import "dotenv/config"; import * as os from "os" import { SigningCosmWasmClient, toBinary } from "@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate"; import { GasPrice } from "@cosmjs/stargate" import { fromBase64 } from "cosmwasm"; import { Secp256k1HdWallet } from "@cosmjs/amino"; import { zeroPad } from "ethers/lib/utils.js"; import { keccak256 } from "@cosmjs/crypto" import * as elliptic from "elliptic" import { concatArrays, encodeUint8 } from "./utils"; import * as devnetConsts from "./devnet-consts.json" function signBinary(key:, binary: string): Uint8Array { // base64 string to Uint8Array, // so we have bytes to work with for signing, though not sure 100% that's correct. const bytes = fromBase64(binary); // create the "digest" for signing. // The contract will calculate the digest of the "data", // then use that with the signature to ec recover the publickey that signed. const digest = keccak256(keccak256(bytes)); // sign the digest const signature = key.sign(digest, { canonical: true }); // create 65 byte signature (64 + 1) const signedParts = [ zeroPad(signature.r.toBuffer(), 32), zeroPad(signature.s.toBuffer(), 32), encodeUint8(signature.recoveryParam || 0), ]; // combine parts to be Uint8Array with length 65 const signed = concatArrays(signedParts); return signed } async function main() { /* Set up cosmos client & wallet */ const WORMCHAIN_ID = 3104 let host = devnetConsts.chains[3104].tendermintUrlLocal if (os.hostname().includes("wormchain-deploy")) { // running in tilt devnet host = devnetConsts.chains[3104].tendermintUrlTilt } const denom = devnetConsts.chains[WORMCHAIN_ID].addresses.native.denom const mnemonic = devnetConsts.chains[WORMCHAIN_ID].accounts.wormchainNodeOfGuardian0.mnemonic const addressPrefix = "wormhole" const signerPk = devnetConsts.devnetGuardians[0].private const accountingAddress = devnetConsts.chains[WORMCHAIN_ID].contracts.accountingNativeAddress const w = await Secp256k1HdWallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, { prefix: addressPrefix }) const gas = GasPrice.fromString(`0${denom}`) let cwc = await SigningCosmWasmClient.connectWithSigner(host, w, { prefix: addressPrefix, gasPrice: gas }) // there is no danger here, just several Cosmos chains in devnet, so check for config issues let id = await cwc.getChainId() if (id !== "wormchain") { throw new Error(`Wormchain CosmWasmClient connection produced an unexpected chainID: ${id}`) } const signers = await w.getAccounts() const signer = signers[0].address console.log("wormchain wallet pubkey: ", signer) const nativeBalance = await cwc.getBalance(signer, denom) console.log("nativeBalance ", nativeBalance.amount) const utestBalance = await cwc.getBalance(signer, "utest") console.log("utest balance ", utestBalance.amount) // create key for guardian0 const ec = new"secp256k1"); // create key from the devnet guardian0's private key const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(Buffer.from(signerPk, "hex")); // Test empty observation // object to json string, then to base64 (serde binary) const arrayBinaryString = toBinary([]); // combine parts to be Uint8Array with length 65 const signedEmptyArray = signBinary(key, arrayBinaryString) const observeEmptyArray = { submit_observations: { observations: arrayBinaryString, guardian_set_index: 0, signature: { index: 0, signature: Array.from(signedEmptyArray), }, }, }; let emptyArrayObsRes = await cwc.execute(signer, accountingAddress, observeEmptyArray, "auto"); console.log(`emptyArrayObsRes.transactionHash: ${emptyArrayObsRes.transactionHash}`); // Test (fake) observation const emitter_address = "0000000000000000000000000290fb167208af455bb137780163b7b7a9a10c16" const observations = [ { emitter_chain: 2, emitter_address: emitter_address, sequence: 2, nonce: 1, consistency_level: 0, timestamp: 1, payload: Buffer.from("030000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005f5e1000000000000000000000000002d8be6bf0baa74e0a907016679cae9190e80dd0a0002000000000000000000000000c10820983f33456ce7beb3a046f5a83fa34f027d0c2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f4240", "hex").toString("base64"), tx_hash: Buffer.from("9fc68fb0ee735d45c9074a20adef1747b0593803f33b9f3f2252c8e2df567f41", "hex").toString("base64") }, ]; // object to json string, then to base64 (serde binary) const observationsBinaryString = toBinary(observations); const signed = signBinary(key, observationsBinaryString) const executeMsg = { submit_observations: { observations: observationsBinaryString, guardian_set_index: 0, signature: { index: 0, signature: Array.from(signed), }, }, }; console.log(executeMsg); let inst = await cwc.execute( signer, accountingAddress, executeMsg, "auto" ); let txHash = inst.transactionHash; console.log(`executed submit_observation! txHash: ${txHash}`); console.log("done, exiting success.") } try { main() } catch (e) { console.error(e) throw e }