
691 lines
21 KiB

// The purpose of the Chain Governor is to limit the notional TVL that can leave a chain in a single day.
// It works by tracking transfers (types one and three) for a configured set of tokens from a configured set of emitters (chains).
// To compute the notional value of a transfer, the governor uses the amount from the transfer multiplied by the maximum of
// a hard coded price and the latest price pulled from CoinkGecko (every five minutes). Once a transfer is published,
// its value (as factored into the daily total) is fixed. However the value of pending transfers is computed using the latest price each interval.
// The governor maintains a rolling 24 hour window of transfers that have been received from a configured chain (emitter)
// and compares that value to the configured limit for that chain. If a new transfer would exceed the limit, it is enqueued
// until it can be published without exceeding the limit. Even if the governor has an enqueued transfer, it will still allow
// additional transfers that do not exceed the threshold.
// The chain governor checks for pending transfers each minute to see if any can be published yet. It will publish any that can be published
// without exceeding the daily limit, even if one in front of it in the queue is too big.
// All completed transfers from the last 24 hours and all pending transfers are stored in the Badger DB, and reloaded on start up.
// The chain governor supports admin client commands as documented in governor_cmd.go.
// The set of tokens to be monitored is specified in tokens.go, which can be auto generated using the tool in node/hack/governor. See the README there.
// The set of chains to be monitored is specified in chains.go, which can be edited by hand.
// To enable the chain governor, you must specified the --chainGovernorEnabled guardiand command line argument.
package governor
import (
const (
transferComplete = true
transferEnqueued = false
// WARNING: Change me in ./node/db as well
const maxEnqueuedTime = time.Hour * 24
type (
// Layout of the config data for each token
tokenConfigEntry struct {
chain uint16
addr string
symbol string
coinGeckoId string
decimals int64
price float64
// Layout of the config data for each chain
chainConfigEntry struct {
emitterChainID vaa.ChainID
dailyLimit uint64
bigTransactionSize uint64
// Key to the map of the tokens being monitored
tokenKey struct {
chain vaa.ChainID
addr vaa.Address
// Payload of the map of the tokens being monitored
tokenEntry struct {
price *big.Float
decimals *big.Int
symbol string
coinGeckoId string
token tokenKey
cfgPrice *big.Float
coinGeckoPrice *big.Float
priceTime time.Time
// Payload for each enqueued transfer
pendingEntry struct {
token *tokenEntry // Store a reference to the token so we can get the current price to compute the value each interval.
amount *big.Int
hash string
dbData db.PendingTransfer // This info gets persisted in the DB.
// Payload of the map of chains being monitored
chainEntry struct {
emitterChainId vaa.ChainID
emitterAddr vaa.Address
dailyLimit uint64
bigTransactionSize uint64
checkForBigTransactions bool
transfers []*db.Transfer
pending []*pendingEntry
func (ce *chainEntry) isBigTransfer(value uint64) bool {
return value >= ce.bigTransactionSize && ce.checkForBigTransactions
type ChainGovernor struct {
db db.GovernorDB // protected by `mutex`
logger *zap.Logger
mutex sync.Mutex
tokens map[tokenKey]*tokenEntry // protected by `mutex`
tokensByCoinGeckoId map[string][]*tokenEntry // protected by `mutex`
chains map[vaa.ChainID]*chainEntry // protected by `mutex`
msgsSeen map[string]bool // protected by `mutex` // Key is hash, payload is consts transferComplete and transferEnqueued.
msgsToPublish []*common.MessagePublication // protected by `mutex`
dayLengthInMinutes int
coinGeckoQueries []string
env common.Environment
nextStatusPublishTime time.Time
nextConfigPublishTime time.Time
statusPublishCounter int64
configPublishCounter int64
func NewChainGovernor(
logger *zap.Logger,
db db.GovernorDB,
env common.Environment,
) *ChainGovernor {
return &ChainGovernor{
db: db,
logger: logger.With(zap.String("component", "cgov")),
tokens: make(map[tokenKey]*tokenEntry),
tokensByCoinGeckoId: make(map[string][]*tokenEntry),
chains: make(map[vaa.ChainID]*chainEntry),
msgsSeen: make(map[string]bool),
env: env,
func (gov *ChainGovernor) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
gov.logger.Info("starting chain governor")
if err := gov.initConfig(); err != nil {
return err
if gov.env != common.GoTest {
if err := gov.loadFromDB(); err != nil {
return err
if err := gov.initCoinGecko(ctx, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) initConfig() error {
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
gov.dayLengthInMinutes = 24 * 60
configTokens := tokenList()
configChains := chainList()
if gov.env == common.UnsafeDevNet {
configTokens, configChains = gov.initDevnetConfig()
} else if gov.env == common.TestNet {
configTokens, configChains = gov.initTestnetConfig()
for _, ct := range configTokens {
addr, err := vaa.StringToAddress(ct.addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid address: %s", ct.addr)
cfgPrice := big.NewFloat(ct.price)
initialPrice := new(big.Float)
// Transfers have a maximum of eight decimal places.
