tilt: two wormchain nodes for devnet (#2228)

This commit is contained in:
Justin Schuldt 2023-01-18 16:15:23 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 3580f51ccf
commit ff7273cc5d
No known key found for this signature in database
31 changed files with 1266 additions and 319 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
load("ext://namespace", "namespace_create", "namespace_inject")
load("ext://secret", "secret_yaml_generic")
# set the replica value of a StatefulSet
def set_replicas_in_statefulset(config_yaml, statefulset_name, num_replicas):
for obj in config_yaml:
if obj["kind"] == "StatefulSet" and obj["metadata"]["name"] == statefulset_name:
obj["spec"]["replicas"] = num_replicas
return config_yaml
# Disable telemetry by default
@ -54,7 +61,6 @@ config.define_bool("guardiand_debug", False, "Enable dlv endpoint for guardiand"
config.define_bool("node_metrics", False, "Enable Prometheus & Grafana for Guardian metrics")
config.define_bool("guardiand_governor", False, "Enable chain governor in guardiand")
config.define_bool("wormchain", False, "Enable a wormchain node")
config.define_bool("secondWormchain", False, "Enable a second wormchain node with different validator keys")
config.define_bool("ibc_relayer", False, "Enable IBC relayer between cosmos chains")
cfg = config.parse()
@ -79,7 +85,6 @@ ci_tests = cfg.get("ci_tests", ci)
guardiand_debug = cfg.get("guardiand_debug", False)
node_metrics = cfg.get("node_metrics", False)
guardiand_governor = cfg.get("guardiand_governor", False)
secondWormchain = cfg.get("secondWormchain", False)
ibc_relayer = cfg.get("ibc_relayer", False)
btc = cfg.get("btc", False)
@ -139,9 +144,10 @@ def command_with_dlv(argv):
def build_node_yaml():
node_yaml = read_yaml_stream("devnet/node.yaml")
for obj in node_yaml:
node_yaml_with_replicas = set_replicas_in_statefulset(node_yaml, "guardian", num_guardians)
for obj in node_yaml_with_replicas:
if obj["kind"] == "StatefulSet" and obj["metadata"]["name"] == "guardian":
obj["spec"]["replicas"] = num_guardians
container = obj["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0]
if container["name"] != "guardiand":
fail("container 0 is not guardiand")
@ -183,7 +189,7 @@ def build_node_yaml():
container["command"] += [
# In testnet and mainnet, you will need to also specify the suiPackage argument. In Devnet, we subscribe to
# In testnet and mainnet, you will need to also specify the suiPackage argument. In Devnet, we subscribe to
# event traffic purely based on the account since that is the only thing that is deterministic.
# "--suiPackage",
# "0x.....",
@ -272,12 +278,12 @@ def build_node_yaml():
if wormchain:
container["command"] += [
return encode_yaml_stream(node_yaml)
return encode_yaml_stream(node_yaml_with_replicas)
@ -297,7 +303,7 @@ if algorand:
if aptos:
guardian_resource_deps = guardian_resource_deps + ["aptos"]
if wormchain:
guardian_resource_deps = guardian_resource_deps + ["guardian-validator"]
guardian_resource_deps = guardian_resource_deps + ["wormchain"]
if sui:
guardian_resource_deps = guardian_resource_deps + ["sui"]
@ -737,14 +743,52 @@ if wormchain:
ref = "wormchaind-image",
context = ".",
dockerfile = "./wormchain/Dockerfile",
build_args = {"num_guardians": str(num_guardians)},
only = [],
ignore = ["./wormchain/testing", "./wormchain/ts-sdk", "./wormchain/design", "./wormchain/vue", "./wormchain/build/wormchaind"],
def build_wormchain_yaml(yaml_path, num_instances):
wormchain_yaml = read_yaml_stream(yaml_path)
# set the number of replicas in the StatefulSet to be num_guardians
wormchain_set = set_replicas_in_statefulset(wormchain_yaml, "wormchain", num_instances)
# add a Service for each wormchain instance
services = []
for obj in wormchain_set:
if obj["kind"] == "Service" and obj["metadata"]["name"] == "wormchain-0":
# make a Service for each replica so we can resolve it by name from other pods.
# copy wormchain-0's Service then set the name and selector for the instance.
for instance_num in list(range(1, num_instances)):
instance_name = 'wormchain-%s' % (instance_num)
# Copy the Service's properties to a new dict, by value, three levels deep.
# tl;dr - if the value is a dict, use a comprehension to copy it immutably.
service = { k: ({ k2: ({ k3:v3
for (k3,v3) in v2.items()} if type(v2) == "dict" else v2)
for (k2,v2) in v.items()} if type(v) == "dict" else v)
for (k,v) in obj.items()}
# add the name we want to be able to resolve via k8s DNS
service["metadata"]["name"] = instance_name
# add the name of the pod the service should connect to
service["spec"]["selector"] = { "statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name": instance_name }
return encode_yaml_stream(wormchain_set + services)
wormchain_path = "devnet/wormchain.yaml"
if num_guardians >= 2:
# update wormchain's k8s config to spin up multiple instances
k8s_yaml_with_ns(build_wormchain_yaml(wormchain_path, num_guardians))
port_forwards = [
port_forward(1319, container_port = 1317, name = "REST [:1319]", host = webHost),
port_forward(9090, container_port = 9090, name = "GRPC", host = webHost),
@ -755,19 +799,6 @@ if wormchain:
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
if secondWormchain:
port_forwards = [
port_forward(1320, container_port = 1317, name = "REST [:1320]", host = webHost),
port_forward(26660, container_port = 26657, name = "TENDERMINT [:26660]", host = webHost)
resource_deps = [],
labels = ["wormchain"],
trigger_mode = trigger_mode,
if ibc_relayer:

