package supervisor import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "runtime/debug" "time" "" ) // The processor maintains runnable goroutines - ie., when requested will start one, and then once it exists it will // record the result and act accordingly. It is also responsible for detecting and acting upon supervision subtrees that // need to be restarted after death (via a 'GC' process) // processorRequest is a request for the processor. Only one of the fields can be set. type processorRequest struct { schedule *processorRequestSchedule died *processorRequestDied waitSettled *processorRequestWaitSettled } // processorRequestSchedule requests that a given node's runnable be started. type processorRequestSchedule struct { dn string } // processorRequestDied is a signal from a runnable goroutine that the runnable has died. type processorRequestDied struct { dn string err error } type processorRequestWaitSettled struct { waiter chan struct{} } // processor is the main processing loop. func (s *supervisor) processor(ctx context.Context) { s.ilogger.Info("supervisor processor started") // Waiters waiting for the GC to be settled. var waiters []chan struct{} // The GC will run every millisecond if needed. Any time the processor requests a change in the supervision tree // (ie a death or a new runnable) it will mark the state as dirty and run the GC on the next millisecond cycle. gc := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Millisecond) defer gc.Stop() clean := true // How long has the GC been clean. This is used to notify 'settled' waiters. cleanCycles := 0 markDirty := func() { clean = false cleanCycles = 0 } for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): s.ilogger.Info("supervisor processor exiting...", zap.Error(ctx.Err())) s.processKill() s.ilogger.Info("supervisor exited") return case <-gc.C: if !clean { s.processGC() } clean = true cleanCycles += 1 // This threshold is somewhat arbitrary. It's a balance between test speed and test reliability. if cleanCycles > 50 { for _, w := range waiters { close(w) } waiters = nil } case r := <-s.pReq: switch { case r.schedule != nil: s.processSchedule(r.schedule) markDirty() case r.died != nil: s.processDied(r.died) markDirty() case r.waitSettled != nil: waiters = append(waiters, r.waitSettled.waiter) default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled request %+v", r)) } } } } // processKill cancels all nodes in the supervision tree. This is only called right before exiting the processor, so // they do not get automatically restarted. func (s *supervisor) processKill() { defer // Gather all context cancel functions. var cancels []func() queue := []*node{s.root} for { if len(queue) == 0 { break } cur := queue[0] queue = queue[1:] cancels = append(cancels, cur.ctxC) for _, c := range cur.children { queue = append(queue, c) } } // Call all context cancels. for _, c := range cancels { c() } } // processSchedule starts a node's runnable in a goroutine and records its output once it's done. func (s *supervisor) processSchedule(r *processorRequestSchedule) { defer n := s.nodeByDN(r.dn) go func() { if !s.propagatePanic { defer func() { if rec := recover(); rec != nil { s.pReq <- &processorRequest{ died: &processorRequestDied{ dn: r.dn, err: fmt.Errorf("panic: %v, stacktrace: %s", rec, string(debug.Stack())), }, } } }() } res := n.runnable(n.ctx) s.pReq <- &processorRequest{ died: &processorRequestDied{ dn: r.dn, err: res, }, } }() } // processDied records the result from a runnable goroutine, and updates its node state accordingly. If the result // is a death and not an expected exit, related nodes (ie. children and group siblings) are canceled accordingly. func (s *supervisor) processDied(r *processorRequestDied) { defer // Okay, so a Runnable has quit. What now? n := s.nodeByDN(r.dn) ctx := n.ctx // Simple case: it was marked as Done and quit with no error. if n.state == nodeStateDone && r.err == nil { // Do nothing. This was supposed to happen. Keep the process as DONE. return } // Find innermost error to check if it's a context canceled error. perr := r.err for { if inner := errors.Unwrap(perr); inner != nil { perr = inner continue } break } // Simple case: the context was canceled and the returned error is the context error. if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil && perr == err { // Mark the node as canceled successfully. n.state = nodeStateCanceled return } // Otherwise, the Runnable should not have died or quit. Handle accordingly. err := r.err // A lack of returned error is also an error. if err == nil { err = fmt.Errorf("returned when %s", n.state) } else { err = fmt.Errorf("returned error when %s: %w", n.state, err) } s.ilogger.Error("Runnable died", zap.String("dn", n.dn()), zap.Error(err)) // Mark as dead. n.state = nodeStateDead // Cancel that node's context, just in case something still depends on it. n.ctxC() // Cancel all siblings. if n.parent != nil { for name := range n.parent.groupSiblings( { if name == { continue } sibling := n.parent.children[name] // TODO(q3k): does this need to run in a goroutine, ie. can a context cancel block? sibling.ctxC() } } } // processGC runs