import { getEmitterAddressTerra, parseSequenceFromLogTerra, setDefaultWasm, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; import { Bech32, toHex } from "@cosmjs/encoding"; import { describe, expect, jest, test } from "@jest/globals"; import { Int, MsgExecuteContract, MsgUpdateContractAdmin, } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { keccak256 } from "ethers/lib/utils"; import { getNativeBalance, makeProviderAndWallet, transactWithoutMemo, } from "../helpers/client"; import { computeGasPaid, parseEventsFromLog } from "../helpers/receipt"; import { makeGovernanceVaaPayload, makeTransferVaaPayload, signAndEncodeVaa, TEST_SIGNER_PKS, } from "../helpers/vaa"; import { deploy, deployWithCodeID, storeCode } from "../instantiate"; setDefaultWasm("node"); jest.setTimeout(60000); const GOVERNANCE_CHAIN = 1; const GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"; const FOREIGN_CHAIN = 2; const FOREIGN_TOKEN_BRIDGE = "0000000000000000000000000290FB167208Af455bB137780163b7B7a9a10C16"; const GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX = 0; const GUARDIAN_ADDRESS = Buffer.from( "beFA429d57cD18b7F8A4d91A2da9AB4AF05d0FBe", "hex" ).toString("base64"); const LUNA_ADDRESS = "01" + keccak256(Buffer.from("uluna", "utf-8")).substring(4); // cut off 0x56 (0x prefix - 1 byte) const MCK_TOKEN_ID = "00" + keccak256( Buffer.from( "terra1zwv6feuzhy6a9wekh96cd57lsarmqlwxdypdsplw6zhfncqw6ftqynf7kp", "utf-8" ) ).substring(4); const CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = 0; const CHAIN_ID = 18; const WASM_WORMHOLE = "../artifacts/wormhole.wasm"; const WASM_SHUTDOWN_WORMHOLE = "../artifacts/shutdown_core_bridge_cosmwasm.wasm"; const WASM_WRAPPED_ASSET = "../artifacts/cw20_wrapped_2.wasm"; const WASM_TOKEN_BRIDGE = "../artifacts/token_bridge_terra_2.wasm"; const WASM_SHUTDOWN_TOKEN_BRIDGE = "../artifacts/shutdown_token_bridge_cosmwasm.wasm"; const WASM_MOCK_BRIDGE_INTEGRATION = "../artifacts/mock_bridge_integration_2.wasm"; const WASM_CW20 = "../artifacts/cw20_base.wasm"; // global map of contract addresses for all tests const contracts = new Map(); // global map of contract code IDs const code_ids = new Map(); // The below was generated with: // ```worm generate upgrade -g cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0 -c terra2 -a 11 -m Core``` const TO_CORE_11_VAA = "01000000000100de73c57650595dc5de301b13d64f0843b9bf4a6ee7c7a8adfc6524cdc5d3e5642ee6fd2745e685a534d2c2f73701843c8f41c74ec78d0edee158f6e274064dea0000000001000000010001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000000002a2e970000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000436f7265010012000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b"; // The below was generated with: // ```worm generate upgrade -g cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0 -c terra2 -a 16 -m Core``` const TO_CORE_16_VAA = "01000000000100dbc8e67e8fdc640d3e7a06b75a5127ae70b733505c68000a311c24ecbb7616575519b6e9b52376a9b3f121dd6c97494d2942cae680c6d52eb8b7573636d68f0200000000010000000100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004000000000453a8f60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000436f72650100120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010"; // The below was generated with: // ```worm generate upgrade -g cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0 -c terra2 -a 13 -m TokenBridge``` const TO_TB_13_VAA = "010000000001004f8c4a920e8b413fbd3ec90fdb22b9ec71470a5a0073c770887cdf94fbedd1ff148d8432977b76d6a79ef828dd3ae9a46a8f99e9cd344264d612c206d5eff2660000000001000000010001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000400000000058a2ea000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000546f6b656e427269646765020012000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d"; // The below was generated with: // ```worm generate upgrade -g cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0 -c terra2 -a 17 -m TokenBridge``` const TO_TB_17_VAA = "010000000001004202bfeca22cdff5a24deffee5bcf80574d213f4061b57b3f55bec314c86e37a76f8a05c5aaae3a3f8d7df366d432578c2a9ac64a555f41405f5b66b125d9fef010000000100000001000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000002746a6300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000546f6b656e4272696467650200120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011"; /* Mirror ethereum/test/bridge.js > should be initialized with the correct signers and values > should register a foreign bridge implementation correctly > should accept a valid upgrade > bridged tokens should only be mint- and burn-able by owner (??) > should attest a token correctly > should correctly deploy a wrapped asset for a token attestation > should