use borsh::BorshDeserialize; use byteorder::{ BigEndian, WriteBytesExt, }; use libsecp256k1::{ PublicKey, SecretKey, }; use sha3::Digest; use solana_program::{ instruction::Instruction, program_pack::Pack, pubkey::Pubkey, system_instruction, }; use solana_program_test::{ BanksClient, BanksClientError, ProgramTest, }; use solana_sdk::{ commitment_config::CommitmentLevel, rent::Rent, secp256k1_instruction::new_secp256k1_instruction, signature::{ Keypair, Signer, }, signers::Signers, transaction::Transaction, }; use solitaire::processors::seeded::Seeded; use std::{ env, io::{ Cursor, Write, }, time::SystemTime, }; use nft_bridge::{ instructions, types::*, }; pub use helpers::*; /// Simple API wrapper for quickly preparing and sending transactions. pub async fn execute( client: &mut BanksClient, payer: &Keypair, signers: &T, instructions: &[Instruction], commitment_level: CommitmentLevel, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let mut transaction = Transaction::new_with_payer(instructions, Some(&payer.pubkey())); let recent_blockhash = client.get_latest_blockhash().await?; transaction.sign(signers, recent_blockhash); client .process_transaction_with_commitment(transaction, commitment_level) .await } mod helpers { use super::*; use bridge::{ accounts::FeeCollector, types::ConsistencyLevel, PostVAAData, }; use nft_bridge::{ CompleteNativeData, CompleteWrappedData, CompleteWrappedMetaData, RegisterChainData, TransferNativeData, TransferWrappedData, }; use primitive_types::U256; use solana_program_test::processor; use nft_bridge::messages::{ PayloadGovernanceRegisterChain, PayloadTransfer, }; /// Generate `count` secp256k1 private keys, along with their ethereum-styled public key /// encoding: 0x0123456789ABCDEF01234 pub fn generate_keys(count: u8) -> (Vec<[u8; 20]>, Vec) { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); // Generate Guardian Keys let secret_keys: Vec = std::iter::repeat_with(|| SecretKey::random(&mut rng)) .take(count as usize) .collect(); ( secret_keys .iter() .map(|key| { let public_key = PublicKey::from_secret_key(key); let mut h = sha3::Keccak256::default(); h.write_all(&public_key.serialize()[1..]).unwrap(); let key: [u8; 32] = h.finalize().into(); let mut address = [0u8; 20]; address.copy_from_slice(&key[12..]); address }) .collect(), secret_keys, ) } /// Initialize the test environment, spins up a solana-test-validator in the background so that /// each test has a fresh environment to work within. pub async fn setup() -> (BanksClient, Keypair, Pubkey, Pubkey) { let (program, token_program) = ( env::var("BRIDGE_PROGRAM") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o".to_string()) .parse::() .unwrap(), env::var("NFT_BRIDGE_PROGRAM") .unwrap_or_else(|_| "NFTWqJR8YnRVqPDvTJrYuLrQDitTG5AScqbeghi4zSA".to_string()) .parse::() .unwrap(), ); let mut builder = ProgramTest::new("bridge", program, processor!(bridge::solitaire)); builder.add_program("spl_token_metadata", spl_token_metadata::id(), None); builder.add_program( "nft_bridge", token_program, processor!(nft_bridge::solitaire), ); // Some instructions go over the limit when tracing is enabled but we need that for better // logging. We don't really care about the limit during these tests anyway. builder.set_compute_max_units(u64::MAX); let (client, payer, _) = builder.start().await; (client, payer, program, token_program) } /// Fetch account data, the loop is there to re-attempt until data is available. pub async fn get_account_data( client: &mut BanksClient, account: Pubkey, ) -> Option { let account = client .get_account_with_commitment(account, CommitmentLevel::Processed) .await .unwrap() .unwrap(); T::try_from_slice(& } pub async fn initialize_bridge( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, initial_guardians: &[[u8; 20]], ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { execute( client, payer, &[payer], &[bridge::instructions::initialize( program, payer.pubkey(), 50, 2_000_000_000, initial_guardians, ) .unwrap()], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } pub async fn initialize( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, bridge: Pubkey, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = instructions::initialize(program, payer.pubkey(), bridge) .expect("Could not create Initialize instruction"); execute( client, payer, &[payer], &[instruction], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn transfer_native( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, bridge: Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, message: &Keypair, from: &Keypair, from_owner: &Keypair, mint: Pubkey, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = instructions::transfer_native( program, bridge, payer.pubkey(), message.pubkey(), from.pubkey(), mint, TransferNativeData { nonce: 0, target_address: [0u8; 32], target_chain: 2, }, ) .expect("Could not create Transfer Native"); execute( client, payer, &[payer, from_owner, message], &[ spl_token::instruction::approve( &spl_token::id(), &from.pubkey(), &nft_bridge::accounts::AuthoritySigner::key(None, &program), &from_owner.pubkey(), &[], 1, ) .unwrap(), instruction, ], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn transfer_wrapped( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, bridge: Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, message: &Keypair, from: Pubkey, from_owner: &Keypair, token_chain: u16, token_address: Address, token_id: U256, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = instructions::transfer_wrapped( program, bridge, payer.pubkey(), message.pubkey(), from, from_owner.pubkey(), token_chain, token_address, token_id, TransferWrappedData { nonce: 0, target_address: [5u8; 32], target_chain: 2, }, ) .expect("Could not create Transfer Native"); execute( client, payer, &[payer, from_owner, message], &[ spl_token::instruction::approve( &spl_token::id(), &from, &nft_bridge::accounts::AuthoritySigner::key(None, &program), &from_owner.pubkey(), &[], 1, ) .unwrap(), instruction, ], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } pub async fn register_chain( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, bridge: Pubkey, message_acc: Pubkey, vaa: PostVAAData, payload: PayloadGovernanceRegisterChain, payer: &Keypair, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = instructions::register_chain( program, bridge, payer.pubkey(), message_acc, vaa, payload, RegisterChainData {}, ) .expect("Could not create Transfer Native"); execute( client, payer, &[payer], &[instruction], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn complete_native( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, bridge: Pubkey, message_acc: Pubkey, vaa: PostVAAData, _payload: PayloadTransfer, payer: &Keypair, to_authority: Pubkey, mint: Pubkey, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = instructions::complete_native( program, bridge, payer.pubkey(), message_acc, vaa, to_authority, mint, CompleteNativeData {}, ) .expect("Could not create Complete Native instruction"); execute( client, payer, &[payer], &[instruction], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn complete_wrapped( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, bridge: Pubkey, message_acc: Pubkey, vaa: PostVAAData, payload: PayloadTransfer, to: Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = instructions::complete_wrapped( program, bridge, payer.pubkey(), message_acc, vaa, payload, to, CompleteWrappedData {}, ) .expect("Could not create Complete Wrapped instruction"); execute( client, payer, &[payer], &[instruction], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } pub async fn complete_wrapped_meta( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, bridge: Pubkey, message_acc: Pubkey, vaa: PostVAAData, payload: PayloadTransfer, payer: &Keypair, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = instructions::complete_wrapped_meta( program, bridge, payer.pubkey(), message_acc, vaa, payload, CompleteWrappedMetaData {}, ) .expect("Could not create Complete Wrapped Meta instruction"); execute( client, payer, &[payer], &[instruction], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } pub async fn create_mint( client: &mut BanksClient, payer: &Keypair, mint_authority: &Pubkey, mint: &Keypair, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let mint_key = mint.pubkey(); execute( client, payer, &[payer, mint], &[ solana_sdk::system_instruction::create_account( &payer.pubkey(), &mint_key, Rent::default().minimum_balance(spl_token::state::Mint::LEN), spl_token::state::Mint::LEN as u64, &spl_token::id(), ), spl_token::instruction::initialize_mint( &spl_token::id(), &mint_key, mint_authority, None, 0, ) .unwrap(), ], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } pub async fn create_token_account( client: &mut BanksClient, payer: &Keypair, token_acc: &Keypair, token_authority: &Pubkey, mint: &Pubkey, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let token_key = token_acc.pubkey(); execute( client, payer, &[payer, token_acc], &[ solana_sdk::system_instruction::create_account( &payer.pubkey(), &token_key, Rent::default().minimum_balance(spl_token::state::Account::LEN), spl_token::state::Account::LEN as u64, &spl_token::id(), ), spl_token::instruction::initialize_account( &spl_token::id(), &token_key, mint, token_authority, ) .unwrap(), ], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub async fn create_spl_metadata( client: &mut BanksClient, payer: &Keypair, metadata_account: Pubkey, mint_authority: &Keypair, mint: Pubkey, update_authority: Pubkey, name: String, symbol: String, uri: String, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { execute( client, payer, &[payer, mint_authority], &[spl_token_metadata::instruction::create_metadata_accounts( spl_token_metadata::id(), metadata_account, mint, mint_authority.pubkey(), payer.pubkey(), update_authority, name, symbol, uri, None, 0, false, false, )], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } pub async fn mint_tokens( client: &mut BanksClient, payer: &Keypair, mint_authority: &Keypair, mint: &Keypair, token_account: &Pubkey, amount: u64, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { execute( client, payer, &[payer, mint_authority], &[spl_token::instruction::mint_to( &spl_token::id(), &mint.pubkey(), token_account, &mint_authority.pubkey(), &[], amount, ) .unwrap()], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } /// Utility function for generating VAA's from message data. pub fn generate_vaa>>( emitter: Address, emitter_chain: u16, data: T, nonce: u32, sequence: u64, ) -> (PostVAAData, [u8; 32], [u8; 32]) { let vaa = PostVAAData { version: 0, guardian_set_index: 0, // Body part emitter_chain, emitter_address: emitter, sequence, payload: data.into(), timestamp: SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .as_secs() as u32, nonce, consistency_level: ConsistencyLevel::Confirmed as u8, }; // Hash data, the thing we wish to actually sign. let body = { let mut v = Cursor::new(Vec::new()); v.write_u32::(vaa.timestamp).unwrap(); v.write_u32::(vaa.nonce).unwrap(); v.write_u16::(vaa.emitter_chain).unwrap(); v.write_all(&vaa.emitter_address).unwrap(); v.write_u64::(vaa.sequence).unwrap(); v.write_u8(vaa.consistency_level).unwrap(); v.write_all(&vaa.payload).unwrap(); v.into_inner() }; // Hash this body, which is expected to be the same as the hash currently stored in the // signature account, binding that set of signatures to this VAA. let body: [u8; 32] = { let mut h = sha3::Keccak256::default(); h.write_all(body.as_slice()).unwrap(); h.finalize().into() }; let body_hash: [u8; 32] = { let mut h = sha3::Keccak256::default(); h.write_all(&body).unwrap(); h.finalize().into() }; (vaa, body, body_hash) } pub async fn verify_signatures( client: &mut BanksClient, program: &Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, body: [u8; 32], secret_keys: &[SecretKey], guardian_set_version: u32, ) -> Result { let signature_set = Keypair::new(); let tx_signers = [payer, &signature_set]; // Push Secp256k1 instructions for each signature we want to verify. for (i, key) in secret_keys.iter().enumerate() { // Set this signers signature position as present at 0. let mut signers = [-1; 19]; signers[i] = 0; execute( client, payer, &tx_signers, &[ new_secp256k1_instruction(key, &body), bridge::instructions::verify_signatures( *program, payer.pubkey(), guardian_set_version, signature_set.pubkey(), bridge::VerifySignaturesData { signers }, ) .unwrap(), ], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await?; } Ok(signature_set.pubkey()) } pub async fn post_vaa( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, signature_set: Pubkey, vaa: PostVAAData, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { let instruction = bridge::instructions::post_vaa(program, payer.pubkey(), signature_set, vaa); execute( client, payer, &[payer], &[instruction], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] // This function is not used, but looks useful... #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn post_message( client: &mut BanksClient, program: Pubkey, payer: &Keypair, emitter: &Keypair, message: &Keypair, nonce: u32, data: Vec, fee: u64, ) -> Result<(), BanksClientError> { // Transfer money into the fee collector as it needs a balance/must exist. let fee_collector = FeeCollector::<'_>::key(None, &program); // Capture the resulting message, later functions will need this. let instruction = bridge::instructions::post_message( program, payer.pubkey(), emitter.pubkey(), message.pubkey(), nonce, data, ConsistencyLevel::Confirmed, ) .unwrap(); execute( client, payer, &[payer, emitter, message], &[ system_instruction::transfer(&payer.pubkey(), &fee_collector, fee), instruction, ], CommitmentLevel::Processed, ) .await } }