import axios from "axios"; import fs from "fs"; import { SigningCosmWasmClient } from "@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate"; import { GasPrice, calculateFee, StdFee } from "@cosmjs/stargate"; import { DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, makeCosmoshubPath } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing"; import { Slip10RawIndex } from "@cosmjs/crypto"; import path from "path"; /* * This is a set of helpers meant for use with @cosmjs/cli * With these you can easily use the cw721 contract without worrying about forming messages and parsing queries. * * Usage: npx @cosmjs/cli@^0.26 --init * * Create a client: * const [addr, client] = await useOptions(pebblenetOptions).setup('password'); * * Get the mnemonic: * await useOptions(pebblenetOptions).recoverMnemonic(password); * * Create contract: * const contract = CW721(client, pebblenetOptions.fees); * * Upload contract: * const codeId = await contract.upload(addr); * * Instantiate contract example: * const initMsg = { * name: "Potato Coin", * symbol: "TATER", * minter: addr * }; * const instance = await contract.instantiate(addr, codeId, initMsg, 'Potato Coin!'); * If you want to use this code inside an app, you will need several imports from */ interface Options { readonly httpUrl: string readonly networkId: string readonly feeToken: string readonly bech32prefix: string readonly hdPath: readonly Slip10RawIndex[] readonly faucetUrl?: string readonly defaultKeyFile: string, readonly fees: { upload: StdFee, init: StdFee, exec: StdFee } } const pebblenetGasPrice = GasPrice.fromString("0.01upebble"); const pebblenetOptions: Options = { httpUrl: '', networkId: 'pebblenet-1', bech32prefix: 'wasm', feeToken: 'upebble', faucetUrl: '', hdPath: makeCosmoshubPath(0), defaultKeyFile: path.join(process.env.HOME, ".pebblenet.key"), fees: { upload: calculateFee(1500000, pebblenetGasPrice), init: calculateFee(500000, pebblenetGasPrice), exec: calculateFee(200000, pebblenetGasPrice), }, } interface Network { setup: (password: string, filename?: string) => Promise<[string, SigningCosmWasmClient]> recoverMnemonic: (password: string, filename?: string) => Promise } const useOptions = (options: Options): Network => { const loadOrCreateWallet = async (options: Options, filename: string, password: string): Promise => { let encrypted: string; try { encrypted = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'); } catch (err) { // generate if no file exists const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.generate(12, {hdPaths: [options.hdPath], prefix: options.bech32prefix}); const encrypted = await wallet.serialize(password); fs.writeFileSync(filename, encrypted, 'utf8'); return wallet; } // otherwise, decrypt the file (we cannot put deserialize inside try or it will over-write on a bad password) const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.deserialize(encrypted, password); return wallet; }; const connect = async ( wallet: DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, options: Options ): Promise => { const clientOptions = { prefix: options.bech32prefix } return await SigningCosmWasmClient.connectWithSigner(options.httpUrl, wallet, clientOptions) }; const hitFaucet = async ( faucetUrl: string, address: string, denom: string ): Promise => { await, { denom, address }); } const setup = async (password: string, filename?: string): Promise<[string, SigningCosmWasmClient]> => { const keyfile = filename || options.defaultKeyFile; const wallet = await loadOrCreateWallet(pebblenetOptions, keyfile, password); const client = await connect(wallet, pebblenetOptions); const [account] = await wallet.getAccounts(); // ensure we have some tokens if (options.faucetUrl) { const tokens = await client.getBalance(account.address, options.feeToken) if (tokens.amount === '0') { console.log(`Getting ${options.feeToken} from faucet`); await hitFaucet(options.faucetUrl, account.address, options.feeToken); } } return [account.address, client]; } const recoverMnemonic = async (password: string, filename?: string): Promise => { const keyfile = filename || options.defaultKeyFile; const wallet = await loadOrCreateWallet(pebblenetOptions, keyfile, password); return wallet.mnemonic; } return { setup, recoverMnemonic }; } type TokenId = string interface Balances { readonly address: string readonly amount: string // decimal as string } interface MintInfo { readonly minter: string readonly cap?: string // decimal as string } interface ContractInfo { readonly name: string readonly symbol: string } interface NftInfo { readonly name: string, readonly description: string, readonly image: any } interface Access { readonly owner: string, readonly approvals: [] } interface AllNftInfo { readonly access: Access, readonly info: NftInfo } interface Operators { readonly operators: [] } interface Count { readonly count: number } interface InitMsg { readonly name: string readonly symbol: string readonly minter: string } // Better to use this interface? interface MintMsg { readonly token_id: TokenId readonly owner: string readonly name: string readonly description?: string readonly image?: string } type Expiration = { readonly at_height: number } | { readonly at_time: number } | { readonly never: {} }; interface AllowanceResponse { readonly allowance: string; // integer as string readonly expires: Expiration; } interface AllowanceInfo { readonly allowance: string; // integer as string readonly spender: string; // bech32 address readonly expires: Expiration; } interface AllAllowancesResponse { readonly allowances: readonly AllowanceInfo[]; } interface AllAccountsResponse { // list of bech32 address that have a balance readonly accounts: readonly string[]; } interface TokensResponse { readonly tokens: readonly string[]; } interface CW721Instance { readonly contractAddress: string // queries allowance: (owner: string, spender: string) => Promise allAllowances: (owner: string, startAfter?: string, limit?: number) => Promise allAccounts: (startAfter?: string, limit?: number) => Promise minter: () => Promise contractInfo: () => Promise nftInfo: (tokenId: TokenId) => Promise allNftInfo: (tokenId: TokenId) => Promise ownerOf: (tokenId: TokenId) => Promise approvedForAll: (owner: string, include_expired?: boolean, start_after?: string, limit?: number) => Promise numTokens: () => Promise tokens: (owner: string, startAfter?: string, limit?: number) => Promise allTokens: (startAfter?: string, limit?: number) => Promise // actions mint: (senderAddress: string, tokenId: TokenId, owner: string, name: string, level: number, description?: string, image?: string) => Promise transferNft: (senderAddress: string, recipient: string, tokenId: TokenId) => Promise sendNft: (senderAddress: string, contract: string, token_id: TokenId, msg?: BinaryType) => Promise approve: (senderAddress: string, spender: string, tokenId: TokenId, expires?: Expiration) => Promise approveAll: (senderAddress: string, operator: string, expires?: Expiration) => Promise revoke: (senderAddress: string, spender: string, tokenId: TokenId) => Promise revokeAll: (senderAddress: string, operator: string) => Promise } interface CW721Contract { // upload a code blob and returns a codeId upload: (senderAddress: string) => Promise // instantiates a cw721 contract // codeId must come from a previous deploy // label is the public name of the contract in listing // if you set admin, you can run migrations on this contract (likely client.senderAddress) instantiate: (senderAddress: string, codeId: number, initMsg: Record, label: string, admin?: string) => Promise use: (contractAddress: string) => CW721Instance } export const CW721 = (client: SigningCosmWasmClient, fees: Options['fees']): CW721Contract => { const use = (contractAddress: string): CW721Instance => { const allowance = async (owner: string, spender: string): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { allowance: { owner, spender } }); }; const allAllowances = async (owner: string, startAfter?: string, limit?: number): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { all_allowances: { owner, start_after: startAfter, limit } }); }; const allAccounts = async (startAfter?: string, limit?: number): Promise => { const accounts: AllAccountsResponse = await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { all_accounts: { start_after: startAfter, limit } }); return accounts.accounts; }; const minter = async (): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { minter: {} }); }; const contractInfo = async (): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { contract_info: {} }); }; const nftInfo = async (token_id: TokenId): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { nft_info: { token_id } }); } const allNftInfo = async (token_id: TokenId): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { all_nft_info: { token_id } }); } const ownerOf = async (token_id: TokenId): Promise => { return await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { owner_of: { token_id } }); } const approvedForAll = async (owner: string, include_expired?: boolean, start_after?: string, limit?: number): Promise => { return await client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { approved_for_all: { owner, include_expired, start_after, limit } }) } // total number of tokens issued const numTokens = async (): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { num_tokens: {} }); } // list all token_ids that belong to a given owner const tokens = async (owner: string, start_after?: string, limit?: number): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { tokens: { owner, start_after, limit } }); } const allTokens = async (start_after?: string, limit?: number): Promise => { return client.queryContractSmart(contractAddress, { all_tokens: { start_after, limit } }); } // actions const mint = async (senderAddress: string, token_id: TokenId, owner: string, name: string, level: number, description?: string, image?: string): Promise => { const result = await client.execute(senderAddress, contractAddress, { mint: { token_id, owner, name, level, description, image } }, fees.exec); return result.transactionHash; } // transfers ownership, returns transactionHash const transferNft = async (senderAddress: string, recipient: string, token_id: TokenId): Promise => { const result = await client.execute(senderAddress, contractAddress, { transfer_nft: { recipient, token_id } }, fees.exec); return result.transactionHash; } // sends an nft token to another contract (TODO: msg type any needs to be revisited once receiveNft is implemented) const sendNft = async (senderAddress: string, contract: string, token_id: TokenId, msg?: any): Promise => { const result = await client.execute(senderAddress, contractAddress, { send_nft: { contract, token_id, msg } }, fees.exec) return result.transactionHash; } const approve = async (senderAddress: string, spender: string, token_id: TokenId, expires?: Expiration): Promise => { const result = await client.execute(senderAddress, contractAddress, { approve: { spender, token_id, expires } }, fees.exec); return result.transactionHash; } const approveAll = async (senderAddress: string, operator: string, expires?: Expiration): Promise => { const result = await client.execute(senderAddress, contractAddress, { approve_all: { operator, expires } }, fees.exec) return result.transactionHash } const revoke = async (senderAddress: string, spender: string, token_id: TokenId): Promise => { const result = await client.execute(senderAddress, contractAddress, { revoke: { spender, token_id } }, fees.exec); return result.transactionHash; } const revokeAll = async (senderAddress: string, operator: string): Promise => { const result = await client.execute(senderAddress, contractAddress, { revoke_all: { operator } }, fees.exec) return result.transactionHash; } return { contractAddress, allowance, allAllowances, allAccounts, minter, contractInfo, nftInfo, allNftInfo, ownerOf, approvedForAll, numTokens, tokens, allTokens, mint, transferNft, sendNft, approve, approveAll, revoke, revokeAll }; } const downloadWasm = async (url: string): Promise => { const r = await axios.get(url, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }) if (r.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Download error: ${r.status}`) } return } const upload = async (senderAddress: string): Promise => { const sourceUrl = ""; const wasm = await downloadWasm(sourceUrl); const result = await client.upload(senderAddress, wasm, fees.upload); return result.codeId; } const instantiate = async (senderAddress: string, codeId: number, initMsg: Record, label: string, admin?: string): Promise => { const result = await client.instantiate(senderAddress, codeId, initMsg, label, fees.init, { memo: `Init ${label}`, admin }); return use(result.contractAddress); } return { upload, instantiate, use }; }