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
# Service for pods in the StatefulSet, for RPC clients.
# these ports are exposed to the host OS via Tiltfile config.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: guardian-validator
name: guardian-validator
app: wormchain
name: wormchain
- name: rpc
port: 26657
protocol: TCP
- name: rpctwo
- name: p2p
port: 26656
protocol: TCP
- name: rest
@ -19,40 +21,64 @@ spec:
port: 9090
protocol: TCP
app: guardian-validator
app: wormchain
# Service for an individual pod, so other pods can resolve it by name for p2p.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: wormchain
name: wormchain-0
- name: rpc
port: 26657
protocol: TCP
- name: p2p
port: 26656
protocol: TCP
- name: rest
port: 1317
protocol: TCP
- name: cosmos-rpc
port: 9090
protocol: TCP
statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name: wormchain-0
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
app: guardian-validator
name: guardian-validator
app: wormchain
name: wormchain
replicas: 1
app: guardian-validator
app: wormchain
serviceName: wormchain
replicas: 1
type: RollingUpdate
app: guardian-validator
app: wormchain
- name: wormchaind
image: wormchaind-image
- /app/build/wormchaind
- start
- --home
- /app/validators/first_validator
- --log_level
- warn
- /bin/bash
- -c
- "/app/devnet/create-config.sh; /app/build/wormchaind start"
- containerPort: 26657
name: tendermint
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 26656
name: tenderminttwo
name: p2p
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 1317
name: rest
@ -64,6 +90,5 @@ spec:
port: 26657
path: /
periodSeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 5
restartPolicy: Always
serviceName: guardian-validator

View File

@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
"3104": {
"rpcUrlTilt": "http://guardian-validator:1317",
"rpcUrlTilt": "http://wormchain:1317",
"rpcUrlLocal": "http://localhost:1319",
"rpcPort": "1319",
"contracts": {

View File

@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ testing/js/node_modules

View File

@ -12,20 +12,30 @@ COPY ./wormchain/go.sum .
COPY ./sdk /sdk
RUN go mod download
# copy over c bindings (libwasmvm.x86_64.so, etc)
RUN cp -r /go/pkg/mod/github.com/!cosm!wasm/wasmvm@v1.0.0/api/* /usr/lib
COPY ./wormchain .
EXPOSE 26657
EXPOSE 26656
# create the dir for the default "home" config
RUN mkdir -p /root/.wormchain
ARG num_guardians
ENV NUM_GUARDIANS=$num_guardians
RUN /bin/bash /app/devnet/create-genesis.sh
RUN make client
RUN chmod +x /app/build/wormchaind
RUN make validators
RUN /app/build/wormchaind collect-gentxs --home /app/build
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash","-c","/app/build/wormchaind start"]

View File

@ -15,30 +15,11 @@ ldflags = \
BUILD_FLAGS := -ldflags '$(ldflags)'
.PHONY: all
all: client validators
all: client
.PHONY: client
client: build/wormchaind
.PHONY: validators
# These files change when the genesis file changes, so we need to make
# sure to copy them over
touch -m $@
./build/wormchaind --home build/ tendermint unsafe-reset-all
./build/wormchaind --home build/ gentx tiltGuardian "0uworm" --chain-id=wormchain --min-self-delegation="0" --keyring-dir=keyring-test
# Copy config to validators/first_validator
cp build/config/priv_validator_key.json validators/first_validator/config/
cp build/config/node_key.json validators/first_validator/config/
mkdir -p validators/first_validator/keyring-test
cp build/keyring-test/* validators/first_validator/keyring-test/
# Copy these lines for each new validator
# We grab the validator's address from the gentx memo that it creates.
sed -E "s/(persistent_peers = \")[^@]*/\1$$(grep -lR MsgCreateValidator build/config/gentx | xargs grep -l $(TILT_VALADDRESS) | xargs jq '.body.memo' -r | cut -d@ -f1)/" validators/second_validator/config/config.toml -i
mkdir -p validators/second_validator/keyring-test
cp build/keyring-test/* validators/second_validator/keyring-test/
build/wormchaind: cmd/wormchaind/main.go $(GO_FILES)
go build -v $(BUILD_FLAGS) -tags ledger -o $@ $<

