
456 lines
18 KiB

package query
import (
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
ethCommon "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
ethCrypto "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
const (
// RequestTimeout indicates how long before a request is considered to have timed out.
RequestTimeout = 1 * time.Minute
// RetryInterval specifies how long we will wait between retry intervals. This is the interval of our ticker.
RetryInterval = 10 * time.Second
// SignedQueryRequestChannelSize is the buffer size of the incoming query request channel.
SignedQueryRequestChannelSize = 50
// QueryRequestBufferSize is the buffer size of the per-network query request channel.
QueryRequestBufferSize = 25
func NewQueryHandler(
logger *zap.Logger,
env common.Environment,
allowedRequestorsStr string,
signedQueryReqC <-chan *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest,
chainQueryReqC map[vaa.ChainID]chan *PerChainQueryInternal,
queryResponseReadC <-chan *PerChainQueryResponseInternal,
queryResponseWriteC chan<- *QueryResponsePublication,
) *QueryHandler {
return &QueryHandler{
logger: logger.With(zap.String("component", "ccq")),
env: env,
allowedRequestorsStr: allowedRequestorsStr,
signedQueryReqC: signedQueryReqC,
chainQueryReqC: chainQueryReqC,
queryResponseReadC: queryResponseReadC,
queryResponseWriteC: queryResponseWriteC,
type (
// QueryHandler defines the cross chain query handler.
QueryHandler struct {
logger *zap.Logger
env common.Environment
allowedRequestorsStr string
signedQueryReqC <-chan *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest
chainQueryReqC map[vaa.ChainID]chan *PerChainQueryInternal
queryResponseReadC <-chan *PerChainQueryResponseInternal
queryResponseWriteC chan<- *QueryResponsePublication
allowedRequestors map[ethCommon.Address]struct{}
// pendingQuery is the cache entry for a given query.
pendingQuery struct {
signedRequest *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest
request *QueryRequest
requestID string
receiveTime time.Time
queries []*perChainQuery
responses []*PerChainQueryResponseInternal
// respPub is only populated when we need to retry sending the response to p2p.
respPub *QueryResponsePublication
// perChainQuery is the data associated with a single per chain query in a query request.
perChainQuery struct {
req *PerChainQueryInternal
channel chan *PerChainQueryInternal
lastUpdateTime time.Time
// Start initializes the query handler and starts the runnable.
func (qh *QueryHandler) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
qh.logger.Debug("entering Start", zap.String("enforceFlag", qh.allowedRequestorsStr))
var err error
qh.allowedRequestors, err = parseAllowedRequesters(qh.allowedRequestorsStr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse allowed requesters: %w", err)
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "query_handler", common.WrapWithScissors(qh.handleQueryRequests, "query_handler")); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start query handler routine: %w", err)
return nil
// handleQueryRequests multiplexes observation requests to the appropriate chain
func (qh *QueryHandler) handleQueryRequests(ctx context.Context) error {
return handleQueryRequestsImpl(ctx, qh.logger, qh.signedQueryReqC, qh.chainQueryReqC, qh.allowedRequestors, qh.queryResponseReadC, qh.queryResponseWriteC, qh.env, RequestTimeout, RetryInterval)
// handleQueryRequestsImpl allows instantiating the handler in the test environment with shorter timeout and retry parameters.
func handleQueryRequestsImpl(
ctx context.Context,
logger *zap.Logger,
signedQueryReqC <-chan *gossipv1.SignedQueryRequest,
chainQueryReqC map[vaa.ChainID]chan *PerChainQueryInternal,
allowedRequestors map[ethCommon.Address]struct{},
queryResponseReadC <-chan *PerChainQueryResponseInternal,
queryResponseWriteC chan<- *QueryResponsePublication,
env common.Environment,
requestTimeoutImpl time.Duration,
retryIntervalImpl time.Duration,
) error {
qLogger := logger.With(zap.String("component", "ccqhandler"))
qLogger.Info("cross chain queries are enabled", zap.Any("allowedRequestors", allowedRequestors), zap.String("env", string(env)))
pendingQueries := make(map[string]*pendingQuery) // Key is requestID.
// CCQ is currently only supported on EVM.
supportedChains := map[vaa.ChainID]struct{}{
vaa.ChainIDEthereum: {},
vaa.ChainIDBSC: {},
vaa.ChainIDPolygon: {},
vaa.ChainIDAvalanche: {},
vaa.ChainIDOasis: {},
vaa.ChainIDAurora: {},
vaa.ChainIDFantom: {},
vaa.ChainIDKarura: {},
vaa.ChainIDAcala: {},
vaa.ChainIDKlaytn: {},
vaa.ChainIDCelo: {},
vaa.ChainIDMoonbeam: {},
vaa.ChainIDNeon: {},
vaa.ChainIDArbitrum: {},
vaa.ChainIDOptimism: {},
vaa.ChainIDBase: {},
vaa.ChainIDScroll: {},
vaa.ChainIDSepolia: {},
// But we don't want to allow CCQ if the chain is not enabled.
for chainID := range supportedChains {
if _, exists := chainQueryReqC[chainID]; !exists {
delete(supportedChains, chainID)
} else {
logger.Info("queries supported on chain", zap.Stringer("chainID", chainID))
// Make sure we have a metric for every enabled chain, so we can see which ones are actually enabled.
ticker := time.NewTicker(retryIntervalImpl)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case signedRequest := <-signedQueryReqC: // Inbound query request.
