package solana import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "strings" "sync" "time" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "" "" gossipv1 "" "" "" eth_common "" "" lookup "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type ( SolanaWatcher struct { contract solana.PublicKey rawContract string rpcUrl string wsUrl *string commitment rpc.CommitmentType msgC chan<- *common.MessagePublication obsvReqC <-chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest errC chan error pumpData chan []byte rpcClient *rpc.Client // Readiness component readinessSync readiness.Component // VAA ChainID of the network we're connecting to. chainID vaa.ChainID // Human readable name of network networkName string // The last slot processed by the watcher. lastSlot uint64 // subscriber id subId string // latestFinalizedBlockNumber is the latest block processed by this watcher. latestBlockNumber uint64 latestBlockNumberMu sync.Mutex } EventSubscriptionError struct { Jsonrpc string `json:"jsonrpc"` Error struct { Code int `json:"code"` Message *string `json:"message"` } `json:"error"` ID string `json:"id"` } EventSubscriptionData struct { Jsonrpc string `json:"jsonrpc"` Method string `json:"method"` Params *struct { Result struct { Context struct { Slot int64 `json:"slot"` } `json:"context"` Value struct { Pubkey string `json:"pubkey"` Account struct { Lamports int64 `json:"lamports"` Data []string `json:"data"` Owner string `json:"owner"` Executable bool `json:"executable"` RentEpoch int64 `json:"rentEpoch"` } `json:"account"` } `json:"value"` } `json:"result"` Subscription int `json:"subscription"` } `json:"params"` } MessagePublicationAccount struct { VaaVersion uint8 ConsistencyLevel uint8 EmitterAuthority vaa.Address MessageStatus uint8 Gap [3]byte SubmissionTime uint32 Nonce uint32 Sequence uint64 EmitterChain uint16 EmitterAddress vaa.Address Payload []byte } ) var ( emptyAddressBytes = vaa.Address{}.Bytes() emptyGapBytes = []byte{0, 0, 0} ) var ( solanaConnectionErrors = promauto.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "wormhole_solana_connection_errors_total", Help: "Total number of Solana connection errors", }, []string{"solana_network", "commitment", "reason"}) solanaAccountSkips = promauto.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "wormhole_solana_account_updates_skipped_total", Help: "Total number of account updates skipped due to invalid data", }, []string{"solana_network", "reason"}) solanaMessagesConfirmed = promauto.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: "wormhole_solana_observations_confirmed_total", Help: "Total number of verified Solana observations found", }, []string{"solana_network"}) currentSolanaHeight = promauto.NewGaugeVec( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "wormhole_solana_current_height", Help: "Current Solana slot height", }, []string{"solana_network", "commitment"}) queryLatency = promauto.NewHistogramVec( prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Name: "wormhole_solana_query_latency", Help: "Latency histogram for Solana RPC calls", }, []string{"solana_network", "operation", "commitment"}) ) const rpcTimeout = time.Second * 5 // Maximum retries for Solana fetching const maxRetries = 10 const retryDelay = 5 * time.Second type ConsistencyLevel uint8 // Mappings from consistency levels constants to commitment level. const ( consistencyLevelConfirmed ConsistencyLevel = 0 consistencyLevelFinalized ConsistencyLevel = 1 ) func (c ConsistencyLevel) Commitment() (rpc.CommitmentType, error) { switch c { case consistencyLevelConfirmed: return rpc.CommitmentConfirmed, nil case consistencyLevelFinalized: return rpc.CommitmentFinalized, nil default: return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported consistency level: %d", c) } } func accountConsistencyLevelToCommitment(c uint8) (rpc.CommitmentType, error) { switch c { case 1: return rpc.CommitmentConfirmed, nil case 32: return rpc.CommitmentFinalized, nil default: return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported consistency level: %d", c) } } const ( postMessageInstructionMinNumAccounts = 8 postMessageInstructionID = 0x01 postMessageUnreliableInstructionID = 0x08 accountPrefixReliable = "msg" accountPrefixUnreliable = "msu" ) // PostMessageData represents the user-supplied, untrusted instruction data // for message publications. We use this to determine consistency level before fetching accounts. type PostMessageData struct { Nonce uint32 Payload []byte ConsistencyLevel