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# Cosmos Node config
### Base Configuration ###
chain-id = "wormchain"
# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
minimum-gas-prices = "0uworm"
# default: the last 100 states are kept in addition to every 500th state; pruning at 10 block intervals
# nothing: all historic states will be saved, nothing will be deleted (i.e. archiving node)
# everything: all saved states will be deleted, storing only the current and previous state; pruning at 10 block intervals
# custom: allow pruning options to be manually specified through 'pruning-keep-recent', 'pruning-keep-every', and 'pruning-interval'
pruning = "default"
# These are applied if and only if the pruning strategy is custom.
pruning-keep-recent = "0"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-interval = "0"
# HaltHeight contains a non-zero block height at which a node will gracefully
# halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-height = 0
# HaltTime contains a non-zero minimum block time (in Unix seconds) at which
# a node will gracefully halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades
# and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-time = 0
# MinRetainBlocks defines the minimum block height offset from the current
# block being committed, such that all blocks past this offset are pruned
# from Tendermint. It is used as part of the process of determining the
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight value during ABCI Commit. A value of 0 indicates
# that no blocks should be pruned.
# This configuration value is only responsible for pruning Tendermint blocks.
# It has no bearing on application state pruning which is determined by the
# "pruning-*" configurations.
# Note: Tendermint block pruning is dependant on this parameter in conunction
# with the unbonding (safety threshold) period, state pruning and state sync
# snapshot parameters to determine the correct minimum value of
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight.
min-retain-blocks = 0
# InterBlockCache enables inter-block caching.
inter-block-cache = true
# IndexEvents defines the set of events in the form {eventType}.{attributeKey},
# which informs Tendermint what to index. If empty, all events will be indexed.
# Example:
# ["message.sender", "message.recipient"]
index-events = []
# IavlCacheSize set the size of the iavl tree cache.
# Default cache size is 50mb.
iavl-cache-size = 781250
# IAVLDisableFastNode enables or disables the fast node feature of IAVL.
# Default is true.
iavl-disable-fastnode = true
### Telemetry Configuration ###
# Prefixed with keys to separate services.
service-name = ""
# Enabled enables the application telemetry functionality. When enabled,
# an in-memory sink is also enabled by default. Operators may also enabled
# other sinks such as Prometheus.
enabled = false
# Enable prefixing gauge values with hostname.
enable-hostname = false
# Enable adding hostname to labels.
enable-hostname-label = false
# Enable adding service to labels.
enable-service-label = false
# PrometheusRetentionTime, when positive, enables a Prometheus metrics sink.
prometheus-retention-time = 0
# GlobalLabels defines a global set of name/value label tuples applied to all
# metrics emitted using the wrapper functions defined in telemetry package.
# Example:
# [["chain_id", "cosmoshub-1"]]
global-labels = [
### API Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Swagger defines if swagger documentation should automatically be registered.
swagger = false
# Address defines the API server to listen on.
address = "tcp://"
# MaxOpenConnections defines the number of maximum open connections.
max-open-connections = 1000
# RPCReadTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC read timeout (in seconds).
rpc-read-timeout = 10
# RPCWriteTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC write timeout (in seconds).
rpc-write-timeout = 0
# RPCMaxBodyBytes defines the Tendermint maximum response body (in bytes).
rpc-max-body-bytes = 1000000
# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enabled-unsafe-cors = true
### Rosetta Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the Rosetta API server should be enabled.
enable = false
# Address defines the Rosetta API server to listen on.
address = ":8080"
# Network defines the name of the blockchain that will be returned by Rosetta.
blockchain = "app"
# Network defines the name of the network that will be returned by Rosetta.
network = "network"
# Retries defines the number of retries when connecting to the node before failing.
retries = 3
# Offline defines if Rosetta server should run in offline mode.
offline = false
### gRPC Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
address = ""
### gRPC Web Configuration ###
# GRPCWebEnable defines if the gRPC-web should be enabled.
# NOTE: gRPC must also be enabled, otherwise, this configuration is a no-op.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC-web server address to bind to.
address = ""
# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enable-unsafe-cors = true
### State Sync Configuration ###
# State sync snapshots allow other nodes to rapidly join the network without replaying historical
# blocks, instead downloading and applying a snapshot of the application state at a given height.
# snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
# taken (0 to disable). Must be a multiple of pruning-keep-every.
snapshot-interval = 0
# snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all).
snapshot-keep-recent = 2
# This is the maximum sdk gas (wasm and storage) that we allow for any x/wasm "smart" queries
query_gas_limit = 300000
# This is the number of wasm vm instances we keep cached in memory for speed-up
# Warning: this is currently unstable and may lead to crashes, best to keep for 0 unless testing locally
lru_size = 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Tendermint client config
### Client Configuration ###
# The network chain ID
chain-id = "wormchain"
# The keyring's backend, where the keys are stored (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory)
keyring-backend = "test"
# CLI output format (text|json)
output = "text"
# <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain
node = "tcp://"
# Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block)
broadcast-mode = "block"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
proxy_app = "tcp://"
# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "guardian_validator"
moniker = "wormchain"
# If this node is many blocks behind the tip of the chain, FastSync
# allows them to catchup quickly by downloading blocks in parallel
@ -44,24 +44,24 @@ fast_sync = true
db_backend = "goleveldb"
# Database directory
db_dir = "../../build/data"
db_dir = "data"
# Output level for logging, including package level options
log_level = "warn"
# Output format: 'plain' (colored text) or 'json'
log_format = "plain"
log_format = "json"
##### additional base config options #####
# Path to the JSON file containing the initial validator set and other meta data
genesis_file = "../../build/config/genesis.json"
genesis_file = "config/genesis.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol
priv_validator_key_file = "config/priv_validator_key.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the last sign state of a validator
priv_validator_state_file = "../../build/data/priv_validator_state.json"
priv_validator_state_file = "data/priv_validator_state.json"
# TCP or UNIX socket address for Tendermint to listen on for
# connections from an external PrivValidator process
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ laddr = "tcp://"
# A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
# Default value '[]' disables cors support
# Use '["*"]' to allow any origin
cors_allowed_origins = ["*", ]
cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]
# A list of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_methods = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", ]
@ -136,6 +136,33 @@ max_subscription_clients = 100
# the estimated # maximum number of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscriptions_per_client = 5
# Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of events a node will
# buffer, per subscription, before returning an error and closing the
# subscription. Must be set to at least 100, but higher values will accommodate
# higher event throughput rates (and will use more memory).
experimental_subscription_buffer_size = 200
# Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of RPC responses that
# can be buffered per WebSocket client. If clients cannot read from the
# WebSocket endpoint fast enough, they will be disconnected, so increasing this
# parameter may reduce the chances of them being disconnected (but will cause
# the node to use more memory).
# Must be at least the same as "experimental_subscription_buffer_size",
# otherwise connections could be dropped unnecessarily. This value should
# ideally be somewhat higher than "experimental_subscription_buffer_size" to
# accommodate non-subscription-related RPC responses.
experimental_websocket_write_buffer_size = 200
# If a WebSocket client cannot read fast enough, at present we may
# silently drop events instead of generating an error or disconnecting the
# client.
# Enabling this experimental parameter will cause the WebSocket connection to
# be closed instead if it cannot read fast enough, allowing for greater
# predictability in subscription behaviour.
experimental_close_on_slow_client = false
# How long to wait for a tx to be committed during /broadcast_tx_commit.
# WARNING: Using a value larger than 10s will result in increasing the
# global HTTP write timeout, which applies to all connections and endpoints.
@ -191,11 +218,11 @@ persistent_peers = ""
upnp = false
# Path to address book
addr_book_file = "../../build/config/addrbook.json"
addr_book_file = "config/addrbook.json"
# Set true for strict address routability rules
# Set false for private or local networks
addr_book_strict = true
addr_book_strict = false
# Maximum number of inbound peers
max_num_inbound_peers = 40
@ -245,6 +272,11 @@ dial_timeout = "3s"
# Mempool version to use:
# 1) "v0" - (default) FIFO mempool.
# 2) "v1" - prioritized mempool.
version = "v0"
recheck = true
broadcast = true
wal_dir = ""
@ -274,6 +306,22 @@ max_tx_bytes = 1048576
# XXX: Unused due to https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/5796
max_batch_bytes = 0
# ttl-duration, if non-zero, defines the maximum amount of time a transaction
# can exist for in the mempool.
# Note, if ttl-num-blocks is also defined, a transaction will be removed if it
# has existed in the mempool at least ttl-num-blocks number of blocks or if it's
# insertion time into the mempool is beyond ttl-duration.
ttl-duration = "0s"
# ttl-num-blocks, if non-zero, defines the maximum number of blocks a transaction
# can exist for in the mempool.
# Note, if ttl-duration is also defined, a transaction will be removed if it
# has existed in the mempool at least ttl-num-blocks number of blocks or if
# it's insertion time into the mempool is beyond ttl-duration.
ttl-num-blocks = 0
### State Sync Configuration Options ###
@ -326,7 +374,7 @@ version = "v0"
wal_file = "../../build/data/cs.wal/wal"
wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
# How long we wait for a proposal block before prevoting nil
timeout_propose = "1s"
@ -362,6 +410,16 @@ create_empty_blocks_interval = "0s"
peer_gossip_sleep_duration = "100ms"
peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
### Storage Configuration Options ###
# Set to true to discard ABCI responses from the state store, which can save a
# considerable amount of disk space. Set to false to ensure ABCI responses are
# persisted. ABCI responses are required for /block_results RPC queries, and to
# reindex events in the command-line tool.
discard_abci_responses = false
### Transaction Indexer Configuration Options ###
@ -376,8 +434,14 @@ peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
# 1) "null"
# 2) "kv" (default) - the simplest possible indexer, backed by key-value storage (defaults to levelDB; see DBBackend).
# - When "kv" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
# 3) "psql" - the indexer services backed by PostgreSQL.
# When "kv" or "psql" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
indexer = "kv"
# The PostgreSQL connection configuration, the connection format:
# postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db>?<opts>
psql-conn = ""
### Instrumentation Configuration Options ###

