#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail usage="Usage: $(basename "$0") [-h] [-n network] [-c chain] [-w .wasm file] [-i code id || -a contract address] -- Verify that the deployed on-chain bytecode matches the local object file where: -h show this help text -n set the network (mainnet, testnet, devnet. defaults to \$NETWORK if set) -c set the chain (terra, terra2, injective, xpla) -w set the .wasm file to verify against -i set the code id of the stored wasm contract on chain -a set the on chain address of the contract to verify" chain="" network="" wasm="" code_id="" contract_addr="" if [[ ! -z "${NETWORK+x}" ]]; then network=$NETWORK fi while getopts ':hn:c:i:w:a:' option; do case "$option" in h) echo "$usage" exit ;; n) network=$OPTARG ;; c) chain=$OPTARG ;; w) wasm=$OPTARG ;; i) code_id=$OPTARG ;; a) contract_addr=$OPTARG ;; :) printf "missing argument for -%s\n" "$OPTARG" >&2 echo "$usage" >&2 exit 1 ;; \?) printf "illegal option: -%s\n" "$OPTARG" >&2 echo "$usage" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [[ -z $code_id && -z $contract_addr ]]; then printf "Need one of the -i and -a parameters to be specified.\n" >&2 echo "$usage" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -z $code_id && ! -z $contract_addr ]]; then printf "Both of the -i and -a parameters cannot be specified.\n" >&2 echo "$usage" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ -z $chain || -z $network || -z $wasm ]]; then printf "The -c, -n, and -w parameters are required.\n" >&2 echo "$usage" >&2 exit 1 fi url="" jq_cmd="" code_id_url="" code_id_jq="" # Fill in the above values based on network and chain case "$network" in mainnet) case "$chain" in terra) url="https://columbus-lcd.terra.dev/terra/wasm/v1beta1/codes/" jq_cmd="jq '.code_info.code_hash' -r | base64 -d | hexdump -v -e '/1 \"%02x\" '" code_id_url="https://columbus-lcd.terra.dev/terra/wasm/v1beta1/contracts/" code_id_jq="jq '.contract_info.code_id' -r " ;; terra2) url="https://phoenix-lcd.terra.dev/wasm/code/" jq_cmd="jq '.result.data_hash' -r " code_id_url="https://phoenix-lcd.terra.dev/wasm/contract/" code_id_jq="jq '.result.code_id' -r " ;; xpla) url="https://dimension-lcd.xpla.dev/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/code/" jq_cmd="jq '.code_info.data_hash' -r " code_id_url="https://dimension-lcd.xpla.dev/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/" code_id_jq="jq '.contract_info.code_id' -r" ;; esac ;; testnet) case "$chain" in terra2) url="https://pisco-lcd.terra.dev/wasm/code/" jq_cmd="jq '.result.data_hash' -r " code_id_url="https://pisco-lcd.terra.dev/wasm/contract/" code_id_jq="jq '.result.code_id' -r " ;; injective) url="https://k8s.testnet.exchange.grpc-web.injective.network/api/explorer/v1/wasm/codes/" jq_cmd="jq '.checksum.hash' -r | cut -d 'x' -f2" code_id_url="https://k8s.testnet.lcd.injective.network/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/" code_id_jq="jq '.contract_info.code_id' -r" ;; xpla) url="https://cube-lcd.xpla.dev/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/code/" jq_cmd="jq '.code_info.data_hash' -r " code_id_url="https://cube-lcd.xpla.dev/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/" code_id_jq="jq '.contract_info.code_id' -r " ;; esac ;; devnet) case "$chain" in terra) url="http://localhost:1317/terra/wasm/v1beta1/codes/" jq_cmd="jq '.code_info.code_hash' -r | base64 -d | hexdump -v -e '/1 \"%02x\" '" ;; terra2) url="http://localhost:1318/terra/wasm/v1beta1/codes/" jq_cmd="jq '.code_info.code_hash' -r | base64 -d | hexdump -v -e '/1 \"%02x\" '" ;; esac ;; *) printf "Network not set. Specify with -n\n" >&2 echo "$usage" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac if [[ -z $url ]]; then printf "The combination of $network and $chain is not supported.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -z $contract_addr && -z $code_id_url ]]; then printf "There is no contract to code_id conversion for the combination of $network and $chain.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi if [[ ! -z $contract_addr ]]; then code_id=`curl "$code_id_url$contract_addr" --silent | eval $code_id_jq` printf "Found code_id $code_id\n" fi hash1=`curl "$url$code_id" --silent | eval $jq_cmd` hash2=`sha256sum $wasm | cut -f1 -d' '` echo "Deployed bytecode hash (on $network):" echo $hash1 echo "$wasm hash:" echo $hash2 if [ "$hash1" == "$hash2" ]; then printf "\033[0;32mSuccessfully verified\033[0m\n"; exit 0; else printf "\033[0;31mFailed to verify\033[0m\n"; exit 1; fi # Test Cases: # Terra: # Mainnet: wormhole code id = 557, tokenBridge code id = 6097 # Mainnet: wormhole contract address = terra1dq03ugtd40zu9hcgdzrsq6z2z4hwhc9tqk2uy5 # Mainnet: tokenBridge contract Address = terra10nmmwe8r3g99a9newtqa7a75xfgs2e8z87r2sf # Terra2: # Mainnet: wormhole code id = 146, tokenBridge code id = 151 # Mainnet: wormhole contract address = terra12mrnzvhx3rpej6843uge2yyfppfyd3u9c3uq223q8sl48huz9juqffcnhp # Mainnet: tokenBridge contract address = terra153366q50k7t8nn7gec00hg66crnhkdggpgdtaxltaq6xrutkkz3s992fw9 # Testnet: wormhole code id = 890, tokenBridge code id = 4773 # Testnet: wormhole contract address = terra19nv3xr5lrmmr7egvrk2kqgw4kcn43xrtd5g0mpgwwvhetusk4k7s66jyv0 # Testnet: tokenBridge contract address = terra1c02vds4uhgtrmcw7ldlg75zumdqxr8hwf7npseuf2h58jzhpgjxsgmwkvk # Injective: # Testnet: wormhole code id = 126, tokenBridge code id = 124 # Testnet: wormhole contract address = inj1xx3aupmgv3ce537c0yce8zzd3sz567syuyedpg # Testnet: tokenBridge contract address = inj1q0e70vhrv063eah90mu97sazhywmeegp7myvnh # Xpla: # Mainnet: wormhole code id = 10, tokenBridge code id = 13 # Mainnet: wormhole contract address = xpla1jn8qmdda5m6f6fqu9qv46rt7ajhklg40ukpqchkejcvy8x7w26cqxamv3w # Mainnet: tokenBridge contract address = xpla137w0wfch2dfmz7jl2ap8pcmswasj8kg06ay4dtjzw7tzkn77ufxqfw7acv # Testnet: wormhole code id = 53, tokenBridge code id = 135 # Testnet: wormhole contract address = xpla1upkjn4mthr0047kahvn0llqx4qpqfn75lnph4jpxfn8walmm8mqsanyy35 # Testnet: tokenBridge contract address = xpla1kek6zgdaxcsu35nqfsyvs2t9vs87dqkkq6hjdgczacysjn67vt8sern93x