
293 lines
12 KiB

// This code audits the set of pending transfers against the state reported by the smart contract. It is called from the processor every minute,
// but the audit is performed less frequently. The audit occurs in two phases that operate off of a temporary map of all pending transfers known to this guardian.
// The first phase involves querying the smart contract for any observations that it thinks are missing for this guardian. The audit processes everything in the
// returned results and does one of the following:
// - If the observation is in our temporary map, we resubmit an observation to the contract and delete it from our temporary map.
// - If the observation is not in the temporary map, we request a reobservation from the local watcher.
// The second phase consists of requesting the status from the contract for everything that is still in the temporary map. For each returned item, we do the following:
// - If the contract indicates that the transfer has been committed, we validate the digest, then publish it and delete it from the map.
// - If the contract indicates that the transfer is pending, we continue to wait for it.
// - If the contract indicates any other status (most likely meaning it does not know about it), we resubmit an observation to the contract
// Note that any time we are considering resubmitting an observation to the contract, we first check the "submit pending" flag. If that is set, we do not
// submit the observation to the contract, but continue to wait for it to work its way through the queue.
package accountant
import (
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
cosmossdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
ethCommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
const (
// auditInterval indicates how often the audit runs (given that it is invoked by the processor once per minute)
auditInterval = 30 * time.Second // TODO: Make this something like five minutes?
// maxSubmitPendingTime indicates how long a transfer can be in the pending state before the audit starts complaining about it.
maxSubmitPendingTime = 10 * time.Minute
type (
// MissingObservationsResponse is the result returned from the "missing_observations" query.
MissingObservationsResponse struct {
Missing []MissingObservation
MissingObservation struct {
ChainId uint16 `json:"chain_id"`
TxHash []byte `json:"tx_hash"`
// BatchTransferStatusResponse is the result returned by the "batch_transfer_status" query.
BatchTransferStatusResponse struct {
Details []TransferDetails `json:"details"`
TransferDetails struct {
Key TransferKey
Status TransferStatus
TransferStatus struct {
Committed *TransferStatusCommitted `json:"committed"`
Pending *TransferStatusPending `json:"pending"`
TransferStatusCommitted struct {
Data TransferData `json:"data"`
Digest []byte `json:"digest"`
TransferData struct {
Amount *cosmossdk.Int `json:"amount"`
TokenChain uint16 `json:"token_chain"`
TokenAddress vaa.Address `json:"token_address"`
RecipientChain uint16 `json:"recipient_chain"`
TransferStatusPending struct {
// makeAuditKey creates an audit map key from a missing observation.
func (mo *MissingObservation) makeAuditKey() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", mo.ChainId, hex.EncodeToString(mo.TxHash[:]))
// makeAuditKey creates an audit map key from a pending observation entry.
func (pe *pendingEntry) makeAuditKey() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%s", pe.msg.EmitterChain, pe.msg.TxHash.String())
// AuditPendingTransfers is the entry point for the audit of the pending transfer map. It determines if it has been long enough since the last audit.
// If so, it creates a temporary map of all pending transfers and invokes the main audit function as a go routine.
func (acct *Accountant) AuditPendingTransfers() {
defer acct.pendingTransfersLock.Unlock()
if time.Since(acct.lastAuditTime) < auditInterval {
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: in AuditPendingTransfers, not time to run yet", zap.Stringer("lastAuditTime", acct.lastAuditTime))
tmpMap := make(map[string]*pendingEntry)
for _, pe := range acct.pendingTransfers {
if (pe.submitPending) && (time.Since(pe.updTime) > maxSubmitPendingTime) {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: transfer has been in the submit pending state for too long", zap.Stringer("lastUpdateTime", pe.updTime))
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: will audit pending transfer", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId), zap.Stringer("lastUpdateTime", pe.updTime))
tmpMap[pe.makeAuditKey()] = pe
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: in AuditPendingTransfers: starting audit", zap.Int("numPending", len(tmpMap)))
acct.lastAuditTime = time.Now()
go acct.performAudit(tmpMap)
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: leaving AuditPendingTransfers")
// performAudit audits the temporary map against the smart contract. It is meant to be run in a go routine. It takes a temporary map of all pending transfers
// and validates that against what is reported by the smart contract. For more details, please see the prologue of this file.
