syntax = "proto3"; package spy.v1; option go_package = ";spyv1"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "publicrpc/v1/publicrpc.proto"; // SpyRPCService exposes a gossip introspection service, allowing sniffing of gossip messages. service SpyRPCService { // SubscribeSignedVAA returns a stream of signed VAA messages received on the network. rpc SubscribeSignedVAA (SubscribeSignedVAARequest) returns (stream SubscribeSignedVAAResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v1:subscribe_signed_vaa" body: "*" }; } } // A MessageFilter represents an exact match for an emitter. message EmitterFilter { // Source chain publicrpc.v1.ChainID chain_id = 1; // Hex-encoded (without leading 0x) emitter address. string emitter_address = 2; } message FilterEntry { oneof filter { EmitterFilter emitter_filter = 1; } } message SubscribeSignedVAARequest { // List of filters to apply to the stream (OR). // If empty, all messages are streamed. repeated FilterEntry filters = 1; } message SubscribeSignedVAAResponse { // Raw VAA bytes bytes vaa_bytes = 1; }