// requestor validation happens here
// request type validation is currently handled by the watcher
// in the future, it may be worthwhile to catch certain types of
// invalid requests here for tracking purposes
// e.g.
// - length check on "signature" 65 bytes
// - length check on "to" address 20 bytes
// - valid "block" strings
digest := QueryRequestDigest(env, signedRequest.QueryRequest)
// It's possible that the signature alone is not unique, and the digest alone is not unique, but the combination should be.
requestID := hex.EncodeToString(signedRequest.Signature) + ":" + digest.String()
qLogger.Info("received a query request", zap.String("requestID", requestID))
signerBytes, err := ethCrypto.Ecrecover(digest.Bytes(), signedRequest.Signature)
if err != nil {
qLogger.Error("failed to recover public key", zap.String("requestID", requestID))
signerAddress := ethCommon.BytesToAddress(ethCrypto.Keccak256(signerBytes[1:])[12:])
if _, exists := allowedRequestors[signerAddress]; !exists {
qLogger.Error("invalid requestor", zap.String("requestor", signerAddress.Hex()), zap.String("requestID", requestID))
// Make sure this is not a duplicate request. TODO: Should we do something smarter here than just dropping the duplicate?
if oldReq, exists := pendingQueries[requestID]; exists {
qLogger.Warn("dropping duplicate query request", zap.String("requestID", requestID), zap.Stringer("origRecvTime", oldReq.receiveTime))
var queryRequest QueryRequest
err = queryRequest.Unmarshal(signedRequest.QueryRequest)
if err != nil {
qLogger.Error("failed to unmarshal query request", zap.String("requestor", signerAddress.Hex()), zap.String("requestID", requestID), zap.Error(err))
if err := queryRequest.Validate(); err != nil {
qLogger.Error("received invalid message", zap.String("requestor", signerAddress.Hex()), zap.String("requestID", requestID), zap.Error(err))
// Build the set of per chain queries and placeholders for the per chain responses.
errorFound := false
queries := []*perChainQuery{}
responses := make([]*PerChainQueryResponseInternal, len(queryRequest.PerChainQueries))
receiveTime := time.Now()
for requestIdx, pcq := range queryRequest.PerChainQueries {
chainID := vaa.ChainID(pcq.ChainId)
if _, exists := supportedChains[chainID]; !exists {
qLogger.Error("chain does not support cross chain queries", zap.String("requestID", requestID), zap.Stringer("chainID", chainID))
errorFound = true
channel, channelExists := chainQueryReqC[chainID]
if !channelExists {
qLogger.Error("unknown chain ID for query request, dropping it", zap.String("requestID", requestID), zap.Stringer("chain_id", chainID))
errorFound = true
queries = append(queries, &perChainQuery{
req: &PerChainQueryInternal{
RequestID: requestID,
RequestIdx: requestIdx,
Request: pcq,
channel: channel,
if errorFound {
// Create the pending query and add it to the cache.
pq := &pendingQuery{
signedRequest: signedRequest,
request: &queryRequest,
requestID: requestID,
receiveTime: receiveTime,
queries: queries,
responses: responses,
pendingQueries[requestID] = pq
// Forward the requests to the watchers.
for _, pcq := range pq.queries {
pcq.ccqForwardToWatcher(qLogger, pq.receiveTime)
case resp := <-queryResponseReadC: // Response from a watcher.
if resp.Status == QuerySuccess {
if resp.Response == nil {
qLogger.Error("received a successful query response with no results, dropping it!", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID))
pq, exists := pendingQueries[resp.RequestID]
if !exists {
qLogger.Warn("received a success response with no outstanding query, dropping it", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx))
if resp.RequestIdx >= len(pq.responses) {
qLogger.Error("received a response with an invalid index", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx))
// Store the result, which will mark this per-chain query as completed.
pq.responses[resp.RequestIdx] = resp
// If we still have other outstanding per chain queries for this request, keep waiting.
numStillPending := pq.numPendingRequests()
if numStillPending > 0 {
qLogger.Info("received a per chain query response, still waiting for more", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx), zap.Int("numStillPending", numStillPending))
} else {
qLogger.Info("received final per chain query response, ready to publish", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx))
// Build the list of per chain response publications and the overall query response publication.
responses := []*PerChainQueryResponse{}
for _, resp := range pq.responses {
if resp == nil {
qLogger.Error("unexpected null response in pending query!", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx))
responses = append(responses, &PerChainQueryResponse{
ChainId: resp.ChainId,
Response: resp.Response,
respPub := &QueryResponsePublication{
Request: pq.signedRequest,
PerChainResponses: responses,
// Send the response to be published.