ConsistencyLevel } func NewSolanaWatcher( rpcUrl string, wsUrl *string, contractAddress solana.PublicKey, rawContract string, msgC chan<- *common.MessagePublication, obsvReqC <-chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest, commitment rpc.CommitmentType, chainID vaa.ChainID) *SolanaWatcher { return &SolanaWatcher{ rpcUrl: rpcUrl, wsUrl: wsUrl, contract: contractAddress, rawContract: rawContract, msgC: msgC, obsvReqC: obsvReqC, commitment: commitment, rpcClient: rpc.New(rpcUrl), readinessSync: common.MustConvertChainIdToReadinessSyncing(chainID), chainID: chainID, networkName: chainID.String(), } } func (s *SolanaWatcher) SetupSubscription(ctx context.Context) (error, *websocket.Conn) { logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx) logger.Info("Solana watcher connecting to WS node ", zap.String("url", *s.wsUrl)) ws, _, err := websocket.Dial(ctx, *s.wsUrl, nil) if err != nil { return err, nil } s.subId = uuid.New().String() s.pumpData = make(chan []byte) const temp = `{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "%s", "method": "programSubscribe", "params": ["%s", {"encoding": "base64", "commitment": "%s", "filters": []}]}` var p = fmt.Sprintf(temp, s.subId, s.rawContract, string(s.commitment)) logger.Info("Subscribing using", zap.String("filter", p)) if err := ws.Write(ctx, websocket.MessageText, []byte(p)); err != nil { logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("write: %s", err.Error())) return err, nil } return nil, ws } func (s *SolanaWatcher) SetupWebSocket(ctx context.Context) error { if s.chainID != vaa.ChainIDPythNet { panic("unsupported chain id") } logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx) err, ws := s.SetupSubscription(ctx) if err != nil { return err } common.RunWithScissors(ctx, s.errC, "SolanaDataPump", func(ctx context.Context) error { defer ws.Close(websocket.StatusNormalClosure, "") for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil default: if msg, err := s.readWebSocketWithTimeout(ctx, ws); err != nil { logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("ReadMessage: '%s'", err.Error())) return err } else { s.pumpData <- msg } } } }) return nil } func (s *SolanaWatcher) readWebSocketWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, ws *websocket.Conn) ([]byte, error) { rCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*300) // 5 minute defer cancel() _, msg, err := ws.Read(rCtx) return msg, err } func (s *SolanaWatcher) Run(ctx context.Context) error { // Initialize gossip metrics (we want to broadcast the address even if we're not yet syncing) contractAddr := base58.Encode(s.contract[:]) p2p.DefaultRegistry.SetNetworkStats(s.chainID, &gossipv1.Heartbeat_Network{ ContractAddress: contractAddr, }) logger := supervisor.Logger(ctx) wsUrl := "" if s.wsUrl != nil { wsUrl = *s.wsUrl } logger.Info("Starting watcher", zap.String("watcher_name", "solana"), zap.String("rpcUrl", s.rpcUrl), zap.String("wsUrl", wsUrl), zap.String("contract", contractAddr), zap.String("rawContract", s.rawContract), ) logger.Info("Solana watcher connecting to RPC node ", zap.String("url", s.rpcUrl)) s.errC = make(chan error) s.pumpData = make(chan []byte) useWs := false if s.wsUrl != nil && *s.wsUrl != "" { useWs = true err := s.SetupWebSocket(ctx) if err != nil { return err } } common.RunWithScissors(ctx, s.errC, "SolanaWatcher", func(ctx context.Context) error { timer := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 1) defer timer.Stop() for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return nil case msg := <-s.pumpData: err := s.processAccountSubscriptionData(ctx, logger, msg, false) if err != nil { p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) solanaConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment), "account_subscription_data").Inc() s.errC <- err return err } case m := <-s.obsvReqC: if m.ChainId != uint32(s.chainID) { panic("unexpected chain id") } acc := solana.PublicKeyFromBytes(m.TxHash) logger.Info("received observation request", zap.String("account", acc.String())) rCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout) s.fetchMessageAccount(rCtx, logger, acc, 0, true) cancel() case <-timer.C: // Get current slot height rCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout) start := time.Now() slot, err := s.rpcClient.GetSlot(rCtx, s.commitment) cancel() queryLatency.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, "get_slot", string(s.commitment)).