#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script allows devnet initialization with more than one guardian. # First argument is the number of guardians for the initial guardian set. set -exuo pipefail numGuardians=$1 echo "number of guardians to initialize: ${numGuardians}" addressesJson="./scripts/devnet-consts.json" # working files for accumulating state envFile="./scripts/.env.hex" # for generic hex data, for solana, terra, etc ethFile="./scripts/.env.0x" # for "0x" prefixed data, for ethereum scripts # copy the eth defaults so we can override just the things we need cp ./ethereum/.env.test $ethFile # function for updating or inserting a KEY=value pair in a file. function upsert_env_file { file=${1} # file will be created if it does not exist. key=${2} # line must start with the key. new_value=${3} # replace the value if it exists, else, append it to the file if [[ -f $file ]] && grep -q "^$key=" $file; then # file has the key, update it: if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # on macOS's sed, the -i flag needs the '' argument to not create # backup files sed -i '' -e "/^$key=/s/=.*/=$new_value/" $file else sed -i -e "/^$key=/s/=.*/=$new_value/" $file fi else # file does not have the key, add it: echo "$key=$new_value" >> $file fi } echo "# This file was auto-generated by $(basename $0). Do not modify by hand!" >> $ethFile echo "# This file was auto-generated by $(basename $0). Do not modify by hand!" >> $envFile # assert jq exists before trying to use it if ! type -p jq; then echo "ERROR: jq is not installed"! >&2 exit 1 fi # 1) guardian public keys - used as the initial guardian set when initializing contracts. echo "generating guardian set addresses" # create an array of strings containing the ECDSA public keys of the devnet guardians in the guardianset: # guardiansPublicEth has the leading "0x" that Eth scripts expect. guardiansPublicEth=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].public]' $addressesJson) # guardiansPublicHex does not have a leading "0x", just hex strings. guardiansPublicHex=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].public[2:]]' $addressesJson) # also make a CSV string of the hex addresses, so the client scripts that need that format don't have to. guardiansPublicHexCSV=$(echo ${guardiansPublicHex} | jq --raw-output -c '. | join(",")') # write the lists of addresses to the env files initSigners="INIT_SIGNERS" upsert_env_file $ethFile $initSigners $guardiansPublicEth upsert_env_file $envFile $initSigners $guardiansPublicHex upsert_env_file $envFile "INIT_SIGNERS_CSV" $guardiansPublicHexCSV # 2) guardian private keys - used for generating the initial governance VAAs (register token bridge & nft bridge contracts on each chain). echo "generating guardian set keys" # create an array of strings containing the private keys of the devnet guardians in the guardianset guardiansPrivate=$(jq -c --argjson lastIndex $numGuardians '.devnetGuardians[:$lastIndex] | [.[].private]' $addressesJson) # create a CSV string with the private keys of the guardians in the guardianset, that will be used to create registration VAAs guardiansPrivateCSV=$(echo ${guardiansPrivate} | jq --raw-output -c '. | join(",")') # write the lists of keys to the env files upsert_env_file $ethFile "INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_JSON" $guardiansPrivate upsert_env_file $envFile "INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_CSV" $guardiansPrivateCSV # 3) fetch and store the contract addresses that we need to make contract registration governance VAAs for: echo "getting contract addresses for chain registrations from $addressesJson" # get addresses from the constants file solTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."1".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) ethTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."2".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) terraTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."3".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) bscTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."4".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) algoTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."8".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) nearTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."15".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) terra2TokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."18".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) suiTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."21".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) aptosTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."22".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) wormchainTokenBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."3104".contracts.tokenBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) solNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."1".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) ethNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."2".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) nearNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."15".