import { LCDClient, MnemonicKey, RawKey } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { MsgInstantiateContract, MsgStoreCode, } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { Bech32, toHex } from "@cosmjs/encoding"; import { zeroPad } from "ethers/lib/utils.js"; import axios from "axios"; import yargs from "yargs"; import {hideBin} from "yargs/helpers"; export const TERRA_GAS_PRICES_URL = ""; const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .option('network', { description: 'Which network to deploy to', choices: ['mainnet', 'testnet', 'devnet'], required: true }) .option('artifact', { description: 'Which WASM file to deploy', type: 'string', required: true }) .option('private-key', { description: 'Private key (hex or mnemonic)', type: 'string', required: true }) .help() .alias('help', 'h').argv; const artifact = argv.artifact; /* Set up terra client & wallet */ const terra_host = === "mainnet" ? { URL: "", chainID: "columbus-5", name: "mainnet", } : === "testnet" ? { URL: "", chainID: "bombay-12", name: "testnet", } : { URL: "http://localhost:1317", chainID: "localterra", }; const lcd = new LCDClient(terra_host); const feeDenoms = ["uluna"]; const gasPrices = await axios .get(TERRA_GAS_PRICES_URL) .then((result) =>; let wallet; // Try either a private key in hex form or a mnemonic try { wallet = lcd.wallet( new RawKey(new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(argv['private-key'], "hex"))) ); } catch { wallet = lcd.wallet( new MnemonicKey({ mnemonic: argv['private-key'] })) } await wallet.sequence(); /* Deploy artifacts */ let codeId; const contract_bytes = readFileSync(artifact); console.log(`Storing WASM: ${artifact} (${contract_bytes.length} bytes)`); const store_code = new MsgStoreCode( wallet.key.accAddress, contract_bytes.toString("base64") ); const feeEstimate = await lcd.tx.estimateFee( wallet.key.accAddress, [store_code], { memo: "", feeDenoms, gasPrices, } ); console.log("Deploy fee: ", feeEstimate.amount.toString()); const tx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({ msgs: [store_code], memo: "", feeDenoms, gasPrices, fee: feeEstimate, }); const rs = await lcd.tx.broadcast(tx); try { const ci = /"code_id","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec(rs.raw_log)[1]; codeId = parseInt(ci); console.log("Code ID: ", codeId); } catch (e) { console.error("Couldn't parse logs: " + e); console.error(rs.raw_log); } /* Instantiate contracts. * * We instantiate the core contracts here (i.e. wormhole itself and the bridge contracts). * The wrapped asset contracts don't need to be instantiated here, because those * will be instantiated by the on-chain bridge contracts on demand. * */ async function instantiate(codeId, inst_msg) { var address; await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgInstantiateContract( wallet.key.accAddress, wallet.key.accAddress, codeId, inst_msg ), ], memo: "", }) .then((tx) => lcd.tx.broadcast(tx)) .then((rs) => { address = /"contract_address","value":"([^"]+)/gm.exec(rs.raw_log)[1]; }); console.log(`Instantiated ${contract} at ${address} (${convert_terra_address_to_hex(address)})`); return address; } // example usage of instantiate: // const contractAddress = await instantiate("wormhole.wasm", { // gov_chain: govChain, // gov_address: Buffer.from(govAddress, "hex").toString("base64"), // guardian_set_expirity: 86400, // initial_guardian_set: { // addresses: [ // { // bytes: Buffer.from( // "beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe", // "hex" // ).toString("base64"), // }, // ], // expiration_time: 0, // }, // }); // Terra addresses are "human-readable", but for cross-chain registrations, we // want the "canonical" version function convert_terra_address_to_hex(human_addr) { return "0x" + toHex(zeroPad(Bech32.decode(human_addr).data, 32)); }