correctly update a wrapped asset for a token attestation > should deposit and log transfers correctly > should deposit and log fee token transfers correctly > should transfer out locked assets for a valid transfer vm > should deposit and log transfer with payload correctly > should transfer out locked assets for a valid transfer with payload vm > should mint bridged assets wrappers on transfer from another chain and handle fees correctly > should handle additional data on token bridge transfer with payload in single transaction when feeRecipient == transferRecipient > should not allow a redemption from msg.sender other than 'to' on token bridge transfer with payload > should allow a redemption from msg.sender == 'to' on token bridge transfer with payload and check that sender recieves fee > should burn bridged assets wrappers on transfer to another chain > should handle ETH deposits correctly (uluna) > should handle ETH withdrawals and fees correctly (uluna) > should handle ETH deposits with payload correctly (uluna) > should handle ETH withdrawals with payload correctly (uluna) > should revert on transfer out of a total of > max(uint64) tokens */ test("LUNA Hashing", () => { const knownLuna = "01fa6c6fbc36d8c245b0a852a43eb5d644e8b4c477b27bfab9537c10945939da"; expect(LUNA_ADDRESS).toBe(knownLuna); }); test("MCK Hashing", () => { const knownMck = "007160d54c6dabbf464c2f9d95d42f4a30aa6ab2da6c71363917e418c4abe689"; expect(MCK_TOKEN_ID).toBe(knownMck); }); test("Deploy Contracts", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const governanceAddress = Buffer.from(GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS, "hex").toString( "base64" ); // wormhole const wormhole_code = await storeCode(client, wallet, WASM_WORMHOLE); // 11 console.log("wormholeCode:", wormhole_code); const wormhole = await deployWithCodeID( client, wallet, { gov_chain: GOVERNANCE_CHAIN, gov_address: governanceAddress, guardian_set_expirity: 86400, initial_guardian_set: { addresses: [ { bytes: GUARDIAN_ADDRESS, }, ], expiration_time: 0, }, chain_id: 18, fee_denom: "uluna", }, "wormhole", wormhole_code ); console.log("wormhole deployed at", wormhole); // token bridge const wrappedAssetCodeId = await storeCode( client, wallet, WASM_WRAPPED_ASSET ); const tokenBridge_code = await storeCode( client, wallet, WASM_TOKEN_BRIDGE ); console.log("TB codeID:", tokenBridge_code); // 13 const tokenBridge = await deployWithCodeID( client, wallet, { gov_chain: GOVERNANCE_CHAIN, gov_address: governanceAddress, wormhole_contract: wormhole, wrapped_asset_code_id: wrappedAssetCodeId, chain_id: 18, native_denom: "uluna", native_symbol: "LUNA", native_decimals: 6, }, "tokenBridge", tokenBridge_code ); console.log("tokenBridge deployed at", tokenBridge); // mock bridge integration const mockBridgeIntegration = await deploy( client, wallet, WASM_MOCK_BRIDGE_INTEGRATION, { token_bridge_contract: tokenBridge, }, "mockBridgeIntegration" ); console.log("mockBridgeIntegration deployed at", mockBridgeIntegration); // test CW20 const cw20 = await deploy( client, wallet, WASM_CW20, { name: "MOCK", symbol: "MCK", decimals: 6, initial_balances: [ { address: wallet.key.accAddress, amount: "100000000", }, ], mint: null, }, "mock" ); console.log("cw20 deployed at", cw20); // Only need the code IDs for the shutdown contracts because // we will only be upgrading the existing contracts. // wormhole shutdown contract const wormhole_shutdown_code = await storeCode( client, wallet, WASM_SHUTDOWN_WORMHOLE ); // console.log("shutdown wormholeCode:", wormhole_shutdown_code); // 16 // token bridge shutdown contract const tokenBridge_shutdown_code = await storeCode( client, wallet, WASM_SHUTDOWN_TOKEN_BRIDGE ); console.log("shutdown TB codeID:", tokenBridge_shutdown_code); // 17 console.log("tokenBridge deployed at", tokenBridge); contracts.set("wormhole", wormhole); contracts.set("tokenBridge", tokenBridge); contracts.set("mockBridgeIntegration", mockBridgeIntegration); contracts.set("cw20", cw20); code_ids.set("wormhole", wormhole_code); code_ids.set("tokenBridge", tokenBridge_code); code_ids.set("wrappedAsset", wrappedAssetCodeId); code_ids.set("wormhole_shutdown", wormhole_shutdown_code); code_ids.set("tokenBridge_shutdown", tokenBridge_shutdown_code); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Deploy Contracts"); } })(); }); passOnceTests(false, 1); alwaysPassTests(false, 1); describe("Upgrade to shutdown contracts Tests", () => { test("Set admin of contracts to themselves", (done) => { (async () => { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); try { const corebridge = contracts.get("wormhole")!; await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgUpdateContractAdmin( wallet.key.accAddress, corebridge, corebridge ), ], memo: "", }) .then((tx) => client.tx.broadcast(tx)) .then((rs) => console.log(rs)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to set admin of core bridge to itself"); } try { const tokenbridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; await wallet .createAndSignTx({ msgs: [ new MsgUpdateContractAdmin( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenbridge, tokenbridge ), ], memo: "", }) .then((tx) => client.tx.broadcast(tx)) .then((rs) => console.log(rs)); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to set admin of token bridge to itself"); } })(); }); test("Upgrade to shutdown contracts", (done) => { (async () => { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); try { const corebridge = contracts.get("wormhole")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, corebridge, { submit_v_a_a: { vaa: Buffer.from(TO_CORE_16_VAA, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [submitVaa]); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to upgrade core bridge to shutdown"); } try { const tokenbridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenbridge, { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(TO_TB_17_VAA, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [submitVaa]); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to upgrade token bridge to shutdown"); } })(); }); }); alwaysPassTests(true, 2); passOnceTests(true, 2); failInShutdownModeTests(true, 1); describe("Upgrade to previous non-shutdown contracts Tests", () => { test("Upgrade to normal contracts", (done) => { (async () => { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); try { const corebridge = contracts.get("wormhole")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, corebridge, { submit_v_a_a: { vaa: Buffer.from(TO_CORE_11_VAA, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [submitVaa]); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to upgrade core bridge to normal mode"); } try { const tokenbridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenbridge, { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(TO_TB_13_VAA, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [submitVaa]); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to upgrade token bridge to normal mode"); } })(); }); }); alwaysPassTests(false, 3); passOnceTests(false, 2); failInShutdownModeTests(false, 2); function passOnceTests(shutdownMode: boolean, pass: number) { const name: string = "Pass Once Tests for " + (shutdownMode ? "shutdown" : "non-shutdown") + " contracts (pass " + pass.toString() + ")"; describe(name, () => { test("Register a Foreign Bridge Implementation", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const vaaPayload = makeGovernanceVaaPayload( GOVERNANCE_CHAIN, FOREIGN_CHAIN, FOREIGN_TOKEN_BRIDGE ); const timestamp = 1; const nonce = 1; const sequence = 0; const signedVaa = signAndEncodeVaa( timestamp, nonce, GOVERNANCE_CHAIN, GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS, sequence, vaaPayload, TEST_SIGNER_PKS, GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX, CONSISTENCY_LEVEL ); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenBridge, { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(signedVaa, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ submitVaa, ]); if (pass > 1) { console.error( "Register a Foreign Bridge Implementation should have failed. VAA already executed." ); done( "Register a Foreign Bridge Implementation should have failed. VAA already executed." ); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (pass === 1) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Register a Foreign Bridge Implementation"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); }); } function failInShutdownModeTests(shutdownMode: boolean, pass: number) { const name: string = "Shutdown mode Tests for " + (shutdownMode ? "shutdown" : "non-shutdown") + " contracts (pass " + pass.toString() + ")"; describe(name, () => { test("Post a Message", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const wormhole = contracts.get("wormhole")!; const postMessage = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, wormhole, { post_message: { message: Buffer.from("0001020304050607", "hex").toString( "base64" ), nonce: 69, }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ postMessage, ]); const seq0 = parseSequenceFromLogTerra(receipt as any); expect(seq0).toBe("0"); const receipt2 = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ postMessage, ]); const seq1 = parseSequenceFromLogTerra(receipt2 as any); expect(seq1).toBe("1"); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Post a Message should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done("Post a Message should have failed in shutdown"); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Post a Message"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Register a Foreign Asset", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const signedVaa = "01000000000100efccb8a5d54162691095c88369b873d93ed4ba9365ed0f94adcf39743bb034be56ce0a94d9b163cb0c63be24b94e31b75e1a5889e3de03db147278d9d3eb7d260100000992abb6000000020000000000000000000000000290fb167208af455bb137780163b7b7a9a10c16000000000000000d0f020000000000000000000000002d8be6bf0baa74e0a907016679cae9190e80dd0a000212544b4e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000457468657265756d205465737420546f6b656e00000000000000000000000000"; const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenBridge, { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(signedVaa, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ submitVaa, ]); console.log(receipt); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Register a Foreign Asset should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done("Register a Foreign Asset should have failed in shutdown"); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Register a Foreign Asset"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Update a Foreign Asset", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const signedVaa = "01000000000100d1389731568d9816267accba90abb9db37dcd09738750fae421067f2f7f33f014c2d862e288e9a3149e2d8bcd2e53ffe2ed72dfc5e8eb50c740a0df34c60103f01000011ac2076010000020000000000000000000000000290fb167208af455bb137780163b7b7a9a10c16000000000000000e0f020000000000000000000000002d8be6bf0baa74e0a907016679cae9190e80dd0a000212544b4e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000457468657265756d205465737420546f6b656e00000000000000000000000000"; const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenBridge, { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(signedVaa, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ submitVaa, ]); console.log(receipt); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Update a Foreign Asset should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done("Update a Foreign Asset should have failed in shutdown"); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Update a Foreign Asset"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Initiate Transfer (native denom)", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; // transfer uluna const denom = "uluna"; const recipientAddress = "0000000000000000000000004206942069420694206942069420694206942069"; const amount = "100000000"; // one benjamin const relayerFee = "1000000"; // one dolla const walletAddress = wallet.key.accAddress; // need to deposit before initiating transfer const deposit = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenBridge, { deposit_tokens: {}, }, { [denom]: amount } ); const initiateTransfer = new MsgExecuteContract( walletAddress, tokenBridge as string, { initiate_transfer: { asset: { amount, info: { native_token: { denom, }, }, }, recipient_chain: 2, recipient: Buffer.from(recipientAddress, "hex").toString( "base64" ), fee: relayerFee, nonce: 69, }, } ); // check balances const balanceBefore = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); // execute outbound transfer await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [deposit]); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ initiateTransfer, ]); const balanceAfter = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); expect(balanceBefore.add(amount).eq(balanceAfter)).toBeTruthy(); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Initiate Transfer (native denom) should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done( "Initiate Transfer (native denom) should have failed in shutdown" ); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Initiate Transfer (native denom)"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Complete Transfer (native denom)", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const denom = "uluna"; const amount = "100000000"; // one benjamin const relayerFee = "1000000"; // one dolla const walletAddress = wallet.key.accAddress; const recipient = "terra17lmam6zguazs5q5u6z5mmx76uj63gldnse2pdp"; // test2 const encodedTo = nativeToHex(recipient); const vaaPayload = makeTransferVaaPayload( 1, amount, LUNA_ADDRESS, encodedTo, CHAIN_ID, relayerFee, undefined ); const timestamp = 0; const nonce = 0; const sequence = 0; const signedVaa = signAndEncodeVaa( timestamp, nonce, FOREIGN_CHAIN, FOREIGN_TOKEN_BRIDGE, sequence, vaaPayload, TEST_SIGNER_PKS, GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX, CONSISTENCY_LEVEL ); // check balances const walletBalanceBefore = await getNativeBalance( client, walletAddress, denom ); const recipientBalanceBefore = await getNativeBalance( client, recipient, denom ); const bridgeBalanceBefore = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract(walletAddress, tokenBridge, { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(signedVaa, "hex").toString("base64"), }, }); // execute outbound transfer with signed vaa const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ submitVaa, ]); // check wallet (relayer) balance change const walletBalanceAfter = await getNativeBalance( client, walletAddress, denom ); const gasPaid = computeGasPaid(receipt); const walletExpectedChange = new Int(relayerFee).sub(gasPaid); // due to rounding, we should expect the balances to reconcile // within 1 unit (equivalent to 1e-6 uluna). Best-case scenario // we end up with slightly more balance than expected const reconciled = walletBalanceAfter .minus(walletExpectedChange) .minus(walletBalanceBefore); expect( reconciled.greaterThanOrEqualTo("0") && reconciled.lessThanOrEqualTo("1") ).toBeTruthy(); const recipientBalanceAfter = await getNativeBalance( client, recipient, denom ); const recipientExpectedChange = new Int(amount).sub(relayerFee); expect( recipientBalanceBefore .add(recipientExpectedChange) .eq(recipientBalanceAfter) ).toBeTruthy(); // check bridge balance change const bridgeExpectedChange = new Int(amount); const bridgeBalanceAfter = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); expect( bridgeBalanceBefore.sub(bridgeExpectedChange).eq(bridgeBalanceAfter) ).toBeTruthy(); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Complete Transfer (native denom) should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done( "Complete Transfer (native denom) should have failed in shutdown" ); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Complete Transfer (native denom)"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); // transfer with payload tests test("Initiate Transfer With Payload (native denom)", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; // transfer uluna const denom = "uluna"; const recipientAddress = "0000000000000000000000004206942069420694206942069420694206942069"; const amount = "100000000"; // one benjamin const relayerFee = "1000000"; // one dolla const myPayload = "ABC"; const walletAddress = wallet.key.accAddress; // need to deposit before initiating transfer const deposit = new MsgExecuteContract( walletAddress, tokenBridge, { deposit_tokens: {}, }, { [denom]: amount } ); const initiateTransferWithPayload = new MsgExecuteContract( walletAddress, tokenBridge as string, { initiate_transfer_with_payload: { asset: { amount, info: { native_token: { denom, }, }, }, recipient_chain: 2, recipient: Buffer.from(recipientAddress, "hex").toString( "base64" ), fee: relayerFee, payload: Buffer.from(myPayload, "ascii").toString("base64"), nonce: 69, }, } ); // check balances const balanceBefore = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); // execute outbound transfer with payload const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ deposit, initiateTransferWithPayload, ]); console.log(receipt); const jsonLog = JSON.parse(receipt.raw_log); let message = ""; any) => { any) => { any) => { if (attribute.key === "message.message") { message = attribute.value; } }); }); }); // payload type let last = 0; let len = 2; expect(message.substring(last, last + len)).toEqual("03"); last += len; // amount len = 64; expect(message.substring(last, last + len)).toEqual( "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005f5e100" ); last += len; // token address len = 64; expect(message.substring(last, last + len)).toEqual( "01fa6c6fbc36d8c245b0a852a43eb5d644e8b4c477b27bfab9537c10945939da" ); last += len; // token chain len = 4; expect(message.substring(last, last + len)).toEqual("0012"); last += len; // recipient address len = 64; expect(message.substring(last, last + len)).toEqual( "0000000000000000000000004206942069420694206942069420694206942069" ); last += len; // recipient chain len = 4; expect(message.substring(last, last + len)).toEqual("0002"); last += len; // sender address len = 64; expect(message.substring(last, last + len)).toEqual( await getEmitterAddressTerra(walletAddress) ); last += len; // payload expect(message.substring(last)).toEqual( Buffer.from(myPayload, "ascii").toString("hex") ); const balanceAfter = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); expect(balanceBefore.add(amount).eq(balanceAfter)).toBeTruthy(); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Initiate Transfer With Payload (native denom) should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done( "Initiate Transfer With Payload (native denom) should have failed in shutdown" ); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Initiate Transfer With Payload (native denom)"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Complete Transfer With Payload (native denom)", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const mockBridgeIntegration = contracts.get("mockBridgeIntegration")!; const denom = "uluna"; const amount = "100000000"; // one benjamin const relayerFee = "1000000"; // one dolla const walletAddress = wallet.key.accAddress; const encodedTo = nativeToHex(mockBridgeIntegration); const additionalPayload = "All your base are belong to us"; const vaaPayload = makeTransferVaaPayload( 3, amount, LUNA_ADDRESS, encodedTo, CHAIN_ID, relayerFee, // now sender_address additionalPayload ); const timestamp = 1; const nonce = 1; const sequence = 2; const signedVaa = signAndEncodeVaa( timestamp, nonce, FOREIGN_CHAIN, FOREIGN_TOKEN_BRIDGE, sequence, vaaPayload, TEST_SIGNER_PKS, GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX, CONSISTENCY_LEVEL ); // check balances before execute const contractBalanceBefore = await getNativeBalance( client, mockBridgeIntegration, denom ); const bridgeBalanceBefore = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( walletAddress, mockBridgeIntegration, { complete_transfer_with_payload: { data: Buffer.from(signedVaa, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); // execute outbound transfer with signed vaa const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ submitVaa, ]); // check contract balance change const contractBalanceAfter = await getNativeBalance( client, mockBridgeIntegration, denom ); const contractExpectedChange = new Int(amount); expect( contractBalanceBefore .add(contractExpectedChange) .eq(contractBalanceAfter) ).toBeTruthy(); // cehck bridge balance change const bridgeExpectedChange = new Int(amount); const bridgeBalanceAfter = await getNativeBalance( client, tokenBridge, denom ); expect( bridgeBalanceBefore.sub(bridgeExpectedChange).eq(bridgeBalanceAfter) ).toBeTruthy(); // verify payload const events = parseEventsFromLog(receipt); const response: any[] = events.find((event) => { return event.type == "wasm"; }).attributes; const transferPayloadResponse = response.find((item) => { return item.key == "transfer_payload"; }); expect( Buffer.from(transferPayloadResponse.value, "base64").toString() ).toEqual(additionalPayload); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Complete Transfer With Payload (native denom) should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done( "Complete Transfer With Payload (native denom) should have failed in shutdown" ); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Complete Transfer With Payload (native denom)"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Throw on Complete Transfer With Payload If Someone Else Redeems VAA", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const mockBridgeIntegration = contracts.get("mockBridgeIntegration")!; const denom = "uluna"; const amount = "100000000"; // one benjamin const relayerFee = "1000000"; // one dolla const walletAddress = wallet.key.accAddress; const encodedTo = nativeToHex(mockBridgeIntegration); const additionalPayload = "All your base are belong to us"; const vaaPayload = makeTransferVaaPayload( 3, amount, LUNA_ADDRESS, encodedTo, CHAIN_ID, relayerFee, additionalPayload ); const timestamp = 1; const nonce = 1; const sequence = 3; const signedVaa = signAndEncodeVaa( timestamp, nonce, FOREIGN_CHAIN, FOREIGN_TOKEN_BRIDGE, sequence, vaaPayload, TEST_SIGNER_PKS, GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX, CONSISTENCY_LEVEL ); let expectedErrorFound = false; try { const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( walletAddress, tokenBridge, { complete_transfer_with_payload: { data: Buffer.from(signedVaa, "hex").toString("base64"), relayer: walletAddress, }, } ); // execute outbound transfer with signed vaa const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ submitVaa, ]); } catch (e) { const errorMsg: string =; expectedErrorFound = errorMsg.includes( "transfers with payload can only be redeemed by the recipient" ); } expect(expectedErrorFound).toBeTruthy(); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Throw on Complete Transfer With Payload If Someone Else Redeems VAA should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done( "Throw on Complete Transfer With Payload If Someone Else Redeems VAA should have failed in shutdown" ); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done( "Failed to Throw on Complete