// npx pretty-quick const sha256 = require("js-sha256"); const nearAPI = require("near-api-js"); const fs = require("fs").promises; const assert = require("assert").strict; const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const elliptic = require("elliptic"); const web3Utils = require("web3-utils"); import { zeroPad } from "@ethersproject/bytes"; import { NodeHttpTransport } from "@improbable-eng/grpc-web-node-http-transport"; import { Account as nearAccount } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/node_modules/near-api-js"; const BN = require("bn.js"); import { TestLib } from "./testlib"; import algosdk, { Account, Algodv2, OnApplicationComplete, SuggestedParams, bigIntToBytes, decodeAddress, getApplicationAddress, makeApplicationCallTxnFromObject, makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject, waitForConfirmation, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/node_modules/algosdk"; import { createAsset, getAlgoClient, getBalance, getBalances, getForeignAssetFromVaaAlgorand, getTempAccounts, signSendAndConfirmAlgorand, } from "./algoHelpers"; import { CHAIN_ID_ALGORAND, CHAIN_ID_NEAR, ChainId, ChainName, textToHexString, textToUint8Array, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/utils"; import { safeBigIntToNumber } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/utils/bigint"; import { CONTRACTS, attestNearFromNear, attestTokenFromNear, attestFromAlgorand, createWrappedOnAlgorand, createWrappedOnNear, getEmitterAddressAlgorand, getForeignAssetAlgorand, getForeignAssetNear, getIsTransferCompletedNear, getIsWrappedAssetNear, getOriginalAssetNear, getSignedVAAWithRetry, redeemOnAlgorand, redeemOnNear, transferFromAlgorand, transferNearFromNear, transferTokenFromNear, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; const wh = require("@certusone/wormhole-sdk"); import { parseSequenceFromLogAlgorand } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/bridge"; import { getMessageFee, optin, TransactionSignerPair, _parseVAAAlgorand, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/algorand"; export const uint8ArrayToHex = (a: Uint8Array): string => Buffer.from(a).toString("hex"); export const hexToUint8Array = (h: string): Uint8Array => new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(h, "hex")); function getConfig(env: any) { switch (env) { case "sandbox": case "local": return { networkId: "sandbox", nodeUrl: "http://localhost:3030", masterAccount: "test.near", wormholeAccount: "wormhole.test.near", tokenAccount: "token.test.near", userAccount: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000).toString() + "user.test.near", user2Account: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000).toString() + "user.test.near", }; } return {}; } export function logNearGas(result: any, comment: string) { const { totalGasBurned, totalTokensBurned } = result.receipts_outcome.reduce( (acc: any, receipt: any) => { acc.totalGasBurned += receipt.outcome.gas_burnt; acc.totalTokensBurned += nearAPI.utils.format.formatNearAmount( receipt.outcome.tokens_burnt ); return acc; }, { totalGasBurned: result.transaction_outcome.outcome.gas_burnt, totalTokensBurned: nearAPI.utils.format.formatNearAmount( result.transaction_outcome.outcome.tokens_burnt ), } ); console.log( comment, "totalGasBurned", totalGasBurned, "totalTokensBurned", totalTokensBurned ); } export function parseSequenceFromLogNear(result: any): [number, string] { let sequence = ""; for (const o of result.receipts_outcome) { for (const l of o.outcome.logs) { if (l.startsWith("EVENT_JSON:")) { const body = JSON.parse(l.slice(11)); if (body.standard == "wormhole" && body.event == "publish") { return [body.seq, body.emitter]; } } } } return [-1, ""]; } async function testNearSDK() { let config = getConfig(process.env.NEAR_ENV || "sandbox"); // Retrieve the validator key directly in the Tilt environment const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3031/validator_key.json"); const keyFile = await response.json(); let masterKey = nearAPI.utils.KeyPair.fromString( keyFile.secret_key || keyFile.private_key ); let masterPubKey = masterKey.getPublicKey(); let keyStore = new nearAPI.keyStores.InMemoryKeyStore(); keyStore.setKey(config.networkId, config.masterAccount, masterKey); let near = await nearAPI.connect({ deps: { keyStore, }, networkId: config.networkId, nodeUrl: config.nodeUrl, }); let masterAccount = new nearAPI.Account( near.connection, config.masterAccount ); console.log( "Finish init NEAR masterAccount: " + JSON.stringify(await masterAccount.getAccountBalance()) ); let userKey = nearAPI.utils.KeyPair.fromRandom("ed25519"); keyStore.setKey(config.networkId, config.userAccount, userKey); let user2Key = nearAPI.utils.KeyPair.fromRandom("ed25519"); keyStore.setKey(config.networkId, config.user2Account, user2Key); console.log( "creating a user account: " + config.userAccount + " with key " + userKey.getPublicKey() ); await masterAccount.createAccount( config.userAccount, userKey.getPublicKey(), new BN(10).pow(new BN(27)) ); const userAccount = new nearAPI.Account(near.connection, config.userAccount); console.log( "creating a second user account: " + config.user2Account + " with key " + user2Key.getPublicKey() ); await