dec := ct.decimals
if dec > 8 {
dec = 8
decimalsFloat := big.NewFloat(math.Pow(10.0, float64(dec)))
decimals, _ := decimalsFloat.Int(nil)
// Some Solana tokens don't have the symbol set. In that case, use the chain and token address as the symbol.
symbol := ct.symbol
if symbol == "" {
symbol = fmt.Sprintf("%d:%s", ct.chain, ct.addr)
key := tokenKey{chain: vaa.ChainID(ct.chain), addr: addr}
te := &tokenEntry{cfgPrice: cfgPrice, price: initialPrice, decimals: decimals, symbol: symbol, coinGeckoId: ct.coinGeckoId, token: key}
gov.tokens[key] = te
// Multiple tokens can share a CoinGecko price, so we keep an array of tokens per CoinGecko ID.
cge, cgExists := gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId[te.coinGeckoId]
if !cgExists {
gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId[te.coinGeckoId] = []*tokenEntry{te}
} else {
cge = append(cge, te)
gov.tokensByCoinGeckoId[te.coinGeckoId] = cge
if gov.env != common.GoTest {
gov.logger.Info("will monitor token:", zap.Stringer("chain", key.chain),
zap.Stringer("addr", key.addr),
zap.String("symbol", te.symbol),
zap.String("coinGeckoId", te.coinGeckoId),
zap.String("price", te.price.String()),
zap.Int64("decimals", dec),
zap.Int64("origDecimals", ct.decimals),
if len(gov.tokens) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no tokens are configured")
emitterMap := &sdk.KnownTokenbridgeEmitters
if gov.env == common.TestNet {
emitterMap = &sdk.KnownTestnetTokenbridgeEmitters
} else if gov.env == common.UnsafeDevNet {
emitterMap = &sdk.KnownDevnetTokenbridgeEmitters
for _, cc := range configChains {
var emitterAddr vaa.Address
var err error
emitterAddrBytes, exists := (*emitterMap)[cc.emitterChainID]
if !exists {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up token bridge emitter address for chain: %v", cc.emitterChainID)
emitterAddr, err = vaa.BytesToAddress(emitterAddrBytes)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert emitter address for chain: %v", cc.emitterChainID)
ce := &chainEntry{
emitterChainId: cc.emitterChainID,
emitterAddr: emitterAddr,
dailyLimit: cc.dailyLimit,
bigTransactionSize: cc.bigTransactionSize,
checkForBigTransactions: cc.bigTransactionSize != 0,
if gov.env != common.GoTest {
gov.logger.Info("will monitor chain:", zap.Stringer("emitterChainId", cc.emitterChainID),
zap.Stringer("emitterAddr", ce.emitterAddr),
zap.String("dailyLimit", fmt.Sprint(ce.dailyLimit)),
zap.Uint64("bigTransactionSize", ce.bigTransactionSize),
zap.Bool("checkForBigTransactions", ce.checkForBigTransactions),
gov.chains[cc.emitterChainID] = ce
if len(gov.chains) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("no chains are configured")
return nil
// Returns true if the message can be published, false if it has been added to the pending list.
