package guardiand import ( "crypto/ecdsa" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "log" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" nodev1 "" ) var setUpdateNumGuardians *int var templateGuardianIndex *int var chainID *string var address *string var module *string var shutdownGuardianKey *string var shutdownPubKey *string func init() { governanceFlagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet("governance", pflag.ExitOnError) chainID = governanceFlagSet.String("chain-id", "", "Chain ID") address = governanceFlagSet.String("new-address", "", "New address (hex, base58 or bech32)") moduleFlagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet("module", pflag.ExitOnError) module = moduleFlagSet.String("module", "", "Module name") authProofFlagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet("auth-proof", pflag.ExitOnError) shutdownGuardianKey = authProofFlagSet.String("guardian-key", "", "Guardian key to sign proof. File path or hex string") shutdownPubKey = authProofFlagSet.String("proof-pub-key", "", "Public key to encode in proof") templateGuardianIndex = TemplateCmd.PersistentFlags().Int("idx", 2, "Default current guardian set index") setUpdateNumGuardians = AdminClientGuardianSetTemplateCmd.Flags().Int("num", 1, "Number of devnet guardians in example file") TemplateCmd.AddCommand(AdminClientGuardianSetTemplateCmd) AdminClientContractUpgradeTemplateCmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(governanceFlagSet) TemplateCmd.AddCommand(AdminClientContractUpgradeTemplateCmd) AdminClientTokenBridgeRegisterChainCmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(governanceFlagSet) AdminClientTokenBridgeRegisterChainCmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(moduleFlagSet) TemplateCmd.AddCommand(AdminClientTokenBridgeRegisterChainCmd) AdminClientTokenBridgeUpgradeContractCmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(governanceFlagSet) AdminClientTokenBridgeUpgradeContractCmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(moduleFlagSet) TemplateCmd.AddCommand(AdminClientTokenBridgeUpgradeContractCmd) AdminClientShutdownProofCmd.Flags().AddFlagSet(authProofFlagSet) TemplateCmd.AddCommand(AdminClientShutdownProofCmd) } var TemplateCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "template", Short: "Guardian governance VAA template commands ", } var AdminClientGuardianSetTemplateCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "guardian-set-update", Short: "Generate an empty guardian set template", Run: runGuardianSetTemplate, } var AdminClientContractUpgradeTemplateCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "contract-upgrade", Short: "Generate an empty contract upgrade template", Run: runContractUpgradeTemplate, } var AdminClientTokenBridgeRegisterChainCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "token-bridge-register-chain", Short: "Generate an empty token bridge chain registration template at specified path", Run: runTokenBridgeRegisterChainTemplate, } var AdminClientTokenBridgeUpgradeContractCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "token-bridge-upgrade-contract", Short: "Generate an empty token bridge contract upgrade template at specified path", Run: runTokenBridgeUpgradeContractTemplate, } var AdminClientShutdownProofCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "shutdown-proof", Short: "Generate an auth proof for shutdown voting on behalf of the guardian.", Run: runShutdownProofTemplate, } func runGuardianSetTemplate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // Use deterministic devnet addresses as examples in the template, such that this doubles as a test fixture. guardians := make([]*nodev1.GuardianSetUpdate_Guardian, *setUpdateNumGuardians) for i := 0; i < *setUpdateNumGuardians; i++ { k := devnet.InsecureDeterministicEcdsaKeyByIndex(crypto.S256(), uint64(i)) guardians[i] = &nodev1.GuardianSetUpdate_Guardian{ Pubkey: crypto.PubkeyToAddress(k.PublicKey).Hex(), Name: fmt.Sprintf("Example validator %d", i), } } m := &nodev1.InjectGovernanceVAARequest{ CurrentSetIndex: uint32(*templateGuardianIndex), Messages: []*nodev1.GovernanceMessage{ { Sequence: rand.Uint64(), Nonce: rand.Uint32(), Payload: &nodev1.GovernanceMessage_GuardianSet{ GuardianSet: &nodev1.GuardianSetUpdate{Guardians: guardians}, }, }, }, } b, err := prototext.MarshalOptions{Multiline: true}.