FROM const-gen AS const-export # This is a multi-stage docker file: # 1. The first stage contains the built contracts (wasm files) # 2. The second creates a node.js environment to deploy the contracts to devnet # local cosmwasm image, built by tilt FROM cosmwasm_artifacts AS artifacts # Contract deployment stage FROM node:16-buster-slim@sha256:93c9fc3550f5f7d159f282027228e90e3a7f8bf38544758024f005e82607f546 RUN apt update && apt install netcat curl jq -y WORKDIR /app/tools COPY --from=artifacts / /app/artifacts COPY ./ts-sdk/package.json ./ts-sdk/package-lock.json /ts-sdk/ RUN --mount=type=cache,uid=1000,gid=1000,target=/home/node/.npm \ npm ci --prefix=/ts-sdk COPY ./ts-sdk /ts-sdk COPY --from=vue-export /vue /vue RUN npm run build --prefix=/ts-sdk COPY ./contracts/tools/package.json ./contracts/tools/package-lock.json /app/tools/ RUN --mount=type=cache,uid=1000,gid=1000,target=/home/node/.npm \ npm ci COPY ./contracts/tools /app/tools COPY --from=const-export .env /app/tools/.env COPY --from=const-export devnet-consts.json /app/tools/devnet-consts.json