View File

@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
"genesis_time": "2022-09-27T22:08:43.044644477Z",
"chain_id": "wormchain",
"initial_height": "1",
"consensus_params": {
"block": {
"max_bytes": "22020096",
"max_gas": "-1",
"time_iota_ms": "1000"
"evidence": {
"max_age_num_blocks": "100000",
"max_age_duration": "172800000000000",
"max_bytes": "1048576"
"validator": {
"pub_key_types": [
"version": {}
"app_hash": "",
"app_state": {
"auth": {
"params": {
"max_memo_characters": "256",
"tx_sig_limit": "7",
"tx_size_cost_per_byte": "10",
"sig_verify_cost_ed25519": "590",
"sig_verify_cost_secp256k1": "1000"
"accounts": [
"@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
"address": "wormhole1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qna3zg3tq",
"pub_key": null,
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"
"@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
"address": "wormhole1wqwywkce50mg6077huy4j9y8lt80943ks5udzr",
"pub_key": null,
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"
"bank": {
"params": {
"send_enabled": [],
"default_send_enabled": true
"balances": [
"address": "wormhole1wqwywkce50mg6077huy4j9y8lt80943ks5udzr",
"coins": [
"denom": "utest",
"amount": "100000000"
"denom": "uworm",
"amount": "1000000000"
"address": "wormhole1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qna3zg3tq",
"coins": [
"denom": "utest",
"amount": "100000000000"
"denom": "uworm",
"amount": "200000000"
"supply": [],
"denom_metadata": [
"description": "Wormchain's native test asset",
"denom_units": [
"denom": "utest",
"exponent": 0,
"aliases": []
"denom": "test",
"exponent": 6,
"aliases": []
"base": "utest",
"display": "test",
"name": "Test Coin",
"symbol": "TEST"
"description": "Wormchain's native staking asset",
"denom_units": [
"denom": "uworm",
"exponent": 0,
"aliases": []
"denom": "worm",
"exponent": 6,
"aliases": []
"base": "uworm",
"display": "worm",
"name": "Worm Coin",
"symbol": "WORM"
"capability": {
"index": "1",
"owners": []
"crisis": {
"constant_fee": {
"amount": "1000",
"denom": "worm"
"distribution": {
"delegator_starting_infos": [],
"delegator_withdraw_infos": [],
"fee_pool": {
"community_pool": []
"outstanding_rewards": [],
"params": {
"base_proposer_reward": "0.010000000000000000",
"bonus_proposer_reward": "0.040000000000000000",
"community_tax": "0.020000000000000000",
"withdraw_addr_enabled": true
"previous_proposer": "",
"validator_accumulated_commissions": [],
"validator_current_rewards": [],
"validator_historical_rewards": [],
"validator_slash_events": []
"evidence": {
"evidence": []
"feegrant": {
"allowances": []
"genutil": {
"gen_txs": [
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",
"description": {
"moniker": "wormchain-1",
"identity": "",
"website": "",
"security_contact": "",
"details": ""
"commission": {
"rate": "0.100000000000000000",
"max_rate": "0.200000000000000000",
"max_change_rate": "0.010000000000000000"
"min_self_delegation": "0",
"delegator_address": "wormhole1wqwywkce50mg6077huy4j9y8lt80943ks5udzr",
"validator_address": "wormholevaloper1wqwywkce50mg6077huy4j9y8lt80943kxgr79y",
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "Zcujkt1sXRWWLfhgxLAm/Q+ioLn4wFim0OnGPLlCG0I="
"value": {
"denom": "uworm",
"amount": "0"
"memo": "80f4cf2666a9b9237f2841914e990bb22bc5bd2a@wormchain-1:26656",
"timeout_height": "0",
"extension_options": [],
"non_critical_extension_options": []
"auth_info": {
"signer_infos": [
"public_key": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
"key": "ApJi/CY2RGyzA5cQtDwU9c+o7T8OE+SjrgcG5PwLMjTP"
"mode_info": {
"single": {
"sequence": "0"
"fee": {
"amount": [],
"gas_limit": "200000",
"payer": "",
"granter": ""
"signatures": [
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",
"description": {
"moniker": "wormchain-0",
"identity": "",
"website": "",
"security_contact": "",
"details": ""
"commission": {
"rate": "0.100000000000000000",
"max_rate": "0.200000000000000000",
"max_change_rate": "0.010000000000000000"
"min_self_delegation": "0",
"delegator_address": "wormhole1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qna3zg3tq",
"validator_address": "wormholevaloper1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qna87hzv8",
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "fnfoo/C+i+Ng1J8vct6wfvrTS9JeNIG5UeO87ZHKMkY="
"value": {
"denom": "uworm",
"amount": "0"
"memo": "90ea40bee73abfda5226a0e8ddb18b0e324d2a29@wormchain-0:26656",
"timeout_height": "0",
"extension_options": [],
"non_critical_extension_options": []
"auth_info": {
"signer_infos": [
"public_key": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
"key": "AuwYyCUBxQiBGSUWebU46c+OrlApVsyGLHd4qhSDZeiG"
"mode_info": {
"single": {
"sequence": "0"
"fee": {
"amount": [],
"gas_limit": "200000",
"payer": "",
"granter": ""
"signatures": [
"gov": {
"deposit_params": {
"max_deposit_period": "172800s",
"min_deposit": [
"amount": "1000000",
"denom": "uworm"
"deposits": [],
"proposals": [],
"starting_proposal_id": "1",
"tally_params": {
"quorum": "0.334000000000000000",
"threshold": "0.500000000000000000",
"veto_threshold": "0.334000000000000000"
"votes": [],
"voting_params": {
"voting_period": "50s"
"ibc": {
"channel_genesis": {
"ack_sequences": [],
"acknowledgements": [],
"channels": [],
"commitments": [],
"next_channel_sequence": "0",
"receipts": [],
"recv_sequences": [],
"send_sequences": []
"client_genesis": {
"clients": [],
"clients_consensus": [],
"clients_metadata": [],
"create_localhost": false,
"next_client_sequence": "0",
"params": {
"allowed_clients": [
"connection_genesis": {
"client_connection_paths": [],
"connections": [],
"next_connection_sequence": "0",
"params": {
"max_expected_time_per_block": "30000000000"
"mint": {
"minter": {
"annual_provisions": "0.0",
"inflation": "0.0"
"params": {
"blocks_per_year": "6311520",
"goal_bonded": "0.67",
"inflation_max": "0.0",
"inflation_min": "0.0",
"inflation_rate_change": "0.0",
"mint_denom": "uworm"
"params": null,
"slashing": {
"missed_blocks": [],
"params": {
"downtime_jail_duration": "600s",
"min_signed_per_window": "0.500000000000000000",
"signed_blocks_window": "100",
"slash_fraction_double_sign": "0.050000000000000000",
"slash_fraction_downtime": "0.010000000000000000"
"signing_infos": []
"staking": {
"delegations": [],
"exported": false,
"last_total_power": "0",
"last_validator_powers": [],
"params": {
"bond_denom": "uworm",
"historical_entries": 10000,
"max_entries": 7,
"max_validators": 1000,
"unbonding_time": "1814400s"
"redelegations": [],
"unbonding_delegations": [],
"validators": []
"transfer": {
"denom_traces": [],
"params": {
"receive_enabled": true,
"send_enabled": true
"port_id": "transfer"
"upgrade": {},
"vesting": {},
"wasm": {
"params": {
"code_upload_access": {
"permission": "Everybody",
"address": ""
"instantiate_default_permission": "Everybody"
"codes": [],
"contracts": [],
"sequences": [],
"gen_msgs": []
"wormhole": {
"config": {
"chain_id": 3104,
"governance_chain": 1,
"guardian_set_expiration": 86400
"consensusGuardianSetIndex": {
"index": 0
"guardianSetList": [
"expirationTime": 0,
"index": 0,
"keys": [
"guardianValidatorList": [
"guardianKey": "vvpCnVfNGLf4pNkaLamrSvBdD74=",
"validatorAddr": "wQggmD8zRWznvrOgRvWoP6NPAn0="
"replayProtectionList": [],
"sequenceCounterList": []

