from time import time, sleep from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional, Union from base64 import b64decode import base64 import random import hashlib import uuid import sys import json import uvarint from local_blob import LocalBlob from TmplSig import TmplSig from algosdk.v2client.algod import AlgodClient from algosdk.kmd import KMDClient from algosdk import account, mnemonic from algosdk.encoding import decode_address from algosdk.future import transaction from pyteal import compileTeal, Mode, Expr from pyteal import * from algosdk.logic import get_application_address from algosdk.future.transaction import LogicSigAccount from inspect import currentframe import pprint max_keys = 15 max_bytes_per_key = 127 bits_per_byte = 8 bits_per_key = max_bytes_per_key * bits_per_byte max_bytes = max_bytes_per_key * max_keys max_bits = bits_per_byte * max_bytes def fullyCompileContract(genTeal, client: AlgodClient, contract: Expr, name, devmode) -> bytes: if genTeal: if devmode: teal = compileTeal(contract, mode=Mode.Application, version=6, assembleConstants=True) else: teal = compileTeal(contract, mode=Mode.Application, version=6, assembleConstants=True, optimize=OptimizeOptions(scratch_slots=True)) with open(name, "w") as f: print("Writing " + name) f.write(teal) else: with open(name, "r") as f: print("Reading " + name) teal = response = client.compile(teal) with open(name + ".bin", "w") as fout: fout.write(response["result"]) with open(name + ".hash", "w") as fout: fout.write(decode_address(response["hash"]).hex()) return response def getCoreContracts( genTeal, approve_name, clear_name, client: AlgodClient, seed_amt: int, tmpl_sig: TmplSig, devMode: bool ) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: def vaa_processor_program(seed_amt: int, tmpl_sig: TmplSig): blob = LocalBlob() def MagicAssert(a) -> Expr: if devMode: return Assert(And(a, Int(currentframe().f_back.f_lineno))) else: return Assert(a) @Subroutine(TealType.bytes) def encode_uvarint(val: Expr, b: Expr): buff = ScratchVar() return Seq(, Concat( buff.load(), If( val >= Int(128), encode_uvarint( val >> Int(7), Extract(Itob((val & Int(255)) | Int(128)), Int(7), Int(1)), ), Extract(Itob(val & Int(255)), Int(7), Int(1)), ), ), ) @Subroutine(TealType.bytes) def get_sig_address(acct_seq_start: Expr, emitter: Expr): # We could iterate over N items and encode them for a more general interface # but we inline them directly here return Sha512_256( Concat( Bytes("Program"), # ADDR_IDX aka sequence start tmpl_sig.get_bytecode_chunk(0), encode_uvarint(acct_seq_start, Bytes("")), # EMMITTER_ID tmpl_sig.get_bytecode_chunk(1), encode_uvarint(Len(emitter), Bytes("")), emitter, # APP_ID tmpl_sig.get_bytecode_chunk(2), encode_uvarint(Global.current_application_id(), Bytes("")), # TMPL_APP_ADDRESS tmpl_sig.get_bytecode_chunk(3), encode_uvarint(Len(Global.current_application_address()), Bytes("")), Global.current_application_address(), tmpl_sig.get_bytecode_chunk(4), ) ) @Subroutine(TealType.uint64) def optin(): # Alias for readability algo_seed = Gtxn[0] optin = Gtxn[1] well_formed_optin = And( # Check that we're paying it algo_seed.type_enum() == TxnType.Payment, algo_seed.amount() == Int(seed_amt), algo_seed.receiver() == optin.sender(), # Check that its an opt in to us optin.type_enum() == TxnType.ApplicationCall, optin.on_completion() == OnComplete.OptIn, # Not strictly necessary since we wouldn't be seeing this unless it was us, but... optin.application_id() == Global.current_application_id(), optin.rekey_to() == Global.current_application_address(), optin.application_args.length() == Int(0) ) return Seq( # Make sure its a valid optin MagicAssert(well_formed_optin), # Init by writing to the full space available for the sender (Int(0)), # we gucci Int(1) ) def nop(): return Seq([Approve()]) def publishMessage(): seq = ScratchVar() fee = ScratchVar() pmt = Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)] return Seq([ # Lets see if we were handed the correct account to store the sequence number in MagicAssert(Txn.accounts[1] == get_sig_address(Int(0), Txn.sender())),"MessageFee"))), If(fee.load() > Int(0), Seq([ MagicAssert(And( pmt.type_enum() == TxnType.Payment, pmt.amount() >= fee.load(), pmt.receiver() == Global.current_application_address(), pmt.rekey_to() == Global.zero_address() )), ])), # emitter sequence