use schemars::JsonSchema; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use cosmwasm_std::{Binary, CanonicalAddr, Coin, StdResult, Storage, Uint128}; use cosmwasm_storage::{ bucket, bucket_read, singleton, singleton_read, Bucket, ReadonlyBucket, ReadonlySingleton, Singleton, }; use crate::{byte_utils::ByteUtils, error::ContractError}; use sha3::{Digest, Keccak256}; type HumanAddr = String; pub static CONFIG_KEY: &[u8] = b"config"; pub static GUARDIAN_SET_KEY: &[u8] = b"guardian_set"; pub static SEQUENCE_KEY: &[u8] = b"sequence"; pub static WRAPPED_ASSET_KEY: &[u8] = b"wrapped_asset"; pub static WRAPPED_ASSET_ADDRESS_KEY: &[u8] = b"wrapped_asset_address"; /// Legacy version of [`ConfigInfo`]. Required for the migration. In /// particular, the last two fields of [`ConfigInfo`] have been added after the /// Terra2 contract's deployment, which means that Terra2 needs to be migrated. /// See [`crate::contract::migrate`] for details on why this is necessary. /// Once the migration has been executed, this struct (and the corresponding /// migration logic) can be deleted. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)] pub struct ConfigInfoLegacy { /// Current active guardian set pub guardian_set_index: u32, /// Period for which a guardian set stays active after it has been replaced. /// The typo is an easter egg. pub guardian_set_expirity: u64, /// Governance chain (typically Solana, i.e. chain id 1) pub gov_chain: u16, /// Address of governance contract (typically 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004) pub gov_address: Vec, // Message sending fee pub fee: Coin, } /// Information about this contract's general parameters. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, JsonSchema)] pub struct ConfigInfo { /// Current active guardian set pub guardian_set_index: u32, /// Period for which a guardian set stays active after it has been replaced. /// The typo is an easter egg. pub guardian_set_expirity: u64, /// Governance chain (typically Solana, i.e. chain id 1) pub gov_chain: u16, /// Address of governance contract (typically 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004) pub gov_address: Vec, // Message sending fee pub fee: Coin, /// The wormhole id of the current chain. pub chain_id: u16, /// The denom in which transaction fees and wormhole fees are paid. /// Typically the native denom of the current chain. pub fee_denom: String, } // Validator Action Approval(VAA) data #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)] pub struct ParsedVAA { pub version: u8, pub guardian_set_index: u32, pub timestamp: u32, pub nonce: u32, pub len_signers: u8, pub emitter_chain: u16, pub emitter_address: Vec, pub sequence: u64, pub consistency_level: u8, pub payload: Vec, pub hash: Vec, } impl ParsedVAA { /* VAA format: header (length 6): 0 uint8 version (0x01) 1 uint32 guardian set index 5 uint8 len signatures per signature (length 66): 0 uint8 index of the signer (in guardian keys) 1 [65]uint8 signature body: 0 uint32 timestamp (unix in seconds) 4 uint32 nonce 8 uint16 emitter_chain 10 [32]uint8 emitter_address 42 uint64 sequence 50 uint8 consistency_level 51 []uint8 payload */ pub const HEADER_LEN: usize = 6; pub const SIGNATURE_LEN: usize = 66; pub const GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX_POS: usize = 1; pub const LEN_SIGNER_POS: usize = 5; pub const VAA_NONCE_POS: usize = 4; pub const VAA_EMITTER_CHAIN_POS: usize = 8; pub const VAA_EMITTER_ADDRESS_POS: usize = 10; pub const VAA_SEQUENCE_POS: usize = 42; pub const VAA_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_POS: usize = 50; pub const VAA_PAYLOAD_POS: usize = 51; // Signature data offsets in the signature block pub const SIG_DATA_POS: usize = 1; // Signature length minus recovery id at the end pub const SIG_DATA_LEN: usize = 64; // Recovery byte is last after the main signature pub const SIG_RECOVERY_POS: usize = Self::SIG_DATA_POS + Self::SIG_DATA_LEN; pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> StdResult { let version = data.get_u8(0); // Load 4 bytes starting from index 1 let guardian_set_index: u32 = data.get_u32(Self::GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX_POS); let len_signers = data.get_u8(Self::LEN_SIGNER_POS) as usize; let body_offset: usize = Self::HEADER_LEN + Self::SIGNATURE_LEN * len_signers; // Hash the body if body_offset >= data.len() { return ContractError::InvalidVAA.std_err(); } let body = &data[body_offset..]; let mut hasher = Keccak256::new(); hasher.update(body); let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec(); // Rehash the hash let mut hasher = Keccak256::new(); hasher.update(hash); let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec(); // Signatures valid, apply VAA if body_offset + Self::VAA_PAYLOAD_POS > data.len() { return ContractError::InvalidVAA.std_err(); } let timestamp = data.get_u32(body_offset); let nonce = data.get_u32(body_offset + Self::VAA_NONCE_POS); let emitter_chain = data.get_u16(body_offset + Self::VAA_EMITTER_CHAIN_POS); let emitter_address = data .get_bytes32(body_offset + Self::VAA_EMITTER_ADDRESS_POS) .to_vec(); let