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# devnet wormchain client config
This folder contains config for running `wormchaind` against the devnet (Tilt) wormchain instance.
### examples
transfer `utest` from the account used by `wormchain-0` to the account used by `wormchain-1`, to smoke-test wormchain - make sure we can connect to the RPC port, the accounts exist, and wormchain is producing blocks.
./build/wormchaind --home build tx bank send wormhole1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qna3zg3tq wormhole1wqwywkce50mg6077huy4j9y8lt80943ks5udzr 1utest --from wormchain-0 --yes --broadcast-mode block --keyring-backend test

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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# Cosmos Node config
### Base Configuration ###
chain-id = "wormchain"
# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction's fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (e.g. 0.25token1;0.0001token2).
minimum-gas-prices = "0uworm"
# default: the last 100 states are kept in addition to every 500th state; pruning at 10 block intervals
# nothing: all historic states will be saved, nothing will be deleted (i.e. archiving node)
# everything: all saved states will be deleted, storing only the current and previous state; pruning at 10 block intervals
# custom: allow pruning options to be manually specified through 'pruning-keep-recent', 'pruning-keep-every', and 'pruning-interval'
pruning = "default"
# These are applied if and only if the pruning strategy is custom.
pruning-keep-recent = "0"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-interval = "0"
# HaltHeight contains a non-zero block height at which a node will gracefully
# halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-height = 0
# HaltTime contains a non-zero minimum block time (in Unix seconds) at which
# a node will gracefully halt and shutdown that can be used to assist upgrades
# and testing.
# Note: Commitment of state will be attempted on the corresponding block.
halt-time = 0
# MinRetainBlocks defines the minimum block height offset from the current
# block being committed, such that all blocks past this offset are pruned
# from Tendermint. It is used as part of the process of determining the
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight value during ABCI Commit. A value of 0 indicates
# that no blocks should be pruned.
# This configuration value is only responsible for pruning Tendermint blocks.
# It has no bearing on application state pruning which is determined by the
# "pruning-*" configurations.
# Note: Tendermint block pruning is dependant on this parameter in conunction
# with the unbonding (safety threshold) period, state pruning and state sync
# snapshot parameters to determine the correct minimum value of
# ResponseCommit.RetainHeight.
min-retain-blocks = 0
# InterBlockCache enables inter-block caching.
inter-block-cache = true
# IndexEvents defines the set of events in the form {eventType}.{attributeKey},
# which informs Tendermint what to index. If empty, all events will be indexed.
# Example:
# ["message.sender", "message.recipient"]
index-events = []
# IavlCacheSize set the size of the iavl tree cache.
# Default cache size is 50mb.
iavl-cache-size = 781250
# IAVLDisableFastNode enables or disables the fast node feature of IAVL.
# Default is true.
iavl-disable-fastnode = true
### Telemetry Configuration ###
# Prefixed with keys to separate services.
service-name = ""
# Enabled enables the application telemetry functionality. When enabled,
# an in-memory sink is also enabled by default. Operators may also enabled
# other sinks such as Prometheus.
enabled = false
# Enable prefixing gauge values with hostname.
enable-hostname = false
# Enable adding hostname to labels.
enable-hostname-label = false
# Enable adding service to labels.
enable-service-label = false
# PrometheusRetentionTime, when positive, enables a Prometheus metrics sink.
prometheus-retention-time = 0
# GlobalLabels defines a global set of name/value label tuples applied to all
# metrics emitted using the wrapper functions defined in telemetry package.
# Example:
# [["chain_id", "cosmoshub-1"]]
global-labels = [
### API Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the API server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Swagger defines if swagger documentation should automatically be registered.
swagger = false
# Address defines the API server to listen on.
address = "tcp://"
# MaxOpenConnections defines the number of maximum open connections.
max-open-connections = 1000
# RPCReadTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC read timeout (in seconds).
rpc-read-timeout = 10
# RPCWriteTimeout defines the Tendermint RPC write timeout (in seconds).
rpc-write-timeout = 0
# RPCMaxBodyBytes defines the Tendermint maximum response body (in bytes).
rpc-max-body-bytes = 1000000
# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enabled-unsafe-cors = true
### Rosetta Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the Rosetta API server should be enabled.
enable = false
# Address defines the Rosetta API server to listen on.
address = ":8080"
# Network defines the name of the blockchain that will be returned by Rosetta.
blockchain = "app"
# Network defines the name of the network that will be returned by Rosetta.
network = "network"
# Retries defines the number of retries when connecting to the node before failing.
retries = 3
# Offline defines if Rosetta server should run in offline mode.
offline = false
### gRPC Configuration ###
# Enable defines if the gRPC server should be enabled.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC server address to bind to.
address = ""
### gRPC Web Configuration ###
# GRPCWebEnable defines if the gRPC-web should be enabled.
# NOTE: gRPC must also be enabled, otherwise, this configuration is a no-op.
enable = true
# Address defines the gRPC-web server address to bind to.
address = ""
# EnableUnsafeCORS defines if CORS should be enabled (unsafe - use it at your own risk).
enable-unsafe-cors = true
### State Sync Configuration ###
# State sync snapshots allow other nodes to rapidly join the network without replaying historical
# blocks, instead downloading and applying a snapshot of the application state at a given height.
# snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
# taken (0 to disable). Must be a multiple of pruning-keep-every.
snapshot-interval = 0
# snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all).
snapshot-keep-recent = 2
# This is the maximum sdk gas (wasm and storage) that we allow for any x/wasm "smart" queries
query_gas_limit = 300000
# This is the number of wasm vm instances we keep cached in memory for speed-up
# Warning: this is currently unstable and may lead to crashes, best to keep for 0 unless testing locally
lru_size = 0