the GC process. It's not really Garbage Collection, as in, it doesn't remove unnecessary tree nodes - // but it does find nodes that need to be restarted, find the subset that can and then schedules them for running. // As such, it's less of a Garbage Collector and more of a Necromancer. However, GC is a friendlier name. func (s *supervisor) processGC() { defer // The 'GC' serves is the main business logic of the supervision tree. It traverses a locked tree and tries to // find subtrees that must be restarted (because of a DEAD/CANCELED runnable). It then finds which of these // subtrees that should be restarted can be restarted, ie. which ones are fully recursively DEAD/CANCELED. It // also finds the smallest set of largest subtrees that can be restarted, ie. if there's multiple DEAD runnables // that can be restarted at once, it will do so. // Phase one: Find all leaves. // This is a simple DFS that finds all the leaves of the tree, ie all nodes that do not have children nodes. leaves := make(map[string]bool) queue := []*node{s.root} for { if len(queue) == 0 { break } cur := queue[0] queue = queue[1:] for _, c := range cur.children { queue = append([]*node{c}, queue...) } if len(cur.children) == 0 { leaves[cur.dn()] = true } } // Phase two: traverse tree from node to root and make note of all subtrees that can be restarted. // A subtree is restartable/ready iff every node in that subtree is either CANCELED, DEAD or DONE. // Such a 'ready' subtree can be restarted by the supervisor if needed. // DNs that we already visited. visited := make(map[string]bool) // DNs whose subtrees are ready to be restarted. // These are all subtrees recursively - ie., root.a.a and root.a will both be marked here. ready := make(map[string]bool) // We build a queue of nodes to visit, starting from the leaves. queue = []*node{} for l := range leaves { queue = append(queue, s.nodeByDN(l)) } for { if len(queue) == 0 { break } cur := queue[0] curDn := cur.dn() queue = queue[1:] // Do we have a decision about our children? allVisited := true for _, c := range cur.children { if !visited[c.dn()] { allVisited = false break } } // If no decision about children is available, it means we ended up in this subtree through some shorter path // of a shorter/lower-order leaf. There is a path to a leaf that's longer than the one that caused this node // to be enqueued. Easy solution: just push back the current element and retry later. if !allVisited { // Push back to queue and wait for a decision later. queue = append(queue, cur) continue } // All children have been visited and we have an idea about whether they're ready/restartable. All of the node's // children must be restartable in order for this node to be restartable. childrenReady := true for _, c := range cur.children { if !ready[c.dn()] { childrenReady = false break } } // In addition to children, the node itself must be restartable (ie. DONE, DEAD or CANCELED). curReady := false switch cur.state { case nodeStateDone: curReady = true case nodeStateCanceled: curReady = true case nodeStateDead: curReady = true } // Note down that we have an opinion on this node, and note that opinion down. visited[curDn] = true ready[curDn] = childrenReady && curReady // Now we can also enqueue the parent of this node for processing. if cur.parent != nil && !visited[cur.parent.dn()] { queue = append(queue, cur.parent) } } // Phase 3: traverse tree from root to find largest subtrees that need to be restarted and are ready to be // restarted. // All DNs that need to be restarted by the GC process. want := make(map[string]bool) // All DNs that need to be restarted and can be restarted by the GC process - a subset of 'want' DNs. can := make(map[string]bool) // The set difference between 'want' and 'can' are all nodes that should be restarted but can't yet (ie. because // a child is still in the process of being canceled). // DFS from root. queue = []*node{s.root} for { if len(queue) == 0 { break } cur := queue[0] queue = queue[1:] // If this node is DEAD or CANCELED it should be restarted. if cur.state == nodeStateDead || cur.state == nodeStateCanceled { want[cur.dn()] = true } // If it should be restarted and is ready to be restarted... if want[cur.dn()] && ready[cur.dn()] { // And its parent context is valid (ie hasn't been canceled), mark it as restartable. if cur.parent == nil || cur.parent.ctx.Err() == nil { can[cur.dn()] = true continue } } // Otherwise, traverse further down the tree to see if something else needs to be done. for _, c := range cur.children { queue = append(queue, c) } } // Reinitialize and reschedule all subtrees for dn := range can { n := s.nodeByDN(dn) // Only back off when the node unexpectedly died - not when it got canceled. bo := time.Duration(0) if n.state == nodeStateDead { bo = } // Prepare node for rescheduling - remove its children, reset its state to new. n.reset() s.ilogger.Info("rescheduling supervised node", zap.String("dn", dn), zap.Duration("backoff", bo)) // Reschedule node runnable to run after backoff. go func(n *node, bo time.Duration) { time.Sleep(bo) s.pReq <- &processorRequest{ schedule: &processorRequestSchedule{dn: n.dn()}, } }(n, bo) } }