func (gov *ChainGovernor) ProcessMsg(msg *common.MessagePublication) bool {
publish, err := gov.ProcessMsgForTime(msg, time.Now())
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to process VAA: %v", zap.Error(err))
return false
return publish
func (gov *ChainGovernor) ProcessMsgForTime(msg *common.MessagePublication, now time.Time) (bool, error) {
if msg == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("msg is nil")
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
msgIsGoverned, ce, token, payload, err := gov.parseMsgAlreadyLocked(msg)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !msgIsGoverned {
return true, nil
hash := gov.HashFromMsg(msg)
xferComplete, alreadySeen := gov.msgsSeen[hash]
if alreadySeen {
if !xferComplete {
gov.logger.Info("ignoring duplicate vaa because it is enqueued",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, nil
gov.logger.Info("allowing duplicate vaa to be published again, but not adding it to the notional value",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return true, nil
startTime := now.Add(-time.Minute * time.Duration(gov.dayLengthInMinutes))
prevTotalValue, err := gov.TrimAndSumValueForChain(ce, startTime)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to trim transfers",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
value, err := computeValue(payload.Amount, token)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to compute value of transfer",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
newTotalValue := prevTotalValue + value
if newTotalValue < prevTotalValue {
gov.logger.Error("total value has overflowed",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
return false, fmt.Errorf("total value has overflowed")
enqueueIt := false
var releaseTime time.Time
if ce.isBigTransfer(value) {
enqueueIt = true
releaseTime = now.Add(maxEnqueuedTime)
gov.logger.Error("enqueuing vaa because it is a big transaction",
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", releaseTime),
zap.Uint64("bigTransactionSize", ce.bigTransactionSize),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
} else if newTotalValue > ce.dailyLimit {
enqueueIt = true
releaseTime = now.Add(maxEnqueuedTime)
gov.logger.Error("enqueuing vaa because it would exceed the daily limit",
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", releaseTime),
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
if enqueueIt {
dbData := db.PendingTransfer{ReleaseTime: releaseTime, Msg: *msg}
err = gov.db.StorePendingMsg(&dbData)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to store pending vaa",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
ce.pending = append(ce.pending, &pendingEntry{token: token, amount: payload.Amount, hash: hash, dbData: dbData})
gov.msgsSeen[hash] = transferEnqueued
return false, nil
gov.logger.Info("posting vaa",
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
xfer := db.Transfer{Timestamp: now,
Value: value,
OriginChain: token.token.chain,
OriginAddress: token.token.addr,
EmitterChain: msg.EmitterChain,
EmitterAddress: msg.EmitterAddress,
MsgID: msg.MessageIDString(),
Hash: hash,
err = gov.db.StoreTransfer(&xfer)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to store transfer",
zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()),
zap.String("hash", hash), zap.Error(err),
zap.Stringer("txHash", msg.TxHash),
return false, err
ce.transfers = append(ce.transfers, &xfer)
gov.msgsSeen[hash] = transferComplete
return true, nil
// IsGovernedMsg determines if the message applies to the governor. It grabs the lock.
func (gov *ChainGovernor) IsGovernedMsg(msg *common.MessagePublication) (msgIsGoverned bool, err error) {
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
msgIsGoverned, _, _, _, err = gov.parseMsgAlreadyLocked(msg)
// parseMsgAlreadyLocked determines if the message applies to the governor and also returns data useful to the governor. It assumes the caller holds the lock.
func (gov *ChainGovernor) parseMsgAlreadyLocked(msg *common.MessagePublication) (bool, *chainEntry, *tokenEntry, *vaa.TransferPayloadHdr, error) {
// If we don't care about this chain, the VAA can be published.
ce, exists := gov.chains[msg.EmitterChain]
if !exists {
if msg.EmitterChain != vaa.ChainIDPythNet {
gov.logger.Info("ignoring vaa because the emitter chain is not configured", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return false, nil, nil, nil, nil
// If we don't care about this emitter, the VAA can be published.
if msg.EmitterAddress != ce.emitterAddr {
gov.logger.Info("ignoring vaa because the emitter address is not configured", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return false, nil, nil, nil, nil
// We only care about transfers.
if !vaa.IsTransfer(msg.Payload) {
gov.logger.Info("ignoring vaa because it is not a transfer", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return false, nil, nil, nil, nil
payload, err := vaa.DecodeTransferPayloadHdr(msg.Payload)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to decode vaa", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()), zap.Error(err))
return false, nil, nil, nil, err
// If we don't care about this token, the VAA can be published.
tk := tokenKey{chain: payload.OriginChain, addr: payload.OriginAddress}
token, exists := gov.tokens[tk]
if !exists {
gov.logger.Info("ignoring vaa because the token is not in the list", zap.String("msgID", msg.MessageIDString()))
return false, nil, nil, nil, nil
return true, ce, token, payload, nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) CheckPending() ([]*common.MessagePublication, error) {
return gov.CheckPendingForTime(time.Now())
func (gov *ChainGovernor) CheckPendingForTime(now time.Time) ([]*common.MessagePublication, error) {
defer gov.mutex.Unlock()
// Note: Using Add() with a negative value because Sub() takes a time and returns a duration, which is not what we want.
startTime := now.Add(-time.Minute * time.Duration(gov.dayLengthInMinutes))
var msgsToPublish []*common.MessagePublication
if len(gov.msgsToPublish) != 0 {
gov.logger.Info("posting released vaas", zap.Int("num", len(gov.msgsToPublish)))
msgsToPublish = gov.msgsToPublish
gov.msgsToPublish = nil
for _, ce := range gov.chains {
// Keep going as long as we find something that will fit.
