Node/CCQ: Listening tool (#3538)
* CCQ/Hack: Mainnet test * Add listen only option * Clean up tool so it can be merged * Code review rework
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 AS build
# is not compatible with arm
COPY node/tools tools
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache --mount=type=cache,target=/go \
cd tools/ && go build -mod=readonly -o /dlv
COPY node node
COPY sdk sdk
COPY wormchain wormchain
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache --mount=type=cache,target=/go \
export CGO_ENABLED=1 && \
cd node/hack/query/ccqlistener && \
go build ${GO_BUILD_ARGS} -gcflags="all=-N -l" --ldflags '-extldflags "-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition" -X ""' -mod=readonly -o /ccqlistener ccqlistener.go && \
go get && \
cp /go/pkg/mod/!cosm!wasm/wasmvm@v1.1.1/internal/api/ /usr/lib/
# Only export the final binary (+ shared objects). This reduces the image size
# from ~1GB to ~150MB.
FROM scratch as export
# guardiand can't (easily) be statically linked due to the C dependencies, so we
# have to copy all the dynamic libraries
COPY --from=build /lib/* /lib/
COPY --from=build /lib64/* /lib64/
COPY --from=build /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
# Copy the shells as entrypoints, but no utilities are necessary
COPY --from=build /bin/bash /bin/dash /bin/sh /bin/
# finally copy the guardian executable
COPY --from=build /ccqlistener .
CMD ["/ccqlistener", "--configDir /app/cfg"]
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
// This tool can be used to verify that a guardian is properly receiving CCQ queries and publishing responses.
// This tool can be used to passively listen for query responses from any guardian:
// go run ccqlistener.go --listenOnly
// Or it can be used to passively listen for query responses from a particular guardian:
// go run ccqlistener.go --listenOnly --targetPeerId <yourGuardianP2pPeerId>
// This should work both in mainnet and testnet because there are routine monitoring queries running every few minutes.
// Note that you may need to wait 15 minutes or more to see something. Look for message saying "query response received".
// This tool can also be used to generate a simple query request, send it and wait for the response. Note that this takes
// considerable more set up, as the P2P ID and signing key of this tool must be defined here and configured on the guardian.
// To use this tool to generate a query, you need two local files:
// ./ccqlistener.nodeKey - This file contains the P2P peer ID to be used. If the file does not exist, it will be created.
// ./ccqlistener.signerKey - This file contains the key used to sign the request. It must exist.
// If the nodeKey file does not exist, it will be generated. The log output will print the peerID in the "Test started" line.
// That peerID must be included in the `ccqAllowedPeers` parameter on the guardian.
// The signerKey file can be generated by doing: guardiand keygen --block-type "CCQ SERVER SIGNING KEY" /path/to/key/file
// The generated key (which is listed as the `PublicKey` in the file) must be included in the `ccqAllowedRequesters` parameter on the guardian.
// To run this tool, do `go run ccqlistener.go`
// - Look for the line saying "Signing key loaded" and confirm the public key matches what is configured on the guardian.
// - Look for the "Test started" and confirm that the peer ID matches what is configured on the guardian.
// - You should see a line saying "Waiting for peers". If you do not, then the test is unable to bootstrap with any guardians.
// - After a few minutes, you should see a message saying "Got peers". If you do not, then test is unable to communicate with any guardians.
// - After this, the test runs, and you should eventually see "Success! Test passed"
// To run the tool as a docker image, you can do something like this:
// - wormhole$ docker build --target build -f node/hack/query/ccqlistener/Dockerfile -t ccqlistener .
// - wormhole$ docker run -v /ccqlistener/cfg:/app/cfg ccqlistener /ccqlistener --configDir /app/cfg
// Where /ccqlistener is a directory containing these files:
// - ccqlistener.nodeKey
// - ccqlistener.signerKey
package main
import (
gossipv1 ""
ethCrypto ""
pubsub ""
var (
p2pNetworkID = flag.String("network", "/wormhole/mainnet/2", "P2P network identifier")
p2pPort = flag.Int("port", 8998, "P2P UDP listener port")
p2pBootstrap = flag.String("bootstrap",
"P2P bootstrap peers (comma-separated)")
nodeKeyPath = flag.String("nodeKey", "ccqlistener.nodeKey", "Path to node key (will be generated if it doesn't exist)")
signerKeyPath = flag.String("signerKey", "ccqlistener.signerKey", "Path to key used to sign unsigned queries")
configDir = flag.String("configDir", ".", "Directory where nodeKey and signerKey are loaded from (default is .)")
