# Wormhole CLI This tool is a command line interface to Wormhole. ## Installation Pull down the repo if you dont already have it and cd to the appropriate directory: git clone https://github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole cd wormhole/clients/js Build and install the cli tool: make install This installs two binaries, `worm-fetch-governance` and `worm` on your `$PATH`. To use `worm`, set up `$HOME/.wormhole/.env` with your private keys, based on `.env.sample` in this folder. ## Usage ```sh worm Commands: worm aptos Aptos utilities worm edit-vaa Edits or generates a VAA worm evm EVM utilities worm generate generate VAAs (devnet and testnet only) worm info Contract, chain, rpc and address informatio n utilities worm near NEAR utilities worm parse Parse a VAA (can be in either hex or base64 format) worm recover Recover an address from a signature worm submit Execute a VAA worm sui Sui utilities worm verify-vaa Verifies a VAA by querying the core contrac t on Ethereum Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] ``` ### Subcommands
aptos ```sh worm aptos Commands: worm aptos init-token-bridge Init token bridge contract worm aptos init-wormhole Init Wormhole core contract worm aptos deploy Deploy an Aptos package worm aptos deploy-resource Deploy an Aptos package using a resource account worm aptos send-example-message Send example message worm aptos derive-resource-account Derive resource account address worm aptos derive-wrapped-address Derive wrapped coin type worm aptos hash-contracts Hash contract bytecodes for upgrade worm aptos upgrade Perform upgrade after VAA has been submitted worm aptos migrate Perform migration after contract upgrade worm aptos faucet Request money from the faucet for a given account worm aptos start-validator Start a local aptos validator Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] ```
edit-vaa ```sh Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -v, --vaa vaa in hex format [string] [required] -n, --network Network [required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"] --guardian-set-index, --gsi guardian set index [number] --signatures, --sigs comma separated list of signatures [string] --wormscanurl, --wsu url to wormscan entry for the vaa that includes signatures [string] --wormscanfile, --wsf json file containing wormscan entry for the vaa that includes signatures [string] --emitter-chain-id, --ec emitter chain id to be used in the vaa [number] --emitter-address, --ea emitter address to be used in the vaa[string] --nonce, --no nonce to be used in the vaa [number] --sequence, --seq sequence number to be used in the vaa[string] --consistency-level, --cl consistency level to be used in the vaa [number] --timestamp, --ts timestamp to be used in the vaa in unix seconds [number] -p, --payload payload in hex format [string] --guardian-secret, --gs Guardian's secret key [string] ```
evm ```sh worm evm Commands: worm evm address-from-secret Compute a 20 byte eth address from a 32 byte private key worm evm storage-update Update a storage slot on an EVM fork during testing (anvil or hardhat) worm evm chains Return all EVM chains worm evm info Query info about the on-chain state of the contract worm evm hijack Override the guardian set of the core bridge contract during testing (anvil or hardhat) worm evm start-validator Start a local EVM validator Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] --rpc RPC endpoint [string] ```
generate ```sh worm generate [command] Commands: worm generate registration Generate registration VAA worm generate upgrade Generate contract upgrade VAA worm generate attestation Generate a token attestation VAA worm generate recover-chain-id Generate a recover chain ID VAA worm generate Sets the default delivery provider set-default-delivery-provider for the Wormhole Relayer contract Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -g, --guardian-secret Guardians' secret keys (CSV) [string] [required] ```
info ```sh worm info [command] Commands: worm info chain-id Print the wormhole chain ID integer associated with the specified chain name worm info contract Print contract address worm info emitter
Print address in emitter address format worm info origin
Print the origin chain and address of the asset that corresponds to the given chain and address. worm info registrations Print chain registrations worm info rpc Print RPC address worm info wrapped Print the wrapped address on the target chain that corresponds with the specified origin chain and address. Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] ```
