
329 lines
10 KiB

import { arrayify, zeroPad } from "@ethersproject/bytes";
import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { hexValue, hexZeroPad, sha256, stripZeros } from "ethers/lib/utils";
import { Provider as NearProvider } from "near-api-js/lib/providers";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import {
} from "../algorand";
import { canonicalAddress, humanAddress } from "../cosmos";
import { buildTokenId } from "../cosmwasm/address";
import { isNativeDenom } from "../terra";
import {
} from "./consts";
import { hashLookup } from "./near";
import { getExternalAddressFromType, isValidAptosType } from "./aptos";
* Returns true iff the hex string represents a native Terra denom.
* Native assets on terra don't have an associated smart contract address, just
* like eth isn't an ERC-20 contract on Ethereum.
* The difference is that the EVM implementations of Portal don't support eth
* directly, and instead require swapping to an ERC-20 wrapped eth (WETH)
* contract first.
* The Terra implementation instead supports Terra-native denoms without
* wrapping to CW-20 token first. As these denoms don't have an address, they
* are encoded in the Portal payloads by the setting the first byte to 1. This
* encoding is safe, because the first 12 bytes of the 32-byte wormhole address
* space are not used on Terra otherwise, as cosmos addresses are 20 bytes wide.
export const isHexNativeTerra = (h: string): boolean => h.startsWith("01");
const isLikely20ByteTerra = (h: string): boolean =>
export const nativeTerraHexToDenom = (h: string): string =>
export const uint8ArrayToHex = (a: Uint8Array): string =>
export const hexToUint8Array = (h: string): Uint8Array =>
new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(h, "hex"));
* Convert an address in a wormhole's 32-byte array representation into a chain's
* native string representation.
* @throws if address is not the right length for the given chain
export const tryUint8ArrayToNative = (
a: Uint8Array,
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): string => {
const chainId = coalesceChainId(chain);
if (isEVMChain(chainId)) {
return hexZeroPad(hexValue(a), 20);
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_SOLANA || chainId === CHAIN_ID_PYTHNET) {
return new PublicKey(a).toString();
} else if (isTerraChain(chainId)) {
const h = uint8ArrayToHex(a);
if (isHexNativeTerra(h)) {
return nativeTerraHexToDenom(h);
} else {
if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_TERRA2 && !isLikely20ByteTerra(h)) {
// terra 2 has 32 byte addresses for contracts and 20 for wallets
return humanAddress("terra", a);
return humanAddress("terra", a.slice(-20));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_INJECTIVE) {
return humanAddress("inj", a.slice(-20));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_ALGORAND) {
return uint8ArrayToNativeStringAlgorand(a);
} else if (chainId == CHAIN_ID_WORMCHAIN) {
// wormchain addresses are always 20 bytes.
return humanAddress("wormhole", a.slice(-20));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_XPLA) {
return humanAddress("xpla", a.slice(-20));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_NEAR) {
throw Error("uint8ArrayToNative: Use tryHexToNativeStringNear instead.");
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_OSMOSIS) {
throw Error("uint8ArrayToNative: Osmosis not supported yet.");
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_SUI) {
throw Error("uint8ArrayToNative: Sui not supported yet.");
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_APTOS) {
throw Error("uint8ArrayToNative: Aptos not supported yet.");
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_UNSET) {
throw Error("uint8ArrayToNative: Chain id unset");
} else {
// This case is never reached
const _: never = chainId;
throw Error("Don't know how to convert address for chain " + chainId);
export const tryHexToNativeStringNear = async (
provider: NearProvider,
tokenBridge: string,
address: string
): Promise<string> => {
const { found, value } = await hashLookup(provider, tokenBridge, address);
if (!found) {
throw new Error("Address not found");
return value;
* Convert an address in a wormhole's 32-byte hex representation into a chain's native
* string representation.
* @throws if address is not the right length for the given chain
export const tryHexToNativeAssetString = (h: string, c: ChainId): string =>
? // Algorand assets are represented by their asset ids, not an address
: tryHexToNativeString(h, c);
* Convert an address in a wormhole's 32-byte hex representation into a chain's native
* string representation.
* @deprecated since 0.3.0, use [[tryHexToNativeString]] instead.
export const hexToNativeAssetString = (
h: string | undefined,
c: ChainId
): string | undefined => {
if (!h) {
return undefined;
try {
return tryHexToNativeAssetString(h, c);
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
* Convert an address in a wormhole's 32-byte hex representation into a chain's native
* string representation.