number, Int(0), Int(8))) + Int(1))), Pop(blob.write(Int(1), Int(0), seq.load())), # Log it so that we can look for this on the guardian network Log(seq.load()), blob.meta(Int(1), Bytes("publishMessage")), Approve() ]) def hdlGovernance(isBoot: Expr): off = ScratchVar() a = ScratchVar() emitter = ScratchVar() dest = ScratchVar() fee = ScratchVar() idx = ScratchVar() set = ScratchVar() len = ScratchVar() v = ScratchVar() tchain = ScratchVar() return Seq([ # All governance must be done with the most recent guardian set"currentGuardianSetIndex"))), If(set.load() != Int(0), Seq([[1], Int(1), Int(4))), MagicAssert(Btoi(idx.load()) == set.load()), ])), # The offset of the chain[1], Int(5), Int(1))) * Int(66) + Int(14)), # Correct source chain? MagicAssert(Extract(Txn.application_args[1], off.load(), Int(2)) == Bytes("base16", "0001")), # Correct emitter? MagicAssert(Extract(Txn.application_args[1], off.load() + Int(2), Int(32)) == Bytes("base16", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004")), # Get us to the payload + Int(43)), # Is this a governance message? MagicAssert(Extract(Txn.application_args[1], off.load(), Int(32)) == Bytes("base16", "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000436f7265")), + Int(32)), # What is the target of this governance message?[1], off.load() + Int(1), Int(2))), # Needs to point at us or to all chains[1], off.load(), Int(1)))), Cond( [a.load() == Int(1), Seq([ # ContractUpgrade is a VAA that instructs an implementation on a specific chain to upgrade itself # # In the case of Algorand, it contains the hash of the program that we are allowed to upgrade ourselves to. We would then run the upgrade program itself # to perform the actual upgrade MagicAssert(tchain.load() == Bytes("base16", "0008")), + Int(3)), App.globalPut(Bytes("validUpdateApproveHash"), Extract(Txn.application_args[1], off.load(), Int(32))) ])], [a.load() == Int(2), Seq([ # We are updating the guardian set # This should point at all chains MagicAssert(Or(tchain.load() == Bytes("base16", "0008"), tchain.load() == Bytes("base16", "0000"))), # move off to point at the NewGuardianSetIndex and grab it + Int(3)),[1], off.load(), Int(4))),, # Lets see if the user handed us the correct memory... no hacky hacky MagicAssert(Txn.accounts[3] == get_sig_address(idx.load(), Bytes("guardian"))), # Make sure it is different and we can only walk forward If(isBoot == Int(0), Seq( MagicAssert(Txn.accounts[3] != Txn.accounts[2]), MagicAssert(idx.load() == (set.load() + Int(1))) )), # Write this away till the next time App.globalPut(Bytes("currentGuardianSetIndex"), idx.load()), # Write everything out to the auxilliary storage + Int(4)),[1], off.load(), Int(1)))), # Lets not let us get bricked by somebody submitting a stupid guardian set... MagicAssert(len.load() > Int(0)), Pop(blob.write(Int(3), Int(0), Extract(Txn.application_args[1], off.load(), Int(1) + (Int(20) * len.load())))), If(Txn.accounts[3] != Txn.accounts[2], Pop(blob.write(Int(2), Int(1000), Itob(Global.latest_timestamp() + Int(86400))))), blob.meta(Int(3), Bytes("guardian")) ])], [a.load() == Int(3), Seq([ + Int(1)), MagicAssert(tchain.load() == Bytes("base16", "0008")), + Int(2) + Int(24)),[1], off.load(), Int(8)))), App.globalPut(Bytes("MessageFee"), fee.load()), ])], [a.load() == Int(4), Seq([ + Int(1)), MagicAssert(tchain.load() == Bytes("base16", "0008")), + Int(26)),[1], off.load(), Int(8)))), + Int(8)),[1], off.load(), Int(32))), InnerTxnBuilder.Begin(), InnerTxnBuilder.SetFields( { TxnField.type_enum: TxnType.Payment, TxnField.receiver: dest.load(), TxnField.amount: fee.load(), TxnField.fee: Int(0), } ), InnerTxnBuilder.Submit(), ])] ), Approve() ]) def init(): return Seq([ # You better lose yourself in the music, the moment App.globalPut(Bytes("vphash"), Txn.application_args[2]), # You own it, you better never let it go MagicAssert(Txn.sender() == Global.creator_address()), # You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow MagicAssert(App.globalGet(Bytes("booted")) == Int(0)), App.globalPut(Bytes("booted"), Bytes("true")), # This opportunity comes once in a lifetime checkForDuplicate(), # You can do anything you set your mind to... hdlGovernance(Int(1)) ]) def verifySigs(): return Return (Txn.sender() == STATELESS_LOGIC_HASH) @Subroutine(TealType.none) def checkForDuplicate(): off = ScratchVar() emitter = ScratchVar() sequence = ScratchVar() b = ScratchVar() byte_offset = ScratchVar() return Seq( # VM only is version 1 MagicAssert(Btoi(Extract(Txn.application_args[1], Int(0), Int(1))) == Int(1)),[1], Int(5), Int(1))) * Int(66) + Int(14)), # The offset of the emitter # emitter is chain/contract-address[1], off.load(), Int(34))),[1], off.load() + Int(34), Int(8)))), # They passed us the correct account? In this case, byte_offset points at the whole block / Int(max_bits)), MagicAssert(Txn.accounts[1] == get_sig_address(byte_offset.load(), emitter.load())), # Now, lets go grab the raw byte / Int(8)) % Int(max_bytes)),, byte_offset.load())), # I would hope we've never seen this packet before... throw an exception if we have MagicAssert(GetBit(b.load(), sequence.load() % Int(8)) == Int(0)), # Lets mark this bit so that we never see it again blob.set_byte(Int(1), byte_offset.load(), SetBit(b.load(), sequence.load() % Int(8), Int(1))), blob.meta(Int(1), Bytes("duplicate")) ) STATELESS_LOGIC_HASH = App.globalGet(Bytes("vphash")) def verifyVAA(): i = ScratchVar() a = ScratchVar() total_guardians = ScratchVar() guardian_keys = ScratchVar() num_sigs = ScratchVar() off = ScratchVar() digest = ScratchVar() hits = ScratchVar() s = ScratchVar() eoff = ScratchVar() guardian = ScratchVar() return Seq([ # We have a guardian set? We have OUR guardian set? MagicAssert(Txn.accounts[2] == get_sig_address(Btoi(Extract(Txn.application_args[1], Int(1), Int(4))), Bytes("guardian"))), blob.checkMeta(Int(2), Bytes("guardian")), # Lets grab the total keyset, Int(0))), MagicAssert(total_guardians.load() > Int(0)),, Int(1), Int(1) + Int(20) * total_guardians.load())), # I wonder if this is an expired guardian set, Int(1000), Int(1008)))), If(s.load() != Int(0), MagicAssert(Global.latest_timestamp() < s.load())),"base16", "0x00000000")), # How many signatures are in this vaa?[1], Int(5), Int(1)))), # Lets create a digest of THIS vaa... + (num_sigs.load() * Int(66))),[1], off.load(), Len(Txn.application_args[1]) - off.load())))), # We have enough signatures? MagicAssert(And( total_guardians.load() > Int(0), num_sigs.load() <= total_guardians.load(), num_sigs.load() > ((total_guardians.load() * Int(2)) / Int(3)), )), # Point it at the start of the signatures in the VAA, # We'll check that the preceding transactions properly verify # all of the signatures. Due to size limitations, there will be # multiple 'verifySigs' calls to achieve this. First we walk # backwards from the current instruction to find all the # 'verifySigs' calls. We do it this way because it's possible # that the VAA transactions are composed with some other # contracts calls, so we do not rely in absolute transaction # indices. # # | | ... | # | | something else | # | |----------------| # | | verifySigs | # | | verifySigs | # | | verifySigs | # | | verifyVAA | <- we are here now # | |----------------| # v | ... | MagicAssert(Txn.group_index() > Int(0)), # the first 'verifySigs' tx is the one before us - Int(1)), MagicAssert(Gtxn[i.load()].application_args.length() > Int(0)),[i.load()].application_args[0]), # Go back until we hit 'something else' or run out of # transactions (we allow nops too) While (And(i.load() > Int(0), Or(a.load() == Bytes("verifySigs"), a.load() == Bytes("nop")))).Do(Seq([ - Int(1)), If (Gtxn[i.load()].application_args.length() > Int(0),[i.load()].application_args[0]), Seq(["")), Break() ])) ])), If(And(a.load() != Bytes("verifySigs"), a.load() != Bytes("nop")), + Int(1))), # Now look through the whole group of 'verifySigs' While(i.load() <= Txn.group_index()).Do(Seq([ MagicAssert(And( Gtxn[i.load()].type_enum() == TxnType.ApplicationCall, Gtxn[i.load()].rekey_to() == Global.zero_address(), Gtxn[i.load()].application_id() == Txn.application_id(), Gtxn[i.load()].accounts[1] == Txn.accounts[1], Gtxn[i.load()].accounts[2] == Txn.accounts[2], )),[i.load()].application_args[0]), Cond( [a.load() == Bytes("verifySigs"), Seq([ # Lets see if they are actually verifying the correct signatures! # What signatures did this verifySigs check?