#!/bin/bash # Start indexer daemon. There are various configurations controlled by # environment variables. # # Configuration: # DISABLED - If set start a server that returns an error instead of indexer. # CONNECTION_STRING - the postgres connection string to use. # SNAPSHOT - snapshot to import, if set don't connect to algod. # PORT - port to start indexer on. # ALGOD_ADDR - host:port to connect to for algod. # ALGOD_TOKEN - token to use when connecting to algod. export PORT="8980" export CONNECTION_STRING="host=localhost port=5432 user=algorand password=algorand dbname=indexer_db sslmode=disable" export ALGOD_ADDR="localhost:4001" export ALGOD_TOKEN="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" set -e set -x start_with_algod() { echo "Starting indexer against algod." for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do wget "${ALGOD_ADDR}"/genesis -O genesis.json && break echo "Algod not responding... waiting." sleep 15 done if [ ! -f genesis.json ]; then echo "Failed to create genesis file!" exit 1 fi # PGPASSWORD=algorand psql --host=algo-indexer-db --port=5432 --username=algorand --dbname=indexer_db -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS postgres" # PGPASSWORD=algorand psql --host=algo-indexer-db --port=5432 --username=algorand --dbname=indexer_db -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS template0" # PGPASSWORD=algorand psql --host=algo-indexer-db --port=5432 --username=algorand --dbname=indexer_db -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS template1" # PGPASSWORD=algorand psql --host=algo-indexer-db --port=5432 --username=algorand -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS indexer_db" # PGPASSWORD=algorand psql --host=algo-indexer-db --port=5432 --username=algorand -c "CREATE DATABASE indexer_db" /tmp/algorand-indexer daemon \ --dev-mode \ --server ":$PORT" \ --data-dir "/opt/data" \ --enable-all-parameters \ -P "$CONNECTION_STRING" \ --algod-net "${ALGOD_ADDR}" \ --algod-token "${ALGOD_TOKEN}" \ --genesis "genesis.json" \ --logfile "/dev/stdout" >> /tmp/command.txt } import_and_start_readonly() { echo "Starting indexer with DB." # Extract the correct dataset ls -lh /tmp mkdir -p /tmp/indexer-snapshot echo "Extracting ${SNAPSHOT}" tar -xf "${SNAPSHOT}" -C /tmp/indexer-snapshot /tmp/algorand-indexer import \ -P "$CONNECTION_STRING" \ --genesis "/tmp/indexer-snapshot/algod/genesis.json" \ /tmp/indexer-snapshot/blocktars/* \ --logfile "/tmp/indexer-log.txt" >> /tmp/command.txt /tmp/algorand-indexer daemon \ --dev-mode \ --server ":$PORT" \ -P "$CONNECTION_STRING" \ --logfile "/tmp/indexer-log.txt" >> /tmp/command.txt } disabled() { go run /tmp/disabled.go -port "$PORT" -code 400 -message "Indexer disabled for this configuration." } if [ ! -z "$DISABLED" ]; then disabled elif [ -z "${SNAPSHOT}" ]; then start_with_algod else import_and_start_readonly fi sleep infinity