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Tendermint client config
### Client Configuration ###
# The network chain ID
chain-id = "wormchain"
# The keyring's backend, where the keys are stored (os|file|kwallet|pass|test|memory)
keyring-backend = "test"
# CLI output format (text|json)
output = "text"
# <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain
node = "tcp://localhost:26659"
# Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block)
broadcast-mode = "block"

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
proxy_app = "tcp://"
# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "second_validator"
moniker = "wormchain-0"
# If this node is many blocks behind the tip of the chain, FastSync
# allows them to catchup quickly by downloading blocks in parallel
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ fast_sync = true
db_backend = "goleveldb"
# Database directory
db_dir = "../../build/data"
db_dir = "data"
# Output level for logging, including package level options
log_level = "warn"
log_level = "debug"
# Output format: 'plain' (colored text) or 'json'
log_format = "plain"
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ log_format = "plain"
##### additional base config options #####
# Path to the JSON file containing the initial validator set and other meta data
genesis_file = "../../build/config/genesis.json"
genesis_file = "config/genesis.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the private key to use as a validator in the consensus protocol
priv_validator_key_file = "config/priv_validator_key.json"
# Path to the JSON file containing the last sign state of a validator
priv_validator_state_file = "../../build/data/priv_validator_state.json"
priv_validator_state_file = "data/priv_validator_state.json"
# TCP or UNIX socket address for Tendermint to listen on for
# connections from an external PrivValidator process
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ laddr = "tcp://"
# A list of origins a cross-domain request can be executed from
# Default value '[]' disables cors support
# Use '["*"]' to allow any origin
cors_allowed_origins = ["*", ]
cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]
# A list of methods the client is allowed to use with cross-domain requests
cors_allowed_methods = ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", ]
@ -136,6 +136,33 @@ max_subscription_clients = 100
# the estimated # maximum number of broadcast_tx_commit calls per block.
max_subscriptions_per_client = 5
# Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of events a node will
# buffer, per subscription, before returning an error and closing the
# subscription. Must be set to at least 100, but higher values will accommodate
# higher event throughput rates (and will use more memory).
experimental_subscription_buffer_size = 200
# Experimental parameter to specify the maximum number of RPC responses that
# can be buffered per WebSocket client. If clients cannot read from the
# WebSocket endpoint fast enough, they will be disconnected, so increasing this
# parameter may reduce the chances of them being disconnected (but will cause
# the node to use more memory).
# Must be at least the same as "experimental_subscription_buffer_size",
# otherwise connections could be dropped unnecessarily. This value should
# ideally be somewhat higher than "experimental_subscription_buffer_size" to
# accommodate non-subscription-related RPC responses.
experimental_websocket_write_buffer_size = 200
# If a WebSocket client cannot read fast enough, at present we may
# silently drop events instead of generating an error or disconnecting the
# client.
# Enabling this experimental parameter will cause the WebSocket connection to
# be closed instead if it cannot read fast enough, allowing for greater
# predictability in subscription behaviour.
experimental_close_on_slow_client = false
# How long to wait for a tx to be committed during /broadcast_tx_commit.
# WARNING: Using a value larger than 10s will result in increasing the
# global HTTP write timeout, which applies to all connections and endpoints.
@ -185,17 +212,17 @@ external_address = ""
seeds = ""
# Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections to
persistent_peers = "c3f474217c930af3a4e998c4e52a57cee188ff43@guardian-validator:26656"
persistent_peers = ""
# UPNP port forwarding
upnp = false
# Path to address book
addr_book_file = "../../build/config/addrbook.json"
addr_book_file = "config/addrbook.json"
# Set true for strict address routability rules
# Set false for private or local networks
addr_book_strict = true
addr_book_strict = false
# Maximum number of inbound peers
max_num_inbound_peers = 40
@ -245,6 +272,11 @@ dial_timeout = "3s"
# Mempool version to use:
# 1) "v0" - (default) FIFO mempool.
# 2) "v1" - prioritized mempool.
version = "v0"
recheck = true
broadcast = true
wal_dir = ""
@ -274,6 +306,22 @@ max_tx_bytes = 1048576
# XXX: Unused due to https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/5796
max_batch_bytes = 0
# ttl-duration, if non-zero, defines the maximum amount of time a transaction
# can exist for in the mempool.
# Note, if ttl-num-blocks is also defined, a transaction will be removed if it
# has existed in the mempool at least ttl-num-blocks number of blocks or if it's
# insertion time into the mempool is beyond ttl-duration.
ttl-duration = "0s"
# ttl-num-blocks, if non-zero, defines the maximum number of blocks a transaction
# can exist for in the mempool.
# Note, if ttl-duration is also defined, a transaction will be removed if it
# has existed in the mempool at least ttl-num-blocks number of blocks or if
# it's insertion time into the mempool is beyond ttl-duration.
ttl-num-blocks = 0
### State Sync Configuration Options ###
@ -326,7 +374,7 @@ version = "v0"
wal_file = "../../build/data/cs.wal/wal"
wal_file = "data/cs.wal/wal"
# How long we wait for a proposal block before prevoting nil
timeout_propose = "1s"
@ -362,6 +410,16 @@ create_empty_blocks_interval = "0s"
peer_gossip_sleep_duration = "100ms"
peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
### Storage Configuration Options ###
# Set to true to discard ABCI responses from the state store, which can save a
# considerable amount of disk space. Set to false to ensure ABCI responses are
# persisted. ABCI responses are required for /block_results RPC queries, and to
# reindex events in the command-line tool.
discard_abci_responses = false
### Transaction Indexer Configuration Options ###
@ -376,8 +434,14 @@ peer_query_maj23_sleep_duration = "2s"
# 1) "null"
# 2) "kv" (default) - the simplest possible indexer, backed by key-value storage (defaults to levelDB; see DBBackend).
# - When "kv" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
# 3) "psql" - the indexer services backed by PostgreSQL.
# When "kv" or "psql" is chosen "tx.height" and "tx.hash" will always be indexed.
indexer = "kv"
# The PostgreSQL connection configuration, the connection format:
# postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db>?<opts>
psql-conn = ""
### Instrumentation Configuration Options ###