sequence = data.get_u64(body_offset + Self::VAA_SEQUENCE_POS); let consistency_level = data.get_u8(body_offset + Self::VAA_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_POS); let payload = data[body_offset + Self::VAA_PAYLOAD_POS..].to_vec(); Ok(ParsedVAA { version, guardian_set_index, timestamp, nonce, len_signers: len_signers as u8, emitter_chain, emitter_address, sequence, consistency_level, payload, hash, }) } } // Guardian address #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)] pub struct GuardianAddress { pub bytes: Binary, // 20-byte addresses } #[cfg(test)] use hex; #[cfg(test)] impl GuardianAddress { pub fn from(string: &str) -> GuardianAddress { GuardianAddress { bytes: hex::decode(string).expect("Decoding failed").into(), } } } // Guardian set information #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)] pub struct GuardianSetInfo { pub addresses: Vec, // List of guardian addresses pub expiration_time: u64, // Guardian set expiration time } impl GuardianSetInfo { pub fn quorum(&self) -> usize { // allow quorum of 0 for testing purposes... if self.addresses.is_empty() { return 0; } ((self.addresses.len() * 10 / 3) * 2) / 10 + 1 } } // Wormhole contract generic information #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, JsonSchema)] pub struct WormholeInfo { // Period for which a guardian set stays active after it has been replaced pub guardian_set_expirity: u64, } pub fn config(storage: &mut dyn Storage) -> Singleton { singleton(storage, CONFIG_KEY) } pub fn config_read(storage: &dyn Storage) -> ReadonlySingleton { singleton_read(storage, CONFIG_KEY) } pub fn config_read_legacy(storage: &dyn Storage) -> ReadonlySingleton { singleton_read(storage, CONFIG_KEY) } pub fn guardian_set_set( storage: &mut dyn Storage, index: u32, data: &GuardianSetInfo, ) -> StdResult<()> { bucket(storage, GUARDIAN_SET_KEY).save(&index.to_be_bytes(), data) } pub fn guardian_set_get(storage: &dyn Storage, index: u32) -> StdResult { bucket_read(storage, GUARDIAN_SET_KEY).load(&index.to_be_bytes()) } pub fn sequence_set(storage: &mut dyn Storage, emitter: &[u8], sequence: u64) -> StdResult<()> { bucket(storage, SEQUENCE_KEY).save(emitter, &sequence) } pub fn sequence_read(storage: &dyn Storage, emitter: &[u8]) -> u64 { bucket_read(storage, SEQUENCE_KEY) .load(emitter) .unwrap_or(0) } pub fn vaa_archive_add(storage: &mut dyn Storage, hash: &[u8]) -> StdResult<()> { bucket(storage, GUARDIAN_SET_KEY).save(hash, &true) } pub fn vaa_archive_check(storage: &dyn Storage, hash: &[u8]) -> bool { bucket_read(storage, GUARDIAN_SET_KEY) .load(hash) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn wrapped_asset(storage: &mut dyn Storage) -> Bucket { bucket(storage, WRAPPED_ASSET_KEY) } pub fn wrapped_asset_read(storage: &dyn Storage) -> ReadonlyBucket { bucket_read(storage, WRAPPED_ASSET_KEY) } pub fn wrapped_asset_address(storage: &mut dyn Storage) -> Bucket> { bucket(storage, WRAPPED_ASSET_ADDRESS_KEY) } pub fn wrapped_asset_address_read(storage: &dyn Storage) -> ReadonlyBucket> { bucket_read(storage, WRAPPED_ASSET_ADDRESS_KEY) } pub struct GovernancePacket { pub module: Vec, pub action: u8, pub chain: u16, pub payload: Vec, } impl GovernancePacket { pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> StdResult { let module = data.get_bytes32(0).to_vec(); let action = data.get_u8(32); let chain = data.get_u16(33); let payload = data[35..].to_vec(); Ok(GovernancePacket { module, action, chain, payload, }) } } // action 1 pub struct ContractUpgrade { pub new_contract: u64, } // action 2 pub struct GuardianSetUpgrade { pub new_guardian_set_index: u32, pub new_guardian_set: GuardianSetInfo, } impl ContractUpgrade { pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> StdResult { let new_contract = data.get_u64(24); Ok(ContractUpgrade { new_contract }) } } impl GuardianSetUpgrade { pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8]) -> StdResult { const ADDRESS_LEN: usize = 20; let new_guardian_set_index = data.get_u32(0); let n_guardians = data.get_u8(4); let mut addresses = vec![]; for i in 0..n_guardians { let pos = 5 + (i as usize) * ADDRESS_LEN; if pos + ADDRESS_LEN > data.len() { return ContractError::InvalidVAA.std_err(); } addresses.push(GuardianAddress { bytes: data[pos..pos + ADDRESS_LEN].to_vec().into(), }); } let new_guardian_set = GuardianSetInfo { addresses, expiration_time: 0, }; Ok(GuardianSetUpgrade { new_guardian_set_index, new_guardian_set, }) } } // action 3 pub struct SetFee { pub fee: Coin, } impl SetFee { pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8], fee_denom: String) -> StdResult { let (_, amount) = data.get_u256(0); let fee = Coin { denom: fee_denom, amount: Uint128::new(amount), }; Ok(SetFee { fee }) } } // action 4 pub struct TransferFee { pub amount: Coin, pub recipient: CanonicalAddr, } impl TransferFee { pub fn deserialize(data: &[u8], fee_denom: String) -> StdResult { let recipient = data.get_address(0); let (_, amount) = data.get_u256(32); let amount = Coin { denom: fee_denom, amount: Uint128::new(amount), }; Ok(TransferFee { amount, recipient }) } }