import "dotenv/config"; import { LCDClient, MnemonicKey } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { StdFee, MsgInstantiateContract, MsgExecuteContract, MsgStoreCode, } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { readFileSync, readdirSync } from "fs"; import { Bech32, toHex } from "@cosmjs/encoding"; import { zeroPad } from "ethers/lib/utils.js"; function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function broadcastAndWait(terra, tx) { const response = await terra.tx.broadcast(tx); let currentHeight = (await terra.tendermint.blockInfo()).block.header.height; while (currentHeight <= response.height) { await sleep(100); currentHeight = (await terra.tendermint.blockInfo()).block.header.height; } return response; } /* NOTE: Only append to this array: keeping the ordering is crucial, as the contracts must be imported in a deterministic order so their addresses remain deterministic. */ const artifacts = [ "wormhole.wasm", "token_bridge_terra.wasm", "cw20_wrapped.wasm", "cw20_base.wasm", "nft_bridge.wasm", "cw721_wrapped.wasm", "cw721_base.wasm", "mock_bridge_integration.wasm", ]; /* Check that the artifact folder contains all the wasm files we expect and nothing else */ const actual_artifacts = readdirSync("../artifacts/").filter((a) => a.endsWith(".wasm") ); const missing_artifacts = artifacts.filter( (a) => !actual_artifacts.includes(a) ); if (missing_artifacts.length) { console.log( "Error during terra deployment. The following files are expected to be in the artifacts folder:" ); missing_artifacts.forEach((file) => console.log(` - ${file}`)); console.log( "Hint: the deploy script needs to run after the contracts have been built." ); console.log( "External binary blobs need to be manually added in tools/Dockerfile." ); process.exit(1); } const unexpected_artifacts = actual_artifacts.filter( (a) => !artifacts.includes(a) ); if (unexpected_artifacts.length) { console.log( "Error during terra deployment. The following files are not expected to be in the artifacts folder:" ); unexpected_artifacts.forEach((file) => console.log(` - ${file}`)); console.log("Hint: you might need to modify tools/deploy.js"); process.exit(1); } /* Set up terra client & wallet */ const terra = new LCDClient({ URL: "http://localhost:1317", chainID: "localterra", }); const wallet = terra.wallet( new MnemonicKey({ mnemonic: "notice oak worry limit wrap speak medal online prefer cluster roof addict wrist behave treat actual wasp year salad speed social layer crew genius", }) ); await wallet.sequence(); /* Deploy artifacts */ const codeIds = {}; for (const file of artifacts) { const contract_bytes = readFileSync(`../artifacts/${file}`); console.log(`Storing WASM: ${file} (${contract_bytes.length} bytes)`); const store_code = new MsgStoreCode( wallet.key.accAddress, contract_bytes.toString("base64") ); try { const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({ msgs: [store_code], memo: "", }); const rs = await broadcastAndWait(terra, tx); const ci = /"code_id","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec(rs.raw_log)[1]; codeIds[file] = parseInt(ci); } catch (e) { console.log(`${e}`); } } console.log(codeIds); /* Instantiate contracts. * * We instantiate the core contracts here (i.e. wormhole itself and the bridge contracts). * The wrapped asset contracts don't need to be instantiated here, because those * will be instantiated by the on-chain bridge contracts on demand. * */ // Governance constants defined by the Wormhole spec. const govChain = 1; const govAddress = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"; async function instantiate(contract, inst_msg) { var address; await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgInstantiateContract( wallet.key.accAddress, wallet.key.accAddress, codeIds[contract], inst_msg ), ], memo: "", }) .then((tx) => broadcastAndWait(terra, tx)) .then((rs) => { address = /"contract_address","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec(rs.raw_log)[1]; }); console.log( `Instantiated ${contract} at ${address} (${convert_terra_address_to_hex( address )})` ); return address; } // Instantiate contracts. NOTE: Only append at the end, the ordering must be // deterministic for the addresses to work const addresses = {}; const init_guardians = JSON.parse(process.env.INIT_SIGNERS); if (!init_guardians || init_guardians.length === 0) { throw "failed to get initial guardians from .env file."; } addresses["wormhole.wasm"] = await instantiate("wormhole.wasm", { gov_chain: govChain, gov_address: Buffer.from(govAddress, "hex").toString("base64"), guardian_set_expirity: 86400, initial_guardian_set: { addresses: => { return { bytes: Buffer.from(hex, "hex").toString("base64"), }; }), expiration_time: 0, }, }); addresses["token_bridge_terra.wasm"] = await instantiate( "token_bridge_terra.wasm", { gov_chain: govChain, gov_address: Buffer.from(govAddress, "hex").toString("base64"), wormhole_contract: addresses["wormhole.wasm"], wrapped_asset_code_id: codeIds["cw20_wrapped.wasm"], } ); addresses["mock.wasm"] = await instantiate("cw20_base.wasm", { name: "MOCK", symbol: "MCK", decimals: 6, initial_balances: [ { address: wallet.key.accAddress, amount: "100000000", }, { address: "terra17tv2hvwpg0ukqgd2y5ct2w54fyan7z0zxrm2f9", amount: "100000000", }, ], mint: null, }); addresses["nft_bridge.wasm"] = await instantiate("nft_bridge.wasm", { gov_chain: govChain, gov_address: Buffer.from(govAddress, "hex").toString("base64"), wormhole_contract: addresses["wormhole.wasm"], wrapped_asset_code_id: codeIds["cw721_wrapped.wasm"], }); addresses["cw721_base.wasm"] = await instantiate("cw721_base.wasm", { name: "MOCK", symbol: "MCK", minter: wallet.key.accAddress, }); async function mint_cw721(token_id, token_uri) { await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, addresses["cw721_base.wasm"], { mint: { token_id: token_id.toString(), owner: wallet.key.accAddress, token_uri: token_uri, }, }, { uluna: 1000 } ), ], memo: "", fee: new StdFee(2000000, { uluna: "100000", }), }) .then((tx) => broadcastAndWait(terra, tx)); console.log( `Minted NFT with token_id ${token_id} at ${addresses["cw721_base.wasm"]}` ); } await mint_cw721( 0, "" ); await mint_cw721( 1, "" ); /* Registrations: tell the bridge contracts to know about each other */ const contract_registrations = { "token_bridge_terra.wasm": [ // Solana process.env.REGISTER_SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, // Ethereum process.env.REGISTER_ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, // BSC process.env.REGISTER_BSC_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, // ALGO process.env.REGISTER_ALGO_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, // TERRA2 process.env.REGISTER_TERRA2_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, // NEAR process.env.REGISTER_NEAR_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, // Wormhole Chain process.env.REGISTER_WORMCHAIN_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, // APTOS process.env.REGISTER_APTOS_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA, ], "nft_bridge.wasm": [ // Solana process.env.REGISTER_SOL_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA, // Ethereum process.env.REGISTER_ETH_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA, ], }; for (const [contract, registrations] of Object.entries( contract_registrations )) { console.log(`Registering chains for ${contract}:`); for (const registration of registrations) { await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, addresses[contract], { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(registration, "hex").toString("base64"), }, }, { uluna: 1000 } ), ], memo: "", fee: new StdFee(2000000, { uluna: "100000", }), }) .then((tx) => broadcastAndWait(terra, tx)) .then((rs) => console.log(rs)); } } // Terra addresses are "human-readable", but for cross-chain registrations, we // want the "canonical" version function convert_terra_address_to_hex(human_addr) { return "0x" + toHex(zeroPad(Bech32.decode(human_addr).data, 32)); }