// The accountant package manages the interface to the accountant smart contract on wormchain. It is passed all VAAs before // they are signed and published. It determines if the VAA is for a token bridge transfer, and if it is, it submits an observation // request to the accountant contract. When that happens, the VAA is queued up until the accountant contract responds indicating // that the VAA has been approved. If the VAA is approved, this module will forward the VAA back to the processor loop to be signed // and published. package accountant import ( "context" "crypto/ecdsa" "fmt" "sync" "time" "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/common" "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/db" "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/supervisor" "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/wormconn" "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole/sdk" "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole/sdk/vaa" ethCommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" ethCrypto "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto" "go.uber.org/zap" ) const ( MainNetMode = 1 TestNetMode = 2 DevNetMode = 3 GoTestMode = 4 // We will retry requests once per minute for up to an hour. auditInterval = time.Duration(time.Minute) maxRetries = 60 ) type ( // tokenBridgeKey is the key to the map of token bridges being monitored tokenBridgeKey struct { emitterChainId vaa.ChainID emitterAddr vaa.Address } // tokenBridgeEntry is the payload of the map of the token bridges being monitored tokenBridgeEntry struct { } // pendingEntry is the payload for each pending transfer pendingEntry struct { msg *common.MessagePublication msgId string digest string updTime time.Time retryCount int } ) // Accountant is the object that manages the interface to the wormchain accountant smart contract. type Accountant struct { ctx context.Context logger *zap.Logger db db.AccountantDB contract string wsUrl string wormchainConn *wormconn.ClientConn enforceFlag bool gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey gst *common.GuardianSetState guardianAddr ethCommon.Address msgChan chan<- *common.MessagePublication tokenBridges map[tokenBridgeKey]*tokenBridgeEntry pendingTransfersLock sync.Mutex pendingTransfers map[string]*pendingEntry // Key is the message ID (emitterChain/emitterAddr/seqNo) subChan chan *common.MessagePublication env int } const subChanSize = 50 // NewAccountant creates a new instance of the Accountant object. func NewAccountant( ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, db db.AccountantDB, contract string, // the address of the smart contract on wormchain wsUrl string, // the URL of the wormchain websocket interface wormchainConn *wormconn.ClientConn, // used for communicating with the smart contract enforceFlag bool, // whether or not accountant should be enforced gk *ecdsa.PrivateKey, // the guardian key used for signing observation requests gst *common.GuardianSetState, // used to get the current guardian set index when sending observation requests msgChan chan<- *common.MessagePublication, // the channel where transfers received by the accountant runnable should be published env int, // Controls the set of token bridges to be monitored ) *Accountant { return &Accountant{ ctx: ctx, logger: logger, db: db, contract: contract, wsUrl: wsUrl, wormchainConn: wormchainConn, enforceFlag: enforceFlag, gk: gk, gst: gst, guardianAddr: ethCrypto.PubkeyToAddress(gk.PublicKey), msgChan: msgChan, tokenBridges: make(map[tokenBridgeKey]*tokenBridgeEntry), pendingTransfers: make(map[string]*pendingEntry), subChan: make(chan *common.MessagePublication, subChanSize), env: env, } } // Run initializes the accountant and starts the watcher runnable. func (acct *Accountant) Start(ctx context.Context) error { acct.logger.Debug("acct: entering run") acct.pendingTransfersLock.Lock() defer acct.pendingTransfersLock.Unlock() emitterMap := sdk.KnownTokenbridgeEmitters if acct.env == TestNetMode { emitterMap = sdk.KnownTestnetTokenbridgeEmitters } else if acct.env == DevNetMode || acct.env == GoTestMode { emitterMap = sdk.KnownDevnetTokenbridgeEmitters } // Build the map of token bridges to be monitored. for