select {
case queryResponseWriteC <- respPub:
qLogger.Info("forwarded query response to p2p", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID))
delete(pendingQueries, resp.RequestID)
qLogger.Warn("failed to publish query response to p2p, will retry publishing next interval", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID))
pq.respPub = respPub
} else if resp.Status == QueryRetryNeeded {
if _, exists := pendingQueries[resp.RequestID]; exists {
qLogger.Warn("query failed, will retry next interval", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx))
} else {
qLogger.Warn("received a retry needed response with no outstanding query, dropping it", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx))
} else if resp.Status == QueryFatalError {
qLogger.Error("received a fatal error response, dropping the whole request", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx))
delete(pendingQueries, resp.RequestID)
} else {
qLogger.Error("received an unexpected query status, dropping the whole request", zap.String("requestID", resp.RequestID), zap.Int("requestIdx", resp.RequestIdx), zap.Int("status", int(resp.Status)))
delete(pendingQueries, resp.RequestID)
case <-ticker.C: // Retry audit timer.
now := time.Now()
for reqId, pq := range pendingQueries {
timeout := pq.receiveTime.Add(requestTimeoutImpl)
qLogger.Debug("audit", zap.String("requestId", reqId), zap.Stringer("receiveTime", pq.receiveTime), zap.Stringer("timeout", timeout))
if timeout.Before(now) {
qLogger.Error("query request timed out, dropping it", zap.String("requestId", reqId), zap.Stringer("receiveTime", pq.receiveTime))
delete(pendingQueries, reqId)
} else {
if pq.respPub != nil {
// Resend the response to be published.
select {
case queryResponseWriteC <- pq.respPub:
qLogger.Info("resend of query response to p2p succeeded", zap.String("requestID", reqId))
delete(pendingQueries, reqId)
qLogger.Warn("resend of query response to p2p failed again, will keep retrying", zap.String("requestID", reqId))
} else {
for requestIdx, pcq := range pq.queries {
if pq.responses[requestIdx] == nil && pcq.lastUpdateTime.Add(retryIntervalImpl).Before(now) {
qLogger.Info("retrying query request",
zap.String("requestId", reqId),
zap.Int("requestIdx", requestIdx),
zap.Stringer("receiveTime", pq.receiveTime),
zap.Stringer("lastUpdateTime", pcq.lastUpdateTime),
zap.String("chainID", pq.queries[requestIdx].req.Request.ChainId.String()),
pcq.ccqForwardToWatcher(qLogger, pq.receiveTime)
// parseAllowedRequesters parses a comma separated list of allowed requesters into a map to be used for look ups.
func parseAllowedRequesters(ccqAllowedRequesters string) (map[ethCommon.Address]struct{}, error) {
if ccqAllowedRequesters == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("if cross chain query is enabled `--ccqAllowedRequesters` must be specified")
var nullAddr ethCommon.Address
result := make(map[ethCommon.Address]struct{})
for _, str := range strings.Split(ccqAllowedRequesters, ",") {
addr := ethCommon.BytesToAddress(ethCommon.Hex2Bytes(str))
if addr == nullAddr {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value in `--ccqAllowedRequesters`: `%s`", str)
result[addr] = struct{}{}
if len(result) <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no allowed requestors specified, ccqAllowedRequesters: `%s`", ccqAllowedRequesters)
return result, nil
// ccqForwardToWatcher submits a query request to the appropriate watcher. It updates the request object if the write succeeds.
// If the write fails, it does not update the last update time, which will cause a retry next interval (until it times out)
func (pcq *perChainQuery) ccqForwardToWatcher(qLogger *zap.Logger, receiveTime time.Time) {
select {
// TODO: only send the query request itself and reassemble in this module
case pcq.channel <- pcq.req:
qLogger.Debug("forwarded query request to watcher", zap.String("requestID", pcq.req.RequestID), zap.Stringer("chainID", pcq.req.Request.ChainId))
pcq.lastUpdateTime = receiveTime
// By leaving lastUpdateTime unset, we will retry next interval.
qLogger.Warn("failed to send query request to watcher, will retry next interval", zap.String("requestID", pcq.req.RequestID), zap.Stringer("chain_id", pcq.req.Request.ChainId))
// numPendingRequests returns the number of per chain queries in a request that are still awaiting responses. Zero means the request can now be published.
func (pq *pendingQuery) numPendingRequests() int {
numPending := 0
for _, resp := range pq.responses {
if resp == nil {
numPending += 1
return numPending
func SupportsTimestampCaching(chainID vaa.ChainID) bool {
- P1: Ethereum, Base, Optimism
- P1.5: Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche
- P2: BNB Chain, Moonbeam
- P3: Acala, Celo, Fantom, Karura, Klaytn, Oasis
return chainID == vaa.ChainIDEthereum || chainID == vaa.ChainIDBase || chainID == vaa.ChainIDOptimism