near ```sh worm near [command] Commands: worm near contract-update Submit a contract update using our specific APIs worm near deploy Submit a contract update using near APIs Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -m, --module Module to query [choices: "Core", "NFTBridge", "TokenBridge"] -n, --network Network [required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"] --account Near deployment account [string] [required] --attach Attach some near [string] --target Near account to upgrade [string] --mnemonic Near private keys [string] --key Near private key [string] -r, --rpc Override default rpc endpoint url [string] ```
parse ```sh Positionals: vaa vaa [string] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] ```
recover ```sh Positionals: digest digest [string] signature signature [string] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] ```
submit ```sh Positionals: vaa vaa [string] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -c, --chain chain name [choices: "unset", "solana", "ethereum", "terra", "bsc", "polygon", "avalanche", "oasis", "algorand", "aurora", "fantom", "karura", "acala", "klaytn", "celo", "near", "moonbeam", "neon", "terra2", "injective", "osmosis", "sui", "aptos", "arbitrum", "optimism", "gnosis", "pythnet", "xpla", "btc", "base", "sei", "wormchain", "sepolia"] -n, --network Network [required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"] -a, --contract-address Contract to submit VAA to (override config) [string] --rpc RPC endpoint [string] --all-chains, --ac Submit the VAA to all chains except for the origin chain specified in the payload [boolean] [default: false] ```
sui ```sh worm sui Commands: worm sui build-coin Build wrapped coin and dump bytecode. Example: worm sui build-coin -d 8 -v V__0_1_1 -n testnet -r "https://fullnode.testnet.sui.io:443" worm sui deploy Deploy a Sui package worm sui init-example-message-app Initialize example core message app worm sui init-token-bridge Initialize token bridge contract worm sui init-wormhole Initialize wormhole core contract worm sui publish-example-message Publish message from example app via core bridge worm sui setup-devnet Setup devnet by deploying and initializing core and token bridges and submitting chain registrations. worm sui objects Get owned objects by owner worm sui package-id Get package ID from State object ID worm sui tx Get transaction details Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] ```
verify-vaa ```sh Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] -v, --vaa vaa in hex format [string] [required] -n, --network Network [required] [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"] ```
status ```sh Positionals: network Network [choices: "mainnet", "testnet", "devnet"] chain Source chain [choices: "unset", "solana", "ethereum", "terra", "bsc", "polygon", "avalanche", "oasis", "algorand", "aurora", "fantom", "karura", "acala", "klaytn", "celo", "near", "moonbeam", "neon", "terra2", "injective", "osmosis", "sui", "aptos", "arbitrum", "optimism", "gnosis", "pythnet", "xpla", "btc", "base", "sei", "wormchain", "sepolia"] tx Source transaction hash [string] Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] ```
## Examples ### VAA generation Use `generate` to create VAAs for testing. For example, to create an NFT bridge registration VAA: ```sh $ worm generate registration --module NFTBridge \ --chain bsc \ --contract-address 0x706abc4E45D419950511e474C7B9Ed348A4a716c \ --guardian-secret cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0 ``` Example creating a token attestation VAA: ```sh $ worm generate attestation --emitter-chain ethereum \ --emitter-address 11111111111111111111111111111115 \ --chain ethereum \ --token-address 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 \ --decimals 6 \ --symbol USDC \ --name USDC \ --guardian-secret cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0 ``` ### VAA parsing Use `parse` to parse a VAA into JSON. For example, worm parse $(worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020) will fetch governance VAA `13940208096455381020` and print it as JSON. ```sh # ...signatures elided timestamp: 1651416474, nonce: 1570649151, emitterChain: 1, emitterAddress: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004', sequence: 13940208096455381020n, consistencyLevel: 32, payload: { module: 'Core', type: 'GuardianSetUpgrade', chain: 0, newGuardianSetIndex: 2, newGuardianSetLength: 19, newGuardianSet: [ '58cc3ae5c097b213ce3c81979e1b9f9570746aa5', 'ff6cb952589bde862c25ef4392132fb9d4a42157', '114de8460193bdf3a2fcf81f86a09765f4762fd1', '107a0086b32d7a0977926a205131d8731d39cbeb', '8c82b2fd82faed2711d59af0f2499d16e726f6b2', '11b39756c042441be6d8650b69b54ebe715e2343', '54ce5b4d348fb74b958e8966e2ec3dbd4958a7cd', '66b9590e1c41e0b226937bf9217d1d67fd4e91f5', '74a3bf913953d695260d88bc1aa25a4eee363ef0', '000ac0076727b35fbea2dac28fee5ccb0fea768e', 