listenOnly = flag.Bool("listenOnly", false, "Only listen for responses, don't publish anything (default is false)")
targetPeerId = flag.String("targetPeerId", "", "Only process responses from this peer ID (default is everything)")
func main() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
logger, _ := zap.NewDevelopment()
nodeKey := *configDir + "/" + *nodeKeyPath
var err error
var sk *ecdsa.PrivateKey
if !*listenOnly {
signerKey := *configDir + "/" + *signerKeyPath
logger.Info("Loading signing key", zap.String("signingKeyPath", signerKey))
sk, err = common.LoadArmoredKey(signerKey, CCQ_SERVER_SIGNING_KEY, true)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to load guardian key", zap.Error(err))
logger.Info("Signing key loaded", zap.String("publicKey", ethCrypto.PubkeyToAddress(sk.PublicKey).Hex()))
// Load p2p private key
var priv crypto.PrivKey
priv, err = common.GetOrCreateNodeKey(logger, nodeKey)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Failed to load node key", zap.Error(err))
// Manual p2p setup
components := p2p.DefaultComponents()
components.Port = uint(*p2pPort)
bootstrapPeers := *p2pBootstrap
networkID := *p2pNetworkID + "/ccq"
h, err := p2p.NewHost(logger, ctx, networkID, bootstrapPeers, components, priv)
if err != nil {
topic_req := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", networkID, "ccq_req")
topic_resp := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", networkID, "ccq_resp")
logger.Info("Subscribing pubsub topic", zap.String("topic_req", topic_req), zap.String("topic_resp", topic_resp))
ps, err := pubsub.NewGossipSub(ctx, h)
if err != nil {
th_req, err := ps.Join(topic_req)
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("failed to join request topic", zap.String("topic_req", topic_req), zap.Error(err))
th_resp, err := ps.Join(topic_resp)
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("failed to join response topic", zap.String("topic_resp", topic_resp), zap.Error(err))
sub, err := th_resp.Subscribe()
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("failed to subscribe to response topic", zap.Error(err))
logger.Info("Test started", zap.String("peer_id", h.ID().String()),
zap.String("addrs", fmt.Sprintf("%v", h.Addrs())))
// Wait for peers
logger.Info("Waiting for peers")
for len(th_req.ListPeers()) < 1 {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
logger.Info("Got peers", zap.Int("numPeers", len(th_req.ListPeers())))
// Handle SIGTERM
sigterm := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigterm, syscall.SIGTERM)
signal.Notify(sigterm, syscall.SIGINT)
go func() {
logger.Info("Received sigterm. exiting.")
if *listenOnly {
listenForMessages(ctx, logger, sub)
} else {
wethAbi, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader("[{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"name\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"string\"}],\"payable\":false,\"stateMutability\":\"view\",\"type\":\"function\"},{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"totalSupply\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"uint256\"}],\"payable\":false,\"stateMutability\":\"view\",\"type\":\"function\"}]"))
if err != nil {
methods := []string{"name", "totalSupply"}
callData := []*query.EthCallData{}
to, _ := hex.DecodeString("C02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2")
for _, method := range methods {
data, err := wethAbi.Pack(method)
if err != nil {
callData = append(callData, &query.EthCallData{
To: to,
Data: data,
// Fetch the latest block number
//url := "https://localhost:8545"
url := ""
logger.Info("Querying for latest block height", zap.String("url", url))
blockNum, err := utils.FetchLatestBlockNumberFromUrl(ctx, url)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Failed to fetch latest block number", zap.Error(err))
logger.Info("latest block", zap.String("num", blockNum.String()), zap.String("encoded", hexutil.EncodeBig(blockNum)))
// block := "0x28d9630"
// block := "latest"
// block := "0x9999bac44d09a7f69ee7941819b0a19c59ccb1969640cc513be09ef95ed2d8e2"
// Start of query creation...
callRequest := &query.EthCallQueryRequest{
BlockId: hexutil.EncodeBig(blockNum),
CallData: callData,
// Send 2 individual requests for the same thing but 5 blocks apart
// First request...
logger.Info("calling sendQueryAndGetRsp for ", zap.String("blockNum", blockNum.String()), zap.String("publicKey", ethCrypto.PubkeyToAddress(sk.PublicKey).Hex()))
queryRequest := createQueryRequest(callRequest)
sendQueryAndGetRsp(queryRequest, sk, th_req, ctx, logger, sub, wethAbi, methods)
// This is just so that when I look at the output, it is easier for me. (Paul)
logger.Info("sleeping for 5 seconds")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
// Cleanly shutdown
// Without this the same host won't properly discover peers until some timeout
if err := th_req.Close(); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Error closing the request topic", zap.Error(err))
if err := th_resp.Close(); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Error closing the response topic", zap.Error(err))
if err := h.Close(); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Error closing the host", zap.Error(err))
logger.Info("Success! Test passed!")
