# Wormhole CLI ## Installation make install This installs two binaries, `worm-fetch-governance` and `worm` on your `$PATH`. ## Usage ### `worm-fetch-governance` Usage: worm-fetch-governance [sequence] Fetch a governance VAA by sequence number, and print it as hex. For example worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020 prints 01000000010d0012e6b39c6da90c5dfd3c228edbb78c7... ### `worm` This is the main CLI tool. To use it, set up `$HOME/.wormhole/.env` with your private keys, based on `.env.sample` in this folder. worm [command] Commands: worm generate generate VAAs (devnet and testnet only) worm parse Parse a VAA worm submit Execute a VAA Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] Consult the `--help` flag for using subcommands. Use `generate` to create VAAs for testing. For example, to create an NFT bridge registration VAA: worm generate registration --module NFTBridge \ --chain-id 2 \ --contract-address 706abc4E45D419950511e474C7B9Ed348A4a716c \ --guardian-secret cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0 Use `parse` to parse a VAA into JSON. For example, worm parse $(worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020) will fetch governance VAA `13940208096455381020` and print it as JSON. # ...signatures elided timestamp: 1651416474, nonce: 1570649151, emitterChain: 1, emitterAddress: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004', sequence: 13940208096455381020n, consistencyLevel: 32, payload: { module: 'Core', type: 'GuardianSetUpgrade', chain: 0, newGuardianSetIndex: 2, newGuardianSetLength: 19, newGuardianSet: [ '58cc3ae5c097b213ce3c81979e1b9f9570746aa5', 'ff6cb952589bde862c25ef4392132fb9d4a42157', '114de8460193bdf3a2fcf81f86a09765f4762fd1', '107a0086b32d7a0977926a205131d8731d39cbeb', '8c82b2fd82faed2711d59af0f2499d16e726f6b2', '11b39756c042441be6d8650b69b54ebe715e2343', '54ce5b4d348fb74b958e8966e2ec3dbd4958a7cd', '66b9590e1c41e0b226937bf9217d1d67fd4e91f5', '74a3bf913953d695260d88bc1aa25a4eee363ef0', '000ac0076727b35fbea2dac28fee5ccb0fea768e', 'af45ced136b9d9e24903464ae889f5c8a723fc14', 'f93124b7c738843cbb89e864c862c38cddcccf95', 'd2cc37a4dc036a8d232b48f62cdd4731412f4890', 'da798f6896a3331f64b48c12d1d57fd9cbe70811', '71aa1be1d36cafe3867910f99c09e347899c19c3', '8192b6e7387ccd768277c17dab1b7a5027c0b3cf', '178e21ad2e77ae06711549cfbb1f9c7a9d8096e8', '5e1487f35515d02a92753504a8d75471b9f49edb', '6fbebc898f403e4773e95feb15e80c9a99c8348d' ] } Use `submit` to submit a VAA to a chain. It first parses the VAA and figures out what's the destination chain and module. For example, a contract upgrade contains both the target chain and module, so the only required argument is the network moniker (`mainnet` or `testnet`): worm submit $(cat my-nft-registration.txt) --network mainnet For VAAs that don't have a specific target chain (like registrations or guardian set upgrades), the script will ask you to specify the target chain. For example, to submit a guardian set upgrade on all chains, simply run: worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020 > guardian-upgrade.txt worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain oasis worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain aurora worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain fantom worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain karura worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain avalanche worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain polygon worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain bsc worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain solana worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain terra worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain ethereum The VAA payload type (guardian set upgrade) specifies that this VAA should go to the core bridge, and the tool directs it there.