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
if [ -z "${NUM_GUARDIANS}" ]; then
echo "Error: NUM_GUARDIANS is unset, cannot create wormchain config."
exit 1
# Get the hostname
# # for local development/debugging, set the hostname as it would be in a devnet container
# if [ ! -z "${INST}" ]; then
# hostname="wormchain-$INST"
# echo "set hostname with INST value: $hostname"
# fi
# Check if the hostname starts with "wormchain-"
if [[ ! $hostname =~ ^wormchain- ]]; then
# If the hostname does not start with "wormchain-", print an error message and exit
echo "Error: hostname does not start with 'wormchain-'"
exit 1
# Split the hostname on "-"
instance=$(echo $hostname | cut -d'-' -f2)
# get the context of this script call, so it can be prepended to file paths,
# so this script will work in the tilt docker container, and when run locally.
# config dir path for the instance, which is passed to wormchaind via --home
# copy config from devnet/base
cp -r $pwd/devnet/base/* ${home_path}/
# update the moniker
sed -i "s/moniker = \"wormchain\"/moniker = \"$hostname\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml
# set the external address so wormchain peers can resolve each other
sed -i "s/external_address = \"\"/external_address = \"${hostname}:26656\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml
if [ $instance -eq 0 ] && [ $NUM_GUARDIANS -ge 2 ]; then
echo "$hostname: enabling seed mode in config.toml."
sed -i "s/seed_mode = false/seed_mode = true/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml
elif [ $instance -ge 1 ]; then
echo "$hostname: adding seed address to config.toml."
sed -i "s/seeds = \"\"/seeds = \"90ea40bee73abfda5226a0e8ddb18b0e324d2a29@wormchain-0:26656\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml
sed -i "s/persistent_peers = \"\"/persistent_peers = \"90ea40bee73abfda5226a0e8ddb18b0e324d2a29@wormchain-0:26656\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml
# copy the config to tendermint's default location, ~/.{chain-id}
mkdir -p /root/.wormchain && cp -r ${home_path}/* /root/.wormchain/
echo "$hostname: done with create-config.sh, exiting success."

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
if [ -z "${NUM_GUARDIANS}" ]; then
echo "Error: NUM_GUARDIANS is unset, cannot create wormchain genesis."
exit 1
# create a sequence of the wormchain instances to include
# loop through the sequence, reading the data from the instance's dir
# add the genesis account to:
# app_state.auth.accounts
# app_state.bank.balances
# add the gentx
# add the guardian pubkey base64 to wormhole.guardianSetList[0].keys
# add the validator obj to wormhole.guardianValidatorList
# TEMP manually add the second validator info to genesis.json
if [ $NUM_GUARDIANS -ge 2 ]; then
echo "number of guardians is >= 2, adding second validator to genesis.json."
# the validator info for wormchain-1
# add the validatorAddr to guardianSetList.keys.
# use jq to add the object to the list in genesis.json. use cat and a sub-shell to send the output of jq to the json file.
cat <<< $(jq --arg new "$guardianKey" '.app_state.wormhole.guardianSetList[0].keys += [$new]' ${genesis}) > ${genesis}
# create a guardianValidator config object and add it to the guardianValidatorList.
validatorConfig="{\"guardianKey\": \"$guardianKey\", \"validatorAddr\": \"$validatorAddr\"}"
cat <<< $(jq --argjson new "$validatorConfig" '.app_state.wormhole.guardianValidatorList += [$new]' ${genesis}) > ${genesis}
echo "done with genesis, exiting."