Transfer With Payload If Someone Else Redeems VAA" ); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Attest a Native Asset", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const attest = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenBridge, { create_asset_meta: { asset_info: { native_token: { denom: "uluna" }, }, nonce: 69, }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [attest]); if (shutdownMode) { console.error( "Attest a Native Asset should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done("Attest a Native Asset should have failed in shutdown"); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Attest a Native Asset"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); test("Attest a CW20", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const attest = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenBridge, { create_asset_meta: { asset_info: { token: { contract_addr: contracts.get("cw20"), }, }, nonce: 69, }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [attest]); console.log(receipt); if (shutdownMode) { console.error("Attest a CW20 should have failed in shutdown mode."); done("Attest a CW20 should have failed in shutdown"); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Attest a CW20"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); // // This is the only test the gets rejected in shutdown mode (attestations are not allowed) // and if it is run more than once (VAA already executed). // test("Register a Foreign Asset", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client, wallet] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const signedVaa = "01000000000100efccb8a5d54162691095c88369b873d93ed4ba9365ed0f94adcf39743bb034be56ce0a94d9b163cb0c63be24b94e31b75e1a5889e3de03db147278d9d3eb7d260100000992abb6000000020000000000000000000000000290fb167208af455bb137780163b7b7a9a10c16000000000000000d0f020000000000000000000000002d8be6bf0baa74e0a907016679cae9190e80dd0a000212544b4e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000457468657265756d205465737420546f6b656e00000000000000000000000000"; const tokenBridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const submitVaa = new MsgExecuteContract( wallet.key.accAddress, tokenBridge, { submit_vaa: { data: Buffer.from(signedVaa, "hex").toString("base64"), }, } ); const receipt = await transactWithoutMemo(client, wallet, [ submitVaa, ]); console.log(receipt); if (shutdownMode || pass > 1) { console.error( "Register a Foreign asset should have failed in shutdown mode." ); done("Register a Foreign asset should have failed in shutdown"); } else { done(); } } catch (e) { if (!shutdownMode && pass === 1) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Register a Foreign Asset"); } else { done(); } } })(); }); }); } function alwaysPassTests(shutdownMode: boolean, pass: number) { const name: string = "Bridge Tests for " + (shutdownMode ? "shutdown" : "non-shutdown") + " contracts (pass " + pass.toString() + ")"; describe(name, () => { test("Query GuardianSetInfo", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const wormhole = contracts.get("wormhole")!; const result: any = await client.wasm.contractQuery(wormhole, { guardian_set_info: {}, }); expect(result.guardian_set_index).toBe(0); expect(result.addresses.length).toBe(1); expect(result.addresses[0].bytes).toBe(GUARDIAN_ADDRESS); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Query GuardianSetInfo"); } })(); }); test("Query State", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const wormhole = contracts.get("wormhole")!; const result: any = await client.wasm.contractQuery(wormhole, { get_state: {}, }); expect(result.fee.amount).toBe("0"); expect(result.fee.denom).toBe("uluna"); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Query State"); } })(); }); test("Query Token", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const cw20 = contracts.get("cw20")!; const result: any = await client.wasm.contractQuery(cw20, { token_info: {}, }); console.log(result); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Query Token"); } })(); }); test("Query Chain Registration", (done) => { (async () => { try { const [client] = await makeProviderAndWallet(); const tokenbridge = contracts.get("tokenBridge")!; const result: any = await client.wasm.contractQuery(tokenbridge, { chain_registration: { chain: FOREIGN_CHAIN, }, }); expect(result).toStrictEqual({ address: Buffer.from(FOREIGN_TOKEN_BRIDGE, "hex").toString("base64") }); done(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); done("Failed to Query Chain Registration"); } })(); }); }); } function nativeToHex(address: string) { return toHex(Bech32.decode(address).data).padStart(64, "0"); }