/// Amounts in represented in token bridge VAAs are capped at 8 decimals. This /// means that any amount that's given as having more decimals is truncated to 8 /// decimals. On the way out, these amount have to be scaled back to the /// original decimal amount. This module defines `NormalizedAmount`, which /// represents amounts that have been capped at 8 decimals. /// /// The functions `normalize` and `denormalize` take care of convertion to/from /// this type given the original amount's decimals. module token_bridge::normalized_amount { use wormhole::cursor::Cursor; use wormhole::deserialize; use wormhole::serialize; struct NormalizedAmount has store, copy, drop { amount: u64 } #[test_only] public fun get_amount(n: NormalizedAmount): u64 { n.amount } public fun normalize(amount: u64, decimals: u8): NormalizedAmount { if (decimals > 8) { let n = decimals - 8; while (n > 0){ amount = amount / 10; n = n - 1; } }; NormalizedAmount { amount } } public fun denormalize(amount: NormalizedAmount, decimals: u8): u64 { let NormalizedAmount { amount } = amount; if (decimals > 8) { let n = decimals - 8; while (n > 0){ amount = amount * 10; n = n - 1; } }; amount } public fun deserialize(cur: &mut Cursor): NormalizedAmount { // in the VAA wire format, amounts are 32 bytes. let amount = deserialize::deserialize_u256(cur); NormalizedAmount { amount: wormhole::u256::as_u64(amount) } } public fun serialize(buf: &mut vector, e: NormalizedAmount) { let NormalizedAmount { amount } = e; serialize::serialize_u256(buf, wormhole::u256::from_u64(amount)) } } #[test_only] module token_bridge::normalized_amount_test { use token_bridge::normalized_amount; #[test] fun test_normalize_denormalize_amount() { let a = 12345678910111; let b = normalized_amount::normalize(a, 9); let c = normalized_amount::denormalize(b, 9); assert!(c == 12345678910110, 0); let x = 12345678910111; let y = normalized_amount::normalize(x, 5); let z = normalized_amount::denormalize(y, 5); assert!(z == x, 0); } }