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"priv_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "DONGe0wxovG1ZuCQ1iMbyBCW/hG5UeKz6ZFfhdZYznRSC48Lc1nwhUwXzHtXfwAOY0mO3mhTy4CMwPeYFvBZ1A=="

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@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
"type": "tendermint/PrivKeyEd25519",
"value": "SGWIYI3BgC/dxNOk1gYx6LpChAKqWGtAfZSx0SDFWuhly6OS3WxdFZYt+GDEsCb9D6KgufjAWKbQ6cY8uUIbQg=="

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
halt-height = 0
halt-time = 0
index-events = []
inter-block-cache = true
min-retain-blocks = 0
minimum-gas-prices = "0stake"
pruning = "default"
pruning-interval = "0"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-keep-recent = "0"
address = "tcp://"
enable = true
enabled-unsafe-cors = true
max-open-connections = 1000
rpc-max-body-bytes = 1000000
rpc-read-timeout = 10
rpc-write-timeout = 0
swagger = false
address = ""
enable = true
address = ""
enable = true
enable-unsafe-cors = false
address = ":8080"
blockchain = "app"
enable = false
network = "network"
offline = false
retries = 3
cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]
snapshot-interval = 0
snapshot-keep-recent = 2
enable-hostname = false
enable-hostname-label = false
enable-service-label = false
enabled = false
global-labels = []
prometheus-retention-time = 0
service-name = ""
lru_size = 0
query_gas_limit = 300000

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
broadcast-mode = "block"
chain-id = "wormchain"
keyring-backend = "test"
node = "tcp://localhost:26657"
output = "text"

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: second-validator
name: second-validator
- name: rpc
port: 26657
protocol: TCP
- name: rpctwo
port: 26656
protocol: TCP
- name: rest
port: 1317
protocol: TCP
app: second-validator
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
app: second-validator
name: second-validator
replicas: 1
app: second-validator
app: second-validator
- name: wormchaind
image: wormchaind-image
- /app/build/wormchaind
- start
- --home
- /app/validators/second_validator
- --log_level
- warn
- containerPort: 26657
name: tendermint
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 26656
name: tenderminttwo
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 1317
name: rest
protocol: TCP
port: 26657
path: /
periodSeconds: 1
restartPolicy: Always
serviceName: second-validator

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# Wormhole Chain Tilt Validator Environment
The intent of this validators directory is to make a network of realish validators which will run in tiltnet, and are useable for testing purposes.
## How the Tilt environment works:
The Dockerfile in the root directory builds into the directory `/guardian_validator`. The ignite build is perfectly useable in a single validator environment, but has the downside of using different tendermint keys each time as part of the ignite process. This makes it tricky to write repeatable tests which deal with validator registration or bonding.
In order for our tests to run determininistically, we want to use the exact same node address, tendermint keys, operator addresses, and guardian keys every single time the tilt environment stands up. However, we also want to capture code changes to the `config.yml`, ignite modules, and `cosmos-sdk` fork, so we cannot easily abandon using ignite to build and initialize the chain.
To accomplish this, we first start a single validator with a fixed Tendermint address, which is specified in the `genesis.json` as both a validator and a Guardian Validator. This first validator can bootstrap the network, and allow all subsequent validators to come online and register.
Thus, `first_validator` (represented in tilt as `guardian-validator`) is a special node. Ignite outputs a newly generated validator public key as the only validator in its `genesis.json`. However, the Dockerfile then explicitly runs a `collect-gentxs` command afterwards, which moves the JSON at `/first_validator/genesis/gentx.json` into the genesis file at `/guardian_validator/genesis.json`. The genesis file in the `/guardian_validator` directory is used by all the validators. Thus, after the genesis block, the `first_validator` is the only validator. All later validators come on initially with 0 voting power. The `genesis.json` (specifically, the gentxs it got from `first_validator/genesis/gentxs`) maps the `first_validator`'s tendermint key to the tiltGuardian operator address, and then the `config.yml` file maps the tiltGuardian operator address to the Tilt Guardian Public key by putting it into the genesis init of the Wormhole module.
## How to add new Validators to Tilt
1. Generate private keys for the validator. The easiest way to do this is to add a new account to the config.yml (with a mnemonic), and then run the following command. This will generate all the private keys and config files for the node.
2. Create a new directory in the validators folder. Copy the content of the `/keyring-test` and `/config` directories inside `/build` into this newly created folder
3. Change the `validators` target in the `Makefile` to include the new directory.
5. Add a new kubernetes configuration for this validator into the `/kubernetes` directory.
6. Add 87FDA636405386BF686341442ACC9FDECF9A2396@guardian-validator:26656 (the `first_validator`) to the list of `persistent_peers` in the config.toml file of the new validator. This will allow the new node to discover the other validators when it comes online.
7. Add the new kubernetes object to the `Tiltfile`
At this point you should have a container which comes online as a non-validating node, and no additional action is needed if that is sufficient. A couple other things you may want to make note of are:
- The Tendermint ID & pubkey of the node. The IDs of the first two nodes are posted below. The easiest way to get this is to simply grab it from the logs when the validator starts up.
- Adding your validator to the genesis block. When you run `make`, it should put out a gentx file. This gentx payload needs to make its way into the `genesis.json` in order for the validator to be registered in the genesis block. The easiest way to do this would be to run the `./build/wormchaind gentx` command (with the required arguments), then running `make` again.
## Validator Information
first validator:
addr=87FDA636405386BF686341442ACC9FDECF9A2396 pubKey=m9OwPF6HSFZ2sI3lUU8myhsHY2CfueG99l2IMAGgQ5g=
second validator:
addr=3C7020B8D1889869974F2A1353203D611B824525 pubKey=Zcujkt1sXRWWLfhgxLAm/Q+ioLn4wFim0OnGPLlCG0I=

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
halt-height = 0
halt-time = 0
index-events = []
inter-block-cache = true
min-retain-blocks = 0
minimum-gas-prices = "0stake"
pruning = "default"
pruning-interval = "0"
pruning-keep-every = "0"
pruning-keep-recent = "0"
address = "tcp://"
enable = true
enabled-unsafe-cors = true
max-open-connections = 1000
rpc-max-body-bytes = 1000000
rpc-read-timeout = 10
rpc-write-timeout = 0
swagger = false
address = ""
enable = true
address = ""
enable = true
enable-unsafe-cors = false
address = ":8080"
blockchain = "app"
enable = false
network = "network"
offline = false
retries = 3
cors_allowed_origins = ["*"]
snapshot-interval = 0
snapshot-keep-recent = 2
enable-hostname = false
enable-hostname-label = false
enable-service-label = false
enabled = false
global-labels = []
prometheus-retention-time = 0
service-name = ""
lru_size = 0
query_gas_limit = 300000

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
broadcast-mode = "block"
chain-id = "wormchain"
keyring-backend = "test"
node = "tcp://localhost:26657"
output = "text"