#!/bin/bash # This tool automates the process of writing contract upgrade governance # proposals in markdown format. # # There are two ways to run this script: either in "one-shot" mode, where a # single governance VAA is generated: # # ./contract-upgrade-governance.sh -m token_bridge -c solana -a Hp1YjsMbapQ75qpLaHQHuAv5Q8QwPoXs63zQrrcgg2HL > governance.md # # or in "multi" mode, where multiple VAAs are created in the same proposal: # # ./contract-upgrade-governance.sh -m token_bridge -c solana -a Hp1YjsMbapQ75qpLaHQHuAv5Q8QwPoXs63zQrrcgg2HL -o my_proposal > governance.md # ./contract-upgrade-governance.sh -m token_bridge -c avalanche -a 0x45fC4b6DD26097F0E51B1C91bcc331E469Ca73c2 -o my_proposal > governance.md # ... -o my_proposal > governance.md # # In multi mode, there's an additional "-o" flag, which takes a directory name, # where intermediate progress is saved between runs. If the directory doesn't # exist, the tool will create it. # # In both one-shot and multi modes, the script outputs the markdown-formatted # proposal to STDOUT, so it's a good idea to pipe it into a file (as in the above examples). # # In multi-mode, it always outputs the most recent version, so it's safe to # override the previous files. # # Once a multi-mode run is completed, the directory specified with the -o flag can be deleted. set -euo pipefail usage() { cat <<-EOF >&2 Usage: $(basename "$0") [OPTIONS] Generate governance proposal for a module to be upgraded to a given address. Options: -h, --help Show this help message -m, --module Specify the module (bridge, token_bridge, nft_bridge) -c, --chain Specify the chain name -a, --address
Specify the new code address (e.g., 0x3f1a6729bb27350748f0a0bd85ca641a100bf0a1) -o, --output Specify the multi-mode output directory -f, --force Force: bypass dirty git repo check EOF exit 1 } # Check if guardiand command exists. It's needed for generating the protoxt and # computing the digest. if ! command -v guardiand >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "ERROR: guardiand binary not found" >&2 exit 1 fi # Check if the worm command exists. It's needed for computing the digest. if ! command -v worm >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "ERROR: worm binary not found" >&2 exit 1 fi ### Parse command line options address="" module="" chain_name="" multi_mode=false out_dir="" allow_dirty=false while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage ;; -m|--module) module="$2" shift 2 ;; -c|--chain) chain_name="$2" shift 2 ;; -a|--address) address="$2" shift 2 ;; -o|--output) multi_mode=true out_dir="$2" shift 2 ;; -f|--force) allow_dirty=true shift ;; --) # end of options shift break ;; -*) echo "Error: Unsupported option $1" >&2 usage ;; *) # anything else echo "Error: Unsupported argument $1" >&2 usage ;; esac done [ -z "$address" ] && usage [ -z "$chain_name" ] && usage [ -z "$module" ] && usage # Check if the git tree is dirty if [ "$allow_dirty" = false ]; then if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then echo "ERROR: git tree is dirty. Commit or stash your changes first." >&2 echo "If you are sure you want to proceed, use the --force flag." >&2 exit 1 fi fi ### The script constructs the governance proposal in two different steps. First, ### the governance prototxt (for VAA injection by the guardiand tool), then the voting/verification instructions. gov_msg_file="" instructions_file="" if [ "$multi_mode" = true ]; then mkdir -p "$out_dir" gov_msg_file="$out_dir/governance.prototxt" instructions_file="$out_dir/instructions.md" else gov_msg_file=$(mktemp) instructions_file=$(mktemp) fi explorer="" evm=false # TODO: move to CLI case "$chain_name" in solana) chain=1 explorer="https://explorer.solana.com/address/" extra="" ;; pythnet) chain=26 explorer="https://explorer.solana.com/address/" extra="Be sure to choose \"Custom RPC\" as the cluster in the explorer and set it to https://pythnet.rpcpool.com" ;; ethereum) chain=2 explorer="https://etherscan.io/address/" evm=true ;; terra) chain=3 # This is not technically the explorer, but terra finder does not show # information about code ids, so this is the best we can do. explorer="https://lcd.terra.dev/terra/wasm/v1beta1/codes/" ;; bsc) chain=4 explorer="https://bscscan.com/address/" evm=true ;; polygon) chain=5 explorer="https://polygonscan.com/address/" evm=true ;; avalanche) chain=6 explorer="https://snowtrace.io/address/" evm=true ;; oasis) chain=7 explorer="https://explorer.emerald.oasis.dev/address/" evm=true ;; aurora) chain=9 explorer="https://aurorascan.dev/address/" evm=true ;; algorand) chain=8 explorer="https://algoexplorer.io/address/" ;; fantom) chain=10 