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) aptosNFTBridge=$(jq --raw-output '.chains."22".contracts.nftBridgeEmitterAddress' $addressesJson) # 4) create token bridge registration VAAs # invoke CLI commands to create registration VAAs solTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c solana -a ${solTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) ethTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c ethereum -a ${ethTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) terraTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c terra -a ${terraTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) bscTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c bsc -a ${bscTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) algoTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c algorand -a ${algoTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) nearTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c near -a ${nearTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) terra2TokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c terra2 -a ${terra2TokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) suiTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c sui -a ${suiTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) aptosTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c aptos -a ${aptosTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) wormchainTokenBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m TokenBridge -c wormchain -a ${wormchainTokenBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) # 5) create nft bridge registration VAAs echo "generating contract registration VAAs for nft bridges" solNFTBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m NFTBridge -c solana -a ${solNFTBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) ethNFTBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m NFTBridge -c ethereum -a ${ethNFTBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) nearNFTBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m NFTBridge -c near -a ${nearNFTBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) aptosNFTBridgeVAA=$(worm generate registration -m NFTBridge -c aptos -a ${aptosNFTBridge} -g ${guardiansPrivateCSV}) # 6) write the registration VAAs to env files echo "writing VAAs to .env files" # define the keys that will hold the chain registration governance VAAs solTokenBridge="REGISTER_SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" ethTokenBridge="REGISTER_ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" terraTokenBridge="REGISTER_TERRA_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" bscTokenBridge="REGISTER_BSC_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" algoTokenBridge="REGISTER_ALGO_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" terra2TokenBridge="REGISTER_TERRA2_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" nearTokenBridge="REGISTER_NEAR_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" suiTokenBridge="REGISTER_SUI_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" aptosTokenBridge="REGISTER_APTOS_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" wormchainTokenBridge="REGISTER_WORMCHAIN_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA" solNFTBridge="REGISTER_SOL_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA" ethNFTBridge="REGISTER_ETH_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA" nearNFTBridge="REGISTER_NEAR_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA" aptosNFTBridge="REGISTER_APTOS_NFT_BRIDGE_VAA" # solana token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $solTokenBridge $solTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $solTokenBridge $solTokenBridgeVAA # solana nft bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $solNFTBridge $solNFTBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $solNFTBridge $solNFTBridgeVAA # ethereum token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $ethTokenBridge $ethTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $ethTokenBridge $ethTokenBridgeVAA # ethereum nft bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $ethNFTBridge $ethNFTBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $ethNFTBridge $ethNFTBridgeVAA # terra token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $terraTokenBridge $terraTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $terraTokenBridge $terraTokenBridgeVAA # bsc token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $bscTokenBridge $bscTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $bscTokenBridge $bscTokenBridgeVAA # algo token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $algoTokenBridge $algoTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $algoTokenBridge $algoTokenBridgeVAA # terra2 token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $terra2TokenBridge $terra2TokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $terra2TokenBridge $terra2TokenBridgeVAA # near token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $nearTokenBridge $nearTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $nearTokenBridge $nearTokenBridgeVAA # near nft bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $nearNFTBridge $nearNFTBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $nearNFTBridge $nearNFTBridgeVAA # sui token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $suiTokenBridge $suiTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $suiTokenBridge $suiTokenBridgeVAA # aptos token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $aptosTokenBridge $aptosTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $aptosTokenBridge $aptosTokenBridgeVAA # aptos nft bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $aptosNFTBridge $aptosNFTBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $aptosNFTBridge $aptosNFTBridgeVAA # wormchain token bridge upsert_env_file $ethFile $wormchainTokenBridge $wormchainTokenBridgeVAA upsert_env_file $envFile $wormchainTokenBridge $wormchainTokenBridgeVAA # 7) copy the local .env file to the solana & terra dirs, if the script is running on the host machine # chain dirs will not exist if running in docker for Tilt, only if running locally. check before copying. # copy ethFile to ethereum if [[ -d ./ethereum ]]; then echo "copying $ethFile to /ethereum/.env" cp $ethFile ./ethereum/.env fi # copy the hex envFile to each of the non-EVM chains paths=( ./algorand/.env ./near/.env ./solana/.env ./terra/tools/.env ./cosmwasm/deployment/terra2/tools/.env ./sui/.env ./aptos/.env ./wormchain/contracts/tools/.env ) for envDest in "${paths[@]}"; do dirname=$(dirname $envDest) if [[ -d "$dirname" ]]; then echo "copying $envFile to $envDest" cp $envFile $envDest fi done echo "guardian set init complete!"