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds()) if err != nil { p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) solanaConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment), "get_slot_error").Inc() s.errC <- err return err } lastSlot := s.lastSlot if lastSlot == 0 { lastSlot = slot - 1 } currentSolanaHeight.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment)).Set(float64(slot)) readiness.SetReady(s.readinessSync) p2p.DefaultRegistry.SetNetworkStats(s.chainID, &gossipv1.Heartbeat_Network{ Height: int64(slot), ContractAddress: contractAddr, }) if !useWs { rangeStart := lastSlot + 1 rangeEnd := slot logger.Debug("fetched current Solana height", zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Uint64("lastSlot", lastSlot), zap.Uint64("pendingSlots", slot-lastSlot), zap.Uint64("from", rangeStart), zap.Uint64("to", rangeEnd), zap.Duration("took", time.Since(start))) // Requesting each slot for slot := rangeStart; slot <= rangeEnd; slot++ { _slot := slot common.RunWithScissors(ctx, s.errC, "SolanaWatcherSlotFetcher", func(ctx context.Context) error { s.retryFetchBlock(ctx, logger, _slot, 0, false) return nil }) } } s.lastSlot = slot } } }) select { case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() case err := <-s.errC: return err } } func (s *SolanaWatcher) retryFetchBlock(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, slot uint64, retry uint, isReobservation bool) { ok := s.fetchBlock(ctx, logger, slot, 0, isReobservation) if !ok { if retry >= maxRetries { logger.Error("max retries for block", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Uint("retry", retry)) return } time.Sleep(retryDelay) logger.Debug("retrying block", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Uint("retry", retry)) common.RunWithScissors(ctx, s.errC, "retryFetchBlock", func(ctx context.Context) error { s.retryFetchBlock(ctx, logger, slot, retry+1, isReobservation) return nil }) } } func (s *SolanaWatcher) fetchBlock(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, slot uint64, emptyRetry uint, isReobservation bool) (ok bool) { logger.Debug("requesting block", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Uint("empty_retry", emptyRetry)) rCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout) defer cancel() start := time.Now() rewards := false maxSupportedTransactionVersion := uint64(0) out, err := s.rpcClient.GetBlockWithOpts(rCtx, slot, &rpc.GetBlockOpts{ Encoding: solana.EncodingBase64, // solana-go doesn't support json encoding. TransactionDetails: "full", Rewards: &rewards, Commitment: s.commitment, MaxSupportedTransactionVersion: &maxSupportedTransactionVersion, }) queryLatency.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, "get_confirmed_block", string(s.commitment)).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds()) if err != nil { var rpcErr *jsonrpc.RPCError if errors.As(err, &rpcErr) && (rpcErr.Code == -32007 /* SLOT_SKIPPED */ || rpcErr.Code == -32004 /* BLOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE */) { logger.Debug("empty slot", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Int("code", rpcErr.Code), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) // TODO(leo): clean this up once we know what's happening // var maxEmptyRetry uint if s.commitment == rpc.CommitmentFinalized { maxEmptyRetry = 5 } else { maxEmptyRetry = 1 } // Schedule a single retry just in case the Solana node was confused about the block being missing. if emptyRetry < maxEmptyRetry { common.RunWithScissors(ctx, s.errC, "delayedFetchBlock", func(ctx context.Context) error { time.Sleep(retryDelay) s.fetchBlock(ctx, logger, slot, emptyRetry+1, isReobservation) return nil }) } return true } else { logger.Debug("failed to request block", zap.Error(err), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) solanaConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment), "get_confirmed_block_error").Inc() } return false } if out == nil { // Per the API, nil just means the block is not confirmed. logger.Info("block is not yet finalized", zap.Uint64("slot", slot)) return false } logger.Debug("fetched block", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Int("num_tx", len(out.Transactions)), zap.Duration("took", time.Since(start)), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) s.updateLatestBlock(slot) for txNum, txRpc := range out.Transactions { if txRpc.Meta.Err != nil { logger.Debug("Transaction failed, skipping it", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Int("txNum", txNum), zap.String("err", fmt.Sprint(txRpc.Meta.Err)), ) continue } // If the logs don't contain the contract address, skip the transaction. // ex: "Program 3u8hJUVTA4jH1wYAyUur7FFZVQ8H635K3tSHHF4ssjQ5 invoke [2]", var ( possiblyWormhole bool whLogPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("Program %s", s.rawContract) ) for i := 0; i < len(txRpc.Meta.LogMessages) && !possiblyWormhole; i++ { possiblyWormhole = strings.HasPrefix(txRpc.Meta.LogMessages[i], whLogPrefix) } if !possiblyWormhole { continue } tx, err := txRpc.GetTransaction() if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to unmarshal transaction", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Int("txNum", txNum), zap.Int("dataLen", len(txRpc.Transaction.GetBinary())), zap.Error(err), ) continue } err = s.populateLookupTableAccounts(ctx, tx) if err != nil { logger.Error("failed to fetch lookup table accounts", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Int("txNum", txNum), zap.Error(err), ) continue } signature := tx.Signatures[0] var programIndex uint16 for n, key := range tx.Message.AccountKeys { if key.Equals(s.contract) { programIndex = uint16(n) } } if programIndex == 0 { continue } logger.Debug("found Wormhole transaction", zap.Stringer("signature", signature), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) // Find top-level instructions for i, inst := range tx.Message.Instructions { found, err := s.processInstruction(ctx, logger, slot, inst, programIndex, tx, signature, i, isReobservation) if err != nil { logger.Error("malformed Wormhole instruction", zap.Error(err), zap.Int("idx", i), zap.Stringer("signature", signature), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Binary("data", inst.Data)) } else if found { logger.Debug("found a top-level Wormhole instruction", zap.Int("idx", i), zap.Stringer("signature", signature), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) } } for _, inner := range txRpc.Meta.InnerInstructions { for i, inst := range inner.Instructions { found, err := s.processInstruction(ctx, logger, slot, inst, programIndex, tx, signature, i, isReobservation) if err != nil { logger.Error("malformed Wormhole instruction", zap.Error(err), zap.Int("idx", i), zap.Stringer("signature", signature), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) } else if found { logger.Debug("found an inner Wormhole instruction", zap.Int("idx", i), zap.Stringer("signature", signature), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) } } } } if emptyRetry > 0 { logger.Warn("SOLANA BUG: skipped or unavailable block retrieved on retry attempt", zap.Uint("empty_retry", emptyRetry), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment))) } return true } func (s *SolanaWatcher) processInstruction(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, slot uint64, inst solana.CompiledInstruction, programIndex uint16, tx *solana.Transaction, signature solana.Signature, idx int, isReobservation bool) (bool, error) { if inst.ProgramIDIndex != programIndex { return false, nil } if len(inst.Data) == 0 { return false, nil } if inst.Data[0] != postMessageInstructionID && inst.Data[0] != postMessageUnreliableInstructionID { return false, nil } if len(inst.Accounts) < postMessageInstructionMinNumAccounts { return false, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of accounts: %d, must be at least %d", len(inst.Accounts), postMessageInstructionMinNumAccounts) } // Decode instruction data (UNTRUSTED) var data PostMessageData if err := borsh.Deserialize(&data, inst.Data[1:]); err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to deserialize instruction data: %w", err) } logger.Debug("post message data", zap.Any("deserialized_data", data), zap.Stringer("signature", signature), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Int("idx", idx)) level, err := data.ConsistencyLevel.Commitment() if err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to determine commitment: %w", err) } if level != s.commitment { return true, nil } // The second account in a well-formed Wormhole instruction is the VAA program account. acc := tx.Message.AccountKeys[inst.Accounts[1]] logger.Debug("fetching VAA account", zap.Stringer("acc", acc), zap.Stringer("signature", signature), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Int("idx", idx)) common.RunWithScissors(ctx, s.errC, "retryFetchMessageAccount", func(ctx context.Context) error { s.retryFetchMessageAccount(ctx, logger, acc, slot, 0, isReobservation) return nil }) return true, nil } func (s *SolanaWatcher) retryFetchMessageAccount(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, acc solana.PublicKey, slot uint64, retry uint, isReobservation bool) { retryable := s.fetchMessageAccount(ctx, logger, acc, slot, isReobservation) if retryable { if retry >= maxRetries { logger.Error("max retries for account", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Uint("retry", retry)) return } time.Sleep(retryDelay) logger.Info("retrying account", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Uint("retry", retry)) common.RunWithScissors(ctx, s.errC, "retryFetchMessageAccount", func(ctx context.Context) error { s.retryFetchMessageAccount(ctx, logger, acc, slot, retry+1, isReobservation) return nil }) } } func (s *SolanaWatcher) fetchMessageAccount(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, acc solana.PublicKey, slot uint64, isReobservation bool) (retryable bool) { // Fetching account rCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, rpcTimeout) defer cancel() start := time.Now() info, err := s.rpcClient.GetAccountInfoWithOpts(rCtx, acc, &rpc.GetAccountInfoOpts{ Encoding: solana.EncodingBase64, Commitment: s.commitment, }) queryLatency.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, "get_account_info", string(s.commitment)).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds()) if err != nil { p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) solanaConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment), "get_account_info_error").Inc() logger.Error("failed to request account", zap.Error(err), zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Stringer("account", acc)) return true } if !info.Value.Owner.Equals(s.contract) { p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) solanaConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment), "account_owner_mismatch").Inc() logger.Error("account has invalid owner", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.Stringer("unexpected_owner", info.Value.Owner)) return false } data := info.Value.Data.GetBinary() if string(data[:3]) != accountPrefixReliable && string(data[:3]) != accountPrefixUnreliable { p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) solanaConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment), "bad_account_data").Inc() logger.Error("account is not a message account", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Stringer("account", acc)) return false } logger.Debug("found valid VAA account", zap.Uint64("slot", slot), zap.String("commitment", string(s.commitment)), zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.Binary("data", data)) s.processMessageAccount(logger, data, acc, isReobservation) return false } func (s *SolanaWatcher) processAccountSubscriptionData(_ context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, data []byte, isReobservation bool) error { // Do we have an error on the subscription? var e EventSubscriptionError err := json.Unmarshal(data, &e) if err != nil { logger.Error(*s.wsUrl, zap.Error(err)) p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) return err } if e.Error.Message != nil { return errors.New(*e.Error.Message) } var res EventSubscriptionData err = json.Unmarshal(data, &res) if err != nil { logger.Error(*s.wsUrl, zap.Error(err)) p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) return err } if res.Params == nil { return nil } value := (*res.Params).Result.Value if value.Account.Owner != s.rawContract { // We got a message for the wrong contract on the websocket... uncomfortable... solanaConnectionErrors.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, string(s.commitment), "invalid_websocket_account").Inc() return errors.New("Update for account with wrong owner") } data, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(value.Account.Data[0]) if err != nil { logger.Error(*s.wsUrl, zap.Error(err)) p2p.DefaultRegistry.AddErrorCount(s.chainID, 1) return err } // ignore truncated messages if len(data) < 3 { return nil } // Other accounts owned by the wormhole contract seem to send updates... switch string(data[:3]) { case accountPrefixReliable, accountPrefixUnreliable: acc := solana.PublicKeyFromBytes([]byte(value.Pubkey)) s.processMessageAccount(logger, data, acc, isReobservation) default: break } return nil } func (s *SolanaWatcher) processMessageAccount(logger *zap.Logger, data []byte, acc solana.PublicKey, isReobservation bool) { proposal, err := ParseMessagePublicationAccount(data) if err != nil { solanaAccountSkips.