import { ACCOUNT_SIZE, createCloseAccountInstruction, createInitializeAccountInstruction, createTransferInstruction, getMinimumBalanceForRentExemptAccount, getMint, NATIVE_MINT, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, } from "@solana/spl-token"; import { Commitment, Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, PublicKeyInitData, SystemProgram, Transaction, } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { MsgExecuteContract } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { Algodv2 } from "algosdk"; import { ethers, Overrides } from "ethers"; import { fromUint8Array } from "js-base64"; import BN from "bn.js"; import { TransactionSignerPair, _parseVAAAlgorand, _submitVAAAlgorand, } from "../algorand"; import { Bridge__factory } from "../ethers-contracts"; import { CHAIN_ID_NEAR, CHAIN_ID_SOLANA, ChainId, MAX_VAA_DECIMALS, uint8ArrayToHex, callFunctionNear, hashLookup, } from "../utils"; import { MsgExecuteContract as MsgExecuteContractInjective } from "@injectivelabs/sdk-ts"; import { createCompleteTransferNativeInstruction, createCompleteTransferWrappedInstruction, } from "../solana/tokenBridge"; import { SignedVaa, parseTokenTransferVaa } from "../vaa"; import { getForeignAssetNear } from "./getForeignAsset"; import { FunctionCallOptions } from "near-api-js/lib/account"; import { Provider } from "near-api-js/lib/providers"; import { MsgExecuteContract as XplaMsgExecuteContract } from "@xpla/xpla.js"; import { AptosClient, Types } from "aptos"; import { completeTransferAndRegister } from "../aptos"; export async function redeemOnEth( tokenBridgeAddress: string, signer: ethers.Signer, signedVAA: Uint8Array, overrides: Overrides & { from?: string | Promise } = {} ) { const bridge = Bridge__factory.connect(tokenBridgeAddress, signer); const v = await bridge.completeTransfer(signedVAA, overrides); const receipt = await v.wait(); return receipt; } export async function redeemOnEthNative( tokenBridgeAddress: string, signer: ethers.Signer, signedVAA: Uint8Array, overrides: Overrides & { from?: string | Promise } = {} ) { const bridge = Bridge__factory.connect(tokenBridgeAddress, signer); const v = await bridge.completeTransferAndUnwrapETH(signedVAA, overrides); const receipt = await v.wait(); return receipt; } export async function redeemOnTerra( tokenBridgeAddress: string, walletAddress: string, signedVAA: Uint8Array ) { return new MsgExecuteContract(walletAddress, tokenBridgeAddress, { submit_vaa: { data: fromUint8Array(signedVAA), }, }); } /** * Submits the supplied VAA to Injective * @param tokenBridgeAddress Address of Inj token bridge contract * @param walletAddress Address of wallet in inj format * @param signedVAA VAA with the attestation message * @returns Message to be broadcast */ export async function submitVAAOnInjective( tokenBridgeAddress: string, walletAddress: string, signedVAA: Uint8Array ): Promise { return MsgExecuteContractInjective.fromJSON({ contractAddress: tokenBridgeAddress, sender: walletAddress, msg: { data: fromUint8Array(signedVAA), }, action: "submit_vaa", }); } export const redeemOnInjective = submitVAAOnInjective; export function redeemOnXpla( tokenBridgeAddress: string, walletAddress: string, signedVAA: Uint8Array ): XplaMsgExecuteContract { return new XplaMsgExecuteContract(walletAddress, tokenBridgeAddress, { submit_vaa: { data: fromUint8Array(signedVAA), }, }); } export async function redeemAndUnwrapOnSolana( connection: Connection, bridgeAddress: PublicKeyInitData, tokenBridgeAddress: PublicKeyInitData, payerAddress: PublicKeyInitData, signedVaa: SignedVaa, commitment?: Commitment ) { const parsed = parseTokenTransferVaa(signedVaa); const targetPublicKey = new PublicKey(; const targetAmount = await getMint(connection, NATIVE_MINT, commitment).then( (info) => parsed.amount * BigInt(Math.pow(10, info.decimals - MAX_VAA_DECIMALS)) ); const rentBalance = await getMinimumBalanceForRentExemptAccount( connection, commitment ); if (, NATIVE_MINT.toBuffer()) != 0) { return Promise.reject("tokenAddress != NATIVE_MINT"); } const payerPublicKey = new PublicKey(payerAddress); const ancillaryKeypair = Keypair.generate(); const completeTransferIx = createCompleteTransferNativeInstruction( tokenBridgeAddress, bridgeAddress, payerPublicKey, signedVaa ); //This will create a temporary account where the wSOL will be moved const createAncillaryAccountIx = SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: payerPublicKey, newAccountPubkey: ancillaryKeypair.publicKey, lamports: rentBalance, //spl token accounts need rent exemption space: ACCOUNT_SIZE, programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, }); //Initialize the account as a WSOL account, with the original payerAddress as owner const initAccountIx = createInitializeAccountInstruction( ancillaryKeypair.publicKey, NATIVE_MINT, payerPublicKey ); //Send in the amount of wSOL which we want converted to SOL const balanceTransferIx = createTransferInstruction( targetPublicKey, ancillaryKeypair.publicKey, payerPublicKey, targetAmount.valueOf() ); //Close the ancillary account for cleanup. Payer address receives any remaining funds const closeAccountIx = createCloseAccountInstruction( ancillaryKeypair.publicKey, //account to close payerPublicKey, //Remaining funds destination payerPublicKey //authority ); const { blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash(commitment); const transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.recentBlockhash = blockhash; transaction.feePayer = payerPublicKey; transaction.add( completeTransferIx, createAncillaryAccountIx, initAccountIx, balanceTransferIx, closeAccountIx ); transaction.partialSign(ancillaryKeypair); return transaction; } export async function redeemOnSolana( connection: Connection, bridgeAddress: PublicKeyInitData, tokenBridgeAddress: PublicKeyInitData, payerAddress: PublicKeyInitData, signedVaa: SignedVaa, feeRecipientAddress?: PublicKeyInitData, commitment?: Commitment ) { const parsed = parseTokenTransferVaa(signedVaa); const createCompleteTransferInstruction = parsed.tokenChain == CHAIN_ID_SOLANA ? createCompleteTransferNativeInstruction : createCompleteTransferWrappedInstruction; const transaction = new Transaction().add( createCompleteTransferInstruction( tokenBridgeAddress, bridgeAddress, payerAddress, parsed, feeRecipientAddress ) ); const { blockhash } = await connection.getLatestBlockhash(commitment); transaction.recentBlockhash = blockhash; transaction.feePayer = new PublicKey(payerAddress); return transaction; } /** * This basically just submits the VAA to Algorand * @param client AlgodV2 client * @param tokenBridgeId Token bridge ID * @param bridgeId Core bridge ID * @param vaa The VAA to be redeemed * @param acct Sending account * @returns Transaction ID(s) */ export async function redeemOnAlgorand( client: Algodv2, tokenBridgeId: bigint, bridgeId: bigint, vaa: Uint8Array, senderAddr: string ): Promise { return await _submitVAAAlgorand( client, tokenBridgeId, bridgeId, vaa, senderAddr ); } export async function redeemOnNear( provider: Provider, account: string, tokenBridge: string, vaa: Uint8Array ): Promise { const options: FunctionCallOptions[] = []; const p = _parseVAAAlgorand(vaa); if (p.ToChain !== CHAIN_ID_NEAR) { throw new Error("Not destined for NEAR"); } const { found, value: receiver } = await hashLookup( provider, tokenBridge, uint8ArrayToHex(p.ToAddress as Uint8Array) ); if (!found) { throw new Error( "Unregistered receiver (receiving account is not registered)" ); } const token = await getForeignAssetNear( provider, tokenBridge, p.FromChain as ChainId, p.Contract as string ); if ( (p.Contract as string) !== "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ) { if (token === "" || token === null) { throw new Error("Unregistered token (has it been attested?)"); } const bal = await callFunctionNear( provider, token as string, "storage_balance_of", { account_id: receiver, } ); if (bal === null) { options.push({ contractId: token as string, methodName: "storage_deposit", args: { account_id: receiver, registration_only: true }, gas: new BN("100000000000000"), attachedDeposit: new BN("2000000000000000000000"), // 0.002 NEAR }); } if ( p.Fee !== undefined && p.Fee, Buffer.from( "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "hex" ) ) !== 0 ) { const bal = await callFunctionNear( provider, token as string, "storage_balance_of", { account_id: account, } ); if (bal === null) { options.push({ contractId: token as string, methodName: "storage_deposit", args: { account_id: account, registration_only: true }, gas: new BN("100000000000000"), attachedDeposit: new BN("2000000000000000000000"), // 0.002 NEAR }); } } } options.push({ contractId: tokenBridge, methodName: "submit_vaa", args: { vaa: uint8ArrayToHex(vaa), }, attachedDeposit: new BN("100000000000000000000000"), gas: new BN("150000000000000"), }); options.push({ contractId: tokenBridge, methodName: "submit_vaa", args: { vaa: uint8ArrayToHex(vaa), }, attachedDeposit: new BN("100000000000000000000000"), gas: new BN("150000000000000"), }); return options; } /** * Register the token specified in the given VAA in the transfer recipient's account if necessary * and complete the transfer. * @param client Client used to transfer data to/from Aptos node * @param tokenBridgeAddress Address of token bridge * @param transferVAA Bytes of transfer VAA * @returns Transaction payload */ export function redeemOnAptos( client: AptosClient, tokenBridgeAddress: string, transferVAA: Uint8Array ): Promise { return completeTransferAndRegister(client, tokenBridgeAddress, transferVAA); }