# Overview This tool can be used to generate the list of tokens to be monitored by the chain governor. It works by querying the notional TVL data from Portal and populating the generated_tokens.go file in the governor package with everything over the hard coded minimal notional value. ## Configuration To update the minimal notional value, edit src/index.ts and change the value of MinNotional. ## Always Included Tokens Additionally, you can create an include_list.csv file in this directory where the contents are of the form ",", and all tokens listed there will be included in the generated token list, regardless of their notional value. ## Running the script To run this tool, do: ``` npm ci npm run start ``` ## Manually Included Tokens The governor also makes use of a list of manually added tokens. These are tokens that do not exist in the notional TVL data. These tokens are listed in wormhole/node/pkg/governor/manual_tokens.go ## Verifying the Token Lists To verify that the Coin Gecko query still works with the new token list, do: ``` go run check_query.go ``` Before committing the generated file, you should run the governor tests and ensure that they pass: ``` cd wormhole/node/pkg/governor go test ``` ## Committing the Changes You can then commit the updated version of node/pkg/governor/generated_tokens.go.