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, "parse_transfer_out").Inc() logger.Error( "failed to parse transfer proposal", zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.Binary("data", data), zap.Error(err)) return } // SECURITY: defense-in-depth, ensure the consistency level in the account matches the consistency level of the watcher commitment, err := accountConsistencyLevelToCommitment(proposal.ConsistencyLevel) if err != nil { logger.Error( "failed to parse proposal consistency level", zap.Any("proposal", proposal), zap.Error(err)) return } if commitment != s.commitment { logger.Debug("skipping message which does not match the watcher commitment", zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.String("message commitment", string(commitment)), zap.String("watcher commitment", string(s.commitment))) return } // As of 2023-11-09, Pythnet has a bug which is not zeroing out these fields appropriately. This carve out should be removed after a fix is deployed. if s.chainID != vaa.ChainIDPythNet { // SECURITY: ensure these fields are zeroed out. in the legacy solana program they were always zero, and in the 2023 rewrite they are zeroed once the account is finalized if !bytes.Equal(proposal.EmitterAuthority.Bytes(), emptyAddressBytes) || proposal.MessageStatus != 0 || !bytes.Equal(proposal.Gap[:], emptyGapBytes) { solanaAccountSkips.WithLabelValues(s.networkName, "unfinalized_account").Inc() logger.Error( "account is not finalized", zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.Binary("data", data)) return } } var txHash eth_common.Hash copy(txHash[:], acc[:]) var reliable bool switch string(data[:3]) { case accountPrefixReliable: reliable = true case accountPrefixUnreliable: reliable = false default: panic("invalid prefix") } observation := &common.MessagePublication{ TxHash: txHash, Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(proposal.SubmissionTime), 0), Nonce: proposal.Nonce, Sequence: proposal.Sequence, EmitterChain: s.chainID, EmitterAddress: proposal.EmitterAddress, Payload: proposal.Payload, ConsistencyLevel: proposal.ConsistencyLevel, IsReobservation: isReobservation, Unreliable: !reliable, } solanaMessagesConfirmed.WithLabelValues(s.networkName).Inc() logger.Debug("message observed", zap.Stringer("account", acc), zap.Time("timestamp", observation.Timestamp), zap.Uint32("nonce", observation.Nonce), zap.Uint64("sequence", observation.Sequence), zap.Stringer("emitter_chain", observation.EmitterChain), zap.Stringer("emitter_address", observation.EmitterAddress), zap.Binary("payload", observation.Payload), zap.Uint8("consistency_level", observation.ConsistencyLevel), ) s.msgC <- observation } // updateLatestBlock() updates the latest block number if the slot passed in is greater than the previous value. // This check is necessary because blocks can be posted out of order, due to multi threading in this watcher. func (s *SolanaWatcher) updateLatestBlock(slot uint64) { s.latestBlockNumberMu.Lock() defer s.latestBlockNumberMu.Unlock() if slot > s.latestBlockNumber { s.latestBlockNumber = slot } } // GetLatestFinalizedBlockNumber() returns the latest published block. func (s *SolanaWatcher) GetLatestFinalizedBlockNumber() uint64 { s.latestBlockNumberMu.Lock() defer s.latestBlockNumberMu.Unlock() return s.latestBlockNumber } func ParseMessagePublicationAccount(data []byte) (*MessagePublicationAccount, error) { prop := &MessagePublicationAccount{} // Skip the b"msg" prefix if err := borsh.Deserialize(prop, data[3:]); err != nil { return nil, err } return prop, nil } func (s *SolanaWatcher) populateLookupTableAccounts(ctx context.Context, tx *solana.Transaction) error { if !tx.Message.IsVersioned() { return nil } tblKeys := tx.Message.GetAddressTableLookups().GetTableIDs() if len(tblKeys) == 0 { return nil } resolutions := make(map[solana.PublicKey]solana.PublicKeySlice) for _, key := range tblKeys { info, err := s.rpcClient.GetAccountInfo(ctx, key) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to get account info for key %s: %w", key, err) } tableContent, err := lookup.DecodeAddressLookupTableState(info.GetBinary()) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode table content for key %s: %w", key, err) } resolutions[key] = tableContent.Addresses } err := tx.Message.SetAddressTables(resolutions) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to set address tables: %w", err) } err = tx.Message.ResolveLookups() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve lookups: %w", err) } return nil }