// Prerequisites // cd ethereum && npm ci // cd sdk/js && npm ci && npm run build // cd near // npm ci // Run with // NEAR_TOKEN="" NEAR_MNEMONIC="" NEAR_ACCOUNT="" npm run attester // or // NEAR_TOKEN="" NEAR_PK="" NEAR_ACCOUNT="" npm run attester // It is SUPER SUPER important to use the near-api-js that comes from inside wormhole-sdk or all heck breaks lose import { Account as nearAccount, connect as nearConnect, keyStores as nearKeyStores, utils as nearUtils, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/node_modules/near-api-js"; import { CHAIN_ID_NEAR, CONTRACTS, attestTokenFromNear, getSignedVAAWithRetry, uint8ArrayToHex, parseSequenceFromLogNear, getEmitterAddressNear, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; import { NodeHttpTransport } from "@improbable-eng/grpc-web-node-http-transport"; // @ts-ignore import { parseSeedPhrase } from "near-seed-phrase"; import colors from "@colors/colors/safe"; import prompt from "prompt"; export const WORMHOLE_RPC_HOSTS = [ "https://wormhole-v2-mainnet-api.certus.one", "https://wormhole.inotel.ro", "https://wormhole-v2-mainnet-api.mcf.rocks", "https://wormhole-v2-mainnet-api.chainlayer.network", "https://wormhole-v2-mainnet-api.staking.fund", "https://wormhole-v2-mainnet.01node.com", ]; if (!process.env.NEAR_TOKEN) { console.log("NEAR_TOKEN is required"); process.exit(1); } if (!process.env.NEAR_ACCOUNT) { console.log("NEAR_ACCOUNT is required"); process.exit(1); } const NEAR_TOKEN_ADDRESS: string = process.env.NEAR_TOKEN; async function transferTest() { let nearNodeUrl = "https://rpc.mainnet.near.org"; let networkId = "mainnet"; // There are many kinds of keystores... in this case, I am using a InMemory one let keyStore = new nearKeyStores.InMemoryKeyStore(); if (process.env.NEAR_MNEMONIC) { let userKeys = parseSeedPhrase(process.env.NEAR_MNEMONIC); let userKey = nearUtils.KeyPair.fromString(userKeys["secretKey"]); keyStore.setKey(networkId, process.env.NEAR_ACCOUNT as string, userKey); } else if (process.env.NEAR_PK) { let userKey = nearUtils.KeyPair.fromString(process.env.NEAR_PK); keyStore.setKey(networkId, process.env.NEAR_ACCOUNT as string, userKey); } else { console.log("NEAR_MNEMONIC or NEAR_PK is required"); process.exit(1); } // connect to near... let near = await nearConnect({ headers: {}, keyStore, networkId: networkId as string, nodeUrl: nearNodeUrl as string, }); console.log("Attesting", NEAR_TOKEN_ADDRESS); prompt.message = ""; const { input } = await prompt.get({ properties: { input: { description: colors.red( "Are you sure you want to send tokens? THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE! [y/N]" ), }, }, }); if (input !== "y") return; // rpc handle const userAccount = new nearAccount( near.connection, process.env.NEAR_ACCOUNT as string ); const provider = near.connection.provider; const attestMsgs = await attestTokenFromNear( provider, CONTRACTS.MAINNET.near.core, CONTRACTS.MAINNET.near.token_bridge, NEAR_TOKEN_ADDRESS ); let attestOutcome; for (const msg of attestMsgs) { attestOutcome = await userAccount.functionCall(msg); } const sequence = parseSequenceFromLogNear(attestOutcome); if (sequence === null) { console.log("No sequence found, check above for error"); process.exit(1); } console.log( "emitterAddress:", getEmitterAddressNear(CONTRACTS.MAINNET.near.token_bridge), "sequence:", sequence ); console.log( `If this script hangs, try https://wormhole-v2-mainnet-api.certus.one/v1/signed_vaa/15/${emitterAddress}/${sequence.toString()}` ); const { vaaBytes: signedVAA } = await getSignedVAAWithRetry( WORMHOLE_RPC_HOSTS, CHAIN_ID_NEAR, getEmitterAddressNear(CONTRACTS.MAINNET.near.token_bridge), sequence, { transport: NodeHttpTransport(), } ); console.log("Redeem this on https://www.portalbridge.com/#/redeem"); console.log(`Expand "Advanced" and paste this Signed VAA`); console.log(uint8ArrayToHex(signedVAA)); } transferTest();