func (acct *Accountant) performAudit(tmpMap map[string]*pendingEntry) {
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: entering performAudit")
missingObservations, err := acct.queryMissingObservations()
if err != nil {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: unable to perform audit, failed to query missing observations", zap.Error(err))
for _, pe := range tmpMap {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: unsure of status of pending transfer due to query error", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId))
if len(missingObservations) != 0 {
for _, mo := range missingObservations {
key := mo.makeAuditKey()
pe, exists := tmpMap[key]
if exists {
if !pe.submitPending {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: contract reported pending observation as missing, resubmitting it", zap.String("msgID", pe.msgId))
} else {
acct.logger.Info("acctaudit: contract reported pending observation as missing but it is queued up to be submitted, skipping it", zap.String("msgID", pe.msgId))
delete(tmpMap, key)
} else {
if len(tmpMap) != 0 {
var keys []TransferKey
var pendingTransfers []*pendingEntry
for _, pe := range tmpMap {
keys = append(keys, TransferKey{EmitterChain: uint16(pe.msg.EmitterChain), EmitterAddress: pe.msg.EmitterAddress, Sequence: pe.msg.Sequence})
pendingTransfers = append(pendingTransfers, pe)
transferDetails, err := acct.queryBatchTransferStatus(keys)
if err != nil {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: unable to finish audit, failed to query for transfer statuses", zap.Error(err))
for _, pe := range tmpMap {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: unsure of status of pending transfer due to query error", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId))
for _, pe := range pendingTransfers {
item, exists := transferDetails[pe.msgId]
if !exists {
if !pe.submitPending {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: query did not return status for transfer, this should not happen, resubmitting it", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId))
} else {
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: query did not return status for transfer we have not submitted yet, ignoring it", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId))
if item.Status.Committed != nil {
digest := hex.EncodeToString(item.Status.Committed.Digest)
if pe.digest == digest {
acct.logger.Info("acctaudit: audit determined that transfer has been committed, publishing it", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId))
} else {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: audit detected a digest mismatch, dropping transfer", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId), zap.String("ourDigest", pe.digest), zap.String("reportedDigest", digest))
} else if item.Status.Pending != nil {
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: contract says transfer is still pending", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId))
} else if !pe.submitPending {
acct.logger.Error("acctaudit: contract does not know about pending transfer, resubmitting it", zap.String("msgId", pe.msgId))
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: exiting performAudit")
// handleMissingObservation submits a reobservation request if appropriate.
func (acct *Accountant) handleMissingObservation(mo MissingObservation) {
// It's possible we received this transfer after we built the temporary map. If so, we don't want to do a reobservation.
if acct.transferNowExists(mo) {
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: contract reported unknown observation as missing but it is now in our pending map, ignoring it", zap.Uint16("chainId", mo.ChainId), zap.String("txHash", hex.EncodeToString(mo.TxHash)))
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: contract reported unknown observation as missing, requesting reobservation", zap.Uint16("chainId", mo.ChainId), zap.String("txHash", hex.EncodeToString(mo.TxHash)))
msg := &gossipv1.ObservationRequest{ChainId: uint32(mo.ChainId), TxHash: mo.TxHash}
acct.obsvReqWriteC <- msg
// transferNowExists checks to see if a missed observation exists in the pending transfer map. It grabs the lock.
func (acct *Accountant) transferNowExists(mo MissingObservation) bool {
defer acct.pendingTransfersLock.Unlock()
chanId := vaa.ChainID(mo.ChainId)
txHash := ethCommon.BytesToHash(mo.TxHash)
for _, pe := range acct.pendingTransfers {
if (pe.msg.EmitterChain == chanId) && (pe.msg.TxHash == txHash) {
return true
return false
// queryMissingObservations queries the contract for the set of observations it thinks are missing for this guardian.
func (acct *Accountant) queryMissingObservations() ([]MissingObservation, error) {
gs := acct.gst.Get()
if gs == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get guardian set")
guardianIndex, found := gs.KeyIndex(acct.guardianAddr)
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get guardian index")
query := fmt.Sprintf(`{"missing_observations":{"guardian_set": %d, "index": %d}}`, gs.Index, guardianIndex)
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: submitting missing_observations query", zap.String("query", query))
resp, err := acct.wormchainConn.SubmitQuery(acct.ctx, acct.contract, []byte(query))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing_observations query failed: %w", err)
var ret MissingObservationsResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Data, &ret); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse missing_observations response: %w", err)
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: missing_observations query response", zap.Int("numEntries", len(ret.Missing)), zap.String("result", string(resp.Data)))
return ret.Missing, nil
// queryBatchTransferStatus queries the status of the specified transfers and returns a map keyed by transfer key (as a string) to the status.
func (acct *Accountant) queryBatchTransferStatus(keys []TransferKey) (map[string]TransferDetails, error) {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(keys)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal keys: %w", err)
query := fmt.Sprintf(`{"batch_transfer_status":%s}`, string(bytes))
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: submitting batch_transfer_status query", zap.String("query", query))
resp, err := acct.wormchainConn.SubmitQuery(acct.ctx, acct.contract, []byte(query))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("batch_transfer_status query failed: %w", err)
var response BatchTransferStatusResponse
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Data, &response); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal response: %w", err)
ret := make(map[string]TransferDetails)
for _, item := range response.Details {
ret[item.Key.String()] = item
acct.logger.Debug("acctaudit: batch_transfer_status query response", zap.Int("numEntries", len(ret)), zap.String("result", string(resp.Data)))
return ret, nil