
665 lines
20 KiB

// The purpose of the Chain Governor is to limit the notional TVL that can leave a chain in a single day.
// It works by tracking transfers (types one and three) for a configured set of tokens from a configured set of emitters (chains).
// To compute the notional value of a transfer, the governor uses the amount from the transfer multiplied by the maximum of
// a hard coded price and the latest price pulled from CoinkGecko (every five minutes). Once a transfer is published,
// its value (as factored into the daily total) is fixed. However the value of pending transfers is computed using the latest price each interval.
// The governor maintains a rolling 24 hour window of transfers that have been received from a configured chain (emitter)
// and compares that value to the configured limit for that chain. If a new transfer would exceed the limit, it is enqueued
// until it can be published without exceeding the limit. Even if the governor has an enqueued transfer, it will still allow
// additional transfers that do not exceed the threshold.
// The chain governor checks for pending transfers each minute to see if any can be published yet. It will publish any that can be published
// without exceeding the daily limit, even if one in front of it in the queue is too big.
// All completed transfers from the last 24 hours and all pending transfers are stored in the Badger DB, and reloaded on start up.
// The chain governor supports admin client commands as documented in governor_cmd.go.
// The set of tokens to be monitored is specified in tokens.go, which can be auto generated using the tool in node/hack/governor. See the README there.
// The set of chains to be monitored is specified in chains.go, which can be edited by hand.
// To enable the chain governor, you must specified the --chainGovernorEnabled guardiand command line argument.
package governor
import (
const (
MainNetMode = 1
TestNetMode = 2
DevNetMode = 3
GoTestMode = 4
transferComplete = true
transferEnqueued = false
// WARNING: Change me in ./node/db as well
const maxEnqueuedTime = time.Duration(time.Hour * 24)
type (
// Layout of the config data for each token
tokenConfigEntry struct {
chain uint16
addr string
symbol string
coinGeckoId string
decimals int64
price float64
// Layout of the config data for each chain
chainConfigEntry struct {
emitterChainID vaa.ChainID
dailyLimit uint64
bigTransactionSize uint64
// Key to the map of the tokens being monitored
tokenKey struct {
chain vaa.ChainID
addr vaa.Address
// Payload of the map of the tokens being monitored
tokenEntry struct {
price *big.Float
decimals *big.Int
symbol string
coinGeckoId string
token tokenKey
cfgPrice *big.Float
coinGeckoPrice *big.Float
priceTime time.Time
// Payload for each enqueued transfer
pendingEntry struct {
token *tokenEntry // Store a reference to the token so we can get the current price to compute the value each interval.
amount *big.Int
hash string
dbData db.PendingTransfer // This info gets persisted in the DB.
// Payload of the map of chains being monitored
chainEntry struct {
emitterChainId vaa.ChainID
emitterAddr vaa.Address
dailyLimit uint64
bigTransactionSize uint64
checkForBigTransactions bool
transfers []*db.Transfer
pending []*pendingEntry
func (ce *chainEntry) isBigTransfer(value uint64) bool {
return value >= ce.bigTransactionSize && ce.checkForBigTransactions
type ChainGovernor struct {
db db.GovernorDB
logger *zap.Logger
mutex sync.Mutex
tokens map[tokenKey]*tokenEntry
tokensByCoinGeckoId map[string][]*tokenEntry
chains map[vaa.ChainID]*chainEntry
msgsSeen map[string]bool // Key is hash, payload is consts transferComplete and transferEnqueued.
