#![allow(dead_code)] use accounting::state::{account, transfer, Modification}; use cosmwasm_std::{ testing::{MockApi, MockStorage}, Addr, Binary, Coin, Empty, StdResult, Uint128, }; use cw_multi_test::{ App, AppBuilder, AppResponse, BankKeeper, ContractWrapper, Executor, WasmKeeper, }; use serde::Serialize; use wormchain_accounting::{ msg::{ AllAccountsResponse, AllModificationsResponse, AllPendingTransfersResponse, AllTransfersResponse, ChainRegistrationResponse, ExecuteMsg, QueryMsg, TransferResponse, }, state, }; use wormhole::{ vaa::{Body, Header, Signature}, Vaa, }; use wormhole_bindings::{fake, WormholeQuery}; pub struct Contract { addr: Addr, app: FakeApp, } impl Contract { pub fn addr(&self) -> Addr { self.addr.clone() } pub fn app(&self) -> &FakeApp { &self.app } pub fn app_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FakeApp { &mut self.app } pub fn submit_observations( &mut self, observations: Binary, guardian_set_index: u32, signature: Signature, ) -> anyhow::Result { self.app.execute_contract( Addr::unchecked(USER), self.addr(), &ExecuteMsg::SubmitObservations { observations, guardian_set_index, signature, }, &[], ) } pub fn modify_balance( &mut self, modification: Binary, guardian_set_index: u32, signatures: Vec, ) -> anyhow::Result { self.app.execute_contract( Addr::unchecked(USER), self.addr(), &ExecuteMsg::ModifyBalance { modification, guardian_set_index, signatures, }, &[], ) } pub fn upgrade_contract( &mut self, upgrade: Binary, guardian_set_index: u32, signatures: Vec, ) -> anyhow::Result { self.app.execute_contract( Addr::unchecked(ADMIN), self.addr(), &ExecuteMsg::UpgradeContract { upgrade, guardian_set_index, signatures, }, &[], ) } pub fn submit_vaas(&mut self, vaas: Vec) -> anyhow::Result { self.app.execute_contract( Addr::unchecked(ADMIN), self.addr(), &ExecuteMsg::SubmitVAAs { vaas }, &[], ) } pub fn query_balance(&self, key: account::Key) -> StdResult { self.app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(self.addr(), &QueryMsg::Balance(key)) } pub fn query_all_accounts( &self, start_after: Option, limit: Option, ) -> StdResult { self.app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(self.addr(), &QueryMsg::AllAccounts { start_after, limit }) } pub fn query_transfer(&self, key: transfer::Key) -> StdResult { self.app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(self.addr(), &QueryMsg::Transfer(key)) } pub fn query_all_transfers( &self, start_after: Option, limit: Option, ) -> StdResult { self.app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(self.addr(), &QueryMsg::AllTransfers { start_after, limit }) } pub fn query_pending_transfer(&self, key: transfer::Key) -> StdResult> { self.app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(self.addr(), &QueryMsg::PendingTransfer(key)) } pub fn query_all_pending_transfers( &self, start_after: Option, limit: Option, ) -> StdResult { self.app.wrap().query_wasm_smart( self.addr(), &QueryMsg::AllPendingTransfers { start_after, limit }, ) } pub fn query_modification(&self, sequence: u64) -> StdResult { self.app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(self.addr(), &QueryMsg::Modification { sequence }) } pub fn query_all_modifications( &self, start_after: Option, limit: Option, ) -> StdResult { self.app.wrap().query_wasm_smart( self.addr(), &QueryMsg::AllModifications { start_after, limit }, ) } pub fn query_chain_registration(&self, chain: u16) -> StdResult { self.app .wrap() .query_wasm_smart(self.addr(), &QueryMsg::ChainRegistration { chain }) } } const USER: &str = "USER"; const ADMIN: &str = "ADMIN"; const NATIVE_DENOM: &str = "denom"; pub type FakeApp = App>; fn fake_app(wh: fake::WormholeKeeper) -> FakeApp { AppBuilder::new_custom() .with_custom(wh) .build(|router, _, storage| { router .bank .init_balance( storage, &Addr::unchecked(USER), vec![Coin { denom: NATIVE_DENOM.to_string(), amount: Uint128::new(1), }], ) .unwrap(); }) } pub fn proper_instantiate() -> (fake::WormholeKeeper, Contract) { let wh = fake::WormholeKeeper::new(); let mut app = fake_app(wh.clone()); let accounting_id = app.store_code(Box::new(ContractWrapper::new( wormchain_accounting::contract::execute, wormchain_accounting::contract::instantiate, wormchain_accounting::contract::query, ))); // We want the contract to be able to upgrade itself, which means we have to set the contract // as its own admin. So we have a bit of a catch-22 where we need to know the contract // address to register it but we need to register it to get its address. The hacky solution // here is to rely on the internal details of the test framework to figure out what the // address of the contract is going to be and then use that. // // TODO: Figure out a better way to do this. One option is to do something like: // // ``` // let mut data = app.contract_data(&addr).unwrap(); // data.admin = Some(addr.clone()); // app.init_modules(|router, _, storage| router.wasm.save_contract(storage, &addr, &data)) // .unwrap(); // ``` // // Unfortunately, the `wasm` field of `router` is private to the `cw-multi-test` crate so we // can't use it here. Maybe something to bring up with upstream. let addr = app .instantiate_contract( accounting_id, Addr::unchecked(ADMIN), &Empty {}, &[], "accounting", Some("contract0".into()), ) .unwrap(); (wh, Contract { addr, app }) } pub fn sign_vaa_body(wh: &fake::WormholeKeeper, body: Body

) -> (Vaa

, Binary) { let data = serde_wormhole::to_vec(&body).unwrap(); let signatures = wh.sign(&data); let header = Header { version: 1, guardian_set_index: wh.guardian_set_index(), signatures, }; let v = (header, body).into(); let data = serde_wormhole::to_vec(&v).map(From::from).unwrap(); (v, data) }