
239 lines
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package processor
import (
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/bridge/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
// handleObservation processes a remote VAA observation, verifies it, checks whether the VAA has met quorum,
// and assembles and submits a valid VAA if possible.
func (p *Processor) handleObservation(ctx context.Context, m *gossipv1.SignedObservation) {
// SECURITY: at this point, observations received from the p2p network are fully untrusted (all fields!)
// Note that observations are never tied to the (verified) p2p identity key - the p2p network
// identity is completely decoupled from the guardian identity, p2p is just transport.
p.logger.Info("received lockup observation",
zap.String("digest", hex.EncodeToString(m.Hash)),
zap.String("signature", hex.EncodeToString(m.Signature)),
zap.String("addr", hex.EncodeToString(m.Addr)))
// Verify the Guardian's signature. This verifies that m.Signature matches m.Hash and recovers
// the public key that was used to sign the payload.
pk, err := crypto.Ecrecover(m.Hash, m.Signature)
if err != nil {
p.logger.Warn("failed to verify signature on lockup observation",
zap.String("digest", hex.EncodeToString(m.Hash)),
zap.String("signature", hex.EncodeToString(m.Signature)),
zap.String("addr", hex.EncodeToString(m.Addr)),
// Verify that m.Addr matches the public key that signed m.Hash.
their_addr := common.BytesToAddress(m.Addr)
signer_pk := common.BytesToAddress(crypto.Keccak256(pk[1:])[12:])
if their_addr != signer_pk {
p.logger.Info("invalid lockup observation - address does not match pubkey",
zap.String("digest", hex.EncodeToString(m.Hash)),
zap.String("signature", hex.EncodeToString(m.Signature)),
zap.String("addr", hex.EncodeToString(m.Addr)),
zap.String("pk", signer_pk.Hex()))
// Verify that m.Addr is included in the current guardian set.
_, ok := p.gs.KeyIndex(their_addr)
if !ok {
p.logger.Warn("received observation by unknown guardian - is our guardian set outdated?",
zap.String("their_addr", their_addr.Hex()),
zap.Any("current_set", p.gs.KeysAsHexStrings()),
// Hooray! Now, we have verified all fields on SignedObservation and know that it includes
// a valid signature by an active guardian. We still don't fully trust them, as they may be
// byzantine, but now we know who we're dealing with.
// []byte isn't hashable in a map. Paying a small extra cost for encoding for easier debugging.
hash := hex.EncodeToString(m.Hash)
if p.state.vaaSignatures[hash] == nil {
// We haven't yet seen this lockup ourselves, and therefore do not know what the VAA looks like.
// However, we have established that a valid guardian has signed it, and therefore we can
// already start aggregating signatures for it.
// A malicious guardian can potentially DoS this by creating fake lockups at a faster rate than they decay,
// leading to a slow out-of-memory crash. We do not attempt to automatically mitigate spam attacks with valid
// signatures - such byzantine behavior would be plainly visible and would be dealt with by kicking them.
p.state.vaaSignatures[hash] = &vaaState{
firstObserved: time.Now(),
signatures: map[common.Address][]byte{},
p.state.vaaSignatures[hash].signatures[their_addr] = m.Signature
// Aggregate all valid signatures into a list of vaa.Signature and construct signed VAA.
agg := make([]bool, len(p.gs.Keys))
var sigs []*vaa.Signature
for i, a := range p.gs.Keys {
s, ok := p.state.vaaSignatures[hash].signatures[a]
if ok {
var bs [65]byte
if n := copy(bs[:], s); n != 65 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid sig len: %d", n))
sigs = append(sigs, &vaa.Signature{
Index: uint8(i),
Signature: bs,
agg[i] = ok
if p.state.vaaSignatures[hash].ourVAA != nil {
// We have seen it on chain!