msgsToPublish []*common.MessagePublication
dayLengthInMinutes int
coinGeckoQuery string
env int
nextStatusPublishTime time.Time
nextConfigPublishTime time.Time
statusPublishCounter int64
configPublishCounter int64
func NewChainGovernor(
logger *zap.Logger,
db db.GovernorDB,
env int,
) *ChainGovernor {
return &ChainGovernor{
db: db,
logger: logger,
tokens: make(map[tokenKey]*tokenEntry),
tokensByCoinGeckoId: make(map[string][]*tokenEntry),
chains: make(map[vaa.ChainID]*chainEntry),
msgsSeen: make(map[string]bool),
env: env,
func (gov *ChainGovernor) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: starting chain governor")
if err := gov.initConfig(); err != nil {
return err
if gov.env != GoTestMode {
if err := gov.loadFromDB(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gov.initCoinGecko(ctx, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) initConfig() error {
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
gov.dayLengthInMinutes = 24 * 60
configTokens := tokenList()
configChains := chainList()
if gov.env == DevNetMode {
configTokens, configChains = gov.initDevnetConfig()
} else if gov.env == TestNetMode {
configTokens, configChains = gov.initTestnetConfig()
for _, ct := range configTokens {
addr, err := vaa.StringToAddress(ct.addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid address: %s", ct.addr)
cfgPrice := big.NewFloat(ct.price)
initialPrice := new(big.Float)
// Transfers have a maximum of eight decimal places.
dec := ct.decimals
if dec > 8 {
dec = 8
decimalsFloat := big.NewFloat(math.Pow(10.0, float64(dec)))
decimals, _ := decimalsFloat.Int(nil)
key := tokenKey{chain: vaa.ChainID(ct.chain), addr: addr}
te := &tokenEntry{cfgPrice: cfgPrice, price: initialPrice, decimals: decimals, symbol: ct.symbol, coinGeckoId: ct.coinGeckoId, token: key}
gov.tokens[key] = te
// Multiple tokens can share a CoinGecko price, so we keep an array of tokens per CoinGecko ID.
cge, cgExists := gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId[te.coinGeckoId]
if !cgExists {
gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId[te.coinGeckoId] = []*tokenEntry{te}
} else {
cge = append(cge, te)
gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId[te.coinGeckoId] = cge
gov.logger.Info("cgov: will monitor token:", zap.Stringer("chain", key.chain),
zap.Stringer("addr", key.addr),
zap.String("symbol", te.symbol),
zap.String("coinGeckoId", te.coinGeckoId),
zap.String("price", te.price.String()),
zap.Int64("decimals", dec),
zap.Int64("origDecimals", ct.decimals),
if len(gov.tokens) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no tokens are configured")
emitterMap := &sdk.KnownTokenbridgeEmitters
if gov.env == TestNetMode {
emitterMap = &sdk.KnownTestnetTokenbridgeEmitters
} else if gov.env == DevNetMode {
emitterMap = &sdk.KnownDevnetTokenbridgeEmitters
for _, cc := range configChains {
var emitterAddr vaa.Address
var err error
emitterAddrBytes, exists := (*emitterMap)[cc.emitterChainID]
if !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up token bridge emitter address for chain: %v", cc.emitterChainID)
emitterAddr, err = vaa.BytesToAddress(emitterAddrBytes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert emitter address for chain: %v", cc.emitterChainID)
ce := &chainEntry{
emitterChainId: cc.emitterChainID,
emitterAddr: emitterAddr,
dailyLimit: cc.dailyLimit,
bigTransactionSize: cc.bigTransactionSize,
checkForBigTransactions: cc.bigTransactionSize != 0,
gov.logger.Info("cgov: will monitor chain:", zap.Stringer("emitterChainId", cc.emitterChainID),
zap.Stringer("emitterAddr", ce.emitterAddr),
zap.String("dailyLimit", fmt.Sprint(ce.dailyLimit)),
zap.Uint64("bigTransactionSize", ce.bigTransactionSize),
zap.Bool("checkForBigTransactions", ce.checkForBigTransactions),
gov.chains[cc.emitterChainID] = ce
if len(gov.chains) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no chains are configured")
return nil
// Returns true if the message can be published, false if it has been added to the pending list.
func (gov *ChainGovernor) ProcessMsg(msg *common.MessagePublication) bool {
publish, err := gov.ProcessMsgForTime(msg, time.Now())
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to process VAA: %v", zap.Error(err))
return false
return publish
func (gov *ChainGovernor) ProcessMsgForTime(msg *common.MessagePublication, now time.Time) (bool, error) {
if msg == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("msg is nil")
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
ce, exists := gov.chains[msg.EmitterChain]
// If we don't care about this chain, the VAA can be published.
if !exists {
if msg.EmitterChain != vaa.ChainIDPythNet {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: ignoring vaa because the emitter chain is not configured", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return true, nil
// If we don't care about this emitter, the VAA can be published.
if msg.EmitterAddress != ce.emitterAddr {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: ignoring vaa because the emitter address is not configured", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return true, nil
// We only care about transfers.
if !vaa.IsTransfer(msg.Payload) {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: ignoring vaa because it is not a transfer", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return true, nil
payload, err := vaa.DecodeTransferPayloadHdr(msg.Payload)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to decode vaa", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()), zap.Error(err))
return true, err
// If we don't care about this token, the VAA can be published.
tk := tokenKey{chain: payload.OriginChain, addr: payload.OriginAddress}
token, exists := gov.tokens[tk]
if !exists {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: ignoring vaa because the token is not in the list", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return true, nil
hash := gov.HashFromMsg(msg)
xferComplete, alreadySeen := gov.msgsSeen[hash]
if alreadySeen {
if !xferComplete {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: ignoring duplicate vaa because it is enqueued",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, nil
gov.logger.Info("cgov: allowing duplicate vaa to be published again, but not adding it to the notional value",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return true, nil
startTime := now.Add(-time.Minute * time.Duration(gov.dayLengthInMinutes))
prevTotalValue, err := gov.TrimAndSumValueForChain(ce, startTime)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to trim transfers",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
value, err := computeValue(payload.Amount, token)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to compute value of transfer",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
newTotalValue := prevTotalValue + value
if newTotalValue < prevTotalValue {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: total value has overflowed",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
return false, fmt.Errorf("total value has overflowed")
enqueueIt := false
var releaseTime time.Time
if ce.isBigTransfer(value) {
enqueueIt = true
releaseTime = now.Add(maxEnqueuedTime)
gov.logger.Error("cgov: enqueuing vaa because it is a big transaction",
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", releaseTime),
zap.Uint64("bigTransactionSize", ce.bigTransactionSize),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
} else if newTotalValue > ce.dailyLimit {
enqueueIt = true
releaseTime = now.Add(maxEnqueuedTime)
gov.logger.Error("cgov: enqueuing vaa because it would exceed the daily limit",
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", releaseTime),
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
if enqueueIt {
dbData := db.PendingTransfer{ReleaseTime: releaseTime, Msg: *msg}
err = gov.db.StorePendingMsg(&dbData)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to store pending vaa",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
ce.pending = append(ce.pending, &pendingEntry{token: token, amount: payload.Amount, hash: hash, dbData: dbData})
gov.msgsSeen[hash] = transferEnqueued
return false, nil
gov.logger.Info("cgov: posting vaa",
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
xfer := db.Transfer{Timestamp: now,
Value: value,
OriginChain: token.token.chain,
OriginAddress: token.token.addr,
EmitterChain: msg.EmitterChain,
EmitterAddress: msg.EmitterAddress,
MsgID: msg.MessageIDString(),
Hash: hash,
err = gov.db.StoreTransfer(&xfer)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to store transfer",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash), zap.Error(err),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
ce.transfers = append(ce.transfers, &xfer)
gov.msgsSeen[hash] = transferComplete
return true, nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) CheckPending() ([]*common.MessagePublication, error) {
return gov.CheckPendingForTime(time.Now())
func (gov *ChainGovernor) CheckPendingForTime(now time.Time) ([]*common.MessagePublication, error) {
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
// Note: Using Add() with a negative value because Sub() takes a time and returns a duration, which is not what we want.
startTime := now.Add(-time.Minute * time.Duration(gov.dayLengthInMinutes))
var msgsToPublish []*common.MessagePublication
if len(gov.msgsToPublish) != 0 {
gov.logger.Info("cgov: posting released vaas", zap.Int("num", len(gov.msgsToPublish)))
msgsToPublish = gov.msgsToPublish
gov.msgsToPublish = nil
for _, ce := range gov.chains {
// Keep going as long as we find something that will fit.