* @throws if address is not the right length for the given chain
export const tryHexToNativeString = (
h: string,
c: ChainId | ChainName
): string => tryUint8ArrayToNative(hexToUint8Array(h), c);
* Convert an address in a wormhole's 32-byte hex representation into a chain's native
* string representation.
* @deprecated since 0.3.0, use [[tryHexToNativeString]] instead.
export const hexToNativeString = (
h: string | undefined,
c: ChainId | ChainName
): string | undefined => {
if (!h) {
return undefined;
try {
return tryHexToNativeString(h, c);
} catch (e) {
return undefined;
* Convert an address in a chain's native representation into a 32-byte hex string
* understood by wormhole.
* @throws if address is a malformed string for the given chain id
export const tryNativeToHexString = (
address: string,
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): string => {
const chainId = coalesceChainId(chain);
if (isEVMChain(chainId)) {
return uint8ArrayToHex(zeroPad(arrayify(address), 32));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_SOLANA || chainId === CHAIN_ID_PYTHNET) {
return uint8ArrayToHex(zeroPad(new PublicKey(address).toBytes(), 32));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_TERRA) {
if (isNativeDenom(address)) {
return (
"01" +
zeroPad(new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(address, "ascii")), 31)
} else {
return uint8ArrayToHex(zeroPad(canonicalAddress(address), 32));
} else if (
chainId === CHAIN_ID_TERRA2 ||
chainId === CHAIN_ID_XPLA
) {
return buildTokenId(chainId, address);
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_ALGORAND) {
return nativeStringToHexAlgorand(address);
} else if (chainId == CHAIN_ID_WORMCHAIN) {
return uint8ArrayToHex(zeroPad(canonicalAddress(address), 32));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_NEAR) {
return uint8ArrayToHex(arrayify(sha256(Buffer.from(address))));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_OSMOSIS) {
throw Error("hexToNativeString: Osmosis not supported yet.");
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_SUI) {
throw Error("hexToNativeString: Sui not supported yet.");
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_APTOS) {
if (isValidAptosType(address)) {
return getExternalAddressFromType(address);
return uint8ArrayToHex(zeroPad(arrayify(address, { allowMissingPrefix:true }), 32));
} else if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_UNSET) {
throw Error("hexToNativeString: Chain id unset");
} else {
// If this case is reached
const _: never = chainId;
throw Error("Don't know how to convert address from chain " + chainId);
* Convert an address in a chain's native representation into a 32-byte hex string
* understood by wormhole.
* @deprecated since 0.3.0, use [[tryNativeToHexString]] instead.
* @throws if address is a malformed string for the given chain id
export const nativeToHexString = (
address: string | undefined,
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): string | null => {
if (!address) {
return null;
return tryNativeToHexString(address, chain);
* Convert an address in a chain's native representation into a 32-byte array
* understood by wormhole.
* @throws if address is a malformed string for the given chain id
export function tryNativeToUint8Array(
address: string,
chain: ChainId | ChainName
): Uint8Array {
const chainId = coalesceChainId(chain);
return hexToUint8Array(tryNativeToHexString(address, chainId));
* Convert an address in a chain's native representation into a 32-byte hex string
* understood by wormhole.
* @deprecated since 0.3.0, use [[tryUint8ArrayToNative]] instead.
* @throws if address is a malformed string for the given chain id
export const uint8ArrayToNative = (a: Uint8Array, chainId: ChainId) =>
hexToNativeString(uint8ArrayToHex(a), chainId);
export function chunks<T>(array: T[], size: number): T[][] {
return Array.apply<number, T[], T[][]>(
new Array(Math.ceil(array.length / size))
).map((_, index) => array.slice(index * size, (index + 1) * size));
export function textToHexString(name: string): string {
return Buffer.from(name, "binary").toString("hex");
export function textToUint8Array(name: string): Uint8Array {
return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(name, "binary"));
export function hex(x: string): Buffer {
return Buffer.from(
ethers.utils.hexlify(x, { allowMissingPrefix: true }).substring(2),
export function ensureHexPrefix(x: string): string {
return x.substring(0, 2) !== "0x" ? `0x${x}` : x;