brew install cmake rustup install stable-x86_64-apple-darwin #rustup target add stable-x86_64-apple-darwin rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin === Building % ./ === Running % ./ # If you don't remember your newly generated address % sui client addresses Showing 1 results. 0x13b3cb89cf3226d3b860294fc75dc6c91f0c5ecf # Give yourself some money % scripts/ `sui client addresses | tail -1` # Looking at the prefunded address % sui client objects --address 0x13b3cb89cf3226d3b860294fc75dc6c91f0c5ecf === Boot tilt # fund our standard account We don't run a faucet since it doesn't always unlock the client LOCK files. So, instead we just steal a chunk of coins from the default accounts created when the node was initialized. Once sui is showing as live... ``` sh % kubectl exec -it sui-0 -c sui-node -- /tmp/ ``` # getting into the sui k8s node (if you need to crawl around) kubectl exec -it sui-0 -c sui-node -- /bin/bash kubectl exec -it guardian-0 -c guardiand -- /bin/bash # setup the client.yaml ``` sh % rm -rf $HOME/.sui % sui keytool import "daughter exclude wheat pudding police weapon giggle taste space whip satoshi occur" ed25519 % sui client ``` point it at http://localhost:9000. The key you create doesn't matter. # edit $HOME/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml ``` sh sed -i -e 's/active_address.*/active_address: "0x13b3cb89cf3226d3b860294fc75dc6c91f0c5ecf"/' ~/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml ``` # deploy the contract ``` sh % scripts/ ``` # start the watcher ``` sh % . % python3 tests/ ``` # publish a message (different window) ``` sh % . % scripts/ ``` == docker run -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` --net=host bash dnf -y install git make ``` sh % rm -rf $HOME/.sui % sui keytool import "daughter exclude wheat pudding police weapon giggle taste space whip satoshi occur" secp256k1 % sui client ``` to get a new emitter kubectl exec -it sui-0 -c sui-node -- /tmp/ scripts/ . sui client call --function get_new_emitter --module wormhole --package $WORM_PACKAGE --gas-budget 20000 --args \"$WORM_STATE\" sui client objects scripts/ 0x165ef7366c4267c6506bcf63d2419556f34f48d6 curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1, "method": "sui_getEvents", "params": [{"MoveEvent": "0xf4179152ab02e4212d7e7b20f37a9a86ab6d50fb::state::WormholeMessage"}, null, 10, true]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1, "method": "sui_getEvents", "params": [{"Transaction": "cL+uWFEVcQrkAiOxOJmaK7JmlOJdE3/8X5JFbJwBxCQ="}, null, 10, true]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq "txhash": "0x70bfae585115710ae40223b138999a2bb26694e25d137ffc5f92456c9c01c424", "txhash_b58": "8b8Bn8MUqAWeVz2BE5hMicC9KaRkV6UM4v1JLWGUjxcT", " Digest: cL+uWFEVcQrkAiOxOJmaK7JmlOJdE3/8X5JFbJwBxCQ= kubectl exec -it guardian-0 -- /guardiand admin send-observation-request --socket /tmp/admin.sock 21 70bfae585115710ae40223b138999a2bb26694e25d137ffc5f92456c9c01c424 // curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "id": 1, "method": "sui_getCommitteeInfo", "params": []}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq