#!/usr/bin/env bash # This dev script imports and funds an account, following the steps in # `sui/NOTES.md`. It also deploys the core/token bridge contracts. # Remove directory for idempotency rm -rf $HOME/.sui # Import key so we have a deterministic address and make it the default account sui keytool import "daughter exclude wheat pudding police weapon giggle taste space whip satoshi occur" ed25519 sui client << EOF y http://localhost:9000 dev 0 EOF sed -i -e 's/active_address.*/active_address: "0x13b3cb89cf3226d3b860294fc75dc6c91f0c5ecf"/' ~/.sui/sui_config/client.yaml # Fund account kubectl exec -it sui-0 -c sui-node -- /tmp/funder.sh # Deploy contracts DIR_PATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" $DIR_PATH/deploy.sh