for {
foundOne := false
prevTotalValue, err := gov.TrimAndSumValueForChain(ce, startTime)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to trim transfers", zap.Error(err))
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
// Keep going until we find something that fits or hit the end.
for idx, pe := range ce.pending {
value, err := computeValue(pe.amount, pe.token)
if err != nil {
gov.logger.Error("failed to compute value for pending vaa",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()),
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
countsTowardsTransfers := true
if ce.isBigTransfer(value) {
if now.Before(pe.dbData.ReleaseTime) {
continue // Keep waiting for the timer to expire.
countsTowardsTransfers = false
gov.logger.Info("posting pending big vaa because the release time has been reached",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", pe.dbData.ReleaseTime),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()))
} else if now.After(pe.dbData.ReleaseTime) {
countsTowardsTransfers = false
gov.logger.Info("posting pending vaa because the release time has been reached",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Stringer("releaseTime", pe.dbData.ReleaseTime),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()))
} else {
newTotalValue := prevTotalValue + value
if newTotalValue < prevTotalValue {
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, fmt.Errorf("total value has overflowed")
if newTotalValue > ce.dailyLimit {
// This one won't fit. Keep checking other enqueued ones.
gov.logger.Info("posting pending vaa",
zap.Stringer("amount", pe.amount),
zap.Stringer("price", pe.token.price),
zap.Uint64("value", value),
zap.Uint64("prevTotalValue", prevTotalValue),
zap.Uint64("newTotalValue", newTotalValue),
zap.String("msgID", pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString()))
// If we get here, publish it and remove it from the pending list.
msgsToPublish = append(msgsToPublish, &pe.dbData.Msg)
if countsTowardsTransfers {
xfer := db.Transfer{Timestamp: now,
Value: value,
OriginChain: pe.token.token.chain,
OriginAddress: pe.token.token.addr,
EmitterChain: pe.dbData.Msg.EmitterChain,
EmitterAddress: pe.dbData.Msg.EmitterAddress,
MsgID: pe.dbData.Msg.MessageIDString(),
Hash: pe.hash,
if err := gov.db.StoreTransfer(&xfer); err != nil {
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
ce.transfers = append(ce.transfers, &xfer)
gov.msgsSeen[pe.hash] = transferComplete
} else {
delete(gov.msgsSeen, pe.hash)
if err := gov.db.DeletePendingMsg(&pe.dbData); err != nil {
gov.msgsToPublish = msgsToPublish
return nil, err
ce.pending = append(ce.pending[:idx], ce.pending[idx+1:]...)
foundOne = true
break // We messed up our loop indexing, so we have to break out and start over.
if !foundOne {
return msgsToPublish, nil
func computeValue(amount *big.Int, token *tokenEntry) (uint64, error) {
amountFloat := new(big.Float)
amountFloat = amountFloat.SetInt(amount)
valueFloat := new(big.Float)
valueFloat = valueFloat.Mul(amountFloat, token.price)
valueBigInt, _ := valueFloat.Int(nil)
valueBigInt = valueBigInt.Div(valueBigInt, token.decimals)
if !valueBigInt.IsUint64() {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("value is too large to fit in uint64")
value := valueBigInt.Uint64()
return value, nil
func (gov *ChainGovernor) TrimAndSumValueForChain(ce *chainEntry, startTime time.Time) (sum uint64, err error) {
sum, ce.transfers, err = gov.TrimAndSumValue(ce.transfers, startTime)
return sum, err
func (gov *ChainGovernor) TrimAndSumValue(transfers []*db.Transfer, startTime time.Time) (uint64, []*db.Transfer, error) {
if len(transfers) == 0 {
return 0, transfers, nil
var trimIdx int = -1
var sum uint64
for idx, t := range transfers {
if t.Timestamp.Before(startTime) {
trimIdx = idx
} else {
sum += t.Value
if trimIdx >= 0 {
for idx := 0; idx <= trimIdx; idx++ {
if err := gov.db.DeleteTransfer(transfers[idx]); err != nil {
return 0, transfers, err
delete(gov.msgsSeen, transfers[idx].Hash)
transfers = transfers[trimIdx+1:]
return sum, transfers, nil
func (tk tokenKey) String() string {
return tk.chain.String() + ":" + tk.addr.String()
func (gov *ChainGovernor) HashFromMsg(msg *common.MessagePublication) string {
v := msg.CreateVAA(0) // We can pass zero in as the guardian set index because it is not part of the digest.
digest := v.SigningDigest()
return hex.EncodeToString(digest.Bytes())