// Deep copy the VAA and add signatures
v := p.state.vaaSignatures[hash].ourVAA
signed := &vaa.VAA{
Version: v.Version,
GuardianSetIndex: v.GuardianSetIndex,
Signatures: sigs,
Timestamp: v.Timestamp,
Payload: v.Payload,
// 2/3+ majority required for VAA to be valid - wait until we have quorum to submit VAA.
quorum := CalculateQuorum(len(p.gs.Keys))
p.logger.Info("aggregation state for VAA",
zap.String("digest", hash),
zap.Any("set", p.gs.KeysAsHexStrings()),
zap.Uint32("index", p.gs.Index),
zap.Bools("aggregation", agg),
zap.Int("required_sigs", quorum),
zap.Int("have_sigs", len(sigs)),
if len(sigs) >= quorum && !p.state.vaaSignatures[hash].submitted {
vaaBytes, err := signed.Marshal()
if err != nil {
// Submit every VAA to Solana for data availability.
p.logger.Info("submitting signed VAA to Solana",
zap.String("digest", hash),
zap.Any("vaa", signed),
zap.String("bytes", hex.EncodeToString(vaaBytes)))
p.vaaC <- signed
switch t := v.Payload.(type) {
case *vaa.BodyTransfer:
// Depending on the target chain, guardians submit VAAs directly to the chain.
switch t.TargetChain {
case vaa.ChainIDSolana:
// No-op.
case vaa.ChainIDEthereum:
// Ethereum is special because it's expensive, and guardians cannot
// be expected to pay the fees. We only submit to Ethereum in devnet mode.
p.devnetVAASubmission(ctx, signed, hash)
case vaa.ChainIDTerra:
p.terraVAASubmission(ctx, signed, hash)
p.logger.Error("unknown target chain ID",
zap.String("digest", hash),
zap.Any("vaa", signed),
zap.String("bytes", hex.EncodeToString(vaaBytes)),
zap.Stringer("target_chain", t.TargetChain))
case *vaa.BodyGuardianSetUpdate:
// A guardian set update is broadcast to every chain that we talk to.
p.devnetVAASubmission(ctx, signed, hash)
p.terraVAASubmission(ctx, signed, hash)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown VAA payload type: %+v", v))
p.state.vaaSignatures[hash].submitted = true
} else {
p.logger.Info("quorum not met or already submitted, doing nothing",
zap.String("digest", hash))
} else {
p.logger.Info("we have not yet seen this VAA - temporarily storing signature",
zap.String("digest", hash))
// devnetVAASubmission submits VAA to a local Ethereum devnet. For production, the bridge won't
// have an Ethereum account and the user retrieves the VAA and submits the transactions themselves.
func (p *Processor) devnetVAASubmission(ctx context.Context, signed *vaa.VAA, hash string) {
if p.devnetMode {
timeout, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 15*time.Second)
tx, err := devnet.SubmitVAA(timeout, p.devnetEthRPC, signed)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "VAA was already executed") {
p.logger.Info("lockup already submitted to Ethereum by another node, ignoring",
zap.Error(err), zap.String("digest", hash))
} else {
p.logger.Error("failed to submit lockup to Ethereum",
zap.Error(err), zap.String("digest", hash))
p.logger.Info("lockup submitted to Ethereum", zap.Any("tx", tx), zap.String("digest", hash))
// Submit VAA to Terra.
func (p *Processor) terraVAASubmission(ctx context.Context, signed *vaa.VAA, hash string) {
// Terra support is not yet ready for production.
// - https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/issues/83
// - https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/issues/95
// - https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/issues/97
// Roadmap: https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/milestone/4
if !p.devnetMode || !p.terraEnabled {
p.logger.Warn("ignoring terra VAA submission",
zap.String("digest", hash))
tx, err := terra.SubmitVAA(ctx, p.terraLCD, p.terraChaidID, p.terraContract, p.terraFeePayer, signed)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "VaaAlreadyExecuted") {
p.logger.Info("lockup already submitted to Terra by another node, ignoring",
zap.Error(err), zap.String("digest", hash))
} else {
p.logger.Error("failed to submit lockup to Terra",
zap.Error(err), zap.String("digest", hash))
p.logger.Info("lockup submitted to Terra", zap.Any("tx", tx), zap.String("digest", hash))