Jeff Schroeder 2712dd3f3f
node: upgrade to go 1.21.9 (#3855)
* node: update quic-go

Ran via:

    go get github.com/quic-go/quic-go@v0.42.0

* node: update mongo-drive dependency

Ran via:

    go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver@latest

* node: upgrade libp2p-go

Ran via:

    go get github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p@v0.33.1

Refs: #3863

* node: fallout from the go upgrade in the go.sum

Run via:

    go mod tidy

This updates the go.sum and removes unnecessary indirect references.

* docs: use go1.21.8

* github: use go1.21.8

Except for wormchain.

* node: update dockerfiles to use go 1.21.8

This was done with scripts/update-go-version.sh

* scripts: update linter dockerfile to use go 1.21.8

This was done with scripts/update-go-version.sh

* wormchain: update ibc-relayer to use go 1.21.8

This was done with scripts/update-go-version.sh

* scripts: add update-go-version.sh

This is a little helper to make updating the version of go a bit nicer.

* scripts: update-go-version.sh fixes

* set the default docker command to "dokcer"
* update the comment for the humongous sed command for dockerfiles

* github: fix go linting

* Upgrade golangci-lint to a version built with go 1.21.x. The older
  version was a binary version built with go 1.20.x and it was failing
  against the newer code built with go 1.21.x
* print the golangci-lint version in each run to see what version of go
  it was built with in case there are incompatibilties during the next
* remove the linter config skipping over pkg/supervisor entirely and
  instead put in an override to ignore the `unused` linter for the
  pkg/supervisor testhelpers bits for unsed test functions necessary
  to satisfy the test interface.

* scripts: update golang linter cli invocation

* github: use the latest version of golangci-lint

Because 1.52.2 is built with go 1.20.x which has issues with this project
now that it is upgraded to 1.21.8.

* node: remove implicit memory aliasing in a loop

Caught by an upgraded golangci-lint with the gosec linter:

    ::medium file=node/pkg/watchers/evm/connectors/batch_poller.go,line=226,col=8::G601: Implicit memory aliasing in for loop. (gosec)
    ::medium file=node/pkg/watchers/evm/connectors/batch_poller.go,line=285,col=8::G601: Implicit memory aliasing in for loop. (gosec)
    ::medium file=node/pkg/watchers/evm/connectors/batch_poller_test.go,line=128,col=37::G601: Implicit memory aliasing in for loop. (gosec)

See also: https://husni.dev/beware-of-implicit-memory-aliasing-in-go-foor-loop/

* node: update logging

* Update go to 1.21.9

Automated via:

    scripts/update-go-version.sh 1.21.9

* node: update test root context teardown time

Otherwise things get really sad.

* scripts: additions to update-go-versions.sh

* Standardized on prefacing functions with `function` for consistency
* Added a few more comments to explain how things work
* Automatically increment the go version and toolchain in go.mod
* Standardized on prefacing functions with `function` for consistency
* Make the go image debian version a variable for ease of maintenance

* node: update go.mod to specify 1.21.9

* node: update node tests

Review feedback from @pires

* scripts: run go mod tidy in update-go-version.sh

Required after running go mod edit or it refuses to build.

* node: update go.mod

Running `go mod tidy` removes the toolchain so the build works.

* node: update node tests


Co-authored-by: Ryan Hamphrey <hamphreyryan26@gmail.com>
2024-04-19 14:43:36 -04:00
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update-go-version.sh node: upgrade to go 1.21.9 (#3855) 2024-04-19 14:43:36 -04:00
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