masterAccount.createAccount( config.user2Account, user2Key.getPublicKey(), new BN(10).pow(new BN(27)) ); const user2Account = new nearAPI.Account( near.connection, config.user2Account ); let token_bridge = CONTRACTS.DEVNET.near.token_bridge; let core_bridge = CONTRACTS.DEVNET.near.core; console.log("Setting up algorand wallet"); let algoCore = BigInt(CONTRACTS.DEVNET.algorand.core); let algoToken = BigInt(CONTRACTS.DEVNET.algorand.token_bridge); const tbAddr: string = getApplicationAddress(algoToken); const decTbAddr: Uint8Array = decodeAddress(tbAddr).publicKey; const aa: string = uint8ArrayToHex(decTbAddr); const algoClient: algosdk.Algodv2 = getAlgoClient(); const tempAccts: Account[] = await getTempAccounts(); const numAccts: number = tempAccts.length; const algoWallet: Account = tempAccts[0]; console.log("Creating USDC on Near"); let ts = new TestLib(); let seq = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); let usdcvaa = ts.hexStringToUint8Array( ts.genAssetMeta( ts.singleGuardianPrivKey, 0, 1, seq, "4523c3F29447d1f32AEa95BEBD00383c4640F1b4".toLowerCase(), 1, 8, "USDC", "CircleCoin" ) ); seq = seq + 1; let usdcp = _parseVAAAlgorand(usdcvaa); let usdc = await createWrappedOnNear(userAccount, token_bridge, usdcvaa); console.log(usdc); console.log("Creating USDC token on algorand"); let tx = await createWrappedOnAlgorand( algoClient, algoToken, algoCore, algoWallet.addr, usdcvaa ); await signSendAndConfirmAlgorand(algoClient, tx, algoWallet); console.log("Registering the receiving account"); let myAddress = nearAPI.providers.getTransactionLastResult( await userAccount.functionCall({ contractId: token_bridge, methodName: "register_account", args: { account: userAccount.accountId }, gas: new BN("100000000000000"), attachedDeposit: new BN("2000000000000000000000"), // 0.002 NEAR }) ); console.log("myAddress: " + myAddress); console.log("Airdropping USDC on myself"); { let trans = ts.genTransfer( ts.singleGuardianPrivKey, 0, 1, seq, 10000, "4523c3F29447d1f32AEa95BEBD00383c4640F1b4".toLowerCase(), 1, myAddress, // lets send it to the correct user (use the hash) CHAIN_ID_NEAR, 0 ); console.log(trans); console.log( await redeemOnNear(userAccount, token_bridge, hexToUint8Array(trans)) ); } console.log(".. created some USDC on near"); let wrappedTransfer; { console.log("transfer USDC from near to algorand"); let s = await transferTokenFromNear( userAccount, core_bridge, token_bridge, usdc, BigInt(100), decodeAddress(algoWallet.addr).publicKey, 8, BigInt(0) ); const { vaaBytes: signedVAA } = await getSignedVAAWithRetry( ["http://localhost:7071"], CHAIN_ID_NEAR, s[1], s[0].toString(), { transport: NodeHttpTransport(), } ); console.log("vaa: " + Buffer.from(signedVAA).toString("hex")); wrappedTransfer = signedVAA; } let usdcAssetId; { console.log("redeeming our wrapped USDC from Near on Algorand"); const tx = await redeemOnAlgorand( algoClient, algoToken, algoCore, wrappedTransfer, algoWallet.addr ); await signSendAndConfirmAlgorand(algoClient, tx, algoWallet); let p = _parseVAAAlgorand(wrappedTransfer); usdcAssetId = (await getForeignAssetAlgorand( algoClient, algoToken, p.FromChain as ChainId, p.Contract as string )) as bigint; console.log("usdc asset id: " + usdcAssetId); } const emitterAddr = getEmitterAddressAlgorand(algoToken); console.log("wallet addr: " + algoWallet.addr); console.log("usdcAssetId: " + usdcAssetId); console.log("transfering USDC from Algo To Near... getting the vaa"); console.log("myAddress: " + myAddress); let testAddress = nearAPI.providers.getTransactionLastResult( await userAccount.functionCall({ contractId: token_bridge, methodName: "register_account", args: { account: "test.test.near" }, gas: new BN("100000000000000"), attachedDeposit: new BN("2000000000000000000000"), // 0.002 NEAR }) ); console.log("testAddress: " + testAddress); let transferAlgoToNearP3; { const AmountToTransfer: number = 100; const Fee: number = 20; const transferTxs = await transferFromAlgorand( algoClient, algoToken, algoCore, algoWallet.addr, usdcAssetId, BigInt(AmountToTransfer), testAddress, CHAIN_ID_NEAR, BigInt(Fee), hexToUint8Array("ff") ); const transferResult = await signSendAndConfirmAlgorand( algoClient, transferTxs, algoWallet ); const txSid = parseSequenceFromLogAlgorand(transferResult); transferAlgoToNearP3 = ( await getSignedVAAWithRetry( ["http://localhost:7071"], CHAIN_ID_ALGORAND, emitterAddr, txSid, { transport: NodeHttpTransport() } ) ).vaaBytes; } console.log("redeeming P3 NEAR on Near"); console.log( await redeemOnNear(user2Account, token_bridge, transferAlgoToNearP3) ); console.log("transfering USDC from Algo To Near... getting the vaa"); let transferAlgoToNearRandoP3; { const AmountToTransfer: number = 100; const Fee: number = 20; const transferTxs = await transferFromAlgorand( algoClient, algoToken, algoCore, algoWallet.addr, usdcAssetId, BigInt(AmountToTransfer), testAddress, CHAIN_ID_NEAR, BigInt(Fee), hexToUint8Array("ff") ); const transferResult = await signSendAndConfirmAlgorand( algoClient, transferTxs, algoWallet ); const txSid = parseSequenceFromLogAlgorand(transferResult); transferAlgoToNearRandoP3 = ( await getSignedVAAWithRetry( ["http://localhost:7071"], CHAIN_ID_ALGORAND, emitterAddr, txSid, { transport: NodeHttpTransport() } ) ).vaaBytes; } console.log("What next?"); } testNearSDK();