#!/bin/bash # This script configures the devnet for test transfers with hardcoded addresses. set -x # Configure CLI (works the same as upstream Solana CLI) mkdir -p ~/.config/solana/cli cat < ~/.config/solana/cli/config.yml json_rpc_url: "http://solana-devnet:8899" websocket_url: "" keypair_path: /usr/src/solana/id.json EOF # Constants cli_address=6sbzC1eH4FTujJXWj51eQe25cYvr4xfXbJ1vAj7j2k5J bridge_address=Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o initial_guardian=befa429d57cd18b7f8a4d91a2da9ab4af05d0fbe recipient_address=90F8bf6A479f320ead074411a4B0e7944Ea8c9C1 chain_id_ethereum=2 retry () { while ! $@; do sleep 1 done } # Fund our account (as seen in id.json). retry cli airdrop solana-devnet:9900 # Create the bridge contract at a known address # OK to fail on subsequent attempts (already created). retry cli create-bridge "$bridge_address" "$initial_guardian" # Create a new SPL token (at a random address) token=$(cli create-token --seed=29934 | grep 'Creating token' | awk '{ print $3 }') echo "Created token $token" # Create token account account=$(cli create-account --seed=38489 "$token" | grep 'Creating account' | awk '{ print $3 }') echo "Created token account $account" # Mint new tokens owned by our CLI account cli mint "$token" 10000000000 "$account" # Create wrapped asset for the token we mint in send-lockups.js (2 = Ethereum, 9 decimals) wrapped_token=$(cli create-wrapped "$bridge_address" 2 9 000000000000000000000000CfEB869F69431e42cdB54A4F4f105C19C080A601 | grep 'Wrapped Mint address' | awk '{ print $4 }') echo "Created wrapped token $token" # Create token account to receive wrapped assets from send-lockups.js wrapped_account=$(cli create-account --seed=934893 "$wrapped_token" | grep 'Creating account' | awk '{ print $3 }') echo "Created wrapped token account $wrapped_account" # Keep the container alive for interactive CLI usage sleep infinity