import * as mock from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/mock"; import { RawSigner, SUI_CLOCK_OBJECT_ID, TransactionBlock, fromB64, normalizeSuiObjectId, JsonRpcProvider, Ed25519Keypair, testnetConnection, } from "@mysten/sui.js"; import { execSync } from "child_process"; import { resolve } from "path"; import * as fs from "fs"; const GOVERNANCE_EMITTER = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"; const WORMHOLE_STATE_ID = "0x69ae41bdef4770895eb4e7aaefee5e4673acc08f6917b4856cf55549c4573ca8"; async function main() { const guardianPrivateKey = process.env.TESTNET_GUARDIAN_PRIVATE_KEY; if (guardianPrivateKey === undefined) { throw new Error("TESTNET_GUARDIAN_PRIVATE_KEY unset in environment"); } const walletPrivateKey = process.env.TESTNET_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY; if (walletPrivateKey === undefined) { throw new Error("TESTNET_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY unset in environment"); } const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(testnetConnection); const wallet = new RawSigner( Ed25519Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from(walletPrivateKey, "base64").subarray(1) ), provider ); const srcWormholePath = resolve(`${__dirname}/../../wormhole`); const dstWormholePath = resolve(`${__dirname}/wormhole`); // Stage build(s). setUpWormholeDirectory(srcWormholePath, dstWormholePath); // Build for digest. const { modules, dependencies, digest } = buildForBytecodeAndDigest(dstWormholePath); // We will use the signed VAA when we execute the upgrade. const guardians = new mock.MockGuardians(0, [guardianPrivateKey]); const timestamp = 12345678; const governance = new mock.GovernanceEmitter(GOVERNANCE_EMITTER); const published = governance.publishWormholeUpgradeContract( timestamp, 2, "0x" + digest.toString("hex") ); published.writeUInt16BE(21, published.length - 34); const signedVaa = guardians.addSignatures(published, [0]); console.log("Upgrade VAA:", signedVaa.toString("hex")); // And execute upgrade with governance VAA. const upgradeResults = await buildAndUpgradeWormhole( wallet, WORMHOLE_STATE_ID, modules, dependencies, signedVaa ); console.log("tx digest", upgradeResults.digest); console.log("tx effects", JSON.stringify(upgradeResults.effects!)); console.log("tx events", JSON.stringify(!)); // TODO: grab new package ID from the events above. Do not rely on the RPC // call because it may give you a stale package ID after the upgrade. // const migrateResults = await migrateWormhole( // wallet, // WORMHOLE_STATE_ID, // signedVaa // ); // console.log("tx digest", migrateResults.digest); // console.log("tx effects", JSON.stringify(migrateResults.effects!)); // console.log("tx events", JSON.stringify(!)); // Clean up. cleanUpPackageDirectory(dstWormholePath); } main(); // Yeah buddy. function buildForBytecodeAndDigest(packagePath: string) { const buildOutput: { modules: string[]; dependencies: string[]; digest: number[]; } = JSON.parse( execSync( `sui move build --dump-bytecode-as-base64 -p ${packagePath} 2> /dev/null`, { encoding: "utf-8" } ) ); return { modules: string) => Array.from(fromB64(m))), dependencies: string) => normalizeSuiObjectId(d) ), digest: Buffer.from(buildOutput.digest), }; } async function getPackageId( provider: JsonRpcProvider, stateId: string ): Promise { const state = await provider .getObject({ id: stateId, options: { showContent: true, }, }) .then((result) => { if ( == "moveObject") { return; } throw new Error("not move object"); }); if ("upgrade_cap" in state) { return state.upgrade_cap.fields.package; } throw new Error("upgrade_cap not found"); } async function buildAndUpgradeWormhole( signer: RawSigner, wormholeStateId: string, modules: number[][], dependencies: string[], signedVaa: Buffer ) { const wormholePackage = await getPackageId(signer.provider, wormholeStateId); const tx = new TransactionBlock(); const [verifiedVaa] = tx.moveCall({ target: `${wormholePackage}::vaa::parse_and_verify`, arguments: [ tx.object(wormholeStateId), tx.pure(Array.from(signedVaa)), tx.object(SUI_CLOCK_OBJECT_ID), ], }); const [decreeTicket] = tx.moveCall({ target: `${wormholePackage}::upgrade_contract::authorize_governance`, arguments: [tx.object(wormholeStateId)], }); const [decreeReceipt] = tx.moveCall({ target: `${wormholePackage}::governance_message::verify_vaa`, arguments: [tx.object(wormholeStateId), verifiedVaa, decreeTicket], typeArguments: [`${wormholePackage}::upgrade_contract::GovernanceWitness`], }); // Authorize upgrade. const [upgradeTicket] = tx.moveCall({ target: `${wormholePackage}::upgrade_contract::authorize_upgrade`, arguments: [tx.object(wormholeStateId), decreeReceipt], }); // Build and generate modules and dependencies for upgrade. const [upgradeReceipt] = tx.upgrade({ modules, dependencies, packageId: wormholePackage, ticket: upgradeTicket, }); // Commit upgrade. tx.moveCall({ target: `${wormholePackage}::upgrade_contract::commit_upgrade`, arguments: [tx.object(wormholeStateId), upgradeReceipt], }); // Cannot auto compute gas budget, so we need to configure it manually. // Gas ~215m. //tx.setGasBudget(1_000_000_000n); return signer.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock: tx, options: { showEffects: true, showEvents: true, }, }); } async function migrateWormhole( signer: RawSigner, wormholeStateId: string, signedUpgradeVaa: Buffer ) { const contractPackage = await getPackageId(signer.provider, wormholeStateId); const tx = new TransactionBlock(); tx.moveCall({ target: `${contractPackage}::migrate::migrate`, arguments: [ tx.object(wormholeStateId), tx.pure(Array.from(signedUpgradeVaa)), tx.object(SUI_CLOCK_OBJECT_ID), ], }); return signer.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock: tx, options: { showEffects: true, showEvents: true, }, }); } function setUpWormholeDirectory( srcWormholePath: string, dstWormholePath: string ) { fs.cpSync(srcWormholePath, dstWormholePath, { recursive: true }); // Remove irrelevant files. This part is not necessary, but is helpful // for debugging a clean package directory. const removeThese = [ "Move.devnet.toml", "Move.lock", "Makefile", "", "build", ]; for (const basename of removeThese) { fs.rmSync(`${dstWormholePath}/${basename}`, { recursive: true, force: true, }); } // Fix Move.toml file. const moveTomlPath = `${dstWormholePath}/Move.toml`; const moveToml = fs.readFileSync(moveTomlPath, "utf-8"); fs.writeFileSync( moveTomlPath, moveToml.replace(`wormhole = "_"`, `wormhole = "0x0"`), "utf-8" ); } function cleanUpPackageDirectory(packagePath: string) { fs.rmSync(packagePath, { recursive: true, force: true }); }