import { CHAIN_ID_WORMCHAIN, hexToUint8Array, Other, Payload, serialiseVAA, sign, VAA, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; import { toBinary } from "@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate"; import { fromBase64 } from "@cosmjs/encoding"; import { getWallet, getWormchainSigningClient, } from "@wormhole-foundation/wormchain-sdk"; import { ZERO_FEE } from "@wormhole-foundation/wormchain-sdk/lib/core/consts"; import "dotenv/config"; import * as fs from "fs"; import { readdirSync } from "fs"; import { keccak256 } from "js-sha3"; import * as util from "util"; if (process.env.INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_CSV === "undefined") { let msg = `.env is missing. run "make contracts-tools-deps" to fetch.`; console.error(msg); throw msg; } const VAA_SIGNERS = process.env.INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_CSV.split(","); const WORMCHAIN_HOST = process.env.WORMCHAIN_HOST; if (!WORMCHAIN_HOST) { throw "WORMCHAIN_HOST unset"; } let MNEMONIC = process.env.MNEMONIC; if (!MNEMONIC) { throw "MNEMONIC unset"; } const GOVERNANCE_CHAIN = 1; const GOVERNANCE_EMITTER = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"; const readFileAsync = util.promisify(fs.readFile); /* NOTE: Only append to this array: keeping the ordering is crucial, as the contracts must be imported in a deterministic order so their addresses remain deterministic. */ type ContractName = string; const artifacts: ContractName[] = ["wormchain_ibc_receiver.wasm"]; const ARTIFACTS_PATH = "../artifacts/"; /* Check that the artifact folder contains all the wasm files we expect and nothing else */ try { const actual_artifacts = readdirSync(ARTIFACTS_PATH).filter((a) => a.endsWith(".wasm") ); const missing_artifacts = artifacts.filter( (a) => !actual_artifacts.includes(a) ); if (missing_artifacts.length) { console.log( "Error during wormchain deployment. The following files are expected to be in the artifacts folder:" ); missing_artifacts.forEach((file) => console.log(` - ${file}`)); console.log( "Hint: the deploy script needs to run after the contracts have been built." ); console.log( "External binary blobs need to be manually added in tools/Dockerfile." ); process.exit(1); } } catch (err) { console.error( `${ARTIFACTS_PATH} cannot be read. Do you need to run "make contracts-deploy-setup"?` ); process.exit(1); } async function main() { /* Set up cosmos client & wallet */ const wallet = await getWallet(MNEMONIC); const client = await getWormchainSigningClient(WORMCHAIN_HOST, wallet); // there are several Cosmos chains in devnet, so check the config is as expected let id = await client.getChainId(); if (id !== "wormchain-testnet-0") { throw new Error( `Wormchain CosmWasmClient connection produced an unexpected chainID: ${id}` ); } const signers = await wallet.getAccounts(); const signer = signers[0].address; console.log("wormchain contract deployer is: ", signer); /* Deploy artifacts */ const codeIds: { [name: ContractName]: number } = await artifacts.reduce( async (prev, file) => { // wait for the previous to finish, to avoid the race condition of wallet sequence mismatch. const accum = await prev; const contract_bytes = await readFileAsync(`${ARTIFACTS_PATH}${file}`); const payload = keccak256(contract_bytes); let vaa: VAA = { version: 1, guardianSetIndex: 0, signatures: [], timestamp: 0, nonce: 0, emitterChain: GOVERNANCE_CHAIN, emitterAddress: GOVERNANCE_EMITTER, sequence: BigInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000)), consistencyLevel: 0, payload: { type: "Other", hex: `0000000000000000000000000000000000000000005761736D644D6F64756C65010${CHAIN_ID_WORMCHAIN.toString( 16 )}${payload}`, }, }; vaa.signatures = sign(VAA_SIGNERS, vaa as unknown as VAA); console.log("uploading", file); const msg = client.core.msgStoreCode({ signer, wasm_byte_code: new Uint8Array(contract_bytes), vaa: hexToUint8Array(serialiseVAA(vaa as unknown as VAA)), }); const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(signer, [msg], { ...ZERO_FEE, gas: "10000000", }); const codeId = Number( JSON.parse(result.rawLog)[0] .events.find(({ type }) => type === "store_code") .attributes.find(({ key }) => key === "code_id").value ); console.log( `uploaded ${file}, codeID: ${codeId}, tx: ${result.transactionHash}` ); accum[file] = codeId; return accum; }, Object() ); // Migrate contracts. async function migrate(code_id: number, migrate_msg: any, contract: string) { const migrateMsgBinary = toBinary(migrate_msg); const migrateMsgBytes = fromBase64(migrateMsgBinary); // see /sdk/vaa/governance.go const codeIdBuf = Buffer.alloc(8); codeIdBuf.writeBigInt64BE(BigInt(code_id)); const codeIdHash = keccak256(codeIdBuf); const codeIdContractHash = keccak256( Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from(codeIdHash, "hex"), Buffer.from(contract, "utf8"), ]) ); const fullHash = keccak256( Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(codeIdContractHash, "hex"), migrateMsgBytes]) ); console.log(fullHash); let vaa: VAA = { version: 1, guardianSetIndex: 0, signatures: [], timestamp: 0, nonce: 0, emitterChain: GOVERNANCE_CHAIN, emitterAddress: GOVERNANCE_EMITTER, sequence: BigInt(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000)), consistencyLevel: 0, payload: { type: "Other", hex: `0000000000000000000000000000000000000000005761736D644D6F64756C65030${CHAIN_ID_WORMCHAIN.toString( 16 )}${fullHash}`, }, }; // TODO: check for number of guardians in set and use the corresponding keys vaa.signatures = sign(VAA_SIGNERS, vaa as unknown as VAA); const msg = client.core.msgMigrateContract({ signer, code_id, contract, msg: migrateMsgBytes, vaa: hexToUint8Array(serialiseVAA(vaa as unknown as VAA)), }); const result = await client.signAndBroadcast(signer, [msg], { ...ZERO_FEE, gas: "10000000", }); console.log("contract migration msg: ", msg); console.log("contract migration result: ", result); console.log( `migrated contract ${contract}, codeID: ${code_id}, txHash: ${result.transactionHash}` ); } // Migrate contracts. const wormchainIbcReceiverMigrateMsg = {}; await migrate( codeIds["wormchain_ibc_receiver.wasm"], wormchainIbcReceiverMigrateMsg, "wormhole1nc5tatafv6eyq7llkr2gv50ff9e22mnf70qgjlv737ktmt4eswrq0kdhcj" ); } try { main(); } catch (e: any) { if (e?.message) { console.error(e.message); } throw e; }