chainId, emitterAddrBytes := range emitterMap { emitterAddr, err := vaa.BytesToAddress(emitterAddrBytes) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert emitter address for chain: %v", chainId) } tbk := tokenBridgeKey{emitterChainId: chainId, emitterAddr: emitterAddr} _, exists := acct.tokenBridges[tbk] if exists { return fmt.Errorf("detected duplicate token bridge for chain: %v", chainId) } tbe := &tokenBridgeEntry{} acct.tokenBridges[tbk] = tbe acct.logger.Info("acct: will monitor token bridge:", zap.Stringer("emitterChainId", tbk.emitterChainId), zap.Stringer("emitterAddr", tbk.emitterAddr)) } // Load any existing pending transfers from the db. if err := acct.loadPendingTransfers(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to load pending transfers from the db: %w", err) } // Start the watcher to listen to transfer events from the smart contract. if acct.env != GoTestMode { if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "acctworker", acct.worker); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to start submit observation worker: %w", err) } if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "acctwatcher", acct.watcher); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to start watcher: %w", err) } } return nil } func (acct *Accountant) Close() { if acct.wormchainConn != nil { acct.wormchainConn.Close() acct.wormchainConn = nil } } func (acct *Accountant) FeatureString() string { if !acct.enforceFlag { return "acct:logonly" } return "acct:enforced" } // SubmitObservation will submit token bridge transfers to the accountant smart contract. This is called from the processor // loop when a local observation is received from a watcher. It returns true if the observation can be published immediately, // false if not (because it has been submitted to accountant). func (acct *Accountant) SubmitObservation(msg *common.MessagePublication) (bool, error) { msgId := msg.MessageIDString() acct.logger.Debug("acct: in SubmitObservation", zap.String("msgID", msgId)) // We only care about token bridges. tbk := tokenBridgeKey{emitterChainId: msg.EmitterChain, emitterAddr: msg.EmitterAddress} if _, exists := acct.tokenBridges[tbk]; !exists { if msg.EmitterChain != vaa.ChainIDPythNet { acct.logger.Debug("acct: ignoring vaa because it is not a token bridge", zap.String("msgID", msgId)) } return true, nil } // We only care about transfers. if !vaa.IsTransfer(msg.Payload) { acct.logger.Info("acct: ignoring vaa because it is not a transfer", zap.String("msgID", msgId)) return true, nil } digest := msg.CreateDigest() acct.pendingTransfersLock.Lock() defer acct.pendingTransfersLock.Unlock() // If this is already pending, don't send it again. if oldEntry, exists := acct.pendingTransfers[msgId]; exists { if oldEntry.digest != digest { digestMismatches.Inc() acct.logger.Error("acct: digest in pending transfer has changed, dropping it", zap.String("msgID", msgId), zap.String("oldDigest", oldEntry.digest), zap.String("newDigest", digest), ) } else { acct.logger.Info("acct: blocking transfer because it is already outstanding", zap.String("msgID", msgId)) } return false, nil } // Add it to the pending map and the database. if err := acct.addPendingTransfer(msgId, msg, digest); err != nil { acct.logger.Error("acct: failed to persist pending transfer, blocking publishing", zap.String("msgID", msgId), zap.Error(err)) return false, err } // This transaction may take a while. Pass it off to the worker so we don't block the processor. if acct.env != GoTestMode { acct.logger.Info("acct: submitting transfer to accountant for approval", zap.String("msgID", msgId), zap.Bool("canPublish", !acct.enforceFlag)) acct.submitObservation(msg) } // If we are not enforcing accountant, the event can be published. Otherwise we have to wait to hear back from the contract. return !acct.enforceFlag, nil } // AuditPending audits the set of pending transfers for any that have been in the pending state too long. This is called from the processor loop // each timer interval. Any transfers that have been in the pending state too long will be resubmitted. Any that has been retried too many times // will be logged and dropped. func (acct *Accountant) AuditPendingTransfers() { acct.logger.Debug("acct: in AuditPendingTransfers") acct.pendingTransfersLock.Lock() defer acct.pendingTransfersLock.Unlock() if len(acct.pendingTransfers) == 0 { acct.logger.Debug("acct: leaving AuditPendingTransfers, no pending transfers") return } for msgId, pe := range acct.pendingTransfers { acct.logger.Debug("acct: evaluating pending transfer", zap.String("msgID", msgId), zap.Stringer("updTime", pe.updTime)) if time.Since(pe.updTime) > auditInterval { pe.retryCount += 1 if pe.retryCount > maxRetries { acct.logger.Error("acct: stuck pending transfer has reached the retry limit, dropping it", zap.String("msgId", msgId)) acct.deletePendingTransfer(msgId) continue } acct.logger.Error("acct: resubmitting pending transfer", zap.String("msgId", msgId), zap.Stringer("lastUpdateTime", pe.updTime), zap.Int("retryCount", pe.retryCount), ) pe.updTime = time.Now() acct.submitObservation(pe.msg) } } acct.logger.Debug("acct: leaving AuditPendingTransfers") } // publishTransfer publishes a pending transfer to the accountant channel and updates the timestamp. It assumes the caller holds the lock. func (acct *Accountant) publishTransfer(pe *pendingEntry) { if acct.enforceFlag { acct.logger.Debug("acct: publishTransfer: notifying the processor", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId)) acct.msgChan <- pe.msg } acct.deletePendingTransfer(pe.msgId) } // addPendingTransfer adds a pending transfer to both the map and the database. It assumes the caller holds the lock. func (acct *Accountant) addPendingTransfer(msgId string, msg *common.MessagePublication, digest string) error { acct.logger.Debug("acct: addPendingTransfer", zap.String("msgId", msgId)) if err := acct.db.AcctStorePendingTransfer(msg); err != nil { return err } pe := &pendingEntry{msg: msg, msgId: msgId, digest: digest, updTime: time.Now()} acct.pendingTransfers[msgId] = pe transfersOutstanding.Inc() return nil } // deletePendingTransfer deletes the transfer from both the map and the database. It assumes the caller holds the lock. func (acct *Accountant) deletePendingTransfer(msgId string) { acct.logger.Debug("acct: deletePendingTransfer", zap.String("msgId", msgId)) if _, exists := acct.pendingTransfers[msgId]; exists { transfersOutstanding.Dec() delete(acct.pendingTransfers, msgId) } if err := acct.db.AcctDeletePendingTransfer(msgId); err != nil { acct.logger.Error("acct: failed to delete pending transfer from the db", zap.String("msgId", msgId), zap.Error(err)) // Ignore this error and keep going. } } // loadPendingTransfers loads any pending transfers that are present in the database. This method assumes the caller holds the lock. func (acct *Accountant) loadPendingTransfers() error { pendingTransfers, err := acct.db.AcctGetData(acct.logger) if err != nil { return err } for _, msg := range pendingTransfers { msgId := msg.MessageIDString() acct.logger.Info("acct: reloaded pending transfer", zap.String("msgID", msgId)) digest := msg.CreateDigest() pe := &pendingEntry{msg: msg, msgId: msgId, digest: digest} // Leave the updTime unset so we will query this on the first audit interval. acct.pendingTransfers[msgId] = pe transfersOutstanding.Inc() } if len(acct.pendingTransfers) != 0 { acct.logger.Info("acct: reloaded pending transfers", zap.Int("total", len(acct.pendingTransfers))) } else { acct.logger.Info("acct: no pending transfers to be reloaded") } return nil } // submitObservation sends an observation request to the worker so it can be submited to the contract. // If writing to the channel would block, this function resets the timestamp on the entry so it will be // retried next audit interval. This method assumes the caller holds the lock. func (acct *Accountant) submitObservation(msg *common.MessagePublication) { select { case acct.subChan <- msg: acct.logger.Debug("acct: submitted observation to channel", zap.String("msgId", msg.MessageIDString())) default: msgId := msg.MessageIDString() acct.logger.Error("acct: unable to submit observation because the channel is full, will try next interval", zap.String("msgId", msgId)) pe, exists := acct.pendingTransfers[msgId] if exists { pe.updTime = time.Time{} } else { acct.logger.Error("acct: failed to look up pending transfer", zap.String("msgId", msgId)) } } }