.length), 1);
// Two invalid signatures, for guardian index 2 and 3 respectively.
// These guardian indices are out of bounds for the guardian set.
bytes32 message = "hello";
Structs.Signature memory bad1 = Structs.Signature(message, 0, 0, 2);
Structs.Signature memory bad2 = Structs.Signature(message, 0, 0, 3);
// ecrecover on an invalid signature returns 0 instead of reverting
assertEq(ecrecover(message, bad1.v, bad1.r, bad1.s), address(0));
Structs.Signature[] memory badSigs = new Structs.Signature[](2);
badSigs[0] = bad1;
badSigs[1] = bad2;
vm.expectRevert(bytes("guardian index out of bounds"));
verifySignatures(0, badSigs, guardianSet);