'af45ced136b9d9e24903464ae889f5c8a723fc14', 'f93124b7c738843cbb89e864c862c38cddcccf95', 'd2cc37a4dc036a8d232b48f62cdd4731412f4890', 'da798f6896a3331f64b48c12d1d57fd9cbe70811', '71aa1be1d36cafe3867910f99c09e347899c19c3', '8192b6e7387ccd768277c17dab1b7a5027c0b3cf', '178e21ad2e77ae06711549cfbb1f9c7a9d8096e8', '5e1487f35515d02a92753504a8d75471b9f49edb', '6fbebc898f403e4773e95feb15e80c9a99c8348d' ] } ``` ### Submitting VAAs Use `submit` to submit a VAA to a chain. It first parses the VAA and figures out what's the destination chain and module. For example, a contract upgrade contains both the target chain and module, so the only required argument is the network moniker (`mainnet` or `testnet`): worm submit $(cat my-nft-registration.txt) --network mainnet For VAAs that don't have a specific target chain (like registrations or guardian set upgrades), the script will ask you to specify the target chain. For example, to submit a guardian set upgrade on all chains, simply run: ```sh $ worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020 > guardian-upgrade.txt $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain oasis $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain aurora $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain fantom $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain karura $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain acala $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain klaytn $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain avalanche $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain polygon $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain bsc $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain solana $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain terra $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain ethereum $ worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain celo ``` The VAA payload type (guardian set upgrade) specifies that this VAA should go to the core bridge, and the tool directs it there. ### info To get info about a contract (only EVM supported at this time) ```sh $ worm evm info -c bsc -n mainnet -m TokenBridge { "address": "0xB6F6D86a8f9879A9c87f643768d9efc38c1Da6E7", "wormhole": "0x98f3c9e6E3fAce36bAAd05FE09d375Ef1464288B", "implementation": "0xEe91C335eab126dF5fDB3797EA9d6aD93aeC9722", "isInitialized": true, "tokenImplementation": "0xb6D7bbdE7c46a8B784F4a19C7FDA0De34b9577DB", "chainId": 4, "governanceChainId": 1, "governanceContract": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004", "WETH": "0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c", "registrations": { "solana": "0xec7372995d5cc8732397fb0ad35c0121e0eaa90d26f828a534cab54391b3a4f5", "ethereum": "0x0000000000000000000000003ee18b2214aff97000d974cf647e7c347e8fa585", "terra": "0x0000000000000000000000007cf7b764e38a0a5e967972c1df77d432510564e2", "polygon": "0x0000000000000000000000005a58505a96d1dbf8df91cb21b54419fc36e93fde", "avalanche": "0x0000000000000000000000000e082f06ff657d94310cb8ce8b0d9a04541d8052", "oasis": "0x0000000000000000000000005848c791e09901b40a9ef749f2a6735b418d7564", "algorand": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "aurora": "0x00000000000000000000000051b5123a7b0f9b2ba265f9c4c8de7d78d52f510f", "fantom": "0x0000000000000000000000007c9fc5741288cdfdd83ceb07f3ea7e22618d79d2", "karura": "0x000000000000000000000000ae9d7fe007b3327aa64a32824aaac52c42a6e624", "acala": "0x000000000000000000000000ae9d7fe007b3327aa64a32824aaac52c42a6e624", "klaytn": "0x0000000000000000000000005b08ac39eaed75c0439fc750d9fe7e1f9dd0193f", "celo": "0x000000000000000000000000796dff6d74f3e27060b71255fe517bfb23c93eed", "near": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "injective": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "osmosis": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "sui": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "aptos": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "moonbeam": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "neon": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "terra2": "0xa463ad028fb79679cfc8ce1efba35ac0e77b35080a1abe9bebe83461f176b0a3", "arbitrum": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "optimism": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "gnosis": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", } } ``` ### Misc To get the contract address for a module: $ worm info contract mainnet bsc NFTBridge To get the RPC address for a chain $ worm info rpc mainnet bsc