explorer="https://ftmscan.com/address/" evm=true ;; karura) chain=11 explorer="https://blockscout.karura.network/address/" evm=true ;; acala) chain=12 explorer="https://blockscout.acala.network/address/" evm=true ;; klaytn) chain=13 explorer="https://scope.klaytn.com/account/" evm=true ;; celo) chain=14 explorer="https://celoscan.xyz/address/" evm=true ;; near) chain=15 explorer="https://explorer.near.org/accounts/" ;; arbitrum) chain=23 explorer="https://arbiscan.io/address/" evm=true ;; optimism) chain=24 explorer="https://optimistic.etherscan.io/address/" evm=true ;; aptos) chain=22 explorer="https://explorer.aptoslabs.com/account/" ;; base) echo "Need to specify the base explorer URL!" exit 1 chain=30 explorer="??/address/" evm=true ;; *) echo "Unknown chain: $chain_name" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac # On terra, the contract given is a decimal code id. We convert it to a 32 byte # hex first. The printf is escaped, which makes no difference when we actually # evaluate the governance command later, but shows up unevaluated in the # instructions (so it's easier to read) terra_code_id="" if [ "$chain_name" = "terra" ]; then terra_code_id="$address" # save code id for later address="\$(printf \"%064x\" $terra_code_id)" fi # Generate the command to create the governance prototxt function create_governance() { case "$module" in bridge|core) echo "\ guardiand template contract-upgrade \\ --chain-id $chain \\ --new-address $address" ;; token_bridge) echo "\ guardiand template token-bridge-upgrade-contract \\ --chain-id $chain --module \"TokenBridge\" \\ --new-address $address" ;; nft_bridge) echo "\ guardiand template token-bridge-upgrade-contract \\ --chain-id $chain --module \"NFTBridge\" \\ --new-address $address" ;; wormhole_relayer) echo "\ guardiand template token-bridge-upgrade-contract \\ --chain-id $chain --module \"WormholeRelayer\" \\ --new-address $address" ;; *) echo "unknown module $module" >&2 usage ;; esac } function evm_artifact() { case "$module" in bridge|core) echo "build/contracts/Implementation.json" ;; token_bridge) echo "build/contracts/BridgeImplementation.json" ;; nft_bridge) echo "build/contracts/NFTBridgeImplementation.json" ;; *) echo "unknown module $module" >&2 usage ;; esac } function solana_artifact() { case "$module" in bridge|core) echo "artifacts-mainnet/bridge.so" ;; token_bridge) echo "artifacts-mainnet/token_bridge.so" ;; nft_bridge) echo "artifacts-mainnet/nft_bridge.so" ;; *) echo "unknown module $module" >&2 usage ;; esac } function near_artifact() { case "$module" in bridge|core) echo "artifacts/near_wormhole.wasm" ;; token_bridge) echo "artifacts/near_token_bridge.wasm" ;; *) echo "unknown module $module" >&2 usage ;; esac } function algorand_artifact() { case "$module" in bridge|core) echo "artifacts/core_approve.teal.hash" ;; token_bridge) echo "artifacts/token_approve.teal.hash" ;; *) echo "unknown module $module" >&2 usage ;; esac } function terra_artifact() { case "$module" in bridge|core) echo "artifacts/wormhole.wasm" ;; token_bridge) echo "artifacts/token_bridge_terra.wasm" ;; nft_bridge) echo "artifacts/nft_bridge.wasm" ;; *) echo "unknown module $module" >&2 usage ;; esac } ################################################################################ # Construct the governance proto echo "# $module upgrade on $chain_name" >> "$gov_msg_file" # Append the new governance message to the gov file eval "$(create_governance)" >> "$gov_msg_file" # Multiple messages will include multiple 'current_set_index' fields, but the # proto format only takes one. This next part cleans up the file so there's only # a single 'current_set_index' field. # 1. we grab the first one and save it current_set_index=$(grep "current_set_index" "$gov_msg_file" | head -n 1) # 2. remove all 'current_set_index' fields rest=$(grep -v "current_set_index" "$gov_msg_file") # 3. write the set index echo "$current_set_index" > "$gov_msg_file" # 4. then the rest of the file echo "$rest" >> "$gov_msg_file" ################################################################################ # Compute expected digests # just use the 'guardiand' command, which spits out a bunch of text to # stderr. We grab that output and pick out the VAA hashes verify=$(guardiand admin governance-vaa-verify "$gov_msg_file" 2>&1) digest=$(echo "$verify" | grep "VAA with digest" | cut -d' ' -f6 | sed 's/://g') # massage the digest into the same format that the inject command prints it digest=$(echo "$digest" | awk '{print toupper($0)}' | sed 's/^0X//') # we use the first 7 characters of the digest as an identifier for the prototxt file gov_id=$(echo "$digest" | cut -c1-7) ################################################################################ # Print vote command and expected digests # This we only print to stdout, because in multi mode, it gets recomputed each # time. The rest of the output gets printed into the instructions file cat <<-EOD # Governance Shell command for voting: \`\`\`shell cat << EOF > governance-$gov_id.prototxt $(cat "$gov_msg_file") EOF guardiand admin governance-vaa-inject --socket /path/to/admin.sock governance-$gov_id.prototxt \`\`\` Expected digest(s): \`\`\` $digest \`\`\` EOD ################################################################################ # Verification instructions # The rest of the output is printed to the instructions file (which then also # gets printed to stdout at the end) echo "# Verification steps ($chain_name $module) " >> "$instructions_file" # Print instructions on checking out the current git hash: git_hash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) echo " ## Checkout the current git hash \`\`\`shell git fetch git checkout $git_hash \`\`\`" >> "$instructions_file" # Verification steps depend on the chain. if [ "$evm" = true ]; then cat <<-EOF >> "$instructions_file" ## Build \`\`\`shell wormhole/ethereum $ make \`\`\` ## Verify Contract at [$explorer$address]($explorer$address) Next, use the \`verify\` script to verify that the deployed bytecodes we are upgrading to match the build artifacts: \`\`\`shell wormhole/ethereum $ ./verify -r $(worm info rpc mainnet $chain_name) -c $chain_name $(evm_artifact) $address \`\`\` EOF elif [ "$chain_name" = "solana" ] || [ "$chain_name" = "pythnet" ]; then cat <<-EOF >> "$instructions_file" ## Build \`\`\`shell wormhole/solana $ make clean wormhole/solana $ make NETWORK=mainnet artifacts \`\`\` This command will compile all the contracts into the \`artifacts-mainnet\` directory using Docker to ensure that the build artifacts are deterministic. ## Verify Contract at [$explorer$address]($explorer$address) $extra Next, use the \`verify\` script to verify that the deployed bytecodes we are upgrading to match the build artifacts: \`\`\`shell # $module wormhole/solana$ ./verify -n mainnet $(solana_artifact) $address \`\`\` EOF elif [ "$chain_name" = "near" ]; then cat <<-EOF >> "$instructions_file" ## Build \`\`\`shell wormhole/near $ make artifacts \`\`\` This command will compile all the contracts into the \`artifacts\` directory using Docker to ensure that the build artifacts are deterministic. Next, you can look at the checksums of the built .wasm files \`\`\`shell # $module wormhole/near$ sha256sum $(near_artifact) \`\`\` EOF elif [ "$chain_name" = "algorand" ]; then cat <<-EOF >> "$instructions_file" ## Build \`\`\`shell wormhole/algorand $ make artifacts \`\`\` This command will compile all the contracts into the \`artifacts\` directory using Docker to ensure that the build artifacts are deterministic. You can then review $(algorand_artifact) to confirm the supplied hash value EOF elif [ "$chain_name" = "terra" ]; then cat <<-EOF >> "$instructions_file" ## Build \`\`\`shell wormhole/terra $ make clean wormhole/terra $ make artifacts \`\`\` This command will compile all the contracts into the \`artifacts\` directory using Docker to ensure that the build artifacts are deterministic. ## Verify Contract at [$explorer$terra_code_id]($explorer$terra_code_id) Next, use the \`verify\` script to verify that the deployed bytecodes we are upgrading to match the build artifacts: \`\`\`shell # $module wormhole/terra$ ./verify -n mainnet -c $chain_name -w $(terra_artifact) -i $terra_code_id \`\`\` EOF elif [ "$chain_name" = "aptos" ]; then cat <<-EOF >> "$instructions_file" ## Build \`\`\`shell wormhole/aptos $ docker build -f Dockerfile --target aptos -t aptos-build . \`\`\` This command will build a docker image that can compile the contracts reproducibly. ## Verify Next, run the following command to check that the contract hash matches the expected value ($address): \`\`\`shell # $module wormhole/aptos$ docker run -it aptos-build wormhole/aptos$ worm aptos hash-contracts /tmp/$module --named-addresses wormhole=0x5bc11445584a763c1fa7ed39081f1b920954da14e04b32440cba863d03e19625,deployer=0x0108bc32f7de18a5f6e1e7d6ee7aff9f5fc858d0d87ac0da94dd8d2a5d267d6b,token_bridge=0x576410486a2da45eee6c949c995670112ddf2fbeedab20350d506328eefc9d4f,nft_bridge=0x1bdffae984043833ed7fe223f7af7a3f8902d04129b14f801823e64827da7130 wormhole/aptos$ exit \`\`\` EOF else echo "ERROR: no verification instructions for chain $chain_name" >&2 exit 1 fi cat <<-EOF >> "$instructions_file" ## Create governance \`\`\`shell $(create_governance) \`\`\` EOF # Finally print instructions to stdout cat "$instructions_file"