[i.load()].application_args[1]), # Make sure we bail earlier on incorrect arguments... MagicAssert(Len(s.load()) > Int(0)), # Look at the vaa and confirm those were the expected signatures we should have been checking # at this point in the process MagicAssert(Extract(Txn.application_args[1], off.load(), Len(s.load())) == s.load()), # Where is the end pointer... + Len(s.load())), # Now we will reset s and collect the keys"")), While(off.load() < eoff.load()).Do(Seq( [ # Lets see if we ever reuse the same signature more then once (same guardian over and over)[1], off.load(), Int(1)))), MagicAssert(GetBit(hits.load(), guardian.load()) == Int(0)),, guardian.load(), Int(1))), # This extracts out of the keys THIS guardian's public key, Extract(guardian_keys.load(), guardian.load() * Int(20), Int(20)))), + Int(66)) ])), MagicAssert(And( Gtxn[i.load()].application_args[2] == s.load(), # Does the keyset passed into the verify routines match what it should be? Gtxn[i.load()].sender() == STATELESS_LOGIC_HASH, # Was it signed with our code? Gtxn[i.load()].application_args[3] == digest.load() # Was it verifying the same vaa? )), ])], [a.load() == Bytes("nop"), Seq([])], # if there is a function call not listed here, it will throw an error [a.load() == Bytes("verifyVAA"), Seq([])], [Int(1) == Int(1), Seq([Reject()])] # Nothing should get snuck in between... ), + Int(1)) ]) ), # Did we verify all the signatures? If the answer is no, something is sus MagicAssert(off.load() == Int(6) + (num_sigs.load() * Int(66))), Approve(), ]) def governance(): return Seq([ checkForDuplicate(), # Verify this is not a duplicate message and then make sure we never see it again MagicAssert(And( Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].type_enum() == TxnType.ApplicationCall, Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].application_id() == Txn.application_id(), Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].application_args[0] == Bytes("verifyVAA"), Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].sender() == Txn.sender(), Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].rekey_to() == Global.zero_address(), Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].on_completion() == OnComplete.NoOp, # Lets see if the vaa we are about to process was actually verified by the core Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].application_args[1] == Txn.application_args[1], # What checks should I give myself Gtxn[Txn.group_index()].rekey_to() == Global.zero_address(), Gtxn[Txn.group_index()].sender() == Txn.sender(), # We all opted into the same accounts? Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].accounts[0] == Txn.accounts[0], Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].accounts[1] == Txn.accounts[1], Gtxn[Txn.group_index() - Int(1)].accounts[2] == Txn.accounts[2], )), hdlGovernance(Int(0)), Approve(), ]) METHOD = Txn.application_args[0] on_delete = Seq([Reject()]) router = Cond( [METHOD == Bytes("publishMessage"), publishMessage()], [METHOD == Bytes("nop"), nop()], [METHOD == Bytes("init"), init()], [METHOD == Bytes("verifySigs"), verifySigs()], [METHOD == Bytes("verifyVAA"), verifyVAA()], [METHOD == Bytes("governance"), governance()], ) on_create = Seq( [ App.globalPut(Bytes("MessageFee"), Int(0)), App.globalPut(Bytes("vphash"), Bytes("")), App.globalPut(Bytes("currentGuardianSetIndex"), Int(0)), App.globalPut(Bytes("validUpdateApproveHash"), Bytes("")), Return(Int(1)) ]) progHash = ScratchVar() progSet = ScratchVar() clearHash = ScratchVar() clearSet = ScratchVar() def getOnUpdate(): return Seq( [ MagicAssert(Sha512_256(Concat(Bytes("Program"), Txn.approval_program())) == App.globalGet(Bytes("validUpdateApproveHash"))), MagicAssert(And(Len(Txn.clear_state_program()) == Int(4), Extract(Txn.clear_state_program(), Int(1), Int(3)) == Bytes("base16", "810143"))), Return(Int(1)) ] ) on_update = getOnUpdate() on_optin = Seq( [ Return(optin()) ]) return Cond( [Txn.application_id() == Int(0), on_create], [Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.UpdateApplication, on_update], [Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.DeleteApplication, on_delete], [Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.OptIn, on_optin], [Txn.on_completion() == OnComplete.NoOp, router] ) def clear_state_program(): return Int(1) if not devMode: client = AlgodClient("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "") APPROVAL_PROGRAM = fullyCompileContract(genTeal, client, vaa_processor_program(seed_amt, tmpl_sig), approve_name, devMode) CLEAR_STATE_PROGRAM = fullyCompileContract(genTeal, client, clear_state_program(), clear_name, devMode) return APPROVAL_PROGRAM, CLEAR_STATE_PROGRAM