package near import ( "context" "errors" "" "" ) // fetchAndParseChunk goes through all transactions in a chunk and returns a list of transactionProcessingJob func (e *Watcher) fetchAndParseChunk(logger *zap.Logger, ctx context.Context, chunkHeader nearapi.ChunkHeader) ([]*transactionProcessingJob, error) { logger.Debug("near.fetchAndParseChunk", zap.String("chunk_hash", chunkHeader.Hash)) chunk, err := e.nearAPI.GetChunk(ctx, chunkHeader) if err != nil { return nil, err } txns := chunk.Transactions() result := make([]*transactionProcessingJob, len(txns)) for i, tx := range txns { result[i] = newTransactionProcessingJob(tx.Hash, tx.SignerId, false) } return result, nil } // recursivelyReadFinalizedBlocks walks back the blockchain from the startBlock (inclusive) // until it reaches a block of height stopHeight or less (exclusive). Chunks from all these blocks are put // into chunkSink with the chunks from the oldest block first // if there is an error while walking back the chain, no chunks will be returned func (e *Watcher) recursivelyReadFinalizedBlocks(logger *zap.Logger, ctx context.Context, startBlock nearapi.Block, stopHeight uint64, chunkSink chan<- nearapi.ChunkHeader, recursionDepth uint) error { // SECURITY: Sanity checks for the block header if startBlock.Header.Hash == "" || startBlock.Header.Height == 0 || startBlock.Header.PrevBlockHash == "" { return errors.New("json parse error") } // SECURITY: We know that this block is finalized because it is a parent of a finalized block. e.finalizer.setFinalized(startBlock.Header) logger.Debug( "block_polled", zap.String("log_msg_type", "block_poll"), zap.Uint64("height", startBlock.Header.Height), zap.String("block_hash", startBlock.Header.Hash), ) // we want to avoid going too far back because that would increase the likelihood of error somewhere in the recursion stack. // If we go back too far, we just report the error and terminate early. if recursionDepth > maxFallBehindBlocks { e.eventChan <- EVENT_NEAR_WATCHER_TOO_FAR_BEHIND return errors.New("recursivelyReadFinalizedBlocks: maxFallBehindBlocks") } // recursion + stop condition if startBlock.Header.Height-1 > stopHeight { prevBlock, err := e.nearAPI.GetBlock(ctx, startBlock.Header.PrevBlockHash) if err != nil { return err } err = e.recursivelyReadFinalizedBlocks(logger, ctx, prevBlock, stopHeight, chunkSink, recursionDepth+1) if err != nil { // only log error because we still want to process the blocks up until the one that made the error logger.Debug("recursivelyReadFinalizedBlocks error", zap.Error(err)) } } chunks := startBlock.ChunkHashes() // process chunks after recursion such that youngest chunks get processed first for i := 0; i < len(chunks); i++ { chunkSink <- chunks[i] } return nil } // ReadFinalChunksSince polls the NEAR blockchain for new blocks with height > startHeight, parses out the chunks and places // them into `chunkSink` in the order they were recorded on the blockchain // returns the height of the latest final block func (e *Watcher) ReadFinalChunksSince(logger *zap.Logger, ctx context.Context, startHeight uint64, chunkSink chan<- nearapi.ChunkHeader) (newestFinalHeight uint64, err error) { finalBlock, err := e.nearAPI.GetFinalBlock(ctx) if err != nil { // We can supress this error because this is equivalent to saying that we haven't found any blocks since. return startHeight, nil } newestFinalHeight = finalBlock.Header.Height if newestFinalHeight > startHeight { logger.Debug( "polling_attempt", zap.String("log_msg_type", "polling_attempt"), zap.Uint64("previous_height", startHeight), zap.Uint64("newest_final_height", newestFinalHeight), ) err = e.recursivelyReadFinalizedBlocks(logger, ctx, finalBlock, startHeight, chunkSink, 0) if err != nil { logger.Debug("recursivelyReadFinalizedBlocks error", zap.Error(err)) return startHeight, err } } return newestFinalHeight, nil }