for {
foundOne := false
prevTotalValue, err := gov.TrimAndSumValueForChain(ce, startTime)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to trim transfers", zap.Error(err))
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
// Keep going until we find something that fits or hit the end.
for idx, pe := range ce.pending {
value, err := computeValue(pe.amount, pe.token)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("cgov: failed to compute value for pending vaa",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()),
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
countsTowardsTransfers := true
if ce.isBigTransfer(value) {
if now.Before(pe.dbData.ReleaseTime) {
continue // Keep waiting for the timer to expire.
countsTowardsTransfers = false
gov.logger.Info("cgov: posting pending big vaa because the release time has been reached",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", pe.dbData.ReleaseTime),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()))
} else if now.After(pe.dbData.ReleaseTime) {
countsTowardsTransfers = false
gov.logger.Info("cgov: posting pending vaa because the release time has been reached",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", pe.dbData.ReleaseTime),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()))
} else {
newTotalValue := prevTotalValue + value
if newTotalValue < prevTotalValue {
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, fmt.Errorf("total value has overflowed")
if newTotalValue > ce.dailyLimit {
// This one won't fit. Keep checking other enqueued ones.
gov.logger.Info("cgov: posting pending vaa",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()))
// If we get here, publish it and remove it from the pending list.
msgsToPublish = append(msgsToPublish, &pe.dbData.Msg)
if countsTowardsTransfers {
xfer := db.Transfer{Timestamp: now,
Value: value,
OriginChain: pe.token.token.chain,
OriginAddress: pe.token.token.addr,
EmitterChain: pe.dbData.Msg.EmitterChain,
EmitterAddress: pe.dbData.Msg.EmitterAddress,
MsgID: pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString(),
Hash: pe.hash,
if err := gov.db.StoreTransfer(&xfer); err != nil {
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
ce.transfers = append(ce.transfers, &xfer)
gov.msgsSeen[pe.hash] = transferComplete
} else {
delete(gov.msgsSeen, pe.hash)
if err := gov.db.DeletePendingMsg(&pe.dbData); err != nil {
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
ce.pending = append(ce.pending[:idx], ce.pending[idx+1:]...)
foundOne = true
break // We messed up our loop indexing, so we have to break out and start over.
if !foundOne {
return msgsToPublish, nil
func computeValue(amount *big.Int, token *tokenEntry) (uint64, error) {
amountFloat := new(big.Float)
amountFloat = amountFloat.SetInt(amount)
valueFloat := new(big.Float)
valueFloat = valueFloat.Mul(amountFloat, token.price)
valueBigInt, _ := valueFloat.Int(nil)
valueBigInt = valueBigInt.Div(valueBigInt, token.decimals)
if !valueBigInt.IsUint64() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("value is too large to fit in uint64")
value := valueBigInt.Uint64()
return value, nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) TrimAndSumValueForChain(ce *chainEntry, startTime time.Time) (sum uint64, err error) {
sum, ce.transfers, err = gov.TrimAndSumValue(ce.transfers, startTime)
return sum, err
func (gov *ChainGovernor) TrimAndSumValue(transfers []*db.Transfer, startTime time.Time) (uint64, []*db.Transfer, error) {
if len(transfers) == 0 {
return 0, transfers, nil
var trimIdx int = -1
var sum uint64
for idx, t := range transfers {
if t.Timestamp.Before(startTime) {
trimIdx = idx
} else {
sum += t.Value
if trimIdx >= 0 {
for idx := 0; idx <= trimIdx; idx++ {
if err := gov.db.DeleteTransfer(transfers[idx]); err != nil {
return 0, transfers, err
delete(gov.msgsSeen, transfers[idx].Hash)
transfers = transfers[trimIdx+1:]
return sum, transfers, nil
func (tk tokenKey) String() string {
return tk.chain.String() + ":" + tk.addr.String()
func (gov *ChainGovernor) HashFromMsg(msg *common.MessagePublication) string {
v := msg.CreateVAA(0) // We can pass zero in as the guardian set index because it is not part of the digest.
digest := v.SigningMsg()
return hex.EncodeToString(digest.Bytes())