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Print(string(b)) } func runContractUpgradeTemplate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { address, err := parseAddress(*address) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } chainID, err := parseChainID(*chainID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } m := &nodev1.InjectGovernanceVAARequest{ CurrentSetIndex: uint32(*templateGuardianIndex), Messages: []*nodev1.GovernanceMessage{ { Sequence: rand.Uint64(), Nonce: rand.Uint32(), Payload: &nodev1.GovernanceMessage_ContractUpgrade{ ContractUpgrade: &nodev1.ContractUpgrade{ ChainId: uint32(chainID), NewContract: address, }, }, }, }, } b, err := prototext.MarshalOptions{Multiline: true}.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Print(string(b)) } func runTokenBridgeRegisterChainTemplate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { address, err := parseAddress(*address) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } chainID, err := parseChainID(*chainID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } m := &nodev1.InjectGovernanceVAARequest{ CurrentSetIndex: uint32(*templateGuardianIndex), Messages: []*nodev1.GovernanceMessage{ { Sequence: rand.Uint64(), Nonce: rand.Uint32(), Payload: &nodev1.GovernanceMessage_BridgeRegisterChain{ BridgeRegisterChain: &nodev1.BridgeRegisterChain{ Module: *module, ChainId: uint32(chainID), EmitterAddress: address, }, }, }, }, } b, err := prototext.MarshalOptions{Multiline: true}.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Print(string(b)) } func runTokenBridgeUpgradeContractTemplate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { address, err := parseAddress(*address) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } chainID, err := parseChainID(*chainID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } m := &nodev1.InjectGovernanceVAARequest{ CurrentSetIndex: uint32(*templateGuardianIndex), Messages: []*nodev1.GovernanceMessage{ { Sequence: rand.Uint64(), Nonce: rand.Uint32(), Payload: &nodev1.GovernanceMessage_BridgeContractUpgrade{ BridgeContractUpgrade: &nodev1.BridgeUpgradeContract{ Module: *module, TargetChainId: uint32(chainID), NewContract: address, }, }, }, }, } b, err := prototext.MarshalOptions{Multiline: true}.Marshal(m) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Print(string(b)) } func runShutdownProofTemplate(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { // ensure values were passed if *shutdownPubKey == "" { log.Fatal("--proof-pub-key cannot be blank.") } if *shutdownGuardianKey == "" { log.Fatal("--guardian-key cannot be blank.") } // load the guardian key that will sign the proof var guardianKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey var keyErr error // check if the key is a hex string _, hexDecodeErr := hex.DecodeString(*shutdownGuardianKey) if hexDecodeErr == nil { guardianKey, keyErr = crypto.HexToECDSA(*shutdownGuardianKey) } else { // the supplied guardian key is not hex, must be a file path to load guardianKey, keyErr = loadGuardianKey(*shutdownGuardianKey) } if keyErr != nil { log.Fatal("failed fetching guardian key.", keyErr) } // create the payload of the proof pubKey := common.HexToAddress(*shutdownPubKey) digest := crypto.Keccak256Hash(pubKey.Bytes()) // sign the payload of the proof ethProof, err := crypto.Sign(digest.Bytes(), guardianKey) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed creating proof.", err) } // log the public key in the proof and the public key that signed the proof fmt.Printf( "The following proof will allow public key \"%v\" to vote on behalf of guardian \"%v\":\n", pubKey.Hex(), crypto.PubkeyToAddress(guardianKey.PublicKey), ) proofHex := hex.EncodeToString(ethProof) fmt.Print(proofHex) } // parseAddress parses either a hex-encoded address and returns // a left-padded 32 byte hex string. func parseAddress(s string) (string, error) { // try base58 b, err := base58.Decode(s) if err == nil { return leftPadAddress(b) } // try bech32 _, b, err = bech32.Decode(s) if err == nil { return leftPadAddress(b) } // try hex if len(s) > 2 && strings.ToLower(s[:2]) == "0x" { s = s[2:] } a, err := hex.DecodeString(s) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid hex address: %v", err) } return leftPadAddress(a) } func leftPadAddress(a []byte) (string, error) { if len(a) > 32 { return "", fmt.Errorf("address longer than 32 bytes") } return hex.EncodeToString(common.LeftPadBytes(a, 32)), nil } // parseChainID parses a human-readable chain name or a chain ID. func parseChainID(name string) (vaa.ChainID, error) { s, err := vaa.ChainIDFromString(name) if err == nil { return s, nil } // parse as uint32 i, err := strconv.ParseUint(name, 10, 32) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse as name or uint32: %v", err) } return vaa.ChainID(i), nil }