const (
func createQueryRequest(callRequest *query.EthCallQueryRequest) *query.QueryRequest {
queryRequest := &query.QueryRequest{
Nonce: rand.Uint32(),
PerChainQueries: []*query.PerChainQueryRequest{
ChainId: 2,
Query: callRequest,
return queryRequest
func sendQueryAndGetRsp(queryRequest *query.QueryRequest, sk *ecdsa.PrivateKey, th *pubsub.Topic, ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, sub *pubsub.Subscription, wethAbi abi.ABI, methods []string) {
queryRequestBytes, err := queryRequest.Marshal()
if err != nil {
numQueries := len(queryRequest.PerChainQueries)
// Sign the query request using our private key.
digest := query.QueryRequestDigest(common.MainNet, queryRequestBytes)
sig, err := ethCrypto.Sign(digest.Bytes(), sk)
if err != nil {
signedQueryRequest := &gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest{
QueryRequest: queryRequestBytes,
Signature: sig,
msg := gossipv1.GossipMessage{
Message: &gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedQueryRequest{
SignedQueryRequest: signedQueryRequest,
b, err := proto.Marshal(&msg)
if err != nil {
err = th.Publish(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("Waiting for message...")
// TODO: max wait time
// TODO: accumulate signatures to reach quorum
for {
envelope, err := sub.Next(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("failed to receive pubsub message", zap.Error(err))
var msg gossipv1.GossipMessage
err = proto.Unmarshal(envelope.Data, &msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("received invalid message",
zap.Binary("data", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
var isMatchingResponse bool
switch m := msg.Message.(type) {
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedQueryResponse:
if *targetPeerId != "" && envelope.GetFrom().String() != *targetPeerId {
logger.Info("query response received",
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()),
zap.Any("response", m.SignedQueryResponse),
zap.String("responseBytes", hexutil.Encode(m.SignedQueryResponse.QueryResponse)),
zap.String("sigBytes", hexutil.Encode(m.SignedQueryResponse.Signature)))
var response query.QueryResponsePublication
err := response.Unmarshal(m.SignedQueryResponse.QueryResponse)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to unmarshal response", zap.Error(err))
if bytes.Equal(response.Request.QueryRequest, queryRequestBytes) && bytes.Equal(response.Request.Signature, sig) {
// TODO: verify response signature
isMatchingResponse = true
if len(response.PerChainResponses) != numQueries {
logger.Warn("unexpected number of per chain query responses", zap.Int("expectedNum", numQueries), zap.Int("actualNum", len(response.PerChainResponses)))
// Do double loop over responses
for index := range response.PerChainResponses {
logger.Info("per chain query response index", zap.Int("index", index))
var localCallData []*query.EthCallData
switch ecq := queryRequest.PerChainQueries[index].Query.(type) {
case *query.EthCallQueryRequest:
localCallData = ecq.CallData
panic("unsupported query type")
var localResp *query.EthCallQueryResponse
switch ecq := response.PerChainResponses[index].Response.(type) {
case *query.EthCallQueryResponse:
localResp = ecq
panic("unsupported query type")
if len(localResp.Results) != len(localCallData) {
logger.Warn("unexpected number of results", zap.Int("expectedNum", len(localCallData)), zap.Int("expectedNum", len(localResp.Results)))
for idx, resp := range localResp.Results {
result, err := wethAbi.Methods[methods[idx]].Outputs.Unpack(resp)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn("failed to unpack result", zap.Error(err))
resultStr := hexutil.Encode(resp)
logger.Info("found matching response", zap.Int("idx", idx), zap.Uint64("number", localResp.BlockNumber), zap.String("hash", localResp.Hash.String()), zap.String("time", localResp.Time.String()), zap.String("method", methods[idx]), zap.Any("resultDecoded", result), zap.String("resultStr", resultStr))
if isMatchingResponse {
func listenForMessages(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, sub *pubsub.Subscription) {
if *targetPeerId == "" {
logger.Info("Will not publish, only listening for messages from all peers...")
} else {
logger.Info("Will not publish, only listening for messages from a single peer...", zap.String("peerID", *targetPeerId))
for {
envelope, err := sub.Next(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Panic("failed to receive pubsub message", zap.Error(err))
var msg gossipv1.GossipMessage
err = proto.Unmarshal(envelope.Data, &msg)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("received invalid message",
zap.Binary("data", envelope.Data),
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()))
switch m := msg.Message.(type) {
case *gossipv1.GossipMessage_SignedQueryResponse:
if *targetPeerId != "" && envelope.GetFrom().String() != *targetPeerId {
logger.Info("query response received",
zap.String("from", envelope.GetFrom().String()),
zap.Any("response", m.SignedQueryResponse),
zap.String("responseBytes", hexutil.Encode(m.SignedQueryResponse.QueryResponse)),
zap.String("sigBytes", hexutil.Encode(m.SignedQueryResponse.Signature)))
Reference in New Issue