#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script submits a guardian set update using the VAA injection admin command. # First argument is the number of guardians for the new guardian set. set -e # wait for the guardians to establish networking sleep 20 newNumGuardians=$1 echo "new number of guardians: ${newNumGuardians}" webHost=$2 echo "webHost ${webHost}" namespace=$3 echo "namespace ${namespace}" # file & path to save governance VAA tmpFile=$(mktemp -q) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$0: Can't create temp file, bye.." 1>&2; exit 1 fi trap 'rm -f -- "$tmpFile"' EXIT # the admin socket of the devnet guardians. used for executing commands in guardian pods. sock=/tmp/admin.sock guardianPublicWebBaseUrl="${webHost}:7071" currentGuardianSetUrl="${guardianPublicWebBaseUrl}/v1/guardianset/current" # fetch result and parse json body: guardianSet=$(curl ${currentGuardianSetUrl} | jq ".guardianSet") currentIndex=$(echo ${guardianSet} | jq ".index") currentNumGuardians=$(echo ${guardianSet} | jq ".addresses | length") echo "currentIndex: ${currentIndex}" echo "currentNumGuardians ${currentNumGuardians}" if [ ${currentNumGuardians} == ${newNumGuardians} ]; then echo "number of guardians is as expected." exit 0 fi echo "creating guardian set update governance message template prototext" minikube kubectl -- exec -n ${namespace} guardian-0 -c guardiand -- /guardiand template guardian-set-update --num=${newNumGuardians} --idx=${currentIndex} > ${tmpFile} # for i in $(seq ${newNumGuardians}) for i in $(seq ${currentNumGuardians}) do # create guardian index: [0-18] guardianIndex=$((i-1)) # create the governance guardian set update prototxt file in the container echo "created governance file for guardian-${guardianIndex}" minikube kubectl -- cp ${tmpFile} ${namespace}/guardian-${guardianIndex}:${tmpFile} -c guardiand # inject the guardian set update minikube kubectl -- exec -n ${namespace} guardian-${guardianIndex} -c guardiand -- /guardiand admin governance-vaa-inject --socket $sock $tmpFile echo "injected governance VAA for guardian-${guardianIndex}" done # wait for the guardians to reach quorum about the new guardian set sleep 30 # probably overkill, but some waiting is required. function get_sequence_from_prototext { path=${1} while IFS= read -r line do parts=($line) if [ ${parts[0]} == "sequence:" ]; then echo "${parts[1]}" fi done < "$path" } sequence=$(get_sequence_from_prototext ${tmpFile}) echo "got sequence: ${sequence} from ${tmpFile}" # get vaa governanceChain="1" governanceAddress="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004" vaaUrl="${guardianPublicWebBaseUrl}/v1/signed_vaa/${governanceChain}/${governanceAddress}/${sequence}" echo "going to call to fetch VAA: ${vaaUrl}" # proto endpoints supply a base64 encoded VAA b64Vaa=$(curl ${vaaUrl} | jq ".vaaBytes") echo "got bas64 VAA: ${b64Vaa}" function base64_to_hex { b64Str=${1} echo $b64Str | base64 -d -i | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02x" ' } # transform base54 to hex hexVaa=$(base64_to_hex ${b64Vaa}) echo "got hex VAA: ${hexVaa}" # fire off the Golang script in clients/eth: ./scripts/send-vaa.sh $webHost $hexVaa # give some time for guardians to observe the tx and update their state sleep 30 # fetch result and parse json body: echo "going to fetch current guardianset from ${currentGuardianSetUrl}" nextGuardianSet=$(curl ${currentGuardianSetUrl} | jq ".guardianSet") nextIndex=$(echo ${nexGuardianSet} | jq ".index") nextNumGuardians=$(echo ${nextGuardianSet} | jq ".addresses | length") echo "nextIndex: ${nextIndex}" echo "nextNumGuardians ${nextNumGuardians}" if [ ${nextNumGuardians} == ${newNumGuardians} ]; then echo "number of guardians is as expected." else echo "number of guardians is not as expected. number of guardians in set: ${nextNumGuardians}." exit 1 fi echo "update-guardian-set.sh succeeded."